Quickly remove cat urine from a surface: effective folk and special methods

Pets are happiness. But if your beloved cat with particular persistence ignores the litter box and actively leaves unpleasant puddles around the house, then you should not forget about cleaning.

Cat urine consists of three main components: urea, urochrome and uric acid, which gives a persistent, powerful, unpleasant ammonia odor.

The first two components are usually quite easily removed even with plain water, not to mention all kinds of cleaning agents, but the last component is the most difficult to remove.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine

No matter how much joy pets are in the home, having them in the same room as a person can cause problems. This is especially true for young cats - the most urgent need of the animal will be the toilet. If the owner does not train the pet to relieve itself in the tray in time, then the suffocating, pungent smell of urine that hovers throughout the apartment cannot be avoided.

Even a kitten who knows how to use a litter box can get the job done. When the owner is not at home, the stain dries out, and the properties of cat urine to emit an unpleasant odor are such that going to the toilet will be problematic. When a cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place, there is a high probability of relapse - you not only need to train your pet, but also know how to get rid of the smell of cat urine.

Method number 6. Detergent shampoos and aerosols

Use these shampoos and sprays to wet-clean or vacuum carpets and upholstery to help fight cat urine odors.

What to do?

  • vacuum the sofa, carpet or rug;
  • dilute washing shampoo in cool water;
  • beat the solution until high foam forms;
  • apply foam to the contaminated surfaces of the carpet or furniture, leaving the water and shampoo in a bucket or bowl;
  • after complete drying, brush off the foam and vacuum the coating again;
  • ventilate the room if the carpet or furniture was not cleaned in the fresh air.

Similar aerosols and cleaning products for vacuum cleaners are used according to the instructions.

Causes of cat urine odor

Cat urine consists of components responsible for color, consistency and odor:

  • sticky urea, highly soluble in water;
  • urochrome, which gives color;
  • uric acid crystals.

The persistence of cat urine is due to the presence of colorless, odorless crystals, insoluble in water and alcohol. Unlike other components, which can be easily washed off with water, urinary crystals remain as a mine with a foul odor. Activation of an unpleasant aroma occurs due to contact with water, sweat, urine and when the air temperature in the room increases.

If your pet starts leaving puddles, you shouldn’t always blame shortcomings in upbringing; there are several reasons for such chaos.

There are many reasons why a cat began to leave smelly puddles:

the tray is too high for the pet. It is important to choose the right latrine for your cat. An inconvenient toilet will be ignored by the beast;

lack of trays with several pets. Also, the cat may not like the close proximity to someone else's litter box;

the desire to mark territory is usually characteristic of young, uncastrated cats;

inability to go to the toilet due to noise or excessive attention. Many cats are afraid of children or strangers in the house. Because of this, they seek solitude in other places;

a dirty litter box is rejected by all cats;

the age of the pet or its nervous condition. Older cats may no longer be able to get to the toilet or have problems urinating.

Reasons why a cat does not use the litter tray for its intended purpose

There are several reasons why a cat may ignore the litter box and prefer other places to relieve itself.

  1. I don't like the tray. When choosing, you should compare the size of the mustachioed pet and the toilet. The tray may be too small. Choose those that are at least 1.5 times larger than a cat. Perhaps the pet does not like the installation location. It should be calm and secluded. If there are several cats, it is better if there are several trays. Keep it clean. If you don't flush the toilet well, the person with the mustache may refuse to go into it.
  2. New smells. The pet will perceive any unfamiliar smells as an attempt to encroach on his personal space. This prompts him to remind him whose territory this is. It is important to remember this when guests come.
  3. Stress. Cats are sensitive. Any stressful situation can provoke resentment in the furry one. And this will be a reason to show your dissatisfaction;
  4. Health problems. Usually applies to older cats. During this period, urination becomes more frequent, sometimes occurring suddenly.
  5. Territory marker. Inherent in uncastrated cats. They spray some urine in various places. This is done to make it clear who is in charge.

Tags are more difficult to get rid of due to the more persistent odor. The reason for this is that they contain odorous secretions of the pet.

Tags are more difficult to get rid of due to a more persistent odor

Tips for removing cat urine odor

When you discover the source of the odor, the first thing to do is to blot the puddle with a paper napkin. Do not allow urine to dry out. If urea and urochrome are highly soluble in water, then uric acid crystals can only be removed with alkali, glycerin or sulfuric acid.

Remove odors using bleach, if the surface allows. You should not use ammonia for this purpose because of the ammonia content - the same component is found in the urine of cats, which can provoke the pet to repeat the experience.

In order to remove the smell of cat urine, chemicals and folk methods that have been proven effective are used. Don't despair, we'll eliminate the smell!

Preparatory work

So, as soon as you find a greeting from a purr on the floor or sofa:

  • Find the puddle and wipe it dry with a napkin or rag. If the cat vomits or relieves himself, remove the vomit or feces away;
  • Cover the wet area with a rag while you prepare the cleaning products.

Important: test any chemical you choose on a small area of ​​carpet, upholstery or clothing so as not to spoil the item - it may change the color or structure of their surfaces.

Modern remedies for the smell of cat urine

The smell of cat urine can be removed using imported or domestic special products. Effective ones necessarily contain enzymes that can easily cope with the neutralization of uric acid crystals.

You can choose a product that is suitable for a specific damaged surface. The label always contains detailed instructions for use, which are important to follow strictly. Otherwise, the effect will be far from expected.

The cost of such funds justifies the result.

How do people remove the smell of cat urine?

Popular experts have tried a thousand and one remedies. All tips are based on strong-smelling essential and natural aromas. There is no need to experiment; above there is an explanation of the reasons for the pungent, long-lasting smell of cats’ urine: no amount of coffee, parsley, mint, or aromatic oils can cleanse the fouled area of ​​the pungent odor. But it’s easy to attract the cat’s attention and push him to a new “feat”.

People-proven remedies include lemon juice or powdered citric acid, table vinegar, potassium permanganate, 3% hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, and vodka.

You can add glycerin and potassium permanganate to the water: after soaking the urine in paper, all that remains is to properly treat the surface area with the mixture. In this case, potassium permanganate deodorizes the area and serves as an oxidizing agent. The product is not used on furniture, carpets or shoes due to the color of the substance.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be used on colored fabrics - the smell will be eliminated and the color will be easy to get rid of.

Traditional methods for removing cat urine odor

You can remove the smell of cat urine using chlorine-containing products: Belizna, Sanita, and Domestos will help fight off the “aroma.” Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the smelly area. True, such aggressive agents can ruin the fabric or carpet.

Popular advice includes in the list of effective substances hydrogen peroxide 3%, acids (malic, citric, acetic), potassium permanganate, iodine, soda, vodka, laundry soap, tea leaves and even tooth elixir.

The juice from one lemon is diluted in a glass of water. Vinegar is not used in its pure form: the proportions of vinegar and water are 1:3. Iodine is also used diluted - 20 drops are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

A good composition to fight off the stinking odor: 5 ml cap of dishwashing detergent and 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide. First, blot the stain with a rag, treat it with table vinegar and sprinkle with soda.

Apply lemon juice to the stain, cover it with baking soda, and after 5 minutes remove the foaming mixture. Afterwards, laundry soap and hydrogen peroxide will help. The remaining funds are removed with vodka.

The use of a washing vacuum cleaner will be logical only at the very last stage of cleaning: if the scene of the cat’s “crime” is not completely cleaned, and urine crystals remain, then you should not even think about getting rid of the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner.

Get rid of cat urine smell from shoes

If a fresh “surprise” is found in the shoes, then the liquid should be quickly blotted dry with a napkin. Damaged shoes are washed with water and laundry soap. Dish detergent will also work. The substance urochrome is treated with a solution of one part vinegar and 4 parts water. The mixture is applied to the stain.

If the shoes are leather, use lemon juice instead of vinegar to rub the area where the feces got in.

The hardest part is removing the uric acid crystals. Shoes are sprinkled with soda, and after a few minutes they are washed off. Instead of soda, you can take glycerin. Then the substance is removed with a napkin.

After washing the stain for the last time with laundry soap, the shoes are wiped and dried, pushing newspapers inside.

Eliminate odor from carpet

To get rid of cat urine smell from carpet, prepare baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, water and dish detergent.

Blot the wet stain with dry wipes or rags. If you wet the area, the stain will dangerously spread, ruining an even larger area. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water, and after thoroughly blotting, moisten the stain with the solution. Further actions begin after the vinegar has completely dried.

The cat's crime scene is sprinkled with baking soda. After a few minutes, 100 ml of water, 100 ml of peroxide and 0.5 tsp are poured into the spray bottle. dishwashing detergents. After shaking the mixture, spray it onto the stain until foam forms. After 2 hours, everything is cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner or a rag.

Remove odor from furniture

The smell of cat urine is removed from the sofa using potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), iodine and water, citric acid solution, hydrogen peroxide, vodka, soda, glycerin or laundry soap.

Fresh stains after the cat urinates are removed using soap, vodka and a soda solution. If the sofa is light in color, then do not use potassium permanganate, while iodine will evaporate if you heat the stained surface with a hairdryer.

Stains after bowel movements are wiped with a vinegar solution and wait until dry. Then pour soda onto the damaged area or use a soda solution. If the urine is deep, then the solution is injected inside with a syringe, this will help get rid of the problem.

Remove odor from the floor

The smell of cat urine will linger in the apartment for a long time if it is not removed. There is a method that works effectively: prepare a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3 and wash the floor three times. To avoid inhaling vinegar fumes, open windows while working.

You can remove the smell by thickly lathering the area with laundry soap. The soap dries out and is removed with water.

Another well-proven method for parquet: pour a tablespoon of vinegar into one and a half liters of mineral water. The product is sprayed from a spray bottle and after a while the floor area is wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.

Effective recipes include a mixture of Bos washing powder and water and vodka. The floors are washed 2-3 times.

Wash urine off the sofa

If a cat has urinated on a bed, sofa or other furniture, it is more difficult to remove such a stain than from clothing, but it is still possible. The main thing is to do this as soon as possible before the stain penetrates deep into the mattress.

A blanket on the furniture or other elements of the bed is more of a plus than a minus, because then the bulk of the liquid will be on them. You need to wash bedding in the same way as clothes - first get rid of the stain, and then wash it completely.

If there is nothing on the sofa, first of all you need to dry the wet area with napkins. Under no circumstances press hard on the stain - then the moisture will not be absorbed into the napkin, but will get into the inner layers, from where it will no longer be possible to remove it. For the same reason, you should not blow on dirt with a hairdryer.

When the last napkin is dry, you need to use adsorbents to absorb moisture under the upholstery. It can be salt or soda, in extreme cases starch or flour - whatever you can find at home. After this, you can start washing.


You can dilute a few drops with water or use a bar of soap - it also contains glycerin. Grate the soap and add water to create a foamy soap solution. Apply it to the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes.


After treatment with glycerin, alcohol will help remove any remaining odor. It does not remove dirt, but the pungent smell will let your pet know that this place is not for him.


Vinegar will also work instead of alcohol. Do not use it in its pure form! A 1:2 ratio with water will be enough to eliminate the odor.

Relapse Prevention

If you don’t find out all the reasons for your cat’s unpleasant behavior, then removing the smell of cat urine from your apartment will become more difficult each time.

If a dislike for this particular litter tray is obvious, then a new latrine is selected. The size of the toilet is twice that of the animal.

If the location of the tray is unsuccessful, you will need to choose another place: maybe the cat is too noisy here, or there is no chance to do the job in privacy.

You should not neglect the hygiene of the animal’s toilet, even if the owner is extremely tired.

Do not provoke cats: the guests’ things are foreign, and he will want to mark the territory.

You need to pay close attention to your pet and remove all obstacles for your cat to go to the toilet calmly.

Source of the article: https://101kote.ru/stati/kak-izbavitsya-ot-zapakha-koshachey-mochi.html

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine: 10 best remedies, How to remove the smell of cat urine from a stroller.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The unpleasant odor from a cat's mark appears for one main reason - the composition of the urine:

  • Urochrome is what colors urine
  • Urea is what makes urine sticky (after it dries)
  • Uric acid is what causes cat urine to crystallize quickly. These “crystals” do not dissolve in water, making urine difficult to remove.

When you carefully try to wash away stains and eliminate the smell of urine, you only get rid of the first components of the “mark.”

That is why, after some time, the smell appears again.

The intensity of the odor depends not only on the presence of uric acid in the urine, but also on the surface on which the “tag” is located. It is very difficult to remove the smell of urine from surfaces that absorb moisture well.

How to remove the smell of cat urine

Proven folk methods and effective professional remedies will help you.

Traditional methods

If the “trouble” takes you by surprise, you do not have time to purchase a special remedy for cat odor - use homemade remedies. Those who do not want to buy expensive detergents can also do the same.

Important! Test the chosen method on a test area so as not to spoil the entire item or surface. Non-standard reactions of surfaces to the method you choose are possible.

Folk remedies for eliminating unpleasant cat odor:

  • Mineral water with salt;
  • Potassium permanganate;
  • Vinegar;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Hydrogen peroxide and soda;
  • Iodine;
  • Glycerin soap;
  • Laundry soap;
  • Vodka.

Below is a detailed description of each method.

Potassium permangantsovka

Manganese breaks down ammonia crystals, eliminating odor. When using it, keep in mind that it may stain the surface. Therefore, use it only on non-absorbent surfaces (floors, countertops). Wipe the mark area with a saturated crimson solution and wash off the potassium permanganate with water. You need to make sure that all the crystals are dissolved - they can leave stains on surfaces.


Vinegar, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2, does an excellent job of removing odors and removing stains on fabric surfaces and carpets. The vinegar solution is poured into a spray bottle and the areas of “embarrassment” are sprayed. After this, you need to thoroughly wash the treatment areas. Clothes treated in this way are washed.

Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed juice of one lemon is mixed with a glass of water. Wipe the marked area with this solution. There is no need to rinse off - the remaining smell will scare away the cat.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda

An effective stain remover for upholstery and carpets.

  1. Method: Sprinkle soda on the stain in a thick layer. It is filled with peroxide on top. Do not be alarmed, during the chemical reaction a strong smell of ammonia is released - it disappears. The mixture is left overnight, and in the morning the residue is removed with a damp, soapy cloth.
  2. Method: 2 tablespoons of soda mixed with 15 g. peroxide and dissolve in liquid soap. Treat the stain with the resulting mixture, then rinse with warm water.

Suitable for cleaning textiles and dark carpets. 20 drops of iodine are diluted in a liter of water. The mark is treated with this solution. After a few hours, the treatment area is washed with warm water. The product cannot be used on light-colored items.

Glycerin soap

Glycerin successfully fights urea. The product is suitable for cleaning furniture upholstery. Moisten a soap bar with water and thoroughly wipe the stained surface with it. Then the area is treated with a coarse bristle brush, rinsed with warm water and dried thoroughly.

Laundry soap

The soap is grated and poured with a small amount of warm water. This paste is applied to the stain and thoroughly rubbed into upholstery, shoes and textiles. Wait 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.


It is not particularly effective as a stain and odor remover, but its main role in this case is to create an unpleasant odor for the cat. There are substances in vodka that the cat really doesn’t like, so you don’t have to worry about him wanting to leave his “mark” here again. Use undiluted vodka to treat stains on the floor, furniture and carpets. The disadvantage of this method is that the smell of alcohol takes a long time to dissipate.

Sparkling water with salt

The method is suitable for mattresses and carpets. The surface is poured with soda and sprinkled generously with salt. Wash off after a few hours with warm water.

Dry cleaning to remove old stains

Professional dry cleaning is able to penetrate deep into the mattress, which allows you to wash it from the inside. In this case, you will get rid of the annoying smell, the cause of which was difficult to get to on your own.

At your request, dry cleaning can be carried out at home using the extractor method. Specialists will use potent and “aggressive” agents. Dry cleaning is carried out in several stages:

  1. Our specialists will pre-select a product suitable for your coating or material. All professional products are environmentally friendly and safe!
  2. The detergent composition is diluted and sprayed onto the contaminated surface using an extractor vacuum cleaner.
  3. The vacuum cleaner creates a certain level of pressure, which allows the product to penetrate into the deepest layers of the product.
  4. Stubborn stains are cleaned manually using stain removers. They do not have a destructive effect on the mattress filling and sofa upholstery.
  5. After cleaning, the mattress is thoroughly rinsed with clean water and excess moisture is removed.

After dry cleaning, the mattress will dry for about 5-9 hours. You can purchase special fragrances that will serve as a preventive measure to remove odor.

Note! Regardless of the size of the stain, the entire surface of the mattress will be treated. This is necessary so that after the cleaning process there are no differences in color on the product.

Professional remedies for cat urine odor

If you are unable to remove the smell and stain using home remedies, you will have to turn to a professional. The pet industry offers a large selection of domestic and imported odor neutralizers, some of which not only drown out the unpleasant “aroma”, but also destroy it completely.

Read more about the most popular ones below.


The most popular and effective remedy is SmellOff for cat odors.

SmellOff can boast of a large number of advantages:

This neutralizer does not contain aggressive substances or strong chemical odors.

The composition contains only natural ingredients, and the pleasant aroma after processing is associated with the composition of plant extracts in the composition.

Does not cause an allergic reaction or chemical poisoning in either humans or animals.

The odor-removing effect is achieved by destroying particles with an unpleasant odor at the molecular level, and not by masking the odor with a stronger one.

To remove ingrained odors, only 50-100 ml per m² is required, and for prevention, 5-10 ml.

  • Cleaning properties;

In addition to the main effect of odor removal, SmellOff removes even the most stubborn stains.

  • Versatility;

The neutralizer is suitable for any surface, including the treatment of fabrics and shoes.

  • Easy to use.

To treat the surface, clean it of visible dirt and leave it until completely dry, after which the product does not need to be washed off.


They promise that the product kills any odors, including cat excrement. Unpleasant odors are destroyed at the molecular level, and are not drowned out by deodorizing additives included in the product.

By the way, there are not many additives in the composition - these are nonionic surfactants and food fragrance.

Advantages of Dezosan:

  • It does not mask, but destroys odor.
  • Recommended for use in washing vacuum cleaners.

Dezosan is not yet sold on the Ukrainian market, but on the Russian market the drug is in demand. 500 ml of product costs from 270 to 450 rubles, and 1 liter - from 790 to 950 rubles.


This remedy for the smell of cat urine is patented in the USA and bottled in Russia.

  • Naturalness. The composition of OdorGone is quite simple - it is water and a mixture of plant extracts;
  • Economical. Up to 10 sprays are enough to treat a small room (15 m²);
  • Safety. Approved for use in rooms with pets, asthmatics and small children;
  • Hypoallergenic. Does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • Efficiency. OdorGone is able to remove even stubborn odors;
  • The drug has bactericidal properties;
  • Biodegradable.

In Russia, a 100 ml bottle of OdorGone costs 297 rubles, 500 ml – 815 rubles. In Ukraine, similar packaging is sold for 100 hryvnia and 357 hryvnia, respectively.


A detergent with a disinfectant effect is produced in two lines - for large fur farms and for premises with 1-3 pets. Manufacturers emphasize that Zoosan does not contain chlorine, fluorine and phosphates (which makes it safe for pets and children), but contains only fragrances, antiseptics, food coloring and non-ionic surfactants.

Among the stated advantages, we highlight:

  • This product destroys “amber” at the molecular level;
  • Capable of removing stains from almost any surface;
  • Guaranteed to remove territorial tags.

Zoosan is not sold in Ukraine, but in Russia a 500 ml detergent costs from 400 to 600 rubles.

Urine-off Cat & Kitten

The bioenzyme product from American developers works great on hard and soft, horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Manufacturers carefully hide the composition of their product, but they promise that its ingredients destroy uric acid crystals and work as pheromone blockers - cats will never mark the treated area again.

Advantages of Urine-off Cat & Kitten:

  • Contains only natural plant materials.
  • Does not contain poisonous or toxic components.
  • Harmless. Can be used in homes with small children.
  • Enzymes and biological agents included in the composition decompose urine into water and carbon dioxide.
  • Allowed for use in homes with allergies

A Ukrainian consumer buys 200 ml for 58 hryvnia, and a Russian consumer buys 200 ml for 315 rubles.

Odor kill

Vanilla odor killer. This can be called a destroyer of unpleasant odors, produced in the UK. Odor kill accurately targets not only the smell of urine and feces of pets, but also the smell of fur (and also cigarette smoke, burning, kitchen and similar problematic odors).

The drug itself smells like vanilla and is completely safe for both animals and people.

Odor kill is diluted in water and this solution is used to treat all surfaces, both hard (floor, walls, tiles) and soft (carpets, bedspreads, tablecloths). A room of 400 m² requires 4 liters of Odor kill.

Advantages of Odor kill:

  • Efficiency.
  • Suitable for hard and pile surfaces.

A large bottle of the product (3.78 l) in Ukraine costs 960 hryvnia, and in Russia – about 4 thousand rubles.

What not to use

It is not recommended to use chlorine-containing products to clean cat tags (chlorine does not evaporate well in an apartment). This can damage the surface being treated and have a negative impact on your well-being and the health of the animal.

How to remove urine stains and odor from various surfaces

When removing stains, do not forget to be careful; check the surface with the mark for a reaction with the product used.

From upholstered furniture

Stains and unpleasant odors from cat urine are best removed from sofas (furniture) using potassium permanganate (if the fabric is not dyed), lemon juice or a vinegar solution.

From the floor surface

To get rid of an unpleasant odor on linoleum, laminate or parquet (floor), the same products are suitable:

  • vinegar diluted in water in equal proportions. You need to wipe the floor with the solution in such a way that its surface remains wet. After a few hours, simply wipe it dry.
  • Use lemon juice from fresh fruit in the same way as vinegar.

From the mattress

In order to get rid of the unpleasant odor on the mattress, you will need sparkling water and salt. Fill the stain with soda, then sprinkle salt on top and leave for several hours. Then remove the salt and rinse off the residue with water. Instead of soda, you can use boric acid diluted with water.

From shoes

Eliminating odor from shoes is a little more difficult. If you witness a cat “crime”, the chance of saving your shoes is much higher. So, if you notice a “fresh puddle” in your shoes, immediately put a towel (crumpled up newspaper) in it to absorb the moisture. After this, wash the shoe in water using laundry soap.

If you do not notice the “mark” immediately, then eliminating the smell becomes more difficult. You will have to wash your shoes several times with laundry soap, after which you should wipe them with a vinegar solution and dry them. Repeat the procedure until the odor is completely eliminated. If the shoes are made of fabric (sneakers, sneakers), then washing them will be enough.

Nothing helps? Buy a urine odor eliminater (spray, liquid) at a pet store and wash your shoes with this product.

From the carpet

It will be easier to deal with stains and odors on carpet or hardwood floors if you notice a “fresh mark.” Use vinegar, lemon juice or laundry soap for cleaning, just remember to first absorb the moisture with a towel (napkin). If the stain is old, then make a solution of vinegar (1/1) in water, pour it on the spot, sprinkle baking soda on top and scrub thoroughly.

From clothes

If the cat left a mark on your clothes, then simply wash the clothes and rinse them in a vinegar solution (1 tablespoon per liter of water).

Prevention measures

To prevent the problem of cat marks from arising again and again, use our tips:

  1. Treat the areas where your cat likes to mark with one of the industrial deterrents sold in pet stores:
  2. “Shit? No!";
  3. "Mr.Fresh." Unlearning to shit”;
  4. Beaphar Stop-it Cat;
  5. “Don’t shit! Don't tag!";
  6. Antipakostin "Happy Cat".
  1. Use folk remedies:
      Place a closed container with small drilled holes in the places of the marks, into which place ground coffee and pepper.
  2. Place citrus peels in places where the cat has marked - the smell will scare away the animal.
  1. Castration/sterilization surgery will help to radically solve the problem with urine odor and unwanted stains.

Method number 9. Weaning or scaring away

Agree that constantly running around the house with a damp cloth and sniffing suspiciously is not an easy task. It is much easier to train a cat not to violate the hygiene of your home.

I tried a lot, but these methods turned out to be the best:

  • In the cat’s favorite place for unauthorized urination, place pungent-smelling substances - from ground pepper, cinnamon, coffee, basil, vinegar, lemon - to gasoline, fuel oil or creosote (if the cat has completely exhausted you).
    These smells will scare away the animal; Important: place the odorous substances in a closed container with holes checked (for example, a plastic multivitamin bottle). To be sure, attach the container to the wall or furniture with tape so that the cat does not simply roll away the odorous container.
  • hang the peels of oranges, lemons or grapefruits in a net; these fruits are unpleasant to a cat’s sense of smell;
  • observe the behavior of the animal, perhaps it is offended or takes revenge on you with fragrant puddles;
  • Use veterinary drugs such as “Antigadin” and “Antigadin Happy Cat” in areas of cat marks.

Stories from cat owners

Nikita: “Our cat is sterilized and we didn’t have any problems with the smell of urine before, but a couple of months ago a terrible smell of ammonia began to come from the litter box. At first we thought that the new food was to blame. But after a visit to the veterinarian, it turned out that our girl had an inflamed bladder. The strong odor was caused by this particular disease. The veterinarian prescribed us a course of antibiotics (Monural), the cat recovered, and the smell disappeared.”

Anton: “We took the cat to the veterinarian without a carrier, he puffed up on the leather car seat in fright. I removed the smell with hot mineral water (Borjomi) and salt. I watered it with mineral water, sprinkled it with salt and rubbed it all. After treatment, I thoroughly washed the interior and seats. In order not to spoil the leather, you need to try this mixture on a small piece of upholstery.”

Maria: “I removed a stain from the sofa with a solution of potassium permanganate. They say that a vinegar solution works well - I was afraid of ruining the upholstery. My sofa is brown, potassium permanganate did not leave any stains on it. I wouldn’t experiment like that with light furniture.”

Source of the article: https://murkote.com/kak-izbavitsya-ot-zapaha-koshachey-mochi/

How to remove cat urine from clothes and furniture: 20 best odor removers, How to remove cat urine smell from a stroller.

Removing urine from shoes

How to remove cat urine from shoes is a common question among cat owners. Washing shoes damaged by a cat is quite difficult. Products made from natural materials (leather, suede, etc.) strongly absorb liquid, and if the stain was not noticed immediately, it becomes almost impossible to remove the smell. Artificial materials can react unpredictably to detergents, and if shoes are made poorly, they can become deformed after washing. Therefore, you should be especially careful when processing these things.

Shoes can be divided into 2 types according to the characteristics of care: textile sneakers, sneakers and leather boots, shoes. Fabric materials are easier to clean, and the principle of washing is similar, for example, to clothes - first remove the stain, then wash the whole thing. With leather shoes and faux leather, the situation is more complicated, because after using detergents, they still need to be ventilated. Cleaning may be necessary several times.

Some of the effective remedies against cat odor are citric acid and manganese solution. Be sure to check the reaction of the material in an inconspicuous place!

Lemon acid

Dilute the solution to a moderately sour taste and apply to the stain. Lemon juice in a 1:2 ratio with water is also suitable for these purposes. Only suitable for light-colored shoes, dark colors may become faded.

Potassium permangantsovka

Perfect for treating leather shoes and floors (linoleum, laminate) where the “crime” was committed. For leather and leatherette use a bright crimson solution, for textiles - a paler solution. Before use, be sure to ensure that manganese will not stain the material.

After removing the odor, the shoes must be washed in a washing machine or by hand. Cleaning bags is similar to cleaning shoes, and you can also use the same recipes for clothes.

Why is it so difficult to remove cat smell?

The smell of a cat always refers to the smell of urine. Unneutered pets mark their territory, leaving marks on walls, furniture, curtains, and low-hanging clothes. Animals that have undergone sterilization do not mark, but leave puddles. In both cases, the apartment smells of cats and their urine. The cat scent is very persistent due to its composition, it is especially unpleasant if the pet is sick. Deviations in health can be determined by the color of liquid stool.


There is more of this pigment in urine than others. It is he who colors it yellow. When interacting with air, the substance oxidizes and darkens.


Persistent, yellow pigment. A high concentration of this substance is a symptom of intestinal disease.

Uric acid

When dried, it forms crystals. They do not dissolve in water. Upon contact with it, they begin to smell with renewed vigor. Alkaline solutions and acids dissolve crystals.


This is a product of nitrogen metabolism. In a healthy animal it is normal and is excreted in the urine. A high concentration of creatinine is a sign of disease, a low concentration is a sign of poor, unbalanced nutrition.

Urine with high levels of creatinine smells especially bad.


Healthy cats do not have nitrites in their urine. Their appearance indicates an infection that has settled in the urinary tract. Bacteria synthesize them from nitrates found in urine.

Other electrolytic compounds

The kidneys remove urea, a product of protein metabolism, from the body. She smells specific. The norm for a cat is 4-10.5 mmol/l. A low concentration indicates protein starvation, acromegaly, pregnancy; an increased concentration is a sign of kidney disease or urinary tract disease. Urea makes urine sticky and can be easily removed with a cloth and water.

Basic washing methods

There are different methods for removing cat marks. Fresh stains are easy to remove; old ones require some fiddling.

Lemon juice

To remove cat odor, squeeze the juice from a lemon. Pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the dried urine stain. After 20 minutes, repeat the treatment. After another 20 minutes, wash clothes, wipe furniture and flooring with a damp cloth.

Potassium permangantsovka

Make the solution in different concentrations. If the furniture or floor is light, then you need a weak, pink color. If urine has soaked into the dark floor, you can add more potassium permanganate to the water. Wash (wash) any smelly item, piece of furniture, or floor with this solution. Potassium permanganate eliminates odor.

A good stain remover for sofas with dark upholstery. To get rid of them, dissolve 15 drops of iodine in 200 ml of water. Apply the liquid to the stain with a sponge and rinse with water after 1-2 hours.

This cleaning method is suitable for any dark fabrics.


You will need a spray bottle, table vinegar, water and rags. The method will be useful for those whose pet has marked upholstered furniture, carpet, rugs, or other items with pile, and the urine has already been absorbed. Pour an aqueous solution of vinegar, concentration 1:3, into a spray bottle and treat the stains found:

  • sprinkle;
  • Wait 1-2 minutes;
  • remove moisture with a rag.

This method works if you want to remove fresh traces. Baking soda is a good absorbent and should be poured in a thick layer onto the damp area. Clean off the powder when it absorbs the liquid. If necessary, repeat the procedure. To remove baking soda, do not use a vacuum cleaner; it will smell like urine and become a source of unpleasant odor.

Laundry soap

Take 72% bar soap. Wash the item by hand if your clothes smell of cat urine. To remove stains from furniture upholstery, prepare a solution:

  • water - 1 part;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 1 part;
  • soap shavings - 1 tbsp. l.

Dilute the soap with water, add peroxide. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray the contaminated areas. After about an hour, wash the fabric with a brush and rinse off the residue with warm water. The action of soap is due to glycerin. It is included in the composition and breaks down urinary stones.

Soap removes stains and odors from the carpet. They use it to lather the area where the pet has pooped. When the foam dries, wash the stain with water. Use a soapy solution with hydrogen peroxide to remove cat marks from shoes. Cats love to take revenge by marking the shoes of the offender. Clean in the same way as a carpet: apply, rub in a little, and wash off with water after drying.

Hydrogen peroxide

A product based on hydrogen peroxide works very well. When removing a fresh stain, combine it with baking soda. Pour it onto the stain and pour the solution into a spray bottle:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 100 ml;
  • dishwashing gel.

Spray the liquid over the powder. Foam will appear. You need to wait until it settles, collect the reagents, and wash the contamination with water.


It is better not to use bleaches containing chlorine. For some cats, the aroma of chlorine causes aggression, for others it resembles the smell of someone else's cat, and they begin to mark their territory, claiming rights to it.

Alcohol or vodka

It is difficult to remove a cat tag from a leather or suede bag. Use vodka or diluted alcohol to remove the yellow stain and eliminate the smell.

Rub the dirty area with a rag soaked in alcohol, the aroma will disappear.


It is easy to remove traces of urine from upholstery or clothing with vodka. It copes well with dried stains. Moisten dried urine and wait 30 minutes. Wet a sponge in warm water and run it over the fabric, removing any remaining urine.

What precautions should be taken when treating a sofa?

Every housewife must follow safety precautions when treating a sofa for urine stains:

  • make sure there are no small children or pets in the room;
  • protect the skin of your hands and face with gloves and a special mask;
  • open the windows in the room so that chemical compounds do not concentrate in the air (otherwise you can get poisoned);
  • Instead of alcohol or vodka, it is strictly forbidden to use any perfume (this will only aggravate the foul odor).

Of course, it is better to treat the sofa outside, no matter what time of year. After all, both sunlight and cold help remove odors.

Work only with thick gloves

Use of special means

It's a good idea to have store-bought cat odor repellent on hand. Store-bought medications contain enzymes and other substances that destroy persistent compounds in cat urine (uric acid, thiols) and eliminate odor.

It is better to study the composition before purchasing. Preparations containing alkalis, oxidizing agents, and enzymes are good at eliminating urine odors. It is the latter additive that breaks down uric acid. A list of proven store products will help you make the right choice. Reviews about them are positive.


Contains natural ingredients. They do not cause allergies. The contents of the bottle are enough to treat 15 m². The dispenser is convenient.


A cocktail of natural substances does an excellent job of eliminating the smell of cat urine. The spray can be used to treat any surface.


The liquid product can be used to refill a washing vacuum cleaner. The composition contains niogenic surfactants and food fragrances. The advantage of the drug "Dezosan" is that it completely destroys and does not mask the cat's odor.

"Mr. Fresh"

Odor Eliminator Spray eliminates cat odor, but smells unpleasant.

A product for neutralizing ammonia aroma, disinfection, and improving air microbiology in rooms where pets live. The spray can be used to treat any surface. It leaves no traces.


Pet Fresh powder is sold in the pet supplies section. This is a carpet cleaner. It eliminates odors and makes it easier to remove hair from the pile. The powder must be applied to the surface and removed after a while.


This is a spray. They are convenient for treating stains in hard-to-reach places. Urine-off does an excellent job of removing old cat marks, neutralizing odor, and deodorizing.

Steps to take when removing a fresh puddle:

  • blot the urine with a paper towel;
  • shake means;
  • spray over the surface of the stain;
  • wait until the fabric dries;
  • rinse with water.

BioSource Solutions Inc

It contains enzymes that remove urine stains. Clothes should be washed in a washing machine after treatment.

Hartz Nodor Litter Spray

The spray is purchased for regular treatment of cat litter. It contains no flavorings. When the substance comes into contact with urine, odor molecules are encapsulated. This limits the spread of the aroma of cat urine.

Prevention measures

Punishing a pet makes the situation worse; the animal will not stop marking. You shouldn't poke a cat into a puddle with its muzzle. In most cases, there is a reason that explains the appearance of puddles. It needs to be eliminated. To prevent the animal from shitting in the corners, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • When getting a kitten, think about a place for the toilet. The tray should be in a secluded place.
  • Treat tags with special anti-cat odor products.
  • Place dry tangerine peels into flower pots. They will discourage you from needing them.
  • Change the filler regularly.


Sexually mature, unneutered cats mark their territory. Sterilization helps solve the problem.


With diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urolithiasis), the animal is unable to control urination. The pet needs to be taken to the vet immediately. Without timely treatment, he may die.

Psychological reasons

Animals in a state of stress leave puddles. Strangers, sounds, or other animals brought into the apartment can frighten a cat. Sometimes pets shit, taking revenge for insults inflicted on them or protesting against dirty cat litter.

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