American Maine Coon and European - differences between species

The Maine Coon is a native cat breed that originated in the United States. Its development and formation took place mostly in Europe, where breeders and breeders developed new lines of animals, securing in them certain character traits and external characteristics inherent in modern Maine Coons. This led to the emergence of two intrabreed varieties: American and European.

American Maine Coon breed

The Maine Coon comes from the northwestern part of the United States, Maine. The breed received its name from this state. According to one legend, the American breed arose from the intimacy of a raccoon with a cat. As proof of this hypothesis, the color and tail of the animal are like a raccoon. There is another legend that says that the Maine Coon came from the cat’s acquaintance with the American lynx. The reliability of this version can be confirmed by the presence of peculiar tassels on the cat’s ears. They look like a real lynx.

European Maine Coon

It is also said that this breed was born thanks to the actions of the English Queen Marie Antoinette. One day she planned an escape from the country and ordered all precious things to be loaded into the holds. Her wealth included purebred cats. The Queen failed to arrive in America. However, the team of sailors was able to reach the treasured shores. Subsequently, there was a crossing of imported cats with local ones.

According to experts, the above versions have no basis in reality. The appearance of the breed is associated only with natural selection. A century and a half ago, imported long-haired cats from Asia crossed with local short-haired felines. This formed the special features of Maine Coons. The breed first gained popularity at a fair in a village in 1885. From that moment on, Maine Coons began to visit civilized countries.

The first Maine Coon was brought to Europe in the 70s of the last century. There, over time, it began to acquire unique external characteristics. Thanks to the accumulation of mutations, the European species was finally formed in the 90s. Since then, the types of Maine Coons have differed.

Comparison of European and American Maine Coons

The classic representatives of the breed include the American Maine Coon. They maintain the status of a national breed. Breeders closely monitor the conservation of this species. Their distinctive features:

  • large rectangular body;
  • wide chest;
  • well-developed muscles;
  • a short muzzle with a smoothly curved profile on a massive head;
  • long flowing tail;
  • round and large eyes;
  • high forehead;
  • wide set small ears.

An equally important difference between this species is its fur. The American breed is characterized by a silky, long and thick coat. It has a bright color of warm tones. The American representative has tabby patterns that are brighter than those of the European Maine Coon.

The goal of breeders is to achieve greater differences between the European type and the American Maine Coon variety. Europeans have the following characteristics:

  • long and proportionate body;
  • low-set forehead;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • a long tail;
  • long, narrow legs;
  • powerful chin;
  • long and straight ears with tassels;
  • narrow and slanted eyes.

Europeans do not have luxurious thick wool. They are characterized by a smoky color, which attracts the attention of many cat lovers. Visually, such a cat looks more menacing than its American relative.

Important! Both American and European Maine Coons have a friendly character. They are not characterized by aggression. They are reserved, active, trusting creatures that need attention.


Fans of the American Maine Coon type make every effort to preserve the natural qualities of the breed, while adherents of the “Europeans” strive to change the features of the traditional appearance of these cats and finally consolidate these changes.

The main differences between European-type cats and Aboriginal cats:

  • longer body;
  • elongated, almost triangular muzzle;
  • oval, set far apart eyes;
  • large, high-set ears, decorated with lush tassels;
  • less voluminous coat, lack of a thick mane and lush “pants” on the paws;
  • The color is most often a solid smoky color rather than a patterned tabby or agouti.

One look at the representatives of the European type makes it clear that these cats are decorative pets, reminiscent of a lynx, and not hunters - rat catchers, like the American Maine Coons.

General characteristics and description of the American Maine Coon

Maine Coon mixed breed - a mixture with a regular cat

American Maine Coon breed standard:

  • Weight. This animal has considerable weight, varying between 5-8 kg. A castrated cat can weigh up to 15 kg. The weight of females is 3.5-9.4 kg.
  • Body, bones, muscles. The breed is characterized by a rectangular, long and large body. All parts of the body are proportional. There is a wide chest and a flat back. It has strong bones and powerful muscles. Cats can be smaller than cats.
  • Head and muzzle. The head is usually elongated, and the muzzle has pronounced cheekbones. The chin is massive and rectangular in shape. Cats have a wider muzzle.
  • Ears. They are large, with pointed tips. The shape of the ears is a regular triangle. The fur growing in the ears extends beyond the outer edges of the ears. The distance between the ears does not exceed the width of the ear.
  • Eyes. Large and round eyes, widely spaced. They can be any color.
  • Front and hind limbs. Their length is proportional. They are straight when viewed from the back. The paws have a rounded shape. The front ones have 5 fingers, and the back ones have 4.
  • Tail. Wide and long tail that tapers towards the end. It is covered with smooth flowing fur.
  • Wool. It is quite thick and fluffy. There is a noticeable mane on the neck, and the “pants” have abundant undercoat. Wool has water-repellent properties.

Maine Coon playing

The natural color of Maine Coons is called tabby. It forms a line in the shape of the letter “M” on the pet’s forehead. Similar lines are visible above and below the eyes. The coloring of this color can be classic with wavy stripes, spotted with transitions into stripes, brindle with parallel stripes, or ticked, where the villi are colored in zones in different colors and shades. Photos show various options.

Important! The monochromatic color is the result of long work by breeders. A red Maine Coon without a pattern is considered rare.

Characteristics of Maine Coons

In order to learn to distinguish a real purebred Maine from other cat breeds, you should know its features:

Head slightly elongated. Unlike other cat breeds, in which it extends slightly in width. Large skull, rather high cheekbones and large ears, which always end in tassels

It is the presence of this important detail that distinguishes Maines from other cats. Their eyes are oval shaped. Coat color and eye color usually harmonize well with each other. The body is muscular and very large

Adult cats can reach 40 cm in height, and their length including the tail is about 120 cm. The limbs are also distinguished by well-developed muscles. This breed is distinguished by the presence of long hairs between the fingertips. The tail is very long and fluffy. Its length can reach 36 cm. The Maine's coat is very long and fluffy. In addition, these cats have a fairly thick undercoat.

Character and behavior of the American Maine Coon

Maine Coon and man

Character Description:

  • Habits and behavior. Such cats are considered peace-loving. They are not inclined to attack first. They tend to divide things in the house into “theirs” and “theirs.” Due to their large size, Maine Coons avoid confined and narrow spaces. They prefer open, free areas. Cats strive to adapt to the conditions and lifestyle of their owners. Being close to the owner, the animal prefers to be at his feet.
  • Intelligence. Animals are observant and thoughtful. Their memory is amazing. They are able to remember many commands and words, and navigate by human gestures and glances.
  • Education. They are easy to train. They can pick up on the intonation, mood and character of people, and react at the same time. They require a lot of communication and attention to reach their greatest potential. They are very loyal.
  • Socialization. These animals prefer to stay away from strangers, inspecting and studying. They find it easy to make friends with other pets. They get along with children of any age. The owner's hobby can become a Maine Coon's favorite pastime.
  • Activity. Cats need regular physical activity. Loads contribute to the proper development of the skeleton and muscles. A hunter lives in them. Maine Coons can watch their prey for a long time and then attack it. To play with them you can use a laser pointer, a mouse and a ball.

The negative aspects of a cat include gluttony. She must eat right and eat a lot. Food must contain proteins and minerals. They tend to sharpen their claws. It is recommended to buy a scratching post. This breed is susceptible to various diseases. They don't know how to catch mice. The presence of a cat in the house will also be indicated by a large amount of fur scattered everywhere.

What is polydactyly

Polydactus cat paw with six toes

In an anatomical sense, polydactyly means a deviation from the norm, characterized by the presence of more fingers. Regular cats have five toes on their front paws and four on their back paws. Polydactic coons have one extra toe on each paw. Often only the anterior ones undergo mutations. The probability of manifestation of the polydactyly gene in offspring is 45-50%, only if one of the parents has it. But it is impossible to say for sure that polydactic coon kittens will have the same number and arrangement of fingers as their parents. This gene anomaly does not interfere with pets at all.

Types of polydactyly in cats

Two forms should be distinguished:

  • preaxial (a thumb is added);
  • postaxial (little finger added).

The preaxial form is common in the feline environment. Experts gave the concept of “correct” and “incorrect” polydactics. The “correct” ones include pets with extra toes, positioned like a human’s thumbs. “Incorrect” ones are characterized by physical underdevelopment of the fingers or bones, which leads to curvature of the forearm bones. Cats with this gene are castrated.

Status of polydactyl Maine Coons

“Coon in mittens” - this is how the owners of polydactic coons lovingly call their pets

Although Maine Coon polydacts are currently recognized as a deviation from the norm, the feline systems of the United States officially register them. Such cats take part in exhibitions, but cannot take prizes. Representatives of the American association MCBFA have developed standards for polydacts, and it is possible that they will soon be officially recognized and given the right to compete for champion titles and prizes in all felinological systems.

In our country, polydacty cats are extremely rare. Some consider this individual to be sweet and charming, bringing good luck to the house, while others, on the contrary, are disgusted, considering this mutation a deformity.

It is necessary to understand that polydacty does not in any way affect the physical condition, character and behavior of the pet.

These animals are very close to their owner, affectionate, and playful. You can’t say about them: “a cat that walks by itself.” Owners of cats of this breed claim that their pets have intelligence close to human. The main advantage of this breed is the ability to be loyal and loving.

Caring for Maine Coon cats

Like any pet, the Maine Coon requires care. Basic recommendations:

  • Nutrition. When feeding your cat dry food, you should use only premium food. It contains various additives that improve health and promote normal development. In the case of natural food, it is worth remembering that at least 80% of the diet consists of dairy and meat products, cereals and vegetables. If a mixed type of nutrition is used, then the basis is dry food, and natural food is given additionally.
  • Bathing. Unlike other breeds, Maine Coons love to swim. They can be taught to use water procedures from childhood. Bathing should be carried out after meals, 4 hours later. Drafts should not be allowed. It is better to bathe your pet with the door closed.
  • Combing. Your pet's long coat needs special care. It requires 1 or 2 combs with rare and frequent teeth. The tips of the teeth should not be sharp. It is best to arm yourself with a brush with long, sparse, rounded teeth. During the shedding period, a massage brush is used.

Brushing a Maine Coon

It is recommended to get a Maine Coon kitten at the age of 3-4 months. This breed is characterized by slow development. At an early age, the kitten should be with its mother. An early break with her will cause mental trauma to the baby.

Hunting instinct

The Maine Coon breed, historically, living on farms, was adapted to catching and exterminating rodents. There they were specially bred as dexterous hunters. Large cats are mobile and adapted to any external environmental conditions. They are able to catch rodents at any time of the year in any weather.

Important! Modern Maine Coons, raised at home, have not lost their ability and passion for hunting. In any house or country house they will catch all the mice, they can also cope with rats.

Purchasing and Maine Coon kittens

Before buying a kitten, you need to pay attention to its appearance. He shouldn't be lethargic. Eyes, nose, ears must be clean.

Maine Coon kitten

It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the pedigree of the parents and tests for breed diseases. The main test is NSM. In all reputable nurseries this information can be found on the official websites. It is also important that the pet is vaccinated. Traditionally, males are more expensive than females.

The price for a kitten from a titled parent can reach up to 30,000-80,000 rubles.*

The Maine Coon can easily become a family favorite. Proper care and attention will allow your cat to live much longer. Everyone decides for himself which Maine Coon look he likes best.

*Prices are current as of September 2021.

Food for Maine Coons

Many breeders wonder what to feed Maines. There are different opinions on this matter. Some say that animals should be fed only with special foods, for example, such as INNOVA, ACANA, ROYAL CANIN. Others prefer natural products.

Each owner decides for himself what to feed the animal. The main thing is that the food is of high quality and varied, since its health will depend on what the animal eats. It is imperative to take into account the age of the Maine Coon and its weight, since the amount of food must be strictly dosed. Kittens should not be overfed as this can be harmful to their health.

If the owner decides to feed the pet with specially developed food, he should give preference to high-quality products that were developed for large breed cats. More and more breeders give their preference to the ROYAL CANIN food line. This is due to the fact that the products in this series contain various vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the health of pets, fill them with energy, strengthen the immune system, make the coat shiny and beautiful and give it a healthy shine.

Another important point in feeding animals is the need to adhere to the feeding regime. Typically, food packaging contains detailed instructions. If the owner decides to feed the kitten only natural food, he should not forget that cats are predatory animals, which is why fish and meat must be present in their daily diet. Among meat products, it is best to give preference to beef, turkey, and chicken.

Kittens can also be fed raw meat. To do this, it is chopped into small pieces and then scalded with boiling water. When choosing fish, it is better to choose low-fat fish. It is given to kittens only in boiled form. In this case, it is advisable to remove all the bones so that the animal does not choke.

If a pet eats homemade food, it does not receive all the vitamins that are necessary for its growth and development. That is why you should supplement his diet with various vitamin preparations. In addition, cats happily eat porridge, cottage cheese, cheese, and vegetables, which can be mixed with meat products.


Throughout the existence of the Maine Coon breed, scientists have made a lot of attempts to obtain mixed breeds. All this was done in order to add some qualities to purebred individuals from other breeds.

When crossing with representatives of the Persian breed, large red kittens with rather fluffy fur are often obtained - no hint of resemblance to Maine Coons, the gigantic size of the Persian. An attempt to cross a purebred individual with a Bengal to increase the size of the animals also turned out to be a failure.

A Maine Coon and Siberian cat kitten is most similar in appearance to a purebred, but it will never grow to such a large size as a purebred individual. Usually such babies are passed off as noble, but they are offered at a discount, which lures gullible buyers. The cross between a Maine Coon and a domestic cat was created completely by accident. The kitten has lost some positive character traits, but the coloring has been preserved.

Most often, Maine Coon mixed breeds are obtained by mating with a regular cat, and they are also crossed with British, Siberian, Neva Masquerade, Persian and other breeds.

As a result of interspecific crossing, kittens with unpredictable fur length can be obtained: it all depends on what kind of fur the partner has.


The Maine raccoon cat is very active and does not feel constrained when moving around the house (apartment). Unlike sedentary cats, this animal spends most of its time moving. This is normal and contributes to the development of the skeletal and muscular systems. An active cat cannot be limited in movement, because it needs constant physical activity.

The maine has a developed hunter's instinct: he can sit in ambush for a long time, tracking down potential prey. At the same time, the pet is very smart and resourceful. He is able to understand his name and quickly learns some commands. For example, being in the same situation several times, he quickly understands what needs to be done.

Kun is very resourceful and can entertain himself. However, it is worth noting that without learning ability, he grows up completely different and cannot fully reveal his abilities. Under no circumstances should you offend him, as this may cause the handsome raccoon to distance itself from people. A hyperactive cat needs special toys, scratching posts, and large play complexes. Walking in the fresh air is a prerequisite for the active growth and health of the animal.

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