What happens if you cross Scottish cats with Persian cats?

Maine Coon cats are gaining popularity. There are many people who want to have such a cat. And demand determines supply, which is expressed both in an increase in the number of the breed and in an increase in the cost of kittens. Few people in the current situation can afford such expenses. Therefore, there is a demand for mixed breeds of this breed. Mixed breeds are not mongrels; they carry the genotype from Maine Coons. It’s worse when they try to sell ordinary cats to buyers under the guise of mestizos—this is obvious deception and fraud. The difference between a purebred and an ordinary cat is very noticeable.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the beauty of many cat mixes is in no way inferior to high-breed representatives of the cat world. But, nevertheless, before the owner brings a cat without a pedigree into the house, it is worth studying the pros and cons of such an animal.

The beauty of many breed mixes is in no way inferior to purebred cats.

Basic criteria for assessing a pet:

  • Desired age and size of the kitten;
  • Color;
  • Condition of eyes, ears and paws, absence of visible signs of disease;
  • Character traits that catch your eye when you first meet them;
  • Knowledge of the animal's tray and scratching post.

On information resources today you can find many advertisements for the sale of kittens, but it is difficult for a beginner to determine by eye whether he is a purebred.

Sellers often mislead potential buyers with stories about mating without documents and that kitten kittens cost thousands of rubles.

In such situations, the risk of buying a mestizo instead of a purebred is very high.

And, if the buyer is still ready for this, then he should pay attention to the breed

Very popular now, fold-eared cats actually have many health problems. And if the buyer can still notice obvious diseases in the form of watery eyes or plaque in the ears, then genetic diseases, alas, cannot be noticed immediately.

At what age should you start mating?

The optimal age for mating is considered to be one and a half years . If a cat has never had kittens before two years of age, irreparable health problems may arise. During this period, the animal is completely ready for fertilization and the appearance of offspring. The first mating of Scottish cats should not occur after the first heat. The cat is not ready yet, either morally or physically; all the discharge is already unpleasant for her. Against this background, she may have a nervous breakdown, she will become aggressive and distrustful.

The best time for mating is the third or fourth day of estrus 2-3. Cats of this breed are especially active in the spring; this will not be difficult to notice; they become more irritable, refuse to eat and begin to mark corners in the house. Cats, on the contrary, are more affectionate, demand attention, and stomp their hind paws.

How to distinguish from a purebred cat

The first and main difference between a purebred animal and a mestizo is the documents: the metrics of the official club.

Often in advertisements there is wording that the parents are purebred, but are not members of the club, or only one parent of the kittens has documents. At the same time, the sellers assure that the kittens are purebred and not a mixture.


When buying a British dog, pay attention to his coat and eye color. The common and popular color of the British cat is gray-blue or lilac; there are, of course, others, but they are less common

At the same time, the British coat is short, dense, and seems plush in appearance and touch.

The common and popular color of the British cat is blue-gray or lilac; there are, of course, others, but they are less common. At the same time, the British coat is short, dense, and seems plush in appearance and to the touch.

The eyes of purebred British dogs are bright orange. The tips of the erect ears are rounded, the muzzle is wide and flat.

A common misconception is that there is no such breed as the “British Fold”.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon mixed breeds have been a common marketing ploy in recent years.

It is very difficult to distinguish a mixed-breed kitten of this breed. But, if a kitten is offered for sale, older than three months, which has already developed the tufts characteristic of Maine Coons on the tips of its ears.

A long fluffy tail and a large body for a 3-month-old kitten also indicate a possible relationship with the Maine Coon.

Maine Coon mix

Of course, when choosing a kitten, potential owners look not so much at appearance as at character traits, dreaming of getting a kind and affectionate pet. Mixed breeds of different cat breeds inherit both the physical and mental characteristics of their parents’ breeds.

Therefore, with good care and kind attitude, mandatory vaccination and castration, any mestizo will please the eye no worse than an ordinary purebred cat.

Who is a mestizo

The term “mixed breed” was introduced by felinologists - biologists who study the characteristics of domestic cat breeds and their breeding aimed at improvement. This term describes an animal born from the mating of two varieties.

It is fundamentally different from the so-called “culling” because kittens with a defect in color or health, but born from representatives of the same breed, are not mixed breeds. Very often, mestizos are called simple mongrel cats.

Owners who do not understand the standards of varieties and are chasing fashionable cat traits are much more pleased with a “murka” with the features of a Maine Coon or Persian than a purebred kitten for a decent amount of money.

Features of pregnancy in fold-eared cats

The course of pregnancy in lop-eared females differs from other representatives of the cat family.

Due to the calm nature of this species, there are no mood swings, bursts of aggression, or isolation. The mother carries the kittens for approximately nine weeks. At the end of the mating, the animal calms down, becomes affectionate, and willingly makes contact with members of the household.

Pregnancy can only be determined after two or three weeks. The nipples change color, swelling and a more pink tint are observed. However, these signs are characteristic only of young animals; in older cats - older than three years of age - such signs may not appear.

Pregnancy can be determined after two to three weeks.

First half

The first half of pregnancy is characterized by increased appetite.

At this stage, fish feeding should be stopped to avoid the destruction of B vitamins, as they contribute to the normal development of embryos. It is necessary to increase the amount of food containing calcium: dairy and lactic acid products in the form of cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, kefir, yogurt.

Cottage cheese will be useful for a cat in the first half of pregnancy.

Second half

The second half passes calmly and only further growth of the abdomen and an increase in overall weight are observed.

In the second half of pregnancy, growth of the abdomen is observed.

It will be possible to determine the number of fold-eared and straight-eared kittens only after twenty-two days. At the first stage, the entire brood looks exactly the same, and they cannot be distinguished.

Third week

By the end of the third week, the cartilage begins to mature and strengthen, and everything falls into place. In Fold kittens, the ears curl even more and bend towards the head, while in Straights they gradually straighten.

By the end of the third week, kittens' cartilage begins to strengthen.

Mongrel cross

The most unpredictable variants of a Scottish cat's mixed breed can be found when it is combined with a “noble” breed. In addition, if the mating took place on the street with a real yard cat, not a domestic one, his children can also get various infections, so they should immediately be taken to the veterinarian and undergo all tests.

British and Scottish cats are 2 different breeds!

Lately, it’s very common to see messages, advertisements, and the funniest thing is that they call with questions like: “Selling/Buying a British Fold” or “Selling/Buying a British Straight,” although British cats have always been British, not folds or straights. But thanks to unreasonable owners who want to “match their British cat with a Scottish Fold” in order to get beautiful fold kittens, there are many such representatives. What’s even worse is that many clubs with a dubious reputation allow British and Scots to breed, and they get this new breed of “British Fold”! With such matings there is one “BUT”, these are two different breeds. Since 2004, matings between British and Scottish cats have been prohibited, and those that mate will, in extreme cases, become Scottish!


One of the fundamental differences between the Straight and the British is the shape and placement of the ears. The Straight's ear is narrower at the base, it is set almost vertically, without a noticeable tilt forward or to the side. It is precisely this shape and position of the ears of straight cats that determine the spectacular expression of the “folded ear” mutation in their descendants – folds, when the ear completely fits into the contours of the head. On the massive, heavy head of a Briton, the Straight's narrow ears look inharmonious. The straights themselves have a muzzle that is not so wide as it is small and round.

Another important difference between Straights and the British is wool. It should be dense, but thin, tender and soft

The British have such wool that does not meet the standard.

Finally, Folds and Straights, according to the standard, are less massive and heavy-boned than the British, and must have a longer tail with a thin stem.

left is brie, right is straight

from left to right: Persian, British, Scottish


There are also differences in breeding. If to obtain a British breed you need to mate a male and female only

British breed, then a repetition of this in Scottish Folds will lead to a number of defects in the musculoskeletal system and abnormalities that can easily kill the offspring. Kittens with abnormalities can be easily distinguished by their thickened tail and strongly curved paws, which do not allow the animal to move. Today such matings are strictly prohibited. To breed Scots, one of the parents must be of the Scottish Fold (Fold) subspecies, and the other must be a Scottish Straight (Straight).

Bottom line.

The British is a purebred breed, while the Scottish is genetically bred.

In appearance, the main differences are noticeable in the structure of the body, muzzle, paws, tail and, of course, ears.

According to the mating method, a Briton allows only the combination “British + British”, and a Scot allows “Scottish Fold + Scottish Straight”.

Continuing the theme of mating British and Scottish cat breeds (see and ), finally, the third and final part. So

What the owner should know

In order for the offspring to be healthy, you need to know some features of mating Scottish Folds:

  • You need to select a partner of a similar breed, that is, Scottish, but not Scottish Fold. In this case, the best option would be Scottish Straight. This breed of cat has straight ears. If a Scottish straight-eared cat is mated, then the opposite is true, the cat must be fold-eared.
  • You cannot cross a Scotsman with a British breed. In this case, the cubs are too large, the tail and head are deformed, and the structure of the coat does not meet the standards.
  • The male must have a uniform color, good quality coat, and a proportional build. You should definitely pay attention to the tail, it should be flexible. This factor affects the health of the animal's spine. This way you can avoid developmental defects in the baby.
  • You should also pay attention to the cat's ears. It would be correct if they are directed forward, small, widely spaced and do not extend beyond the head. An important feature is the ear folds, it is very good if they exist. Such breeds are considered unique. It is best if there are two of them, and they are tightly folded on the head. It is very rare to meet a Scot who has three such folds.
  • It is important to assess the health of the male; he should not have dandruff or any discharge from the eyes, nose or ears. The animal should not be emaciated or too large, everything should be within normal limits.

Many owners of Scottish cats begin to look for a partner through advertisements. This method is not bad; you can select a suitable candidate. But there is another simple way, breeder clubs that specialize in Scottish folds . The specialists working there will be able to help you choose a suitable male and tell you about his characteristics. By choosing this method of mating, you can be sure of healthy offspring.

Before mating, it is advisable to agree on the amount of the cat’s owner’s fee. He usually gets one baby, which has straight ears. There are always fewer fold-eared kittens; it very rarely happens that all the cubs from one litter are straight. If this is the case, then the cat’s owner receives money as a reward. The amount is equal to the cost of a Scottish Fold kitten.

Before mating, it is advisable to personally make sure that both partners are treated for worms and other parasites. It is permissible to treat the cat before intercourse for diseases such as rabies, chlamydia and other diseases, as well as to prevent worms.

The room where the whole process takes place must be clean, bright, dry and spacious, and it must be warm. The intercourse of animals can last several days, so you need to be prepared for the trip. You need to take with you a tray with filler, bowls for food and water, and the food itself. It happens that a cat is very aggressive, so before mating you need to trim its claws.

Your cat may not get pregnant the first time. In this case, it is necessary to bring her to the cat on the 2-3rd day of the next estrus and leave her there for a couple of days . In one day, a cat can cover a female up to 14 times, but after a few days he ceases to be interested in her.

Crossbreed with Siberian cat

Similar problems can be observed in a hybrid of a Scottish and Siberian cat, which has a fairly large bone structure. In appearance, such kittens can turn out to be completely unpredictable: some will have fairly short hair, but an elongated muzzle, while others will have the opposite. But in any case, the Scottish child's face will definitely no longer exist. Kittens from a Siberian cat and a Scottish cat or vice versa - from a Scottish cat and a Siberian cat look more severe. In addition, they may develop unpredictable genetic problems. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to breed a Scottish cat with a Siberian cat is no.​

Is it possible to crossbreed a Briton and a Scot?

All cat breeds are allowed to breed with each other. They have the same chromosomal map (19 elements from each parent) and a common genetic sex pattern (male cats have XY, and female cats have XX). In each individual case, breeders pursue a specific goal. The cross between a British and a Scot is very significant in this context. To understand the logic of action, you will have to look at the history of these two breeds.

The native English Shorthair cat has a long pedigree line. Perhaps her ancestors came to the islands 10 centuries ago and adapted perfectly to their new conditions. Like all old species, they are not subject to hereditary genetic changes and demonstrate good health and enviable longevity.

Positive qualities of cats

You often hear that mixtures of varieties or unspecified cats are smarter and tougher than purebred couch sissies. This is partly true, because... these cats receive a set of genes from which they take the most useful qualities for survival in nature.

Mixed breeds of big cats or exotics look very attractive and unusual, combining the size, grace and unusual features of several breeds.

The character of an animal depends not so much on the breed, but on upbringing

It is still better for cat owners to remember that the character of an animal depends not so much on its breed, but on upbringing and care.

Mixed cats are subject to mandatory neutering before or after they reach the age of sexual maturity. No matter how beautiful such animals look, they cannot be bred in the same way as “pet”-class and “culling” cats.

Metis or mongrel?

True purebred cats are significantly inferior in number to outbred and mestizo cats, the difference between which lies not only in color, but also in behavior and health. As a result of family ties that were carried out for improvement, purebred cats have numerous mutations and a number of congenital pathologies. Mestizos and outbreds are distinguished by stronger physical characteristics and immunity.

Outbred cats often have short hair, which helps with hygiene. The most common color is brindle, but tortoiseshell, blue, spotted and solid are also found. According to their external characteristics, yard cats can be divided into northern and southern types. Those living in the north are distinguished by thicker, lighter hair and stocky, large physiques, while those living in the south are darker, smoother and more graceful.

A mixed-breed cat is also a mongrel cat, but has the characteristic features of purebred cats. This is manifested in color and physique, character and health. Mixed breeds have a chance to get the breed. To do this, the owners need to breed offspring from a mixed-breed parent couple (not father and mother, but of the same breeds) and cross the offspring with each other. And only the fifth generation can become a contender for thoroughbred.

Preparatory stages

If you decide to purchase a purebred kitten, then you need to take care of some important aspects in advance:

  • Food containers. It is recommended to purchase 3 bowls, which will be made of ceramic, nickel-plated metal, or Teflon-coated options. Place them in a secluded place;
  • Toilet tray. For a baby, choose an option with low sides. Place it in a place where the kitten can reach it. Choose a special filler with a “stimulating” aroma;
  • Carrying. Fold-eared kittens need regular examination by a veterinarian, and for this the animal must be taken there in comfort. In addition, if you want to pursue your pet’s career, you will have to regularly take him to exhibitions;
  • Toys. Many people believe that it is not necessary to spend money on this. This is a serious mistake, since games are important for the normal physical and psychological development of the animal. It is not recommended to use various ribbons, garlands and foil toys;
  • Scratching post. If you do not want the wallpaper and furniture to be torn, then you definitely need to purchase this item;
  • Shampoo. Your arsenal should include a dry option that will help clean the fur from dust, as well as a special shampoo for short-haired cats.

How to care for a British kitten in the first days in a new place?

For an animal, moving to a new home is always a big stress. In order to reduce possible negativity, prepare in advance the conditions for its normal existence. Give the kitten time to get comfortable, make sure that all dangerous places are isolated. Play will help your animal relax, so use any method to engage him.

Another important rule - do not leave the animal alone, as it may get scared. Don't raise your tone, be calm, give your baby the opportunity to sniff you

Bring the kitten to the area where the toilet is located, as well as bowls of food and water.

To train him to use the toilet, place him in a tray several times, which should contain a mixture of filler: the one you bought and the one you used in your pet.

How to care for lop-eared kittens and rules of education:

  • Do not tease or play with your baby with your hand, as this will provoke aggression. As a result, this will become a habit for the kitten, and he will constantly scratch and bite. For entertainment, use special or self-made toys;
  • If you see an animal misbehaving, do not hit it under any circumstances. Since this will cause him to mistrust, and in the future, with any wave of his hand, he will be afraid. To distract the kitten and show him what he is doing wrong, just clap your hands and sternly say “Fu”. The same category of prohibitions includes the use of a spray bottle and a vacuum cleaner;
  • All breeds of cats, Scottish and British as well, perfectly understand the intonations of the human voice. The animal must understand why exactly it is being scolded and praised. This refers to the fact that everything should be done on time, so if you discover something dirty only after a while, there is no need to scold the kitten.

Nutrition rules

If you have a baby from 2-4 months, then it will look something like this:

  • Breakfast: half a pack of baby cottage cheese, without any additives;
  • Snack: a small piece of shredded chicken with broth;
  • Lunch: dry food for kittens;
  • Dinner: a little raw beef minced through a meat grinder.

Be sure to remember that there should be a bowl of purified water next to your food.

When the animal has grown, the nutrition changes slightly and can be like this:

  • Breakfast: a pack of baby cottage cheese and boiled chicken with broth;
  • Lunch: dry food with various additives;
  • Dinner: raw beef.

How to choose the right kitten

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a pet, it is not enough to listen only to your inner instinct. Experts advise following the basic rules:

Ask the breeder about all the offspring to determine whether the kittens are suitable: where they grew up, what their character is, whether they were examined by a veterinarian, whether the kittens were picked up after two weeks of age. Have any preventive treatments and vaccinations been carried out? First look at mom. If the kittens are from a nursery, then you should find out as much as possible about the parents. You should not take obstinate representatives who hiss and scratch.

A healthy animal can be identified by the following signs:

  • clear eyes without discharge; clean area under the tail; shine of wool; absence of bloating - the first sign of helminthiasis; energy and curiosity; communication with brothers; fearlessness.

Any kitten - purebred, mestizo or mongrel - can become the best friend and companion. He will reciprocate the sincere love and care of the owner. You should not chase expensive, fashionable and purebred cats; it is better to bring into your home a faithful and devoted companion who will not leave you in difficult times and will brighten up the melancholy of gray everyday life.

How to choose the right partner

Every owner should know exactly with whom to cross a Scottish Fold cat in order to get beautiful and healthy kittens. The choice of a partner must be carried out responsibly and according to all the rules .

  • It is best if the animals have similar colors and basic characteristics. This way you can breed ideal offspring that will meet all the requirements for a given breed.
  • It is better not to mix different colors; this can lead to kittens with coat or eye color that is inappropriate for a Scotsman. But such breeds are considered not purebred, they are more difficult to sell and cannot be shown at exhibitions.
  • It is impossible for a cat and a cat to have intercourse together if at least one of them has his ears pinned back. This can lead to defects in kittens; they are born very weak and die quickly.
  • You should not breed animals if none of them have previous experience.

Thai cats and their differences from mixed breeds

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Siamese cats appeared in England, but people noticed that they differed from each other in body structure and divided the breed into two types:

  • cats with a strong build and rounded heads are the ancestors of today's Thais; graceful with an elongated muzzle - Siamese.

The Thais interested scientists and work began to improve the breed. As a result of the work, today there are three types of Thais: classical, traditional and modern.

Purebred Thai cats should have a large round head with a high forehead and a convex, powerful sternum. Almond-shaped eyes and set ears prove that the breed came from the East. Thanks to numerous crossings, the standard color of the Thais was diluted with cream, red, tortoiseshell and tabby (brindle).

By nature, these are loyal, balanced cats with high intellectual abilities, very sociable and able to change intonation.

A mixed-breed Thai cat, after crossing with a barn cat, has a pronounced external resemblance to the breed, but is fundamentally different in character due to its unbalanced psyche. Such mestizos can be aggressive and angry. This is due to the instinct of a hunter who is forced to defend his territory in the street.

If a mestizo comes from different breeds, then the traits of both parents will be visible in the character and appearance.

The result of mating a Maine Coon and a regular cat

The cat and the Maine Coon were bred naturally and all efforts of the breeders are aimed at preserving their character traits:

  • friendliness;
  • poise;
  • agreeableness;
  • caution;
  • lack of aggression;
  • loyalty.

A Maine Coon mixed breed, obtained as a result of mating a representative of the breed with an ordinary cat, loses its characteristic features or they are distorted. The color of the coat will not change much, because most outbred cats have a color similar to the Maine Coon, but genetic traits of their ancestors may appear. Eye color will depend on the dominant color of the father or mother.

Maine Coons have medium-length hair, and if the partner was smooth-haired, then the kittens will be born with short hair.

Character, weight and body structure are difficult to calculate. A Maine Coon mixed breed can combine the traits of both parents and have different characteristics. Kittens are more massive than outbred cats, but inferior in size to purebred cats, the same applies to their character: some are affectionate, others are more aggressive.

Why should Scots be bred with Scots?

Thus, mixing the Scots with the British is bad. But with the Scots it’s good. Why?

For Scottish Folds, the main asset of the breed, which brings a significant part of the points at exhibitions and championships, is their ears. Initially, representatives of the breed simply had ears that “hung”, bending forward. Now, thanks to selection work, they have two or even three folds. The breed standard requires that fold ears be small, folded and not protrude beyond the contours of the head. Therefore, the task of breeders is to achieve maximum fit of the ears to the head.

And this factor is significantly influenced by modifier genes


Scottish Straights, having straight ears, still carry hidden genetic information about the lop ears of one of their parents, which is passed on to the next generation.

Therefore, by crossing a lop-eared cat with a cat that has modifier genes for the same lop-earedness, you can achieve the best results in the offspring and get excellent show-class animals.

The British do not possess these modifier genes. And when interbreeding a Scottish Fold with a British dog, the result is kittens whose lop ears are based on the genetic material of only one parent - the Fold. The tightness of their ears often leaves much to be desired. Such kittens may have one sweet ear on their ears, and they are directed to the sides, and over time they can stand up. And such ears can turn out to be much wider and more powerful than the standard prescribes. Alas, not an exhibition option.

The Scottish Fold differs from the Scottish Straight only in its ears; all other breed characteristics are the same. Therefore, crossing them with each other improves the breed.

And, of course, mating two Scots, who have a lighter frame compared to the British, significantly reduces the risk of negative consequences of the mutated cartilage gene in offspring.

And finally about the patient.

So, Russia, having recognized the Scottish Straight breed, found itself “ahead of the rest.” It would seem that all owners of Scots should rejoice and throw all their efforts into improving the young breed. But no! Everything in our country is again... not as it should be.

Some of the “breeders” (put in quotation marks) still continue unjustified interbreed matings with the British under the slogan “they bred before, and nothing…”, thereby grossly blurring the breed characteristics.

Moreover, in order to get a litter consisting 100% of the popular Folds, completely unscrupulous owners cross Scottish Folds with each other, not caring at all about the health of the kittens.

What could this lead to? To the appearance of a layer of sick animals of an unknown breed. And they will ban the Scots here, like in Europe, and that’s it!

From the comments to the first article:

— We bought a kitten, Scottish fold, female, at the age of 1.5 months. After a couple of months, the ears straightened, not quite of course, they seemed to be directed forward, and the muzzle, it seems to me, became somehow sharper, although with cheeks. Now I have doubts about what breed my favorite belongs to, and what kind of offspring I should expect (my friends were promised kittens from our cat).

- The kitten’s mother cat is a cross between a fold and a straight, and the father is a breeding fold - that’s what the breeder wrote to me... I look at the photo, the mother’s ears are neither this nor that... they don’t stick out like the British, for example, but they don’t hang like my kitten...


Dear cat lovers, especially those who are just planning to get a kitten! If you want a healthy and purebred baby, contact clubs or real responsible breeders - where work with genetic material is carried out competently! Documents are required. It may be more expensive, but this is a guarantee that you will get a strong pet that meets all breed standards.

Don’t be fooled by advertisements like “I’ll sell a British lop-eared dog for 3 thousand rubles.” Unfortunately, our illiteracy contributes to the prosperity of such would-be breeders.

Of course, this applies to all breeds. But this is doubly true for the Scots breed, since it has genetic “pitfalls” that, if handled incorrectly, can lead to big problems.

My cat Izya is a Scottish Fold. And we all adore him for his kind character and sweet little face with round eyes and small flat ears.

The Scottish cat breed is interesting and unique. So let it be!

From the comments:

- Hello, I have a question. I have a Scottish Fold cat, if I cross her with a British cat, will the kittens be British or Scottish?

How does the knitting process take place?

All actions take place in the territory of the male’s residence. Before breeding a Scottish Fold cat, it is contraindicated to wash it, as this will deprive it of the characteristic odor that attracts the male.

Most often, the entire process occurs without the help of the owners, but it happens that animals get lost, especially cats. In this case, they need to give time to rest, get used to it and sniff.

The male may show interest, sing songs to the female, and she, in turn, responds to his advances. If the female is not ready to mate, the male senses this and simply leaves. In this case, further actions will be ineffective; you need to wait for the next heat.

The following are the rules for mating Scottish cats:

  1. Age of the cat. You can take her to a male only during estrus and at the age of 1 year. Even though they reach puberty at 6-7 months, they are not yet ready to have offspring. Moreover, the animal is not yet fully formed, and this can lead to serious health problems.
  2. You cannot cross two Scottish Folds, or with a British male. This can lead to health problems for kittens.
  3. If you plan to use kittens for exhibitions, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a partner, his pedigree, color and other characteristics.
  4. It is imperative to monitor the health of the animals; in case of any ailment, it is better to postpone the mating process.

If you follow all the rules, then mating a Scottish Fold cat will bring beautiful, healthy and strong offspring.

Many owners of the Scottish Fold breed are interested in the question of who can breed a fold-eared pet with, and what kind of offspring is expected from this union. The answer to this question is ambiguous and depends on the purpose of mating.

Where do they come from?

It is worth noting that modern veterinarians, dog handlers and felinologists are against non-professional matings between breeds and representatives without documents and permission to breed. This happens not because these specialists are sorry that new species will appear, but because there are more than 60 varieties of cats.

Many of the officially recognized ones are also originally crossbreeds of two breeds, which, as a result of selection, became an independent species. This is how the British and Scottish breeds, Munchkins, and Ukrainian Levkoy were developed.

The work of felinology to improve these breeds continues to this day.

But it also happens that mixed-breed kittens appear in a family where they are not familiar with the methods and conditions of breeding. This often happens if animals of different sexes are in the same room during estrus. Or the owners let the animals go out for a walk during the mating season, which ends in the cat becoming pregnant from an unknown cat.

Of course, such situations are an example of irresponsible animal keeping, since they pose a threat to both the pet’s life and its health.

Mixed breeds are also produced by owners who decide to independently experiment with matings between breeds

Mixed breeds are also obtained from owners who decided to independently experiment with matings between breeds, which, in their opinion, produce unusual and beautiful crosses and offspring.

A mixture of British and Scots: varieties and description of mestizos


The offspring of mixed feline “marriages” are often called designer animals. Through experiments, breeders try to obtain some unique appearance features or coat colors, and sometimes even hope to create a new breed group. However, the British Shorthair/Scottish Fold cross has a different story. These cats are blood relatives and are very similar in appearance. But the planned matings between them are carried out for another reason. Let's find out what kind of mestizos are born from British and Scottish breeds.

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