How to place a cat in a shelter forever or give it up for foster care for a while

There are much more people who are crazy about cats than those who do not like these furry creatures or are indifferent to them. According to statistics, forty-six percent of Russian families have furry pets. Domestic cats are healthy and happy, well-groomed and enjoying comfort. Before adopting an animal into the family, most owners are sure that their four-legged pupils will always be with them. Unfortunately, sometimes the unexpected happens - your pet needs to be sent to a shelter.

Each visitor to this resource has the opportunity to participate in the fate of thousands of cats who, for various reasons, ended up in the shelter - shelter owners and those who have already adopted cats from shelters, or intend to do so, are encouraged to discuss the topic and take active steps to place furry beauties and handsome men into families do.

Why does it become necessary to part with an animal?

Cats live in 46% of Russian families. They look great, are unpretentious, and with a variety of food and care products, keeping a cat in a city apartment and busy owners does not present any difficulties. When purchasing a “mustachioed and striped one,” the owners, of course, expect the animal to live with them “happily ever after,” but sometimes they have to give the animal away. There are several reasons:

  1. Allergy. Sometimes, after a person gets a cat, he realizes that he has an allergy - his nose itches, it comes out of his eyes and he feels disgusting. Unfortunately, treatment of this disease is expensive and ineffective in 80% of cases. All medications relieve symptomatic signs during short-term contact with the source of the allergy, but one cannot count on a long-term effect. If the disease manifests itself when the cat has just been acquired, there are minimal problems; it can be quickly returned to its previous owners with an apology. It is much more difficult if the animal lived in an apartment for some time, and then, for example, a child appeared who is allergic to wool.

    If allergy symptoms occur, the cat will unfortunately have to be given away

  2. Changing of the living place. Most often, residents of rented housing encounter this problem. Not all owners are happy to accept animals in their apartments.
  3. Illness or death of the owners. Lonely older people often get themselves a friend - a cat or dog. Unfortunately, after their death, the heirs do not seek to take away “movable” property in the form of a sad cat along with real estate. Such animals are thrown out onto the street, and compassionate neighbors or random people take care of their livelihoods.
  4. Kittens from a domestic cat. The problem concerns owners of unsterilized free-ranging animals.

In good hands with friends

You can ask your friends and relatives if they would like to get a pet. Perhaps someone was just about to do this. Taking a pet that is already litter trained and vaccinated is always beneficial. That's why people often agree to it.

The advantages are that the owner can be found quickly, in addition, you can visit the kitten from time to time. There are practically no downsides - except that a person may later abandon the animal and begin to look for somewhere to place it.

Options for adopting domestic cats

If you have no choice but to get rid of your pet, consider several placement options that will help you find new loving homes for your cat.

About “release into the wild”

For some reason, many people think that a pet will be able to adapt to the street environment, they say, “it’s a cat, it will catch a mouse and find food.” This is not true: people weaned animals from getting their own food, provided them with comfort and, with the help of vaccinations, crippled their immunity. Even for a self-walking cat living in a private home, being thrown out is a huge stress, which leads to a surge in diseases, and the apartment pet is doomed to a slow and painful death.

Once outside, domestic cats die very quickly.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow provides for a fine for irresponsible owners of 1 to 2 thousand rubles. However, in the future it is planned to tighten this punishment, equating “abandonment” with cruelty to animals, which carries up to one year in prison. In the meantime, pets are not protected by law.

Sometimes owners of an unwanted animal choose an alternative option - to release the cat near a construction site, canteen, farm or other farm, hoping that the animal will find shelter and food there, and thereby calm their conscience. But, firstly, such an action is tantamount to throwing it out onto the street, and secondly, there are so many stray animals near such places that will quickly get rid of the domestic “sissy”.

We are looking for new owners

At first, you can try to place the cat with someone you know. Talk to your loved ones, colleagues and friends, maybe there is someone who wants to get a pet.

I have a foster cat - a black panther. There are calls - but then suddenly the furniture will be damaged!... otherwise the child will torture her.... Damn, buy a plush toy - it won’t tear up the furniture, it won’t torture the child. Why do they all need a living toy? They are also offended that we don’t give it back.


You can also use online advertising. Before writing the appeal, it is recommended to do simple steps with the cat:

  1. Get the animal in order. Sterilization or castration (applies only to adult cats), rabies vaccinations, treatment for worms, bathing - these manipulations increase the chances of the animal being adopted.
  2. Take 5-7 close-up, good quality photos. As a rule, it is best to photograph a cat against a plain, contrasting background; add a photo “from life” - where the kitty is playing, washing itself or sleeping.

    A beautiful close-up photo will increase the chances of people wanting to buy your pet.

  3. Make a competent ad: indicate the character traits and uniqueness of the animal. Try to evoke a feeling of belonging and sympathy in the reader, introduce the cat to him. The dry text “I’ll give the cat into good hands” will be drowned in a hundred similar advertisements, while at the same time, “The green-eyed handsome Mirage is looking for a home” will advantageously show the pet, and at the same time demonstrate the owner as a caring person.

    Unusual photos or facts about your pet will attract attention to the ad

  4. Each cat has a unique and individual character. When writing your ad, try not to distort the truth. Doesn't like children - "only for adults." If the animal has spent its entire life in an apartment, indicate this point. There may be difficulties adapting to other pets. If you want to comfortably arrange your cat’s future life, indicate all the features in the ad.
  5. Under no circumstances write that you are giving away a “dowry” with your pet - beds, carriers, bowls and trays. There is a great chance of attracting the interest of scammers who, after purchasing, will simply get rid of the cat in the nearest forest belt. If you want to give something away along with the animal, give it as a gift to someone who needs a pet.
  6. Write on social networks, ask for reposts. Tell us why you are giving away the cat. Submit an ad on free sites such as “Avito”, “Yula”, “From Hand to Hand”, etc. in thematic sections. Update the information from time to time when it comes to social networks - vary the texts of the announcements, personally contact your friends with a request to spread the information.

We give it to a shelter

Many people hope that the cat can be taken to a specialized shelter. There are three options - either they will refuse, or they will take it, but for payment, or they will agree to take the pet for free. The author of this article came across the third option once; the cat was purebred and had prospects for further adoption.

The number of animals in need of temporary homes is large, so shelters are usually overcrowded

As a rule, all shelters are private and overcrowded with abandoned animals; they are maintained with money from philanthropists and volunteers. In addition, it is mostly stray cats that end up in shelters that are in terrible condition. Most likely, placement of a prosperous pet purr will be refused. If the shelter turns out to be the only option to place a cat, get ready for long calls. Fortunately, there are people everywhere who care about the fate of abandoned animals, and in large cities there are now several shelters, so if you are rejected somewhere, do not despair.

If a cat from the shelter does not fit in at home, then he can be returned back to the shelter - they immediately say at the shelter that if something happens, call, come, return. Just be sure to castrate non-pedigreed animals; there is no need to breed the same unnecessary stray kittens and puppies. Castrated animals have a better character, they do not mark, they are less allergic, they do not have a number of diseases and tumors.


Websites of some Moscow shelters:

  • "Murkosha";
  • "Tender Beast";
  • "Biryulyovo";
  • Municipal shelter "Pechatniki";
  • "Kozhukhovo";
  • Charitable Foundation "Forest Shelter".

Features of the kitten device

A domestic cat can give birth to about 90 kittens in its life, although this figure is very average. The world record belongs to the outbred Dusty from Texas with an offspring of 420 babies.

Finding an owner is usually easier for a kitten than for an adult cat.

Of course, finding kind and responsible owners for so many kittens is unrealistic. The best solution is to neuter the domestic cat, unless the owner plans to become a breeder.

Announcements about the distribution of kittens attract the attention of scammers who are ready to take away the entire litter at once, and then, using the “cuteness”, they lure money from gullible citizens supposedly to feed the animals. As a rule, box cats are not interested in adult cats. Kittens are kept in terrible conditions and die within days or weeks, leaving short-lived owners looking for advertisements again.

If the kittens are purebred, then they are hunted by resellers who sell the animals on the streets, near the metro, and at “bird markets.” If the animals are not bought, they are either thrown out into the street or destroyed.

To prevent cubs from becoming victims of deceivers, you should know simple rules.

  1. Never give away the entire litter at once.
  2. Be wary if the person responding to the ad is not interested in the characteristics of the kitten, its nutrition, age and character. Fraudsters do not purchase animals for themselves, so they do not ask questions.
  3. Do not agree when callers offer to adopt kittens for a certain amount - this is a scam!

Finding an owner for a baby is easier than for an adult animal, so don’t despair. If finances allow, promise to help with future sterilization or castration. And in order to avoid having to deal with such situations in the future, be sure to castrate or neuter your pets!

Search among your surroundings

Finding a new owner among well-known, close, and dear people is the best option possible. Especially if the animal knows the potential owner, there is already mutual sympathy between them. A friend or loved one who will take responsibility for the maintenance of your favorite animal will treat it with love and attention. In addition, he will be able to contact you in any situation, clarify any questions that have arisen, and tell you about the pet’s condition and mood. A familiar person is your protection from several moves, when the animal can be taken/returned more than once.

A loved one will treat your cat with love and attention

Please take into account the presence of other animals in the new family. This can be a real problem, because interspecies relationships (between cats, dogs and male cats) are rarely without conflict. Old-timers may not accept the newcomer at all, or they may accept him, but constantly bully him. After all, no one wants to share the territory, the owner’s attention, or food with a new member of the animal community. If you are looking for an answer to the question of where to put a cat if you don’t need it, and settle on friends who already have animals, try to visit them with your pet in advance, introduce the animals, observe their relationships, and give them the opportunity to get used to each other.

If your friends already have a pet, introduce your animals in advance

You might even leave your pet in the new home for a few hours. If the host animal categorically does not accept it, you will have to look for other options, other people. But if the animals have found a common language, you can rehome your pet long before you leave. This way you can stay informed about his new life for some time and receive reports daily. But it’s better not to visit your pet in a new place, so as not to upset him, and not to upset yourself. Then the adaptation process will take place for everyone with the least psychological damage.

Where to put a cat if you don't need it?

According to the geographic service WorldAtlas, Russia is one of the top three countries with the largest cat population. Sellers of pet products also regularly conduct careful calculations of the cat family. So, according to the latest information, there are more than 30 million domestic cats in the country. Russia also breaks all records in terms of the number of stray animals, which means that cats are constantly wandering from the street to “good hands” and back. It is somehow not customary to talk about where to put a cat if it is not needed - they will be considered a flayer. But cases when a pet becomes a burden are all too common, and statistics only confirm this.

What to do with purebred kittens, and how to check the future owner

Breeders with experience rarely have problems placing purebred kittens - on the contrary, a waiting list forms for them even before the babies are born. But beginners may find that there are still very few applications. This means that you need to look for buyers or give animals away for free. Many, after a series of painful searches, renounce raising animals for sale altogether.

To avoid such situations, remember the following:

It is better to breed a female through a club, with the help of which you can find a purebred cat. Its owners may already have contacts of potential buyers. It is better to look for clients before mating in order to understand the level of demand - it even changes depending on the season. For example, in summer animals are bought less frequently than at other times. Use social networks and the Internet to post information about the sale

Also, buyers often pay attention to certificates and pedigree. If you plan to breed for a long time, create groups and communities in which you will post photos and information. Kittens with good photos are successfully sold on websites, so there is no need to skimp on this.

You can check the new owner on social networks to see if there is any negative information about him

It is also important to exchange contact information with him and call him within a week to ask how the kitten is feeling. You can even ask permission to come and visit him

You need to be wary if a person arrives drunk, is confused in answering questions, is nervous, or bargains.

Cat shelter

The word scares and repels, a picture of a dirty place with a large concentration of stray animals appears. Poor care, illness, quick death.

Where to put kittens if they are not needed and no one will take them

This is an outdated idea. To some extent it concerns government agencies. Funding there is weak, there are more pets than the funds allocated for their maintenance. However, shelters perform 4 functions:

  • prompt veterinary care. Even euthanasia is possible to end the suffering of hopelessly ill individuals;
  • long-term supervision;
  • attempts to find the owners of a lost animal;
  • search for new owners.

For your information! The work is carried out by company employees and volunteers. There are very few such organizations, but private institutions have come to the rescue. They are opened by interested people with their own money and sponsorship donations.

Animals here are rescued from critical situations: abandoned by summer residents, the owner died, or born in a gateway. In shelters, cats are fed, treated, and vaccinated.


  • manager - organizes work, distributes funds;
  • veterinarian - responsible for the health of pets;
  • workers - feed ownerless animals, clean cages, disinfect bowls and drinking bowls;
  • PR people - disseminate information about students, find new owners;
  • sponsors - help financially;
  • volunteers - catch strays, transport them, help care for them;
  • dispatcher - receives calls and requests for keeping animals.

Important! Private enterprises have the goal of finding a home for a homeless creature. You can give your cat to such a shelter without fear.

The easiest way is to place kittens in a new family

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