Breed and character of the Abyssinian cat from nose to tail tip

The Abyssinian cat is a devoted friend, with a character that simultaneously resembles both a cat and a dog. They are very inquisitive and follow their owner with great interest, wanting to help him in all his worries. Royal exterior, predatory grace and a kind, loving heart - this is the shortest and most accurate description of Abyssinian cats.

What surprises has this breed prepared for us? Is it difficult to maintain them? What should you prepare for when buying an Abyssinian cat? In this article you will find answers to these and many other questions.

History of the origin of the Abyssinian cat

Abyssinians have gained popularity a long time ago. However, scientists still cannot establish the geography and time when they first learned about the breed. Such uncertainty has led to the formulation of several versions. According to the first, cats first came to Europe after the British won the war against the Abyssinians in 1868.

It was from Ethiopia (Abyssinia) that these graceful animals originated. The main evidence for this version was a book with information on the Zulu cat, which was acquired by Captain Barrett-Leonard after the military campaign ended. Despite the similarity in appearance, which matches the description of the Abyssinian cat, there is no definitive evidence that Zulu was an Abyssinian.

Another version of the origin

The second version is based on the fact that the animals were of Egyptian origin, since ancient figurines depicted cats similar to them. Perhaps it was this graceful breed and the independent character of the Abyssinian cat that attracted the priests and was an object of worship for the mysterious Egyptians. In addition, a genetic analysis showed that Abyssinians have close family ties with cats that in ancient times lived on the coast of the Indian Ocean.

However, the ancient representatives of the breed became extinct, and modified Abyssinians have reached us. They were first presented to the world in Great Britain at an exhibition in 1871. They took third place among the other one hundred and seventy breeds.

A detailed description of the breed and character of the Abyssinian cat was made in 1882, and the original standard appeared in 1889. The pets were officially recognized and entered into the stud book in 1896. In 1900, the first cats of this breed were brought to America, which allowed these beauties not to disappear from the face of the earth.

As a result of the Second World War, the number of these cats on the European continent was reduced to a minimum. There are only about thirteen representatives of the breed left. It was the Abyssinians in America who helped restore the number of pets.

The changes that occurred with American cats led to the fact that breeders divided the breed into two branches: European and American. Beautiful and graceful Abyssinians quickly became popular all over the world. However, in the CIS they were something exotic for a long time. According to CFA data, Abyssinian cats ranked second in popularity among shorthaired breeds in Europe and America in 2012.

Reviews from Abyssinian owners

Alexey was pleasantly surprised by the Abyssinian breed. I gave my wife a birthday present and guessed right: her beloved is as happy as an elephant and there are minimal problems with the cat. I got used to the tray quickly. The character is affectionate and kind, slightly selfish. Now two housewives meet me from work.

Snezhana I have been loving my Abyssinian for 3 years. The ideal character of a companion for me is that he never gets bored. He climbs everywhere he can and where he can’t. There is no need to wipe off the dust on the cabinet. Snuggle up when I'm at home. Generally obedient and kind character.

Elena Elegant “living figurine”. This is how our relative called our Abyssinian favorite Fortuna. We fell in love with the breed from the first meeting at the exhibition and later began choosing a kitten. A cat requires a minimum of care, the main thing is to make sure that it doesn’t accidentally catch anything on the shelves, but it’s better to remove it. Overall an active and intelligent cat.

Appearance of the Abyssinian cat: Characteristic features

Abyssinian cats are strong and flexible. They are of medium size, well-developed muscles and long lower limbs, allowing pets to jump to a height of six times their own length. Males are much larger than females. The weight of the animals ranges from 3 to 4.5 kilograms. Purrs have a chiseled silhouette and harmonious physique, which allows them to move gracefully. American Abyssinians are more graceful than European ones.

This breed has pronounced characteristics that are inherent in the Abyssinians of both the first and second branches. The animal's skull is wedge-shaped. The occipital line smoothly passes into the neck. The nose is straight, the chin is rounded and well developed. The muzzle is clearly defined. Males may have pronounced cheeks. If a cat has a pointed muzzle with fox-like features, then this feature will be considered a breed defect.

The cat's eyes are round, almond-shaped with a wide set. The shade can be anything from green to amber. They have a black outline, which makes them more expressive. The animal's ears are large and widely set. They taper and become rounded at the ends. The ears are covered with short hairs on top and have a bald patch in the center.

Cats have a long, graceful neck and a flexible, elongated body with a rounded chest and a slightly arched back. The limbs are thin, strong and long, the paw pads are oval with small toes pressed together. The tail is long and thin. The coat is short, silky, soft with a slight undercoat.

Unusual color

The color of cats is warm and rich with unusual tints and lack of pattern. This effect is achieved by ticking, a condition where each hair has alternating light and dark stripes. The soles of the hind legs, spine and tip of the tail are darker, while the belly, chest and inner surface of the paws are lighter than the rest of the pet's body. There are also four more varieties of animal color. This:

  1. Creamy red shade - faun.
  2. Brown-red shade - ruddy.
  3. Blue tint.
  4. Reddish-red – Sorel.

In addition, the animal may have a silver or purple undercoat tone, which is also considered the breed norm.

Defects of the breed include a narrow or overly rounded head, large cheeks, stripes on the paws and patterns on the body. Also included in this list are undercoat that is too light, small ears, shortened paws, a short tail, lack of edging on the eyelids, an unbroken necklace and too light coat on some parts of the body.

Character Traits of the Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinians are distinguished by their activity and constant desire to explore the world around them. It should be noted that such activity and playfulness remain in pets until the end of their lives. Despite the fact that cats have a predatory appearance, they are balanced, very affectionate and intelligent. Aggression is alien to them; during games they do not release their claws and tolerate manifestations of love from small children.

Since cats are constantly busy patrolling their homes for interesting activities, they try to climb as high as possible to observe what is happening. The owner must provide the animal with this opportunity by creating play and viewing areas for it.

Abyssinians are very neat and clean, so they will not tear up furniture or knock over flower pots. But during games, they may inadvertently catch fragile objects or even accidentally fall out of the window. To prevent this from happening, you need to put everything valuable away, and be sure to put an anti-cat mesh on the windows.

Cats of this breed have an independent character and a developed sense of self-esteem, so they will not tolerate disrespectful treatment and will not sit on your hands if they do not want to. Their character resembles that of a dog. They are loyal, love active games and bring thrown balls and other small toys to their owner.

Cats are good mothers, so they do not need help either during childbirth or when raising their offspring. However, Abyssinians need to be given enough attention, since a lack of it can cause them to get sick and become depressed.

brief information

The Abyssinian cat is an ancient short-haired breed. The ancestors of these animals were found before our era. The exact time of appearance of individuals with an appearance that has characteristics of the Abyssinian cat breed, as similar as possible to those that distinguish its representatives today, has not been established.

The Abyssinian is distinguished by an active, inquisitive character and high intelligence. The pet is independent and at the same time requires obligatory attention from the owner, but only when he wants it. The animal is devoted to its owner, and like a dog, it has a hard time if it changes homes as an adult.

Representatives of the breed have good health, and how long Abyssinian cats live depends mainly on the conditions of their keeping. With proper treatment of animals and proper nutrition, they live up to 15 years, and sometimes 20 years. It does not require large expenses to maintain an animal. Abyssinians get along well with children and take part in their games, but only if they are not caused any unpleasant feelings. Cats also get along well with a variety of pets.

Care and education of the Abyssinian cat

Reviews from Abyssinian owners note their unpretentiousness and ease of maintenance, but at the same time, due attention must be paid to the cat’s health so that the pet gets sick less often and lives a happy and long life in the family.

Having brought a kitten into the house, its owner should take into account that despite the fact that the breed and character of the Abyssinian cat oblige the baby to be brave, in childhood he is very timid. Therefore, he needs to be introduced to the environment gradually. The kitten should be given maximum attention so that it quickly gets used to the new environment. The baby needs to be introduced to the bed, tray and scratching post.

Abyssinians are not afraid of water and love to swim. However, it is not recommended to bathe your pet frequently. Once a year will be enough. It is necessary to carry out water procedures during molting. It is also necessary to carefully care for your pet's oral cavity, as Abyssinians are prone to the formation of tartar. In addition, you should keep your ears clean and your fur brushed. It is enough to comb the animal once a week.

Breeders of Abyssinian cats recommend feeding them with special food intended for this breed. It can be selected by a veterinarian. You can also feed your cat natural food, but the proportions must be carefully observed so that the diet is balanced. The cat cannot be overfed, so it needs to be fed twice a day, giving the dose calculated by the veterinarian. A small kitten needs to be fed three times a day until it is one year old.

Meat and fish can only be given to animals in boiled form. Unlike other breeds, Abyssinians love to eat fruits and vegetables, and the owner himself will eventually determine which ones according to the tastes of his pet.

Basic moments

The Abyssinian cat has well-established character, advantages and disadvantages, which is typical for purebred animals. The Abyssinian cat has the following characteristics of the breed.

  • A friendly character that allows Abyssinians to easily make friends with other pets.
  • Can be kept for families with children, even small ones.
  • Graceful and majestic, the Abyssinian cat has a soft character.
  • Good disposition and affection are combined with independence: cats communicate with their owner only when they want to.
  • Cats of this breed are shy and can be very afraid of sharp and loud sounds.
  • Mobility and a strong passion for play, which is why the animal needs to be constantly looked after so that it does not break something or injure itself.
  • The Abyssinian breed is a climbing cat; they love to jump on shelves and cabinets, throwing off everything that is there.
  • Cats cannot stand loneliness and show interest in all the affairs of their owner, perceiving them as an exciting game, which is why they can sometimes seem intrusive.
  • High intelligence allows you to quickly accustom the animal to the tray and scratching post and make it clear that damaging furniture and walls with claws is strictly prohibited.
  • The Abyssinian cat is easy to train.
  • Quick adaptation to the rules set by the owner.
  • Not excessive shedding and a calm attitude towards bathing greatly facilitate the process of caring for a cat.
  • Undemanding to feed.
  • Good health.

Diseases characteristic of the Abyssinian cat

If we talk about Abyssinians in general, they are distinguished by their health and cheerfulness. If an animal gets sick, the illnesses are primarily associated with improper care and nutrition. The animal may develop retinopathy, causing it to go blind within several years. This problem can be detected at an early age and complications can be prevented.

As your pet ages, anemia may occur due to a lack of pyruvactinase. Renal amyloidosis was also diagnosed, which poses an increased danger to the cat’s health. Breed characteristics include hip dysplasia and luxating patella.

To prevent the development of diseases, they should be prevented in time. The cat needs to be taken to the veterinarian every six months, given vitamins and vaccinated. In this case, the owner can be sure that his pet can live from fifteen to twenty years.

What is the best way to feed a cat?

Experts' opinions on feeding cats dry food or natural products are divided in half. It is more convenient to use the first option. The diet will be completely balanced, filled with the right amount of useful microelements. But such premium food is expensive. And not everyone can afford it. Whereas cheaper analogues do not match the quality. They can even harm your pet.

Among natural products, you should give preference to fresh meat. It is first frozen in the freezer. There is no need to fry or boil it. The cat is primarily a carnivore and needs fresh meat. Fish should not be overused. Useful vitamins and microelements will be included in the diet along with carrots, beets, broccoli and zucchini.

How to choose the right little Abyssinian?

You need to purchase an Abyssinian kitten only from trusted breeders or in nurseries. You can ask the breeder in advance to send photos of available kittens. The baby should be taken no earlier than three months. At this point, the seller will vaccinate the pet, teach it to use a tray and feed itself. In addition, the kitten will be psychologically ready to move to a new home.

When purchasing a baby, you need to be prepared to obtain medical certificates and a pedigree from the breeder. The animal must first of all be playful. And also have shiny fur, clear eyes, a confident gait and good contact with the future owner. All these signs indicate that the kitten is healthy and ready to move to a new family.

Where did this breed come to us from?

The cat belongs to ancient breeds. Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia, is considered its homeland. Images of animals were painted on the walls of the pharaohs' houses. Cats occupied places of honor on the chairs of rulers.

In 1907, the royal breed appeared in America. During the war, the Abyssinians disappeared from European lands, but thanks to people involved in breeding cats, this breed safely reappeared.

The kitten does not look like an adult. As a child, the Abyssinian is cute and clumsy, but with age it acquires graceful habits and a royal bearing.

Interesting facts about the Abyssinians

The breed and personality of the Abyssinian cat is a mixture of something unusual, so you can find many interesting facts about it. We would like to present to your attention a few of them:

  • Since Abyssinians are similar in character to dogs, a cat can be trained to fetch a ball in its teeth. Other breeds do not have such an interesting skill;
  • According to statistical data, Abyssinians most often have males in their litter. There are an average of four cats per female;
  • Many owners of these graceful beauties claim that their pets can hypnotize with their gaze. And during active play, they can suddenly fall asleep, taking unusual positions in their sleep.

In addition, Abyssinians can climb rocks well and disguise themselves as animals of the mustelid family (ferrets).

Photos of Abyssinian cats

At the end of the article we would like to offer you a selection of photos. They clearly show the breed and independent character of the Abyssinian cat.

Abyssinians are very attached to their owner. Therefore, they need to be socialized from birth, accustoming them to people. A properly built relationship between the acquired baby and the owner will become the key to true friendship and trusting relationships between an adult Abyssinian and a person in the future.

What is the price

The cost of Abyssinian kittens starts from 15 thousand rubles. Depending on how titled the parents are and the color of the animal, the cost changes. The price of elite individuals can reach up to 100 thousand rubles, and in rare cases, more.

Abyssinian cats are excellent companions for adults and children. They combine the appearance of wild ancestors and aristocratic behavior. An Abyssinian cat must fully comply with the description of the breed, if it is purebred.

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