Why does a cat rush to its feet and bite its owner's legs?

Initially, the situation in which a cat attacks the legs and actively bites them does not cause tension, but is most likely perceived as a game. But when this happens quite often, or even every time a furry pet’s feet come into view, and the bites get stronger and stronger, then it’s no longer a laughing matter. It is necessary to take educational measures in such a situation, but before that you need to understand the reasons for such behavior.

Hunting instinct

Very often, cats attack the owner’s legs because of the hunting instinct, which there is no place to exercise at home. They imagine themselves on a hunt, play, hide, and then suddenly jump out of an ambush. At the same time, they can hide anywhere.

Despite the fact that your pet's behavior is caused by natural instincts, you should not indulge him in order to avoid scratches, fright or a sudden fall. Scold your pet in a stern voice, making it clear that you do not like such actions. Avoid physical punishment, it will not bear fruit and will only make the animal aggressive towards you.

Pets do this especially often if they are eating and the owner passes by at that moment. This way they play and protect their food at the same time.

Keep food away from kitchen counters

Your cat's sense of smell is much better than yours, so if she smells something tasty, she'll likely jump up to try and take a bite. This could be dangerous for her, depending on the food. Keeping counters clear of food and crumbs will help prevent your kitty from jumping up on your kitchen counters. If you find that your cat is very curious about what you're making for dinner and won't stay away from the counters while you prepare it, simply lock her in another room until the kitchen is clean.


The animal may simply be bored, and in this way it is trying to attract your attention. The pet lacks your company or tries to find entertainment on its own. Play areas in your home will also help solve this problem.

Toys for your pet can be purchased at the store or made yourself. Be sure to place a scratching post in the house where the cat can sharpen its claws and relieve irritation.

It is advisable to devote some time to your pet every day so that he feels your love and affection, because he gets bored while you are at work.

Give her an alternative

A cat jumping condo gives your furry friend a place to jump, exercise, and explore the area. Keep her interested by rotating her toys, boxes to hide in, and even crumpled up pieces of paper to use. Be creative! Cat trees are also a great way to let your cats jump and climb to their heart's content.

It is important to note that you should not completely deprive your cat of its ability to jump. This is part of their innate behavior, embedded in their DNA from their ancestors: they climbed trees to escape predators, and also stalked prey from above before pouncing on them. Providing her with an approved area to exercise her jumping exercises will also help keep her away from other elevated areas where she may not be welcome.


Your pet may be in a playful mood and doesn't know where to release its energy. In this way, the pet tries to involve the owner in the game, as he does with other animals. This behavior is especially typical when the cat is the only pet in the house and has no one to play with.

To prevent your pet from throwing itself at your feet, arrange play areas for it in your apartment, buy toys, pay attention and exercise with your pet.

It is easy to determine that this is a game by switching your pet’s attention to another object, for example, if you throw a ball, the cat will immediately run after it. But the aggression or pain that caused the attack does not stop so easily.

An animal may attack the owner’s legs due to the hunting instinct, boredom, playful mood, or poor health. You should not allow your pet to do this; scold him in a stern voice, but avoid physical punishment, which will not bring results.

How to stop a cat from biting your feet

Cats are like Goldilocks from the children's story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Everything must be in order. Not too many pets and not too few. Not too much game, but not too little either. We definitely need to find the right amount of something so you can't stand touching your feet. So, if you'd rather not have your cat bite your feet, here are some tips to help stop the behavior.

  • Ignore it . When they become kittens, they realize that playing too rough is no fun. If a kitten bites its sibling too hard, the other kitten will stop playing and walk away. This way they learn that biting hard doesn't mean more fun. If you stop reacting to the attacks of the legs and immediately calmly move away from the cat, it will learn to stop.
  • Redirect . After you've removed yourself from your cat and given her a few minutes to calm down, you can redirect her energy toward a toy. Whatever her favorite toy is - a feather wand, a catnip ball, etc.
  • Talk me out of it . One of the problems with leg biting is that you will move and your cat may continue to chase and bite your legs. Another option is to sit down and either distract her with an unusual sound or snap your fingers and clap your hands. Once you get her attention, you will tell her no. Again, consistency is important.
  • Game time . Make sure your cat has plenty of opportunities to keep her entertained: toys she can bite and kick, cat trees for climbing and scratching, access to windows, etc. You should also find time to play with your cat a few times. in a day. Experts say cats only need 5 to 10 minutes of intense play each day to help stimulate them mentally and tire themselves out.

Article Author: Katherine Copeland Katherine was a librarian in a previous life and currently writes about all things pets. As a child, she hoped to work in zoos or with wildlife due to her consuming love of animals. Unfortunately, she's not good at science, so she fills her days with researching and writing about all kinds of animals and spends her time playing with her adorable but terribly naughty tabby cat, Bella. Katherine hopes to add to her family in the near future, perhaps with another cat and dog.

Common reasons why a cat attacks its owner

It happens that a cat reacts negatively to a person, but the owner does not notice this. The pet may hiss at small children. If the child continues to touch the animal, the meeting will end in aggression and conflict.

If a cat attacks its owner, there is a reason for this. In most cases, aggression is caused by factors affecting the pet's mood. After this, the animal becomes conflicted. Common reasons:

  1. Breed characteristics. Some cats are more prone to aggression. This applies to the Angora, Siamese breed. The character of pets is characterized by excessive jealousy and a wary attitude towards strangers. The Siamese cat fiercely defends its territory and is difficult to train and train.
  2. Errors in learning. When people adopt a small kitten, they often start giving him hands to play with. It is considered cute, funny entertainment. However, as the animal grows, its teeth change, becoming sharp, and its paws gain strength and strength. As you age, the habit of playing with your hands and feet will become ingrained, and it will be difficult to get rid of it. Bites from an adult cat can leave painful wounds.
  3. Emotional stress. Often, owners do not notice that their pet has been under stress for a long time. Over time, the pet begins to react nervously to everything. For example, the cause of negativity may be touching a bed, bowls or toys. Animals experiencing stress develop a hostile reaction after touching certain parts of the body, such as the abdomen or armpit area.
  4. Early separation of a kitten from its mother. A wary, aggressive attitude is observed in foundlings weaned before the age of 2 months. Kittens without a mother have difficulty adapting to the external environment and begin to see a threat in a new owner or another animal. Over time, the kitten will get used to it and stop attacking without reason.
  5. Redirecting negativity. Everyone should remember that you cannot go and separate fighting cats. Animals can be distracted and work together to attack the intruder. After a fight, cats are in a cocked state, so it is also better not to touch them for a while.

The reasons listed above are common. A person can do everything not to face these problems. For example, you should not take kittens under 2-3 months of age. My wish to the new owners is not to teach their children to play with their arms and legs.

Other reasons for hostility

Some situations are quite rare. However, they provoke hostility with the same force. Therefore, it is advisable to know when your pet still shows aggression.

Reasons that provoke aggressive behavior:

  1. Problems at an early age. This applies to cats picked up on the street. The previous owner may have treated his pet poorly or beaten him, which affected his psyche. Therefore, at first, a stray cat from the street will treat its new owners with caution. Normal, comfortable conditions with care and attention will help the animal adapt faster.
  2. Hostility from a cat that has just given birth. For the mother, the safety of the kittens comes first. Therefore, after giving birth, females react aggressively to animals or people approaching their offspring. When the kittens mature, this behavior will end. It is better not to approach the new mother during this period; it is forbidden to touch the kittens.
  3. Experienced fear. Fear is a normal feeling when something threatens life and health. If the degree of fear is mild (for example, a sudden change in the situation), then the stress passes quickly and does not cause aggression. The severe stage is accompanied by a loss of control, which leads to devastating consequences. This condition is extremely dangerous for humans and pets.
  4. The cat was taken away from his mother at the age of one month, this became the reason for his aggression

    Expert advice!

    Atypical pet behavior may be a result of rabies. The disease almost always occurs in violent form, and the virus is transmitted through a bite. Infection is rare. If your pet has poor appetite, unusual aggression, overexcitation, or excessive drooling, you should isolate the animal and inform the veterinary clinic about the suspicion.

    What should the owner do?

    If a cat constantly attacks a person, then you need to find out the reason for the strange behavior. The main thing is to exclude or confirm the disease, since in this case urgent treatment will be required. In other cases, the owner will be required to establish who is in charge in the house.

    Common ways to neutralize aggression:

  • Remove your pet from the room. The method is suitable if the cat sleeps with the owner. It is forbidden to give in to complaints or meows. Ignoring you for a short time will let your pet know that he is behaving badly.
  • Scold, but don't hit. If you use physical force, the cat will harbor a grudge, which may cause it to lash out again. It's best to just spray with water. This will calm the angry pet.
  • Do the opposite. Showing care, attention, and constant play will ensure significant energy expenditure. Therefore, the pet will calm down and stop throwing itself at people.

Pedigree cats (Siamese, Angora) and animals with difficulties at an early age cannot be re-educated. When choosing a pet, you need to think about whether it is possible to get along with such a pet or find an approach. Hostility is inherent at the genetic level in these breeds. Families with children are not advised to adopt cats prone to aggression.

"You are only mine!"

In some cases, it’s not even a matter of hunting, but of territorial instincts. Cats love to mark their territory, to “mark” it. The owners (don’t be surprised!) are also considered by the tailed animals to be part of their territory and considered “property”. Try to look at the world through a cat's eyes! What is the best way to mark the owner? Which part of his body would be suitable? The correct answer is legs and ankles. Not higher!

What are common cat "marking" techniques? Rub your legs, butt your cheek, even wrap your tail around him. Perform a “steel” paw grip - an aria from the same opera. Consider it a most valuable feline compliment, be patient and don’t swear. Seren, Amy Shojai's pet, uses this execution every time her owner leaves the bathroom. Cat quirk? No! Previously applied odors are quickly washed away under running water. So Seren acts as the owner, restoring the status quo.

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