The cat doesn’t eat, only drinks water, is lethargic: reasons for what to do if he refuses to eat and sleeps



What should an owner do if his cat doesn’t eat, just drinks water and sleeps? Firstly, be glad that the animal at least drinks. After all, cats are 70% water. If you reduce this rate, say, by 10%, death is guaranteed. And secondly, if the cat doesn’t eat anything and just sleeps, that’s also good. Sleep is sometimes the best medicine.

But, be that as it may, when a pet does not eat for several days, at this pace it can last up to a maximum of 5 days.

The cat does not eat, sleep and only drinks water: 5 reasons

In the wild, days of successful hunting alternate with failures. Therefore, cats often go hungry. For pets the situation is different. However, a young animal can undergo a five-day starvation diet without harm to its health, provided it has free access to water. For older cats, the critical point occurs after 3 days.

Animals suffering from chronic pathologies cannot go without food for two days. The kitten should not remain hungry for more than 24 hours.

If fasting continues for more than the specified period, lipidosis develops. The body mobilizes fat reserves that rush to the liver, causing its degeneration. The pathological condition often ends in death.

As for the drowsy state, it is typical for cats. The animal accumulates strength from 12 to 20 hours a day in order to waste energy in short moments of vigorous activity. Before going to bed and for some time after waking up, the cat looks lethargic.

There are 5 main reasons for refusing to eat:

  1. Change of environment, change of diet. Cats are emotional animals. Adaptation to a new place, the appearance of a new pet in the house, and the abundance of other cats at the exhibition distract from food. A change in diet can cause fattening failure. The cat does not like the taste, smell, appearance, consistency, or new dishes.
  2. The need to cleanse the intestines. In the wild, hunting luck doesn't shine every day. Therefore, the cat tries to eat for future use. Excess food requires drowsiness, decreased activity, and short-term fasting. Another need for cleaning is to expel from their intestines lumps of hair swallowed by licking.
  3. Sexual heat, pregnancy, lambing. The process of procreation is a more important problem than hunger.
  4. Heat. Cats do not have sweat glands. The cooling mechanism through the open mouth and protruding tongue is not expressed. Therefore, the animal protects itself from overheating by stopping calorie intake and reducing activity.
  5. Pathology . In this case, depression and anorexia are accompanied by additional symptoms - fever, digestive disorders, cough, pain reactions, stomatitis, and oral ulcers.

Be sure to read:

A cat refuses to eat: reasons, why it’s dangerous, first aid, what to do, how to increase the animal’s appetite

Binge Alcoholic

Family and loved ones often suffer more from this problem. How to behave correctly with an alcoholic in order to prevent losing yourself in the eternal struggle with the “green serpent”?

If the husband is a binge alcoholic

First of all, a woman with an alcoholic husband should clearly understand for herself - is she ready to spend her life and show her children an example of an unhealthy relationship in order to cure an addict? If the answer is yes, then it is important to remember the following rules:

  • scandals and hysterics will never convince a man of the need for treatment;
  • It is unacceptable to have arguments and conversations with a drunk, do not carry on a conversation with him, and never drink with your alcoholic husband.
  • do not try on the role of a mother - you should not pay off debts for a person, solve problems with work, drag someone to sleep from the floor to the bed, or help them get home;
  • if the husband himself realizes the scale of the problem, help him - talk about it, create a calm environment at home, do not create reasons for quarrels.
  • Be consistent and calm - no empty threats about leaving. If you decide to leave, you need to do it in reality, and then stand your ground.
  • If things have gone too far and the alcoholic begins to use force or has hallucinations, immediately take the children and go to a safe place. Alas, this stage can rarely be cured, but the psyche of others may suffer.
  • If your spouse works, loves his wife and children, but periodically starts drinking, try to call him for a calm conversation. Perhaps he has problems that he is trying to hide. Instill in him that alcohol will not solve the problem, and you will support him in any situation. In a family, it is important to be able to discuss all problems.

At the same time, you should not throw your husband hysterics if he decided to drink a couple of beers with dinner on Saturday - this is not an indicator of alcoholism. You should be wary only if the frequency of such days and the amount of drinking inexorably increases.

How long do binge alcoholics live?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. It all depends on the condition of the body. For example, a person with a strong heart and kidneys can drink almost until old age. The most common deaths among these are accidents or fights.

Former binge alcoholics

There are no former alcoholics, like drug addicts. Such people are in a state of remission, even if they never again take alcohol or inject themselves for the rest of their lives. The addict himself must understand that the fight against the desire to drink will be almost constant if he does not engage in his favorite hobby. Many people benefit from changing nervous work to calmer work. It is especially important to regularly attend special sessions with a psychotherapist. They are not needed for crazy people at all - the doctor, in a conversation, will help identify psychological problems and work through them. The method of psychotherapy is also used in the treatment of drug addicts.

What should you do if your cat doesn’t eat anything and only drinks water?

A cat who has stopped eating should be monitored. The algorithm of action for a cat owner is based on identifying additional symptoms and eliminating the causes independently or with the help of a veterinary specialist.

Responsible owners keep a diary and write down everything that happens. When collecting anamnesis, such information helps to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

If the cat does not eat, only drinks water, lethargic

When food refusal occurs due to a sudden change in food, you should wash the bowl well. A clean person will not eat from a dirty one. You should give preference to a ceramic bowl. It does not rattle, does not absorb food odors, and is easy to clean. Sometimes the food is not suitable for the cat.

This happens even with high quality products. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new ready-made food or natural feeding ingredients gradually, over the course of a week. At the same time, they monitor their behavior and appearance to see if signs of an allergy to food have appeared.

If the day before the hostess treated the purr to meat trimmings or fish, and he ate too much, you need to watch him. If no pathological symptoms appear, it is best to wait: a short fast will be beneficial. In hot weather, turn on the air conditioning, but avoid drafts.

If the cat does not eat, does not drink and burps

When licking, cats, especially long-haired ones, swallow hairs that become clumps. The animal stops eating, drinking, coughing, and tries to get rid of bezoars by vomiting. To prevent the formation of hairballs, use Malt paste or special food for long-haired cats. In some situations, in this way the animal manages to get rid of a foreign object that has entered the nutritional or respiratory tract.

Pregnant cats, like women, may have toxicosis accompanied by vomiting.

Be sure to read:

The cat does not drink water: reasons, daily intake, what to do, is it dangerous, how to force the animal to drink

Pathological vomiting occurs with high levels of intestinal infestation. Helminths irritate the bronchial or gastric mucosa and cause regurgitation (reverse peristaltic contractions).

If an animal is constantly vomiting, it stops drinking and eating. Such symptoms are typical for viral infections. Vomiting, accompanied by salivation and diarrhea with blood, indicates feed poisoning, especially when eating sleepy mice during periods of mass deratization.

If the cat does not eat or drink, the nose is dry

A short-term combination of a dry nose with lethargy and lack of appetite is not a cause for concern. But when nasal or conjunctival discharge is added, you should run to the clinic. There is a high probability of viral infection.

If the nose is hot, the disease is in full swing. The combination of dryness and low temperature is an alarming symptom. If there is inadequate or no treatment, the animal will die.

How long can a cat go without food?

When Murka refuses to eat, you need to clearly know how many days she can last without a relative risk to her health. It is important not to miss the moment when hunger poses a real threat to life:

  • a healthy, adult cat (up to 5 years old) can go without food for up to 5 days, the main thing is that she drinks normally;
  • A Murka over 7 years old has not eaten for 3 days, but there are no longer any signs of ill health, there is no cause for concern - this is how long a middle-aged animal is allowed to go without food;
  • if there is any internal chronic disease, the cat cannot be without food for more than 2 days;
  • an old animal over 10-12 years old should not starve at all, but the owners have a maximum of 1-2 days for reflection without critical harm to the pet’s health;
  • a small kitten up to 2-3 months can fast for no more than a day, up to 6 months - no more than 4-5 days, but if at the same time he is active, playful and drinks water.

If your cat has lost weight and hasn’t eaten for a week, then a visit to the veterinary clinic is mandatory, regardless of whether she drinks or how alert she is.

A cat doesn’t eat, just drinks water and sleeps—is it normal or pathological?

It all depends on the presence of additional symptoms. The pet is being watched. In most cases, the situation normalizes itself and the animal becomes active again and begins to eat.

When lack of appetite is accompanied by thirst and polyuria, testing for diabetes mellitus or other chronic diseases should be performed.

Detoxification at home

In severe cases, the doctor may come to the patient’s home with the necessary medication to overcome binge drinking:

  • A narcologist is available 24 hours a day;
  • dropper with a volume of 500, 1000, 1500 ml;
  • general diagnosis of the condition;
  • consultation with a doctor with further recommendations;
  • supply of medicines for three days.

It is worth noting that this is not a treatment for alcoholism, but only the removal of an alcoholic from a hangover and drunken state.


When should you not postpone a visit to the doctor if your cat is not eating?

Indications for immediate contact with a veterinarian are the following combination of symptoms:

  • refusal to feed continues for more than 2 days, and for a kitten – one day;
  • the cat does not eat or drink;
  • the pet constantly licks itself;
  • constant vomiting, drooling;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • skin rashes appeared;
  • dry nose in combination with conjunctivitis and rhinitis;
  • dry nose and increased or decreased body temperature.

How to cure at home

It is possible to get a person out of a drinking binge at home only if it lasted no more than 5 days. It is necessary to reduce the amount you drink (dilute with water), give activated carbon or other sorbents, and water in large quantities. Vitamin C will help speed up the breakdown of alcohol - orange juice with water, sauerkraut or pickled cucumber brine. To eliminate dehydration, you can also take Regidron solution. At the stage of breaking out of binge drinking, you can use sedatives, avoid exercise and contrast showers. It is best to put the person to sleep after taking all of the above remedies.

As for severe drinking bouts, treatment at home is not advisable. It is unrealistic to remove such an amount of alcohol from the blood with water, so it is best to contact a narcologist.

Detoxification in hospital

Most often, the sickest patients are admitted to the hospital for long periods of time. Here we are talking not only about restoring sobriety, but also about restoring internal organs and the psyche:

  • removing alcohol from the body using droppers; if alcohol has been consumed recently, then gastric lavage is also used;
  • injections of vitamin preparations, sedatives, glucose;
  • to relieve withdrawal symptoms, mild antidepressants, B vitamins and antipsychotics are selected individually;

For further treatment, therapy is also selected individually; these can be group classes or sessions with a psychotherapist. For physical recovery and calm, massage, acupuncture, and electrophoresis procedures are used.


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