Kurilian bobtail or “cat without a tail”. Description of the breed, photo

Once upon a time there lived on an island a large fluffy cat with a pom-pom tail, strong hind legs like a hare, and the habits of a dog - this is how the story of the Kuril Bobtail . The cat lived on the archipelago between Siberia and Japan. The harsh conditions made her a master of survival. Local residents coexisted peacefully with packs of wild cats and valued the animals as excellent rat catchers. Many years have passed since then, Kuril Bobtails have become pets, but today they remain dexterous hunters.

General description of the Kuril Bobtail breed

Kurilian Bobtail
cat can be called a “lynx in miniature.” Approximately the same body structure, the same smooth movements, a short stubby tail, a characteristic pockmarked coat color - all this is a smaller copy of a wild predator.

The Kurilian Bobtail has:

  • muscular and compact body of medium size,
  • smooth curves of the body,
  • the head is shaped like an equilateral triangle with roundings,
  • the forehead smoothly transitions to a straight nose,
  • low cheekbones,
  • full cheeks,
  • strong chin.

Body structure:

The hind legs of bobtails are noticeably longer than the front ones.

The body of the animal is strong, but not rough, slightly elongated. The limbs are of medium length, the paws are round, the tail is very short, shaped like a “pompom”. The length of the tail is no more than 10-12 cm. It is well pubescent, composed of 2-12 diversified vertebrae and can be characterized by varying mobility.

A distinctive feature of the Kuril Bobtail, in addition to the practically absence of a tail, is the structure of the paws. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs, which is why cats of this breed are always slightly tilted downwards.

Another feature is that the claws do not retract into the pads, so when bobtails walk on the floor, a slight clicking sound is heard, like from a small dog.

In addition, they have an agile gait

like a wild cat stalking its prey.

Head structure:

The ears are set high and wide, rounded at the ends and have characteristic brushes.

The Kurilian Bobtail's eyes are slightly slanted, medium in size and almond-shaped, not protruding or deep. According to standards approved in 1995, the color of a cat's eyes must correspond to a certain color. Any shade of yellow-green eye color is acceptable.

Weight and body size of Kurilian Bobtails

Active growth of Kurilian Bobtails usually ends when the kitten is 6-7 months old. Thus, already at 7 months you can understand how large your cat will be. The body size is standard; there are no exact parameters for what a cat of this breed should be.

Average weight

adult Kurilian bobtails: males - 4-6 kg, females - 3-4 kg. But there are also heavyweights: cats can weigh up to 5.5 kg, males - up to 9.5 kg.

How long do Kurilian Bobtails live?

The life expectancy of Kurilian Bobtails is different compared to cats of other breeds. On average, bobtails live 15-20 years.

Feeding the cat

You can give your Kuril cat special food that you buy in the store. But the ideal option is to establish a nutritious diet with natural products.

The table shows an approximate balanced diet for a Kuril cat.

Important! Cat food should not be salted!

Authorized ProductsHow much and how often can you give (once a week)For kittensProhibited Products
Raw frozen beefDaily. 120 g 30 gPork, lamb, poultry
Boiled boneless chicken and thawed offal3-4 timesChicken bones
Boiled fish without bones1 timeFish bones
Egg yolk, boiled or raw2 times1 timeEgg white
MilkDailySugar, salt, spices
Milk porridgeDaily
Dairy productsDailyDailyLegumes
Chopped greens as a food additiveRepeatedly
Dry brewer's yeast (additive)3-4 times
Vegetable oil1 tsp. daily A few drops every other day
Mineral and vitamin supplementsIn accordance with recommendations. Constantly AlwaysMedicines that are intended for people
Fresh clean waterAlwaysAlways

Since Kurilian Bobtails often have kidney problems, it is not recommended to give them dry and canned food.

If you follow these rules, your pet will be healthy and active.

Kurilian bobtail wool

This type of cat breed is distinguished by the fact that its representatives can be both short-haired and semi-long-haired.


Short-haired Kuril Bobtails should have a thin and small coat with a thick undercoat. The hair is longer on the lower part of the body and at the back.

Semi-longhair cats have long and fine hair and they also have a clearly visible and dense undercoat. There is a “collar” on the animal’s neck and chest.

Kurilian bobtail color

can be absolutely anything: red or gold, black, white (except for color point and Abyssinian).

The most standard colors are tabby (the color of a cheetah, leopard) and bicolor (the ratio of white to other colors).

“Tiger” stripes on a cat’s body are another color option: there are vertical lines on the sides of the animal, and a dark stripe stretches along the tail and back.

Also, there is a marbled color, when there are characteristic stains on the sides of the bobtail, and two lines run along the back.

Bobtails love to talk using different intonations and sounds.

The uniqueness of bobtail wool

is that it practically does not get wet. Water flows off it in small drops, like from a goose. Their fur rarely gets dirty, does not stick together, and does not form tangles.


American Bobtails have developed intelligence. They easily learn the rules of behavior in the house and quickly get used to using a tray and scratching post.

Kittens usually receive basic socialization in the breeder's home. In the new apartment, the baby needs to be shown a potty and be closely monitored in the first few days. If the short-tailed cat does not immediately remember where to relieve himself, he begins to worry, sit down, the cat must be carefully transferred to the tray. A smart kitten will quickly understand what is required of him. You cannot hit your pet for peeing in the wrong place. His negative emotions will be associated with the process of evacuation itself, and not with the place. The cat will begin to hide in the corners, and it will be much more difficult to train him to use the toilet.

You need to immediately wean your Bobtail away from playing with your hands. A grown large animal can unknowingly cause serious injury to a person. When the baby begins to bite or scratch, the game must be immediately interrupted and offered a special ball, fishing rod, teaser or mouse instead of fingers. An active Snow-Bob will be happy to engage in special “entertainment” activities and will not tear up furniture or books.

Thanks to their extraordinary mental abilities, Bobtails are easy to train and can master some simple commands. The main thing is to organize classes in the form of a game, then the Yankees will happily study, enjoying the additional attention from the owner.

If a child does something illegal, it is enough to reprimand him in a stern voice. American bobtails try not to disappoint their owners and have a great sense of intonation. When a young cat loses control of energy during play, it is permissible to spray it with a spray bottle. Representatives of this breed do not like water very much. He will associate pranks with unpleasant sensations. In general, Bobtails are very obedient; problems with their upbringing rarely arise.

Character and intelligence of the bobtail


Despite the fact that the Kuril Bobtail is very similar to a wild lynx, it is a surprisingly kind and cheerful animal that loves human company and gets along well with all household members.

In terms of devotion to its owner and boundless friendliness, it is rather a dog

than a cat. She always tries to be close to people, is interested in their affairs, and has a pleasant and unique voice.

Bobtails love to sit on people's laps, to be in the center of all events, but at the same time they are unobtrusive. If they see that the owner has no time for them right now, then they do not particularly insist on the next portion of attention to their person.

But it is important to remember that cats of this breed are very attached to their owner.

, and if you are away from home for a long time, your pet will be very bored.

Get along with children and other animals

Unlike most other cat breeds, bobtails do not “walk on their own”, but look for opportunities to follow people everywhere. Along with this, they are extremely patient and never offend children, even if they constantly drag them around, pull their ears, etc.

If there are other cats of the same breed living in the house, they almost never quarrel and are even able to establish their own hierarchy.

In addition, they are distinguished by amazing courage, are not afraid of dogs at all and make friends with them.


Kurilian Bobtails are active and curious cats

It is important to understand that these cats are very active. They need free space to play, jump, run and climb. They can jump very high and climb into the most inaccessible places. However, damage to household property from their “adventures” is no greater than from representatives of other breeds.

An interesting feature of Kurilian Bobtails is their love of water.

, they swim, dive perfectly and are even able to catch fish in a pond on their own. The hunting instinct of these animals is simply excellent. They enjoy catching mice and rats.


Bobtails are very smart and easily remember what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do.

The Kurilian Bobtail can be taught to walk on a leash, perform tricks and even play games.

An important and useful feature of these cats is that they almost never mark their territory. This, of course, can happen, but only if cats of a different breed live in the house.


Since this breed lived and developed in completely wild conditions, the animals are in good health and can live 15-20 years.

However, you shouldn’t leave everything to chance, you need to follow the basic rules, and your animal will be around for many years.

Take care of your pet's eyes and check his ears regularly. Special lotions have been developed for both eyes and ears to make daily care easier. If you notice bad discharge from the eyes, or a dirty black coating begins to appear in the ear, do not delay a visit to the veterinarian. Even a seemingly ordinary ear mite can cause a lot of trouble. And if you see a doctor at the wrong time, treatment may take a long time.

Remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat!

It is necessary to drive worms out of the animal. Now veterinary pharmacies have a very large list of drugs created specifically for these purposes. These include tablets, pastes, suspensions, and even drops that are applied to the skin of the animal. And their spectrum of anthelmintic action is very wide. Choose a drug that is convenient to use for you.

The gene that is responsible for the tail mutation does not cause any other diseases.

Care, maintenance and nutrition

Caring for the Kurilian Bobtail:

1. Since the fur of Kuril Bobtails has a lot of unique properties, these animals need to be bathed no more than once a month, and there is no need to comb them at all.

2. Nail trimming is also not worth doing. It is enough to install a scratching post in the house and the animal itself will put its claws in order.

3. It is important to monitor the condition of the cat’s teeth and cleanliness of the cat’s eyes and ears.

4. Periodically you need to take a damp cloth or swab and wipe the animal’s eyes.

What to feed Kurilian Bobtails:

1. The Kurilian Bobtail is a native cat breed and it is advisable to feed it as if it were in its natural habitat. His diet should include: meat, sea fish, healthy vegetables and even herbs.

2. Food must be balanced and contain a maximum of vitamins and minerals.

3. But dairy products are contraindicated for bobtails.

4. It is not advisable to mix natural and artificial food during one particular feeding.

How to choose the right kitten

The first thing you need to understand is the purpose for which a purebred kitten is purchased: for breeding, an exhibition career, or just for fun. The cost of the animal will depend on this. In any case, it doesn’t hurt to collect the most complete information about the bobtail breed.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a kitten, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • the age of the purchased animal must be at least 2.5 months;
  • You can only buy a pet from trusted bobtail breeders;
  • a breed certificate is required;
  • the animal must have the necessary vaccinations;
  • When purchasing, you should check for the presence of standard breed characteristics;
  • the kitten should be active, playful, with a good appetite.

The future owner of a purebred animal should understand the responsibility that he assumes. Regardless of the purpose for which a cat is purchased - for breeding work to maintain the purity of the breed or an exhibition career - it requires, first of all, love and care.

Kitten care

To keep your cat healthy for many years, you need to take care of her from an early age and follow the rules:

  • the animal must be litter trained. By the time of purchase, all bobtail babies already know how to use the litter box. The contents of the tray should be changed regularly;
  • The baby's diet should be varied. There is a large selection of special foods for kittens; choosing a suitable diet will not be difficult;
  • Dishes should be kept clean;
  • in the first year of life, kittens are not bathed unless absolutely necessary;
  • at the age of 3 months, animals are given the first anthelmintic prophylaxis; it is repeated every 3-6 months;
  • it is necessary to “make friends” of pets with a comb. The combing procedure should be enjoyable for the kitten;
  • The animal should be accustomed to the scratching post. Then the furniture in the house will be in order;
  • You need to examine the kitten’s ears once a week;
  • there should be no small objects on the floor, shelves and other accessible surfaces. The baby may choke on them;
  • it is necessary to remove all wires from electrical appliances;
  • The kitten should not be allowed to go out onto open balconies and windows.

Kittens eat little but often. To prevent them from starving, bobtail breeders recommend leaving food, water and milk out overnight.

History of the breed

It is believed that Kuril Bobtails have lived on the Kuril Islands since the 8th century AD. However, they came to Russia quite recently - in the 90s of the last century. They were brought to the mainland by Russian research scientists, and breeders began breeding them. At the beginning of this century, an international federation and club of bobtail lovers appeared.

Now specialized nurseries exist in various countries of the world. The Kurilian Bobtail is a close relative of the Japanese Bobtail.

In conclusion, we will dispel some myths about Kurilian Bobtails.


The Kurilian Bobtail can be of all traditional colors. The most common cats are red, gray and tabby.

The standards of almost all organizations allow any amount of white patches on the belly, chest, paws and other parts of the body, regardless of the base color.

The following photos show what the Kurilian Bobtail looks like:

Some more photographs and pictures are collected in the following video:

This cat is simply fearless. What breed is still capable of this?

Myths and truth about Kuril Bobtails

1. Kurilian bobtails are cats without a tail.

Yes, they are often called that. BUT! All Kurilian Bobtails have small tails. Moreover, you will not find bobtails with absolutely identical tails.

2. Kurilian bobtails have their tails docked.

It is not true! Kittens are born with short tails.

3. Bobtails do not shed.

This is not true. Like any cat, Kurilian Bobtails shed.

4. Kurilian bobtails do not mark territory.

Unfortunately, this is also a myth. If the cat is not neutered, then the bobtail, like any other cat, will act out.

5. Bobtails do not damage furniture with their claws.

Yes it is. Short-tailed cats are well-mannered cats.

6. Kurilian Bobtails love to travel and walk on a leash.

And it is true. Bobtails are easier than other cats to learn to use a leash. This is one of the most comfortable cat breeds for traveling.

Tips for choosing a kitten

As mentioned above, it is better to purchase a baby from a nursery. This may initially hit your pocket, but in the future it will save a lot of money, since kittens from the nursery are much better than those that you can purchase through an advertisement site. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers sell unkempt and sick kittens, on which they will then have to spend both time and money.

Once you have chosen your baby, be sure to examine him. This should be a well-groomed kitten with healthy fur, clean shiny eyes, active and mobile. He should not hiss and bite, nor should he get scared and hide. The fur should not be matted, bad breath should also be unacceptable, and the area around the anus should be clean.

Be sure to ask the breeder what and how the animal was fed. If you plan to switch it to another food, find out how best to do this without harming the animal.

Mandatory questions include worming the animal and vaccination, as well as the availability of a veterinary passport.

Photos of Kurilian Bobtails

Photos of bobtail kittens

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