Things are amorous - the cat asks for the cat. What should owners do?

Every owner is familiar with the situation when a cat asks for a cat. We answered questions about how long estrus lasts and at what age it begins, and whether sterilization is harmful. In the article you will also find a list of sedatives: herbal and hormonal. Find out what pheromonetherapy is.

With the onset of the first warm days of March, cat screams can be heard from the street, from which earplugs or a tightly closed window will save you. But these methods are completely ineffective when your cat asks for a cat in close proximity to you. You can wait until she gets bored, but there are better ways to take control of the situation.

Finding a partner is a natural need for cats.

Natural needs and sexual activity of cats

It is no coincidence that during the bright, warm spring and summer months we see an increase in the number of pregnant cats. As daylight hours increase in cats, the level of the hormone melatonin, produced in the dark, decreases. Which in turn affects the area of ​​the brain responsible for the reproductive instinct. A reproductive hormone is produced, which ultimately leads to the cat immediately starting to look for a potential partner.

In veterinary medicine there is a special term - estrus - a period of sexual desire that lasts 5-7 days, rarely it reaches 14 days.

During this period, the cat uses vocals and secretions to attract a male.

One way to attract a male

In domestic cats, which may not leave their apartment all their lives, breeding cycles may not depend on the time of year and external factors, so estrus can make itself felt regardless of the season.

When to breed?

When cats start asking for a cat for the first time, everything is clear. But when are they ready for pregnancy? Physiologically, the pet will be ready to bear, give birth and feed offspring only by 16-20 months. This is explained by the fact that puberty is completed at approximately 1-1.5 years. It is important that the cat gets stronger and the pelvic bones are formed. Otherwise, there is a high probability of miscarriage or the birth of ugly and undeveloped kittens. The load on a fragile spine can lead to disability for the pet itself. But it’s also not a good idea to have a cat-to-cat accident too late. After all, late pregnancy can be harmful to health.

Let's look at when cats start wanting a cat for the first time. Their sexual maturity is complete at about 10 months. But, of course, everything is individual: in some individuals it may be earlier, at 6 months. The following signs indicate that the pet has started asking for a cat: enlarged genitals, frequent urination, the presence of colorless discharge.

The age at which a cat can impregnate a cat directly depends on his puberty. It is advisable to adopt a cat after he is one year old. A cat must mate at least 9 times a year. Otherwise, the hormonal system will malfunction and the animal will begin to mark its territory. Unlike cats, male cats are ready to mate all year round.

Signs that a cat is wandering

Often the signs are pronounced, reserved individuals are found, and it is possible to find out about puberty only after pregnancy.

So, during estrus characteristic behavior appears:

  • rubbing against objects more often and longer than usual;
  • frequent urination, especially when the cat approaches;
  • clear vaginal discharge, left not only in the tray;
  • the desire to get outside;
  • loud screams with uncharacteristic howls;
  • refusal to eat;
  • unusually persistent affection towards the owner;
  • unusual rolling on the floor, moving the tail to the side, tucking the paws.

How often does heat occur?

Theoretically, by their nature, cats can bear up to six litters per year, and estrus can occur much more frequently.

Cats may look for a mate every three weeks for a week. If mating does not occur, her body will continue to repeat the estrous cycle until pregnancy or sterilization. By the way, after giving birth in many animals, estrus begins after a month and a half.

During heat, cats may try to escape from the house.

The female cycle is directly related to the length of daylight hours. For cats living outdoors, the frequency of estrus increases from late spring to fall, and decreases as daylight hours decrease.

Domestic cats live year-round under artificial light and may experience almost constant hormonal activity.


If hormonal preparations cause concern among owners in terms of their effect on the health of the animal, then preparations of plant origin in the form of drops, collars, and fumigators do not affect the synthesis of sex hormones. They affect the cat's nervous system, but to be effective in sexual arousal, they must be used over a long period of time.

Before use, consult a veterinarian and follow the instructions. Do not use drugs intended for humans!

What period of time is it?

The estrus cycle consists of four stages:

  • proestrus. Lasts 1-2 days, the cat shows anxiety, but does not allow the cat to come near it;
  • estrus – estrus itself, expressed by frequent urination and loss of appetite, lasts 5-7 days;
  • metestrus, extinction of the reproductive instinct, lasts up to 8 days;
  • anestrus - a period of rest that occurs if mating does not occur, lasts until the beginning of the next cycle

Thus, the average duration of estrus reaches two weeks. At the same time, the “hunting” time increases with age.

One way to solve the problem of a restless cat who wants to procreate is to mate with a male cat. Despite its apparent simplicity, this process requires serious preparation.

The first mating can be carried out no earlier than the cat reaches the age of one and a half years, when the body is fully formed and the animal has received all the necessary vaccinations. Early pregnancy in cats often ends in failure, creating a risk to the health of the animal.

Mating a cat and a cat requires a thorough approach from the owners

The cat meets its partner on the 3rd-5th day of estrus, although in some breeds favorable days begin only in the second week. An animal that finds itself in a foreign territory for mating must be provided with comfortable living conditions; you can take with you a sleeping place, a tray, a bowl, or a favorite toy. This will ensure a reduction in stress levels.

The cat's readiness can be guessed by its characteristic flirting with the cat. Mating does not always occur on the first try; in case the animal becomes agitated, the owner needs to be nearby in order to be able to calm it down.

Unfortunately, mating is not always successful; the reason may be both psychological and physical incompatibility of partners. In this case, you can contact a specialist breeder or find another partner for the cat.

The practice of mating is also known not for the purpose of giving birth to kittens, but to satisfy the cat’s sexual instinct. In this case, a castrated cat is used, fertilization cannot occur, and the cat may not experience sexual desire for up to two months.

There are pills that can calm a cat that is calling.

The cat wants to eat

You definitely won't miss this! The cat won't let you. He will walk in circles around you, not allowing you to pass. Having raised its muzzle and raised its tail high, it will rub against your legs, from time to time making a sound similar to a satisfied “me!” This is the surest sign that it is time for him to have lunch.

There are a number of additional signs. For example, you sat down with something tasty in front of the TV, and although the food from our table is not suitable for cats, they don’t know about it. Cats, like dogs, sometimes beg. And then you will have no peace all evening!

Your pet will rest its forehead against you, butting you like a calf. He will purr, sing songs, look into your eyes, psychologically blackmailing you. With all my appearance, as if saying: “I love you so much, let me eat!” Well, if you are someone completely slow-witted, then without hesitation he can try to take his own with his paw...

Cats are nocturnal animals. They, of course, will sleep a little in the evening, but, as a rule, they announce “rising” at four in the morning. At the same time they wake up very hungry. And at this time you are in the deepest sleep. Therefore, they will try to correct this misunderstanding: for the rest of the night they will sing songs to you under the bedroom door, and if they get into your bed, then without hesitation they will “dig” you out from under the blanket with their paw.

There are several options here. The easiest way is to leave some dry food and water in the evening. Then the cat will get up, eat, and most likely go back to sleep. Or get up with her and run to feed her. It's complicated. Or listen to her/his serenades until the morning.

Calming a cat in heat

What should the owner do if the cat asks for a cat, but he is not ready for the birth of kittens, and surgical intervention is not considered. The solution may be one of three methods, which we will consider below.

Calming tablets

There are a number of medications on the market that can calm a cat during heat. But they can have a short-term effect and also cause an allergic reaction in the animal’s body. To achieve the best result without harming your cat, you need to consult with a specialist who can tell you exactly which drug is best for your pet, how much it will be needed, and how effective the treatment will be.

The table below shows some of the sedatives and their characteristics.

NameRelease formCategoryDosage
cat BaiyunDropsHerbal infusion2 ml (0.5 teaspoon), 3 - 4 times a day for 5 - 7 days monthly, or added to drinking water.
Sex barrierDropsHormonal druganimals up to 5 kg - 4 drops, over 5 kg - 5 - 7 drops
FitexDropscomplex of natural plant extracts on a water-glycerin basis1 drop of the drug per 1 kg of animal weight, 3 times a day
GestrenolDropsHormonal contraceptiveDuring estrus, animals up to 5 kg in weight - 4 drops, for 6-10 kg in weight - 5-8 drops
GestrenolPillsHormonal drug1 – 2 tablets for 4 – 5 days
Stop stressDropsComplex of medicinal plants + phenibut1 drop per 1 kg of animal weight 2 times a day
Stop stressPillsComplex of medicinal plants + phenibutAnimals up to 5 kg weight 0.5 tablets, over 10 kg - 0.5-1 tablet 2 times a day

There are also long-acting chemical contraceptives

Suprelorin is a contraceptive bioimplant that is effective from six months to a year. Infertility occurs after 6 weeks from the start of use. It is an implant placed in the withers area under the skin; over time it is absorbed into the tissues.

Dermatonin and Ferretonin are melatonin implants, administered subcutaneously, ensuring the absence of estrus for the duration of implant resorption for 1.5-4 months. Melatonin reduces libido by simulating a period of calm during decreasing daylight hours.

Covinan injection with prolygestone as an active substance

The listed drugs have many contraindications and side effects and should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.

Traditional calming methods

In addition to medications, you can try traditional methods of calming a cat during estrus. These non-trivial methods can resolve the question of what to give a cat during estrus so that she does not ask for a cat. First of all, folk recipes include catnip, lemon balm, motherwort and valerian, which can be purchased at a regular pharmacy or pet store. Their effectiveness has not been proven, the cat will not stop asking the cat for a long time, but they certainly will not harm the body.

Catnip will help combat manifestations of activity during estrus

Many owners agree that physical activity helps cats cope with the symptoms of heat more easily. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of food, feed more often and in small portions, then the cat will be able to shift the focus of attention to more basic needs for some time.

To exclude external irritants, it is better, if possible, to temporarily isolate the cat from other animals during estrus.

Pheromone therapy

Pheromone is a volatile chemical substance with a natural composition through which animals exchange information. These substances are released from the body into the environment and can cause a particular reaction in the behavior of the individual that received the signal. For example, with the help of pheromones, marking territory, males “protect” their territory or warn of danger.

Pheromones can both excite the nervous system and calm the animal, including during estrus. These drugs are sprayed into the air, which makes the procedure for taking such a “medicine” humane.

The disadvantage of this therapy is the lack of guarantees of its effectiveness.

It's almost impossible not to notice changes in your cat's behavior

What does purring indicate?

It is generally accepted that cats purr only when they feel good and are happy with everything.
People even think that when feeding their babies, a cat purrs because she enjoys the process. In fact, with such sounds she warns kittens about possible danger. If the purring is too loud, then it is a threat to the person. In some cases, purring can mean dissatisfaction. Take a closer look at your pet's body. If it is tense and the ears are laid back, then the animal experiences pain.

You can talk about the behavior of cats, its meaning and the abilities of these animals for a long time. But once you learn the basics of cat language, you will be able to get along better with your pet.

Photo source: pixabay

Sterilization: pros and cons

Owners have different opinions on the issue of sterilization. Some consider this operation to be the only right step towards the pet’s health; for others, it does not seem humane to deprive a cat of the opportunity to give birth to offspring.

It is worth noting that timely sterilization greatly reduces the risk of cancer.

The best time to perform the operation is considered to be the period before the onset of the first estrus or immediately after its end. Also, the possibility of developing breast cancer is reduced to almost zero. It is possible to sterilize at an older age, but then you need to consult a doctor to see if the animal will tolerate anesthesia.

As for deprivation of the right to give birth, such doubts are inherent only to humans. Animals live by instinct and do not dream of a large cat family since childhood.

The veterinary community has come to the conclusion that sterilization is absolutely safe for cats; the only contraindication can be the patient’s advanced age. But the operation once and for all relieves the cat from suffering, minimizes the risk of disease, and also guarantees peace of mind for the owner.

The disadvantages of sterilization include the recovery period. Since the operation is performed under full anesthesia, she needs careful care and attention over the next few days. In addition, changing dressings requires courage from the owner, although it is not difficult.

Kitty in a post-operative bandage

Also, sterilization requires financial investment, and for some owners it seems more convenient to buy medications that stop or reduce the cat’s sexual desire. But you need to understand that often this kind of drug intervention puts the pet’s health at risk.

It is also worth noting that there are often cases when, due to hormonal changes after sterilization, a cat may become less physically active, thus increasing the likelihood of gaining excess weight. But in this case, it is possible to take control of nutrition and independently provoke physical exercise in the cat, which at the same time will add joyful emotions to the animal and its owner.

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