Yeast for cats and kittens: useful, useless or harmful?


How nice it is to watch a kitten frolic cheerfully, even if at the same time he plays pranks so much that flower pots fly off the shelves. However, a pet can remain cheerful and healthy only by receiving high-quality nutrition that provides a full range of vitamins. Moreover, brewer's yeast plays an important role for cats. Unfortunately, our pets often get sick without any particular reason, and every owner of a delicate cat wonders what causes the appearance and development of a complex illness. The answer is quite banal - lack of vitamins.

What is brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is a brown powder obtained from a single-celled fungus. It’s easy to guess that this product is a “by-product”, and it is obtained during the fermentation of wine, beer and dough.

Brewer's yeast is a source of:

  • Protein.
  • B vitamins.
  • Minerals.

In addition, regular, moderate consumption of brewer's yeast maintains metabolic rate and reduces the negative effects of stress on the body.

The benefits of brewer's yeast for animals

The benefits of a drug such as yeast for cats directly depend on its composition. And he is the following:

  • 14 vitamins (in particular, the entire group B);
  • minerals (phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, sodium, magnesium, selenium, sulfur);
  • oligosaccharides;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid.

The basis of the drug is proteins, and they are easily digestible - this is one of the reasons why brewer's yeast is useful for cats. The second reason is its rich composition of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. These substances significantly improve the quality of wool and skin. In addition, the oligosaccharides included in the composition bind harmful bacteria in the intestines and remove them from the body, normalizing the microflora.

The additive is used for the following purposes:

  • elimination of hypovitaminosis;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • combating loss of appetite and weight;
  • combating the effects of stress;
  • increasing immunity;
  • acceleration of cell regeneration;
  • prevention of dermatitis;
  • improvement of hematopoiesis;
  • reduction of molting time;
  • improvement of coat;
  • strengthening of fur pigmentation.

Some experts advise giving pets yeast instead of synthetic vitamins, which are taken in courses 2-3 times a year when the animal does not eat fortified food. It is believed that since this drug is natural, the beneficial substances from it are absorbed better: the body perceives them as food, and not as a foreign additive.

At the same time, there have been no clinical trials that would prove the usefulness of yeast for cats. There is only theory and subjective opinions: many owners note an improvement in the coat and condition of the pet after a course of the drug. However, such reviews cannot be considered objective, because there was no laboratory confirmation. In addition, along with the presence of satisfied owners, there are those who have not noticed any changes.

As for the author of this article, he was initially skeptical about such a supplement for cats on a nutritious diet. But after conducting the experiment, he assessed the effect of the supplement: despite the fact that the cat receives raw natural food, that is, all the necessary substances enter the body, after 2 weeks of taking ordinary brewer's yeast from the pharmacy, the quality of the coat sharply improved - it became silkier and almost completely The shedding has stopped.

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But the idea that brewer's yeast repels fleas if a cat eats them regularly is a myth that scientists have debunked. The study found that eating brewer's yeast does not repel insects.

What is the difference between brewer's and nutritional yeast

In terms of properties, these products are similar. Nutritional yeast is specifically grown on sugar cane or beet molasses, but it also comes from a fungus. Unlike brewer's yeast, nutritional yeast is light yellow in color and is considered an absolutely safe product.

Brewer's yeast tastes bitter, and nutritional yeast has a nutty or cheesy taste. Almost 50% of nutritional yeast is protein. Unlike brewer's yeast, nutritional yeast contains a lot of potassium but virtually no sodium.

Naturally, the price also differs. Nutritional yeast is more expensive. If you decide to introduce brewer's yeast into your pet's diet, be sure to read the composition of the powder before purchasing! Many manufacturers add garlic to brewer's yeast, which is toxic to cats.

Indications for the purpose and use of nutritional yeast

Accordingly, the drug shows maximum effectiveness in the following cases:

  • Vitamin deficiencies.
  • It is very useful to give to old cats and cats, as the supplement can delay the process of final aging of the body and improve the quality of life of an elderly pet.
  • The recovery period after serious illnesses, injuries, and in the postoperative period.
  • Tremors are very useful for pregnant and lactating cats.
  • The drug is prescribed to cats and female cats actively used for reproductive purposes.
  • Brewer's yeast is actively used by animal owners who often participate in exhibitions. As we wrote above, the drug relieves the effects of stress, and also contributes to a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin and coat.
  • In addition, nutritional yeast is very useful for animals recovering from severe helminthic infestations.

Beneficial Side Effects of Yeast

Typically, yeast is introduced into a cat’s diet to compensate for its need for B vitamins. Observations from veterinarians have shown that there are two more beneficial effects:

  • Yeast increases appetite, which is very useful for cats who are picky eaters. Yeast is often used at the stage of transitioning a cat from dry to natural food.
  • Observations have shown that after 1–2 months, fleas stop attacking the cat. We can say that a cat that consumes yeast becomes unpalatable to parasites.


Brewer's yeast is mixed into cats' food or offered separately in tablet form. As a rule, cats love their smell and swallow the pill themselves.

Here is an example of using yeast as a food additive according to the BARF system (Bones And Raw Food Diet - a diet based on raw meat and bones). Ingredients: 65% - chicken backs with meat, 10% - chicken heart, 10% - salmon, 5% - chicken liver, 5% - bran (this is a source of fiber, although in cat nutrition it is considered a controversial ingredient), 5% - kelp , a pinch of brewer's yeast.

As a preventative measure, cats are given brewer's yeast in the following dosage: 1 tablet (usually the weight of one tablet is 0.5 g) during or after meals, 1 time per day in the morning. The dosage is calculated based on 0.5 g of the drug per 5 kg of animal weight. That is, an animal weighing 3-7 kg can receive 1 tablet per day, an animal weighing 8-12 kg can receive 2 tablets per day. The dosage of brewer's yeast for kittens is less: half a tablet once a day.

The information above concerned prophylactic doses. But yeast is also served as part of complex treatment for the following indications:

  • deficiency of B vitamins;
  • disorders of mineral and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • skin diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • intoxication;
  • adaptation to negative environmental factors;
  • and others.

When using the drug in the complex treatment of a particular pathology, it is necessary to follow the dosages prescribed by the veterinarian. You should not prescribe therapeutic doses yourself.

Not only the dosage is important, but also the form. You need dry yeast, not liquid yeast with live cultures. Live ways to start the fermentation process in the digestive tract and disrupt intestinal function. Pharmacy tablets contain dry yeast - inactive fungi, which are a nutrient, but are no longer capable of being active.

The supplement can be purchased at a regular human pharmacy, but with one caveat. This should be a tablet containing only brewer's yeast, with no added synthetic human vitamins and minerals.

Many people ask what is the appropriate dose of baker's yeast for a cat? We answer. None. Don't give baker's yeast to cats: it's a different type - it's not healthy.

Dangerous Side Effects

Any useful substance that is consumed in excessive quantities can cause poisoning. In addition, yeast contains phosphorus, which is recommended to be minimized in the diet of adults, especially sterilized animals.

A standard dose of yeast for an adult cat contains about 15 mg of phosphorus, and this amount of trace elements is absolutely safe.

Important! Yeast is contraindicated in any dosage if the cat has acute, chronic or progressive renal failure.

What are the main signs of beer alcoholism?

The most important sign of beer alcoholism is its daily consumption throughout the day, and in large quantities. Some subjects may drink up to 10 bottles per day. This is why beer alcoholics do not have binges, since they drink beer without periods of sobriety. In addition, the following symptoms may indicate beer alcoholism: • Dependence of mood on the opportunity to drink beer. His deterioration with lethargy, apathy, reluctance to do something in the absence of such an opportunity and a sharp improvement at the sight of the coveted bottle. • A constant morning beer to keep your spirits up instead of a normal breakfast. • Decreased appetite. • Changes in appearance – large beer belly, puffy face, excessive sweating, obesity. • Hormonal imbalance - in men, swollen mammary glands, fat deposits on the cheeks, abdomen and thighs, in women - excess hair growth (hirsutism). Read more about the signs of alcoholism in men in our other article. • Cardiovascular disorders associated with hypertrophy of the heart muscle. • Decreased compensatory capabilities of the liver, kidneys and bladder weakness. • Gastrointestinal disorders - dysfunction, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation.

For many people who consider drinking beer safe and even healthy, sooner or later there comes a moment of realizing their erroneous attitude towards this alcoholic drink. And then the question invariably arises: how to stop drinking beer - on your own or with the help of specialists.

How to choose brewer's yeast for a cat

Brewer's yeast is manufactured and sold within the food industry. Yeast qualifies as a food additive and is most often sold in powder form. The advantages of choosing are low cost, the minus is the inconvenience of dosage.

Brewer's yeast is produced by almost all manufacturers of animal feed and vitamins. Often the additive is also produced at enterprises that produce products for people - a by-product.

Veterinary brewer's yeast can be produced in pure form or with additives:

  • Sulfur.
  • Calcium.
  • Succinic acid.
  • Taurine.
  • Zinc.
  • Sea kale.
  • Mumiyo, etc.

Note! Taurine is an important and rare amino acid that is vital for cats. With a lack of taurine, heart failure and metabolic disorders develop.

Some examples of veterinary yeast supplements:

  • 8in1 Excel Brewers Yeast.
  • AVZ dry yeast (tablets).
  • Beaphar Brewers Yeast With Garlic.
  • Trixie Brewer`s Yeast.
  • Brewer's yeast with seaweed ZOOMIR.

What is the cause of serious illnesses

The bodies of cats forced to live in large cities are subjected to the same stress as humans. The impact of the environment, which is polluted by various exhausts, organic emissions and other chemicals, has a negative impact. This has a detrimental effect on the general condition of the cat’s body, manifesting itself in insufficient muscle mass, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and joint pain. The emotional sphere suffers no less. Some cats show excessive aggression, others become completely indifferent or overly fearful.

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Modern man is no longer able to enjoy only clean air, communicate only with wild nature, or consume exclusively natural products. Therefore, it is important to learn to be healthy, keeping pace with technological progress. Excel brewer's yeast with calcium becomes an invaluable helper for cats. They are the most valuable nutritional supplements, containing a full complex of vitamins that belong to group B. Yeast has a beneficial effect on metabolism and significantly strengthens the immune system.

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