Finding the key to a cat's heart: 10 scientifically proven life hacks to win a cat's love

Cats and dogs are the most popular pets. But if a dog, as a rule, is ready to unconditionally recognize the authority of the owner and rejoices at even the slightest manifestation of love on his part, then with cats everything is different: their love and affection must be earned.

By the way, we wrote an article about who is better, a cat or a dog. We recommend reading! We tried to approach the issue from a scientific point of view)

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How can you tell if your cat hates you?

18 Signs Your Cats Hate You

  • Your cat has been playing dead in selfies lately...
  • They are too unhappy when they fall into your arms...
  • Your cat has always had mood swings, but lately she seems more sad than happy.

26 Jan
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If your cat doesn't want to interact with you, just walk away.

There are several gestures that will allow you to understand that your cat is unhappy. For example, hissing and a desire to scratch you are the most specific hint. Twitching the tail and raising the ears are more subtle movements, but they also indicate that the cat is not in the mood for contact.

Think about it: will someone love you more if you force them to communicate against their will? Take your cat's social conditions for granted, and soon she will begin to trust and love you much more.

Don't give your cat too much food

Don't think that the more and more often you feed your cat, the more she will love you. Cats are amazing animals. But still, they are animals. And all the goodies that you put in the bowl will be eaten by your pussy. Through force, to the detriment of the body, but eaten. As the French say: “To be full is to be a little hungry.” Do not overfeed your cat so that she does not immediately go to sleep in her secluded corner.

In addition to quantity, think about the quality of food. Healthy food is the key to a long life and strong friendship for your cat. Cheap food, stuffed with chemicals, can sooner or later cause diabetes, sore joints, or even banal “matts” in a cat. Obese cats groom themselves less frequently and less efficiently.

Games are as important as food

Loss of interest not only in you, but also in everything around you is a consequence of the fact that the cat is bored from idleness and rarely moves. Of course, she will try to have fun on her own, but sooner or later she will get bored with it.

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Remember that cats are, first and foremost, predators who need to release their accumulated energy somewhere. Dogs, for example, are walked twice every day. What should cats do? Perhaps because of their passive lifestyle, fluffies often choose active games rather than extraordinary feeding.

Buy a rubber ball, ball or laser. If you have forgotten the last time you entertained your cat, play briefly but often for the first 2-3 weeks. A cat that has lost its tone will lie down on the floor in a few minutes and will only carefully watch as you throw the ball and go after it yourself. Once you have practiced a little, you can increase the duration of the sessions. You will soon notice how your cat will be perceived not only as a feeding hand, but also as a loyal friend with whom you can play happily.

Give a sedative

Changing a place of residence is a big stress for an animal. Introducing a cat to a new owner and home can be painful, especially if the pet was adopted from the street or from a shelter. Negative past experiences force animals to avoid communication with humans, and manifestations of aggression are not excluded. The cat needs time to get used to you. A sedative will help make the adaptation period less traumatic.

There is no need to be afraid to give your cat medicine. The correct dose of a correctly selected drug will suppress fear, normalize blood pressure and relax the animal. There are medicines of plant and animal origin with a mild effect. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian before use. He will determine how justified the use of sedatives is in each specific case, and will recommend the remedy and dosage.

Don't let children touch your pet

If there are children in the house, they are likely to complicate the cat's adaptation to the new home. At first, the pet is already in constant tension due to the unfamiliar environment. It is important for him to have personal space and a place where he can retire. The children do not understand this and chase the pet throughout the apartment. For babies, the most obvious manifestation of love is affection and games. Sometimes the cat is hugged too tightly, sometimes it is dragged by the tail, considering it fun. Children unwittingly cause pain and discomfort to the animal, so it is better to prohibit them from touching the pet. At first, any negative experience will be extremely painful. Gradually, when the pet begins to get used to the apartment and household, you can allow children to carefully touch the cat under the supervision of their parents.

Soft touch

In humans, love is expressed through kisses and tight hugs, but in cats it is different. They have their own signs. If you speak cat language, you can easily show your pet that you love him. First of all, he should not be grabbed, squeezed or subjected to strong hugs. There is no need to come up and hang on top - it is better to sit down to the cat’s level or lower. In cat language, hovering and squeezing mean a threat and an attack by a large predator on the prey. What kind of love can we talk about then?

Instead, you need to caress the animal gently, stroking the places it exposes. Pay special attention to this. For example, dominant cats hate being stroked on the head from above: it is better for them to scratch their neck. And some cats love it. You need to learn your pet's "erogenous zones" and use only them if you want to give him pleasure.

Relationship between cats and your guests

In fact, it is impossible to guess how a cat will behave, which, in addition to you, also communicates with your friends. Some kittens who were cuddled with other people as children are more socialized as adults. They are not afraid of new people, often not paying attention to you when there are guests in the house.

On the other hand, isolating a kitten from strangers can develop a variety of fears in adulthood, forcing the animal to hide during the visit of uninvited guests. But these same nightmares will force her to treat you even more carefully when the possible danger is over. So think about what you want: to raise a brave or loving cat.

Live like a cat! 12 rules you should learn from them

Cats have an innate ability to enjoy life, while we need to learn this. Stefan Garnier observed his cat Ziggy for twelve years, and then collected all his observations in the book “Live Like a Cat.” In it, he tried to decipher the cat's habits, habits and characteristics. And he invites you to study their simple secrets in order to escape from everyday worries, regain mental well-being and smile.

The life philosophy of cats is very simple: eat, play, sleep and do what they like. In fact, it is not much different from ours. But only at first glance. Let's learn to appreciate life like they do. Imagine that from today you think and live like a cat.

  1. Your cat is free. We tend to shackle ourselves hand and foot: with bank loans that force us to work more and more; useless things around which we build a cult; habits that become our responsibilities; people with opposing views.

Do you want to live like your cat? Be free as air and do only what you think is necessary. Why not try to keep only what we love in our lives. Maintain only those relationships that suit us. Do only those things that we like. And do only the work that brings us satisfaction.

  1. Your cat is charismatic. Cats don't need to meow, rush back and forth, or make a cacophonous noise to get attention. They have such a strong charisma that their presence is immediately felt as soon as they appear in the room. Who doesn't dream of possessing such magnetism? Your cat just is!

Charisma develops when we are honest with ourselves and others and accept ourselves as we are, without hiding our individuality behind tricks.

  1. Your cat is calm (most of the time). What we call stress in cats is actually increased vigilance and wariness. When potential danger arises, the cat raises its ears, focuses its eyes, watches and waits, but as soon as the danger has passed, it immediately calms down.

Cats don't push themselves like we do. They lead a measured and contemplative life. To maintain peace of mind and well-being, identify the source of stress, solve the problem and forget about it.

  1. Your cat knows how to stand up for himself. Due to excessive shyness or lack of self-confidence, we cannot always stand up for ourselves. We hesitate, we are afraid to say too much.

Try stepping on your cat's paw and see his reaction. He will let out a heart-rending scream, and perhaps even grab your ankle.

Cats do not claim someone else’s territory, but they also do not tolerate encroachments on their own. Know how to stand up for yourself and stop any attempts to invade your personal space!

  1. Your cat is wise. With its attentive attitude and ability to listen, the cat resembles a Buddhist teacher or an old sage. But perhaps this is more than just an impression. Maybe we should learn from cats the ability to sit quietly and contemplate what is happening, avoiding vain self-expression.

Sometimes we get too focused on something, forgetting about the main thing: why we came into this world. Perhaps this is exactly what the cat is trying to remind us of with its peace and contemplation.

  1. Your cat accepts and loves himself for who he is. Does a cat dream of being some other cat or even another animal? Hardly! Cats are proud to be themselves, and this shows in their arrogant attitude towards other animals and even towards people.
  2. Your cat doesn't care about public opinion. Cats do not feel the need for universal love, approval and admiration. They just are. For them, only their own opinion about themselves is important. Of course, it is impossible to live in society and be free from society, but sometimes there is a clear imbalance between self-esteem and public opinion.

Cats never copy the habits or behavior of their relatives. They remain true to themselves, their desires, character and needs, not wanting to fit into any framework in order to correspond to something or someone.

  1. Your cat is curious. As soon as he gets out of his basket, he starts poking his nose everywhere. This curiosity is limitless. It forces them to constantly explore their world and make new discoveries every day.

Be amazed! Your life will become brighter and more interesting! One act of curiosity a day means 365 new pieces a year to fill your life.

  1. Your cat is independent. Why do cats lead such an independent existence? They simply do not make excuses for anything and are guided only by their own motives - without external pressure, social obligations or a guilty look. This unquestioned independence is the key to the freedom of any feline.
  2. Your cat loves peace and quiet. We live in constant noise that gets on our nerves: roaring cars, slamming doors, cell phone ringtones, notification messages, and so on. And cats love peace and look for it everywhere. External peace feeds the inner.
  3. Your cat knows how to say “no” (and does it readily). Stubborn to the core, cats rarely do what they're told. Stop satisfying other people's needs and following directions that don't suit you.
  4. Your cat feeds on love. Cats are not “ashamed” to come up and demand their “portion” of affection and tenderness.

Each of us has our own need for love and our own daily dose of this elixir. But we all need tenderness, hugs and warmth. We take love from our partner and from our cat, just as the cat takes it from us. Remember how he gently rubs against your legs or lies under your side. So he is fueled by your love, overjoyed with happiness and satisfying his need for affection. And “having charged the battery”, it jumps from your hands and goes about its business. Love and be loved.

There is some magic in the ability of cats to remain calm and look happy in any situation. Live like your cat! Learn to let go of everything unnecessary, focus on what is important and take care of your well-being.

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