Is cat love a fiction? What kind of people do cats like?

Most cats living in city apartments have never seen mice. They sharpen their claws on sofas and wallpaper, scatter stuffing, steal meat from the table... And by way of compensation, they only allow a person to love themselves. And sometimes they reciprocate. Why do people love cats so much that they agree to this seemingly unequal exchange?

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Cat as a symbol of a tiger

0 Why did people even need to domesticate cats? Some ethologists believe that our ancient ancestors, when taming animals, were guided not only by their primary everyday needs (eating, hunting, moving). The cat is a predator, a representative of the dangerous cat family, and having found his “pet tiger”, a person, firstly, could feel like a winner of the wild. And secondly (and this is the main thing), the habits of cats are very similar. And, having had the opportunity to observe the behavior and reactions of the cat, the person studied the habits of its larger relatives, who could easily kill a person. According to this theory, the domestication of a cat was dictated by the instinct of self-preservation, and a person's close acquaintance with this small predator became a way to protect his life from large and dangerous animals. It is not surprising that the cat received the status of a “sacred animal” that can protect a person from evil.

How to determine if a cat loves you

Cats are our favorites
There is a small test to determine the true intentions and sincerity of feelings on the part of a cat towards you. Choose the moment when the cat itself shows a desire to communicate with you, sit it opposite you and look closely into its eyes. If the animal does not take its eyes off, but in response slowly blinks and squints its eyes, you can be sure of its love for you. If the cat runs away from conducting such experiments, you should not insist, but simply take it for granted that you are not the most desirable object for love on its part.

Boiled eggs

Many cats love to eat eggs. Representatives of this family are obligate animals. This means that the basis of their diet is meat and other animal products. Presumably, the love for eggs was passed on to modern pets from their wild ancestors, who often plundered bird nests and happily feasted on the unhatched chicks found in them. Domesticated cats still enjoy eating this delicacy, although it is safer to give them boiled.

Cat as a symbol of a woman

0 If a man does not like cats, he will not be able to win the heart of a beauty - says one ancient Chinese proverb. And this is not an exaggeration. The Institute for the Study of Human Behavior in Vienna conducted a study that scientifically confirmed what many suspected: in terms of psychology, women and cats are very similar. Sensuality, vulnerability, touchiness, stubbornness, periodic outbursts of anger, the desire to achieve a goal at any cost - all this is characteristic of both. This is why the cat, the furry embodiment of femininity and independence, is so attractive to men. And women see “sisters” in cats, although, according to psychologists, they envy their natural grace and ability to maintain excellent physical shape and openly express their emotions. In a sense, for a woman, a cat is an extension of her “I”.

Lucky in life: what kind of people do cats love?

On the one hand, cat love, like any other, may seem irrational. Probably every cat lover has a couple of completely inexplicable stories about cat sympathies. When, for example, the owner feeds the cat and pays more attention to him, but he still sleeps only with the owner, who disappears at work. A cat loves a person, and everything here is just mystic.

It often happens that literally in the first weeks of life, a kitten chooses from the whole family a person he likes and only then devotes his whole life to him, as they say, “the beautiful impulses of his soul.”

But still, mysticism does not play the main role in what kind of people cats love. Cat sympathies are, to a large extent, associated with certain human behavior. For example, adult cats are attracted to (or at least not irritated by) people with a moderate timbre of voice, a balanced, self-controlled character, and calm behavior. Who knows, maybe the cat will like you just by lying in front of the TV for a long time?..

A good way to make friends with a cat is not to look at it closely, but when you catch its eye, blink a few times. For animals, a fixed, unblinking gaze is a sign of a challenge, a threat, and it is unlikely that you will thus become one of the people that cats and cats love. And when you blink, you demonstrate your loyalty, peaceful intentions.

How to make friends with a cat?

Domestic cats are capable of becoming attached to their owner almost as strongly as dogs, but in order to become friends with a cat, it is not enough just to feed and stroke the purr from time to time. According to animal psychologists, it is much easier to achieve love and affection from a kitten than from an adult cat, since kittens perceive anyone who cares for them as their mother.

But in order to win the heart of an adult animal, in addition to the direct responsibilities of caring for the cat, the owner needs to do the following:

  1. Do not do anything that the animal may perceive as aggression (do not look intently into the cat’s eyes, do not wave your arms near it, do not grab it in your arms when it is sleeping, do not throw it up or crush it during play, etc.)
  2. Under no circumstances should you show aggression towards a cat or take out negative emotions on it - many felines are vindictive and can remember an insult inflicted by a person for many years
  3. Behave calmly and evenly in the presence of an animal , do not raise your voice in front of or towards a cat
  4. Show respect for the animal - do not disturb its sleep, do not suddenly grab it, do not drag it by the tail even as a joke, do not take away food, etc.
  5. Find a way to bring joy to the animal - from time to time, in addition to the main food, give it special treats, play with the cat with its toys, allow it to sit on your lap and take it to bed with you, without squeezing or tugging the animal, take the cat out walk outside, etc.

These simple measures are aimed at ensuring that the animal always feels calm, pleasure and joy in the presence of the owner, and begins to associate these positive emotions with him. And with the right approach to keeping and communicating with a cat, sooner or later this independent animal will definitely change its anger to mercy and fall in love with its owner. And it’s very simple to find out when this moment comes - the cat will respond to your gaze with a direct gaze, blink several times, and then, without looking away, come up to be stroked and caressed.

Cat as a symbol of comfort and tranquility

0 A purring cat creates coziness in the house - a statement that is difficult to argue with. There is a lot of talk about the fact that cats are able to sense the owner’s illness and treat it by lying on the sore spot, arranging unique “cat therapy” sessions. And, as American doctors have found out, in some cases cats provide very effective psychological assistance to their owners: in particular, cat owners are much more likely to survive after a heart attack. This is explained by the fact that a cat, sitting on the owner’s lap or purring on his blanket, provides a person with emotional support, which is similar in effect to psychotherapy. This is not an exclusive property of cats; in medicine, there has even been such a trend as “animotherapy” (treatment by communicating with animals). But in cats, the ability to “purr” illnesses and other troubles is very noticeable. And it really relieves stress, relaxes, and makes you feel comfortable. What else do you need for comfort?

An unusual and strange fact about cats

The very appearance of animals already gives us the first guide. Their whiskers, or vibrissae, are located on the muzzle not only due to their physiological structure. They actually work like radars that allow them to sense things that we humans are unable to perceive.

This is why, for example, cats are more sensitive to electromagnetic waves from electrical appliances. They can also easily understand when a person is sick. This is because they detect tiny signals that we cannot identify.

So, with the help of cats it is possible to distinguish a good person from a bad one due to energy? Yes!

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What cats don't like: being scratched

Some cats take grooming calmly, and some sometimes even like the certain massage that the brush produces. Moreover, short-haired cats are usually more tolerant of combing - for them the process is more pleasant.

But long-haired cats are prone to matting and matting, and brushing becomes an unpleasant task for them.

Many cats try to avoid being brushed and disappear from view as soon as they see a brush in the owner's hands.

Cat as a symbol of a child

0 A huge layer of cat lovers are single women of all ages. They sometimes call their pets “daughters” or “sons” and transfer all their unspent love to them. Indeed, life with cats is in many ways reminiscent of life with a child: cute furry animals require attention and care, are capricious, rush around the apartment, selflessly indulge in games... They are somewhat reminiscent of children in appearance: round head, large eyes, shortened muzzle. All this touches and really encourages you to care for the furry “baby,” pamper him and accept the cat’s love in return. But at the same time, caring for a cat is quite easy, and this animal is quite independent. And, unlike dogs, she does not need to devote time constantly, day after day. This makes cats an ideal pet that you can love in the “background” without spending much effort - but in return getting all the advantages of a living, sweet and affectionate creature that is always waiting for you at home. A very convenient object for maternal feelings - or for those cases when there is no energy and time to build relationships with the opposite sex.

Does a cat need hugs?

Cats are the guardians of the home, the personification of comfort and peace. And how not to stroke or caress your pet! But do they really need our caresses?

In fact, cats need our hugs and affectionate strokes. During games and petting, animals receive genuine pleasure, they produce a “hormone of happiness.” It may be smaller than in dogs, but it is really present!

So you shouldn’t refrain from stroking, scratching, hugging. Love your furry pets, they will definitely appreciate it. But do not forget that cats are unique animals. They give warning signals when they are tired of tenderness and affection and want to do something else.

Sharpening claws

Scratching any objects is one of the basic needs of these animals. Typically, this occurs when the top sheath of the claw delaminates, causing it to fall off with the help of scratching. When cats sharpen their claws, they experience muscle tension and relaxation. Such physical exercises are another reason for tearing up the sofa or scratching post.

Do you know people who bite their nails when stressed or embarrassed? When cats sharpen their claws, they calm down when they are scared or stressed. Be sure to purchase several scratching posts that can satisfy your pet's natural needs and also protect your furniture.

This hygiene procedure does not bring joy to any cat's soul. But some are more neutral about it, while others have to be secured in special bags or resort to the help of several assistants and a groomer.

To make the process as tolerable as possible, you should purchase high-quality nail clippers and learn how to cut claws correctly without touching the blood vessels and nerve endings. Ordinary nail clippers are not suitable for this purpose.

Cat as a symbol of love and impermanence

0 Everyone has a need to love and be loved. But cats, it would seem, are not the best objects for love: they either rub against their legs, seeking attention, or pointedly ignore their owners. Independent and aloof, they show their affection only when they see fit - unlike dogs who love their owners without conditions or restrictions. Signs of attention from a cat are especially valuable: their love must be earned, it must be constantly sought. And that is why they are especially valued. But if you managed to make the cat satisfied and happy, she will repay you in full. Firstly, she clearly demonstrates her affection - in various ways, from lightly biting her hands to blissful relaxation with half-closed eyes. Secondly, that very “special” purring. There is a point of view that it “triggers” special biochemical reactions in the human body, the effects of which are somewhat akin to a drug and bring particular pleasure. You made the cat happy, and the cat made you happy. But in that order. And this is the reason to strive again and again to please your cat.

There is an opinion that cats, unlike dogs, do not become attached to people and always remain animals that go where they please and walk on their own. As a rule, this view is held by people whose knowledge about cats is based on common stereotypes, and not on communication with a real, living, furry pet. Anyone in whose home an animal is not a piece of furniture, but a friend and companion, will confirm that a cat feels no less love for its owner than a dog. She just expresses her feelings differently, not so noisily and openly.

Of course, if the cat and the owner are united by a long history that began at the moment of the purr’s birth, the person becomes the animal’s second mother, the most beloved creature and the only “bestower of benefits.” In general, if you raised a kitten yourself, its affection is practically guaranteed. Achieving the love of an adult cat is more difficult, but also possible.

Simple signs that you are not only a provider for a pet, but also a beloved owner

— There are several people in the family, but the cat sleeps on your bed.

— The animal rubs its head against your face, legs or arms. This is not only a sign of affection, but also a unique way for the cat to mark you with its scent.

— Looking into your eyes, the pet slowly opens and closes its own. Experiment: look at your cat and blink your eyes slowly and pointedly. If she has good feelings towards you, she will blink back. For cats, this gesture is a sign of friendliness; she does not want to compete with you and does not hold a grudge.

— When you open the front door, your cat runs towards you as fast as he can. Of course, he is most interested in the “goodies” that you could bring, but the very fact of the owner’s return pleases the pet.

— The cat tries to be closer to you, climbs into your arms, meows to attract attention, follows you around the rooms. She purrs and falls belly up when you look at her, readily offering her ears and neck for you to scratch.

- Your cat is ready to endure even troubles from you - bathing, taking medications, checking with a veterinarian. If your relationship with the animal is not affected by such incidents, his love is unconditional.

What to do if your cat doesn't like you

Alas, it often happens that cats do not respond with kind feelings to a person who sincerely adores them and avoid him. And vice versa, they are just affectionate towards some people. To attach a stubborn pet to yourself, you need to figure out what kind of people cats like.

— According to cat etiquette, any sudden movements, like a gaze, should be regarded as a threat. Therefore, purrs prefer calm people with soft, smooth movements and a quiet voice. If your cat is avoiding you, think about what you are doing wrong. Perhaps you look into the eyes of an animal, but it regards this as a challenge and simply avoids? Or are you making too many movements, waving your arms, beckoning her? For an animal, you are a not entirely understandable creature with unpredictable actions; he is calmer when you move smoothly and slowly.

— The cat does not like to be suddenly grabbed, so it often dislikes ill-mannered children (and some adults, also ill-mannered). Respect your furry friend and he will do the same to you.

— Cats love people with a high-pitched voice because it is closer to a cat’s voice. You just have to come to terms with this factor, since you cannot change the timbre of your voice.

— These animals have a good memory, so people who like to “get even” on their pet for their own failures at work or in their personal life should not expect his affection. A cat will remember an undeserved insult for a long time.

“And of course, the cat tribe especially values ​​those who show love to them. And love is, first of all, caring.

Taking care of your pet, feeding it, stroking and caressing it, arranging a “house” for it and cozy corners for sleeping - all this will set the cat up to the fact that you are its best friend and protector.

Unfortunately, the well-known myth that cats love only good people and do not like villains is not confirmed by anything, so it will not be possible to test guests for good and evil with the help of a cat. There is a good side to this: if cats avoid you, this does not mean that you are an inveterate scoundrel, you just need to learn to communicate with them in their language.

If a person loves cats...

If a person is loved by cats, it means that he is not such a lost soul! Animals, of course, are not psychics, but they are unlikely to show their best feelings in front of some ungrateful egoist.

Typically, cat people are characterized as sympathetic, perhaps sometimes sentimental people, with a high sense of responsibility, inclined towards family life and caring for loved ones.

Sometimes it is more difficult to earn the sincere love of a cat than to earn human sympathy - if you have succeeded, you are the right person, and it is quite possible to do business with you!

Igor Kaverin

They can also clear bad energy

In addition to separating the energy of people, cats have another incredible quality: cleansing negative energy. In fact, the cat absorbs our bad vibrations. Hasn't it ever happened to you that when you are sad, your cat seems to notice and stays close to you? Don't you feel better after snuggling with your pet after a long day at work?

And all this is because cats are excellent energy purifiers. Therefore, do not resist the affection radiated from an animal that has come to you and wants to bask in your arms. Accept this gesture, because it will benefit you!

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Meows to a specific family member

Cats do not meow when communicating with each other. The exception is the relationship between cats and kittens. To establish contact with people and express emotions, these animals chose the sound “meow” and hundreds of its intonation shades. Cats can be both silent and sociable, depending on their character. A “talkative” cat will complain to a dear family member more than once a day with a sad “mau” and swear with a dissatisfied “marf”. Cats are very good at reading human intonations. So the owner and pet who love each other have emotional, meaningful “dialogues”

But why do cats love us?

  • We are an "inexhaustible" source of food and goodies . Cunning people can concoct such an unfortunate face and peer into the cutlet with sad eyes that the hand itself is tempted to give the delicacy to this “poor and hungry” creature. Our empty stomach will not say “thank you” to us, but a grateful look full of love will warm us all day.
  • We are warm and big . You can warm all four paws, tail, ears about us. But by the way, why waste time on trifles, cats can drown in our arms and warm up completely. Yes – the role of the “warmer” is mutual.
  • Affection – we give cats incredible pleasure when we play with them or scratch them behind the ears and cheeks. Who doesn't love affection and care? So our pets feel comfortable and safe next to us.

It turns out that living together under one roof, we give each other love, care, warmth and respect. We are “indispensable” for cats, and they are “indispensable” for us. So let's not spoil this idyll.

Fresh food

Thoughtful and balanced nutrition for your pet is the main part of caring for it. A balanced diet can improve health and thereby significantly extend the life of a pet. Many owners prefer to cook food themselves, believing that this way they can reliably control the quality of all ingredients and the overall cooking technology.

The cat owner must remember that 1/3 of all food offered is always cereals and vegetables, and some of the vegetables can be given raw. Study your pets' preferences: if your animal likes corn, broccoli, zucchini or carrots, do not deny him this delicacy.

If you feed your cat prepared foods, first familiarize yourself with their composition and the reputation of the manufacturer. It’s definitely not worth buying food that is too cheap, and cats often refuse it.

Maine Coon

The gentle giant Maine Coon is the largest of all domestic cat breeds and has a heart as big as he is! These cats, with their long, silky coats, rank high on the list of friendliest breeds. The Maine Coon loves everyone around him - from children to other pets. Loves long, quiet hugs and restless games. He will often rub his head against you and follow the shadows of those people he loves, making it clear how dear and important they are to him! Maine Coons love to sit on your lap, sleep on your bed, be present at your table and live in your heart!

Your people

Each, without exception, furry beauty is reverently attached to the house, its owner and his relatives. Although naturally affectionate animals often approach strangers, they still consider themselves members of a pack, that is, the owner’s family. The cat associates the feeling of peace and security experienced in infancy with its owner and values ​​it no less than all its other riches.

This manifests itself in different ways: the animals trample you with their paws, rub their heads and “kiss” you. Sometimes a four-legged friend somehow senses that the owner is going up in the elevator or standing outside the door. Scientists have not yet explained why this happens, but this often happens with a long-term and strong connection.

A specific form for demonstrating feelings is giving a gift. The animal goes on an impromptu hunt and then shares its favorite toys. Praise him, in turn, for his good disposition and immediately treat him to something.

Is it true

The dog loves everyone at home. She is even ready to play and amuse your guests, while cats behave completely differently. What can I say if for some of them the pinnacle of love is to simply come up and sit next to the owner.

These furry pets are very capricious and capricious when it comes to showing their affection for humans. After observing the behavior of cats, you will notice that they behave differently with children and adults, with men and women. It is not surprising that among the two owners they choose their “favorite”. But is there a way to determine in advance who will be your pet's priority?

Watch the birds

Every cat is a born breadwinner, and sitting on the windowsill for hours is not at all an unnecessary part of its daily pastime. By watching pigeons and jackdaws, your pet satisfies its hunting instinct. Sometimes the baby even throws itself on the glass or tries to get out of the window. Be careful - if the animal gets carried away, it may not realize at that moment which floor you live on.

Some individuals, seeing birds, make strange sounds reminiscent of the barking of a fox. Experts explained what this means. The fact is that the animal yelps when it cannot reach a potential hunting target. Otherwise, the cat would certainly attack the birds.

Runs to meet you at the door

Cats are curious creatures. They often greet guests by sticking their muzzle into the hallway or approaching them imposingly. But there are family members whom the pets are looking forward to: shortly before the owner returns from work, the cat is already sitting at the front door and literally hypnotizes her with his gaze in anticipation. She knows very well the sound of “her man’s” steps and even the noise of his car engine. For some cat-like reasons, the pet may accidentally miss the owner's return, but as soon as she hears the sound of his voice, she will rush to meet him like a tailed meteor.

Simple signs that you are not only a provider for a pet, but also a beloved owner

Any cat feels affection for its owner, but expresses it in its own way.

  • There are several people in the family, but the cat sleeps on your bed.
  • The animal rubs its head against your face, legs or arms. This is not only a sign of affection, but also a unique way for the cat to mark you with its scent.
  • Looking into your eyes, the pet slowly opens and closes its own. Experiment: look at your cat and blink your eyes slowly and pointedly. If she has good feelings towards you, she will blink back. For cats, this gesture is a sign of friendliness; she does not want to compete with you and does not hold a grudge.
  • When you open the front door, your cat runs towards you as fast as he can. Of course, he is most interested in the “goodies” that you could bring, but the very fact of the owner’s return pleases the pet.
  • The cat tries to be closer to you, climbs into your arms, meows to attract attention, and follows you around the rooms. She purrs and falls belly up when you look at her, readily offering her ears and neck for you to scratch.
  • Your cat is ready to endure even troubles from you - bathing, taking medications, checking with a veterinarian. If your relationship with the animal is not affected by such incidents, his love is unconditional.


A little kitten, while playing, hones its hunting skills and struggle for survival. And for an adult animal, play, especially active play, usually replaces exercise and lack of communication with relatives.

But in a large cat family, the animals also frolic, and here the house begins to shake. Vertical racing and jumping from the ceiling are just a small part of the noisy attraction. Some tolerant owners at this moment prefer to retire to the kitchen - sometimes it is almost impossible to calm down a cheerful company.

More relaxing entertainment can be organized by the owner himself. Download the tablet app for your pet. The cat can start catching the virtual mouse without your participation, although it will be more fun to compete with the pet in the speed of reaction.

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