How to catch a cat on the street and in the house: practical tips that really work

How to catch a cat

Before explaining how to catch a cat from the street (or from the house), it is worth explaining under what circumstances you should attempt this. In fact, you should be aware that some cities have controlled cat colonies. This means that these outdoor and free-living felines are supervised by associations that provide them with food, vaccinations and medicine. Never catch a cat from a controlled colony. If we notice that any of the cats are having problems or are sick, unless it is an emergency, it is always best to contact the cat colony managers.

In other cases, guardians allow their cats to go outside, especially if they live in rural areas. In these cases, it is useful to know how to catch a cat in an emergency. If it's an unknown cat, it may already have a home.

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If you are sure that the cat you want to adopt does not belong to anyone who is responsible or is its guardian, you can intervene to help it. Finally, if for any reason you are concerned about your cat, contact the competent authorities or animal welfare associations.

I can't find my cat!

Some cats disappear for a long time, as if they are falling through the ground. It’s okay: almost every purr has its own “hidden place” for sleeping. A domestic cat usually knows every nook and cranny in a house or apartment. Every secluded place is necessarily marked by her as a potential shelter. Very convenient: calm and no one bothers you. In addition, some pets fall asleep very soundly. Even the sound of opening a bag of food cannot revive them, not to mention the sounds of their own name. Therefore, patience and more patience.

Materials needed to catch a cat

Some stray cats on the street are in such bad condition that they are very easy to catch. In these cases, it is enough to have a carrier and a cloth or blanket to wrap the animal and handle it with more care and safety. Even small kittens do not pose a problem.

But some cats that are used to living without human contact, or cats that have been abused and are afraid, are not at all easy to approach and catch. So, here is a list of things that can be useful in the task of catching a cat:

  • Carrying
  • Can of wet cat food
  • Gloves for handling animals
  • Net
  • Sedative tablets
  • Cage trap

Please note that in addition to preparing various capture plans, it is important that several people are involved in the operation. We should not make noise, we should speak to the animal calmly and quietly and move without making sudden movements.

Use a trap

Whether you make a homemade trap or buy one, make sure that the product you choose will not harm your kitten or you. It's probably best to use appetizing food to lure your baby out of hiding. For example, you can try canned fish. They are inexpensive and cats really like their scent.

If you are planning to purchase a trap, ask the seller to find out which product is best to choose. If you plan to make a trap, make sure it will not harm or kill the kitten you will be trapping.

The expert recommends that you don't simply try to grab your kitten if it passes you on the street. It is better to prepare thoroughly and return the next day, taking with you a trap, as well as bait. You can use the microwave to cook something delicious.

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It is very important to be kind to your kitten. Remember that he doesn't have much experience interacting with people. Perhaps he was already scared of random passers-by who were trying to catch him. When your kitten is caught in a trap, be quiet, calm and gentle because it is a traumatic experience for him.

How to lure a cat with food

In some situations, grabbing a cat is relatively easy. In fact, many outdoor cats are hungry, and hunger is often greater than fear and mistrust. To lure your cat with food, such as a can of wet food, simply insert it into the carrier, leaving the zipper or door open. It is important that the food we use is consumed locally, otherwise the cat may grab it and run away to eat it in a secluded area.

Therefore, it is about the cat entering the carrier and then you close the door. You will need to be close enough to the box to be able to close it immediately before he can jump out, and be prepared to hold it tightly while the animal tries to escape. Always wear gloves to avoid scratches; cats can even cause serious bites and abrasions when they panic and want to escape. It is necessary to use special gloves that will not allow the cat to pierce them with its teeth. Obviously, any wound caused by a cat must be disinfected, and if it is deep, medical attention will be required.

If you can't let the cat in right away, you can take the time, often the cats after a few minutes of us being around them, the cats will relax and lower their guard a little to allow entry into the carrier. Conversely, we can bring them food several times so that they trust us.

What to do with all this?

Give your cat a chance to be a cat. Although it is an animal, it also has the right to privacy. If curiosity still overpowers you, try to find such secret places. My cat, for example, masterfully hides behind the curtain and camouflages himself under the folds. If there are potentially dangerous places in the house (for example, washing machines or dishwashers), be sure to prevent the possibility of getting inside: after all, you can inadvertently wash or wash your unlucky furry. Make it a habit to check all dryers, washers and washers before turning them on. A good solution is to look for a special “cave” shelter at the pet store. Usually cats like them and are happy to choose such “grottoes” for sleep.

How to catch a cat with a net

The process of catching a cat can also be done gradually, that is, using minimally invasive or very aggressive measures. The gentlest of these techniques is to simply lift the cat and place it in the carrier using calm and quiet gestures, but this is not always easy. In the most difficult cases, you can use the network. In these situations, a net attached to a pole is useful so that we do not have to get too close to the animal. It must be taken into account that the size of the net exactly matches the size of the cat.

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We can also use a net to try to catch it after luring it with tasty food. Once trapped, he will likely fight hard to free himself. You have to be quick and skillful to get it from the net to the carrier without running away. To perform this operation, it is recommended that at least two people be involved, both wearing protective gloves.

Earn your kitten's trust

It is possible that you will not have to lure or catch the kitten. The expert recommends that with enough time and patience, you can become so friendly with the animal that it will come to you. To gain your kitten's trust, feed him regularly and do it at the same time for several days. Be calm in his presence. After enough time has passed, the kitten may gradually come closer and closer to you without feeling afraid. This is the perfect time to catch him.

Now you know how to catch a scared kitten on the street.

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How to catch a cat with narcotic pills

If we don't do this, there is an opportunity to calm the cat down. To do this, you need to contact a veterinary clinic, where you will be prescribed medications suitable for this type of operation. The idea is that the cat will have to swallow these drug pills hidden inside the food. As soon as the cat shows signs of drowsiness, it should be grabbed and placed in a carrier. It is easier if the carrier is used vertically, because it is easier for the cat to slip into it.

This method has some difficulties:

  • The cat doesn't eat pills
  • The dose used has no effect or is very small.
  • The cat leaves, and even under the influence of sedatives we cannot catch it.

Ultimately, this method has its pros and cons and should be used as a last resort.

What harm is there from cats living in basements?

Advice: Wild cats should not be tamed or fed. Any stray animals are sources of many dangerous diseases and can cause harm to pets.

Reasons for this may be:

  • Lack of vaccinations.
  • Nobody treats them.
  • The food they find is scanty and of poor quality.
  • Parasites and bacteria from such animals can infect pets. Their immunity is weaker than that of street dogs or cats.

The main diseases infecting humans or animals can be:

  • Rabies.

A cat infected with rabies
This disease is especially dangerous for humans. Only timely intervention by doctors can save his life.

  • Ringworm and ringworm . Infections of this kind cause many problems to humans. Treatment takes a long time, and the price of medicine is quite high. In addition, the antifungal drugs themselves cause great harm to the human body with their side effects.

A cat with ringworm

  • Toxoplasmosis . Cats become infected with this infection by eating rodents, which is the reason for the spread of this disease.
  • Chlamydia . Cats suffer from this disease quite often. Despite the fact that the animal form of chlamydia is very rarely transmitted to humans, there is a danger of infection.
  • Helminthic infestations . There are a huge number of such parasites, and most often they are transmitted by stray cats or dogs.
  • Fleas . They do not parasitize the human body; their main habitat is the animal fur of mammals.

Advice: Despite the fact that these insects are harmless to humans, they can be carriers of typhus, tularemia, salmonellosis, hepatitis, and plague, which is very dangerous for people. And such diseases can be transmitted to humans by flea bites. All cats living in basements are infected with them.

How to catch a cat with a cage trap

When neither system works, you can resort to so-called traps. These are more or less large structures that are placed in secluded places with food inside. They have a mechanism that closes the door when the cat steps on the ground, so she stays inside.

The main problem with this method is that it is not selective, we cannot choose which animal will be caught in the trap. In addition, the cage must be constantly checked to ensure that no foreign animals remain inside for too long. Therefore, this is an option that requires patience. A trip to the vet or to safety may occur right inside the aforementioned trap.

If we fail to catch the cat using any of the above methods, we will have to contact a veterinarian. In fact, the most important thing is to ensure the cat's safety and well-being.

Article Author: Giovanni Rizzo I love to travel and always get to know new people and cultures. Thanks to my travels, I have the opportunity to meet and discover the different species of animals that inhabit our planet. My two big passions are animals and recreational diving. This passion stems from the fact that I especially love animals that live in the seas and oceans, although I am a great lover of all animals.

What problems do cats living in the basement create for humans?

In addition to harm to health, stray animals cause other problems for residents of apartment buildings.

It can be:

  • Unpleasant smell. Cats constantly mark the territory where they live, and their feces have a pungent, easily absorbed and difficult to remove odor. In this case, there will be musty, unpleasant air in the apartments on the first floor and the entire entrance of the building.
  • Night noise. Such cute animals can make him very annoying, especially at night, when everyone should be resting, which significantly affects the quality of life, especially during their “binge” in March.
  • Theft of products. This problem is fully relevant for residents of the first floors. Leaving food on the table and forgetting to close the window, the owner of such an apartment may be left without it. Cats are cunning and intelligent animals, they are able to wait for the right moment and then steal what is unattended, which is especially characteristic of street animals, forced to fight by any means for their existence. Most residents on the first floors install special protective nets on their windows with their own hands.

Traps are an excellent mechanism for catching

If you are not constantly involved in volunteer activities, then there is no need to buy a special device for catching animals. You can borrow it from a shelter, rent it, or make it yourself. In some cities there are organizations that are interested in catching and sterilizing animals. They can readily rent out a cage for free.

How to catch a cat in a trap? First of all, put on gloves. There is a special device in the center of the trap; attach food to it, and then place the cage in the most suitable place. As soon as the animal enters it and touches the trigger, it will work and the door of the device will slam shut.

It is important to understand that after catching an animal, it must be immediately taken to a veterinarian. The doctor will check the cat’s condition, give the necessary recommendations, vaccinate, and, if necessary, perform castration or sterilization. It is advisable to make an appointment with the veterinarian before you catch the animal. The specialist needs to tell all the details from your observations of the cat.

How to keep a cat before visiting a veterinary hospital

The question of how to catch a wild cat is only part of the event. If you do not have an appointment with the veterinarian on the day the animal is caught, you will have to keep it in your home for some time. Ideally, it is better to carry out sterilization on the same day that the predator was caught, but this does not always work out that way. You should not let the animal out of the cage until it gets to the doctor. It is better to choose a secluded, shaded place for the cattery. It is important that the room is warm, this will help the captive calm down a little. To prevent her from getting stressed again, do not open the cage doors. Don't forget to feed and water your cat on time. The day before surgery, you need to stop giving her food.

While the captive is in your house, you need to take care of her diet. Both during baiting and in the future, it is not recommended to change food to which the animal has already become accustomed. It is best to give dry food and canned fish. Suitable natural crushed products: fish, meat, sausages. But milk should be excluded to avoid intestinal upset in the animal.

Finding a new home for a street cat

If there is no doubt that the animal is a stray, or after a long time the old owner is not found, measures should be taken to rehome the cat.

The chance of quickly placing a foundling in a new home increases if the animal is sterilized (neutered). When visiting a veterinarian, you can decide on an operation or find out about a preferential sterilization facility. Some shelters pay for sterilization themselves. It is much easier to adopt a sterilized or neutered cat than their mature relatives.

The style of presentation of the ad is of no small importance. The text should be interesting and original. A photo of a pet in unusual poses will also pique the potential owner’s interest and speed up the process of finding a new home.

A decision such as surrendering an animal to a shelter is a last resort. For a stray animal, this option is, of course, better than living on the street.

Good shot of a cat

Having caught a cat on the street, you should clearly understand that it is necessary to take measures to find its owner. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct a veterinary examination of the pet and treat the cat for worms and fleas. It may be necessary to treat the sick animal or sterilize it if the owner is not available. Finding an old owner or a new home can take some time. During this period, it is necessary to take on all the care of the pet (feeding, hygiene procedures, treatment, disease prevention, etc.).

When you need specialist help

Our pets sometimes end up in completely unexpected places. Remember one simple rule: if an animal is in a hard-to-reach place and cannot get out on its own, try to adequately assess the possibility of saving it on your own. A cat can climb high up a tree or fall into a vent or sewer hatch. In all such cases, you should not be a hero; it is better to seek professional help. Your pet will be saved by a special animal control service or a unified rescue service (if the situation is truly emergency).

What to do if you need to catch an animal very quickly? Consult your veterinarian about the possibility of using sedatives and ask for the correct dosage. The medicine should be mixed into the bait treat. As soon as the animal eats, keep your eyes on it. Try not to let your cat hide in the basement or other secluded place. Then try to catch a black cat in a dark room! Once the drug begins to work, the reaction will slow down and the animal will appear sleepy. At this moment you can pick him up.

Stray cats can be found both in the center of a metropolis and in a small town. It is difficult for lovers of these animals to pass by a street kitten or an adult cat. To help the tailed wanderer, you must first catch him, which is not so easy to do, because feral cats are very careful and avoid people. How to catch a stray animal? What will it take? What to do with a caught cat?

What should you consider when catching?

Before catching a pet cat, you need to consider several factors, such as:

In order to catch a cat, you need to prepare equipment - traps and gloves.

  • Before you start fishing, you need to observe the cat, study its behavior and habits.
  • Prepare equipment: gloves, traps, treats.
  • It is worth remembering that a cat can be sick, perhaps even rabid. The animal may bite or scratch. It is not necessarily aggressive, it is a reaction to fear and a stranger.
  • If the capture was successful, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian for sterilization and further examination.
  • Ask those around you if they are familiar with the animal, so as not to catch someone else’s neighbor’s cat.

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Pet carrier

A cat carrier can also be used as a catching device. It must be of good quality, made of hard plastic, equipped with a metal door and lid. The presence of these elements will allow you to use the basket according to the boiler principle. The removable lid will make it easier for the veterinarian when removing the animal from the carrier.

When catching homeless revelers, different goals may be pursued, but the principles of approach remain the same. If you live in a private house, you have a vegetable garden and a farm, then, of course, you do not need uninvited guests in the form of a wild predator. This comparison is quite appropriate for a feral cat. After all, it can cause harm to the household, for example, steal birds, and also trample down beds on a plot of land. If you find yourself in this situation, you most likely want to know how to catch a feral cat in your yard. Using a pet carrier is a very suitable option.

Luring a freedom-loving guest into a cage is not so easy. First you have to tame her a little. Only on favorable terms will the animal become more flexible. Pay attention to which side it enters the yard, and start placing food in a bowl approximately in this place twice a day. Place an open cage at a decent distance. Be patient, the luring process will take some time. When the predator begins to regularly feed on your site, begin to gradually move the bowl of food towards the carrier, then place it on the threshold, etc. The door should be closed only when you are sure of success. If you miss, all efforts will be in vain, and winning the animal’s trust a second time is very problematic, almost impossible.

What animals should you not catch?

The catch, sterilization, vaccination and release (TSR) program is designed to improve the situation with homeless animals. Its effectiveness does not require confirmation, because even cats that are sterilized and not subsequently adopted, unable to bear offspring, are preferable to kittens that constantly breed and thereby aggravate the problem of stray individuals. The more street animals are subjected to WWW by volunteers and charitable organizations, the better the situation on the streets will be.

Regardless of whether a private individual or an experienced volunteer wants to catch a tailed stray, it is not recommended to catch:

  • Self-walking cats. Although they are endangered, they are nevertheless domesticated. Not all of these animals have collars and microchips implanted under their skin. In order not to accidentally catch someone else's pet, it is recommended to first check with nearby yards to see if it belongs to any of the local residents, and make sure that it is ownerless before setting up a trap. You can recognize a pet by a number of signs. These animals have soft paw pads because they are not outside their living quarters very often. Cats that have owners have a well-groomed appearance. They do not have scratches on the body, discharge from the eyes, or symptoms of parasitic infections. They are not afraid of people who they associate with warmth, comfort and food.
  • Animals with signs of rabies. If a four-legged street tramp drools profusely, convulses and rushes at passers-by for no reason, he must be caught, but this must be done by special organizations. Having seen such a cat on the street, you need to contact the service for catching stray animals, explaining what exactly confused him in his behavior, as well as providing information about the external signs of the animal and its location.
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