Choosing a kitten - Questions and answers about Maine Coon cats.

Pros and cons when buying a Maine Coon

There are many advantages:

  • Maine Coons, despite their impressive size, are affectionate and playful animals, they grow up slowly, and even a hefty animal behaves as if it were a small kitten;
  • they are friendly and accommodating, get along well with other cats and dogs;
  • Maine Coons are quiet cats, they can not only meow, but also make melodic purring sounds;
  • Coons have a spectacular appearance, they know how to make an impression - a huge cat with lynx tufts on its ears and a fox tail will surprise and delight anyone;
  • this is one of the most intelligent cat breeds, cats perfectly sense the mood of the owner and react appropriately to it;
  • Maine Coons are proud, but not capricious or vindictive.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • Coons are very active, which, given their size, can lead to disruption of order in the house; you need to constantly play outdoor games with them;
  • these cats cannot stand loneliness, they cannot be left alone for a long time;
  • in order to equip a Maine Coon in a home, you need special houses and complexes for large cats, because standard items will be too small or light for them;
  • kittens of this breed are expensive, and if the baby is given away cheaply, it is not a Maine Coon;
  • An adult animal grows large, it eats a lot, it needs vitamins and nutritional supplements in considerable quantities, and this is very expensive.

Let's sum it up

I told you everything I knew about these beautiful cats. The main thing is not to offend the kun. Even if we discard the mystical stories that something bad will definitely happen because of the negative energy released by an offended cat. This is too kind, wonderful and vulnerable creature. Offending him is the same as offending a child. If you learn this simple rule and love your pet, you will receive a devoted friend for the entire time allotted to both of you by fate.

I hope you liked this article, Maine Coon care: nutrition, health, apartment maintenance. Character of cats. Reviews from owners (PHOTOS) Please read our article Maine Coon: cat breed, description, photo

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The decision has been made, what next?

If there were more arguments in favor, there are still a few questions left to answer.

Cat or cat?

Cats are more active, playful, sociable and spontaneous. Cats are outwardly calmer, but more cunning and willful, they are more careful than cats, and there is less hassle with them.

What future awaits the kitten?

Any purebred animal belongs to some class: pet, breed or show. Before purchasing a kitten from a nursery, it is better to decide in advance whether it will be a pet for the soul or a breeding animal involved in breeding. Cats and cats of the "pet" class are sterilized upon reaching the appropriate age (this point is usually specified in the contract), their breed qualities do not matter much, so a "pet" can be chosen with a light heart based on mutual sympathy. By the way, among the “pets” there are also show-class animals, so such an animal can be exhibited in a castrati group.

If a kitten is purchased for further breeding, the choice should be taken especially responsibly. It is advisable to take a specialist consultant with you to the nursery who is well versed in the breed - he will be able to assess the potential of the animal. We must remember that a Maine Coon of breeding class is not only the pleasure of communicating with a beautiful animal and participating in exhibitions, but also a great responsibility and a lot of work.

What type of Maine Coon should I choose?

Modern Maine Coons are classified into two types: there are American (classic) and European (extreme) coons. These are two branches of the same breed, so it all depends on the personal taste of the kitten’s future owner. Some people prefer big-boned, shaggy “Americans” with round eyes, others prefer huge “wild” European Maine Coons with luxurious tufts on their ears. This is exactly the case when “all Maine Coons are good, take your pick.”

After you have finally made the decision: “We will have a Maine Coon,” you should not rush and immediately run with money and a carrier to the nearest nursery or call the advertisements posted on advertising boards. A kitten, even if you buy it, is not a thing, but a living creature that will live nearby for many years (and Maine Coons live on average up to 12-15 years).

Therefore, you need to learn as much as possible about the peculiarities of keeping an animal, about hereditary diseases and, of course, about breed standards, especially if you plan to purchase a breed-class animal. There is a lot of such information in reference books and on the Internet. The next step is to visit at least one major exhibition, where you can take a closer look at the coveted Maine Coons, compare representatives of different nurseries, and at the same time meet the owners of the animals and find out their coordinates.

Where to buy a Maine Coon

Special literature about Maine Coons has been studied, questions have been asked on the forums, all show champions have been photographed, and the phone numbers of the breeders have appeared in the notebook. So, it’s time to hit the road for the little coon.

There are several places where kittens are found and where theoretically you can choose any baby, even a Maine Coon:

"Bird Market"

In the actual place you can’t go there for the little coon, because he simply isn’t there. Yes, the prices are attractive, the pictures are convincing, the kittens are cute. But the animal, sold as a future Maine Coon of the championship title, is not such. At best, this is a distant half-breed Siberian with fake documents. In addition, pet markets are often breeding grounds for diseases, so if you already own an animal, you should go there with caution.

Avito and other message boards

Bulletin boards on the Internet offer dozens of cub kittens, for every taste and color, at any price. Here you can also find animals from good nurseries, but more often on such resources they offer mestizos, defective, and even sick animals. In addition, photos of kittens may simply be stolen from other sites. An advertisement on the Internet - a lottery ticket, the winnings are one in a million.

If you don’t have enough knowledge about Maine Coons, it’s better not to take risks - there’s a high chance of being disappointed. Well, if you have an understanding and knowledge of all the characteristics of coons, especially kittens, then why not. In this case, it is necessary to check the documents of the kitten’s parents: if the parents are without documents, then this purchase is a lottery. Also, inexperienced breeders cannot always take into account all the needs of a little coon and, for example, fail to foresee any disruptions in its development.

Nursery websites

There is usually more information about kittens here, but it still needs to be carefully checked. There is no direct connection between the quality of the website and the prestige of the nursery. It happens that there are few photographs posted on the site, and those that are available are photoshopped. However, the coordinates of nurseries for a personal visit can be found there, and if the site is well organized, frequently updated, has complete information about breeding animals and kittens and contains many photographs, then such a nursery can be visited first.

Sometimes the nursery website is the only opportunity for the buyer-breeder to order the desired kitten, especially if it is located in another city or abroad.


Perhaps the most reliable way to meet the parents of kittens and their owners. The only problem is that exhibitions are not organized every day and not in every city. Buying a kitten directly at an exhibition is not recommended for several reasons. Firstly, a breeder who takes care of kittens will not bring even vaccinated babies to a place where there is a mass gathering of animals, so the choice is small.

Secondly, a kitten, finding itself in unusual conditions, experiences severe stress, which does not have the best effect on its health. Thirdly, in the bustle of the exhibition there is no opportunity to properly examine the kitten and thoroughly check its documents. Therefore, at the exhibition it is better to communicate with the breeders: they often have catalogs with them or simply photographs of the kittens available in the nursery.

In the nursery

First, you should call all the sellers of small coons, ask about the price of the kitten and arrange a personal meeting at the nursery.

  1. If an animal is sold too cheaply, there is reason to wonder why. Keeping a Maine Coon is an expensive business, so by definition a kitten cannot be sold below cost if everything is in order with it. Perhaps the owner is saving on the animals’ nutrition or their health, or perhaps the baby himself has flaws that the breeder prefers to remain silent about, eager to quickly get rid of the problem kitten in a bag, even if it’s labeled “Maine Coon.”
  2. The kitten's owners promise to bring it themselves, but do not invite it to the nursery. Of course, you won’t be able to see the baby’s parents, much less see their pedigrees and veterinary passports. This is a reason to refuse a suspicious offer and choose a Maine Coon kitten from another cattery.
  3. They invited me to the nursery, but it turned out that cats of different breeds were kept and bred there. There is a possibility that the purchased kitten will turn out to be half coon, half shaved or half Persian.
  4. The owners of the nursery, at the first request of the buyer, must show a certificate giving the right to breed Maine Coons. You should also read the documents of the kitten’s parents, and even better, see the adult animals in person. Often, by the appearance of the parents, one can estimate how their offspring will grow up.
  5. The room where Maine Coons are kept should not be dirty, cluttered or overcrowded. It is better to refrain from buying a kitten from a cattery where cats are kept in cages - animals in such conditions develop mental problems.
  6. You should not visit several nurseries on the same day, so as not to endanger the animals contained in them. All kinds of viruses are easily transmitted on clothing and shoe soles.

Will the kitten grow up big?

Maine Coons are very large animals, but no one can say for sure how this or that kitten will grow up. If the breeder claims that the cat will grow up to be a huge giant, it is better not to delude yourself too much.

Much depends on the parents, as well as on nutrition. To understand approximately what a kitten can become, you need to look at mom and dad. This is not always a guarantee, but if there is a genetic predisposition, then most often Maine Coons grow up to be the same as their parents.

It would be a good idea to ask to see photographs of graduates from this breeding couple. Also, in addition to the fact that size is influenced by genetics, it is also worth paying attention to the kitten’s food. The better the food, the larger it will grow.

First meeting with a kitten

And now, finally, the long-awaited moment of meeting the kunyats has arrived.

  1. Kittens must be at least 12-15 weeks old. By this age, basic vaccinations have already been completed, the baby has been fed with mother's milk, microchipped, registered in the club, socialized and accustomed to human society. He already has a complete set of cat documents. If kittens are offered for sale at two months of age, it is better to refuse such a purchase in order to avoid problems with the baby’s health and associated costs.
  2. Before meeting the kittens, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the behavior of the mother cat. If she not only warily watches the stranger, but shows aggression, hisses and attacks, there is a possibility that the kittens have inherited her hysterical character, which means that difficulties may arise with the socialization of the animal.
  3. If the kittens show interest in the visitor, sniff him, and try to climb onto his lap, this is a good sign. It is worse if they are lethargic and apathetic, but sometimes such apparent indifference to the outside world is a consequence of the timid nature of the kitten.
  4. Kittens at this age have already developed their character in general terms. Based on the behavior of a little coon, you can determine what kind of adult animal will be - active or calm, a bully or a couch potato - and choose the one who will be ideally suited to the owner in temperament.
  5. The moment of mutual interest is very important. Not only does a person reach out to the baby he likes, but the kitten also chooses a person for itself. It is desirable that they coincide in their sympathy for each other.
  6. Now you can carefully examine the Maine Coon kitten you like. It should have large paws, a long fluffy tail, large ears with tufts and a developed “box” on the face. The coat of a healthy animal is shiny, not greasy, the eyes and ears are clean, without discharge, the gums are pink, without redness or ulcers. An overly swollen tummy is a sign that the kitten may have worms. The little baby should move actively, not limp, not sneeze, and not shake its ears.

Moving a Maine Coon to a new home

“And the heart said: here he is!” Choosing a Maine Coon is not an easy task, but it is finally done, the contract with the owner is drawn up in duplicate and signed. The kitten is ready to go to a new home.

But before you put your baby in the carrier, you need to clarify some points related to keeping the little coon:

  • find out what food the kitten was given at the nursery;
  • find out which toilet and filler the baby is used to;
  • see what scratching posts are installed in the nursery;
  • take from the owner of the nursery all the coordinates, from phone number to email address for emergency contact if necessary.

And what will happen next, nature will decide. It is impossible to predict whether the cute fluffy will grow into a giant with tassels on his ears or remain a cozy cat for the soul, but we can say with confidence that he will be the most beloved.


It is recommended to buy a Maine Coon kitten that is 3-3.5 months old. There are several reasons why it is better to take an older animal:

Time for vaccination

In the first three months of life, the kitten receives several vaccinations, which cannot be completed before this period. Buying an animal at a younger age means giving it all the necessary vaccinations yourself.

Feeding period

It is advisable for the kitten to feed on its mother's milk until it is two months old.

Mental development of the baby

During the first three months, the kitten socially adapts and learns. During this time, he adopts the necessary habits from his parents, gets used to people and learns about the world around him. If there is a sharp break with his mother and siblings, irreparable harm can be caused to his psyche.

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