Ready-made dry food for cats: features and varieties

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Many cat owners know that a properly selected diet is the key to good health and a long life for their pet. The menu of furry predators should include proteins, fats and a small amount of carbohydrates. Vitamins and minerals play an important role. To provide your pet with everything it needs, the easiest way is to buy ready-made food. You can find them both in supermarkets and in veterinary departments.

  • 1.1 Video: how to choose cat food
  • 1.2 Rules for the use of dry food

    1.2.1 Video: combining dry food with other products

  • 1.3 Features of the drinking regime when eating dry food
    • 2 Types of dry cat food

      2.1 Video: is it possible to mix dry food

  • 3 Rating of dry food

      3.1 Premium class

      3.1.1 Table: premium food

  • 3.2 Super premium class

      3.2.1 Table: super premium food
  • 3.3 Holistic class
      3.3.1 Table: Holistic class food
  • 4 Reviews
  • Dry cat food, which brand is better to choose?

    Safe cat food is produced only by trusted companies with a quality certificate. Companies that produce the best dry cat food:

    • All Cats produces natural food for cats of different breeds that does not have harmful ingredients or chemical additives. The product is used for any age of animal. Fatty acids and Omega-3 present in the composition are essential for maintaining a beautiful coat and healthy skin.
    • Whiskas - the brand appeared on the market in 1991, produces well-known and popular cat food, which is presented not only in dry form, but also in the form of pates. He was the first to offer cat food in different flavors.
    • Royal Canin, a French manufacturer founded in 1967, creates healthy food for cats that has the necessary components for their growth, activity, and development. The products were first introduced to the markets of Asia, Eastern Europe and America.
    • Brit – produces dry food for cats. The composition of the product is natural, does not cause abdominal pain, does not irritate the stomach.
    • Hill's - a company since 1994, has been creating high-quality balanced cat food that saturates, fills with useful components and vitamins. Feed is exported to 48 countries, the annual volume is 58 thousand tons.
    • Monge is an Italian brand that has been producing a variety of pet foods for over 50 years. The product line is represented by various flavors; new flavors rich in vitamins and healthy components are developed every year.
    • Orijen, a Canadian brand, has been producing a diverse line of feeds that have a natural composition for more than 30 years. They are to the taste of adults and small cats that need additional saturation with useful ingredients.
    • Primordial – creates complementary foods for pets that come in a variety of flavors. The product is high quality, natural, healthy. There are different weight options, the product is presented in volumes of 400 g, 2 and 12 kg.
    • Grandorf is a Belgian company that produces cat food in different volumes and with all flavors. The product is suitable for pets of any age. The composition is natural, the food is certified.
    • GO! the brand produces balanced and healthy food for cats, which contains vitamins, useful additives, minerals for the growth and development of animals.

    Mr. Cat recommends: ratings of ready-made mixtures by class

    The dry food market is replete with a variety of companies, types and prices. All of them are divided into 4 types:

    • economy – low price, poor quality (Whiskas, Kitekat, Friskies, Farmina, Felix, All Cat, etc.);
    • premium – the cost is slightly higher than the previous ones, the composition contains harmful ingredients (Purina One, Hill's, Pro Plan, etc.);
    • super premium - food from well-known major representatives of Russian and foreign companies, containing natural ingredients, a wide variety (Leonardo, Applaws);
    • holistic - the most expensive due to natural raw materials used for human nutrition: meat or fish (mass fraction is more than 50%), high protein content (30%), normal level of fiber from vegetables and fruits, no soy, grains, artificial colors , flavorings (Acana, Orijen, Grandorf).

    From the author. Even among the best foods that belong to the super premium or holistic class, there are ingredients in the composition that are unnecessary for cats. Therefore, study it carefully before buying food, succumbing to advertising or the assurances of a consultant at a pet store.

    Rating of dry cat food

    The rating of the best dry cat food was built after analyzing the results of comparative tests, taking into account the opinions of veterinarians, and customer reviews. From them you can immediately conclude which product is truly beneficial for pets. In addition to this data, we also took into account:

    • Compound;
    • Smell;
    • Consistency;
    • The presence of synthetic additives;
    • Volume;
    • Feed size;
    • Price.

    After the assessment, a full conclusion was made about which food products deserve to be included in the rating. They seem to be a high-quality composition that does not contain harmful chemicals that can harm the animal.

    The best foods for sterilized cats

    The Best Inexpensive Dry Cat Foods

    Proper nutrition of a pet is the key to its health, activity, and well-being. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the ingredients present. Also, when choosing, you need to look at the age restrictions, which are indicated on the front side of the product. For small kittens up to 6 months, nutrition should be more gentle and balanced. Dry food can have a negative impact on them. The rating is based on the results of comparative tests in which 5 candidates were evaluated, and from them two products were selected that were truly safe and beneficial for pets.

    All Cats

    The food is developed using the latest technologies and is intended for pets from 3 months. It contains many vitamins and minerals that a growing pet’s body needs for the proper formation of bones, teeth, and healthy skin. The product has a unique taste that all cats will like. Due to the presence of Omega 3 and Omega 6, pets develop beautiful, dense fluffy fur. The product is characterized by crispy granules that are easy to bite into. They help maintain oral hygiene and reduce the risk of tartar.


    • Good composition;
    • Bulk packaging;
    • Affordable price;
    • Pleasant taste for the animal.


    • Not all cats eat it with pleasure.

    Reviews show that not all pets are ready to consume this complementary food every day. Despite its healthy composition, many cats may not like crunchy kibble. To understand your pet’s desires, it’s wiser to start by purchasing a small package of food.


    Whiskas belongs to economy class food because it contains not only natural ingredients, but also various by-products. The manufacturer creates a product for each age of the animal, producing granules of different sizes. The composition contains many components, namely: corn gluten, flour, animal fat, brewer's yeast.

    The composition also contains fiber, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals necessary for the growth of the pet. A daily portion of Whiskas provides the cat with the daily norm of all the necessary vitamins and minerals for full functioning. Inexpensive dry cat food can be used daily, providing your pet with the necessary ingredients.


    • Economical consumption;
    • Pleasant taste;
    • Good composition;
    • Affordable price.


    • Little meat;
    • Lots of additives.

    Reviews show that Whiskas is a fairly popular food and is actively consumed by cats of any age. Despite the large number of additives, the product saturates the body with useful components that are responsible for its development, growth, and health.

    How to choose the right one

    Cats are very picky eaters and will not eat anything that does not appeal to them. Before purchasing food, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition.

    Read about the composition of industrial cat food.

    Read the information on the packaging

    Reading will be a useless exercise if the owner does not know which components will be beneficial for the health of cats.

    Benefit Harm
    Protein always comes first (meat: rabbit, beef, poultry: chicken, turkey, fish). It is important that there are at least two sources and that the percentage of the total composition is indicated, at least 25%. Bone meal or offal instead of meat.
    Preservatives - vitamins A, C, E or rosemary.Flavorings, dyes. Chemical preservatives: butylated hydroxytoluene or E321 (BHT), beta hydroxy acid (salicylic acid, BHA), propyl gallate or E310 (antioxidant, propyl gallaty), ethoxyquin or E324 (antioxidant, ethoxyquin).
    The content of taurine (an amino acid that affects the heart, reproductive system and vision), Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids (supports hearing, vision, smell, stimulates brain function) and other beneficial substances (vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements).The cat's body does not digest carbohydrates well; excess can lead to serious diseases (diabetes, obesity, hormonal imbalances, etc.). Therefore, their quantity should be minimal and presented in the form of raw vegetables and fruits (low-glycemic carbohydrates).
    Instead of cereals (which can cause an allergic reaction), legumes are added. To avoid harm to the gastrointestinal tract, preference is given to rice or processed grains.

    Grain fillers (wheat, corn) should not exceed the 50% mark, or better yet, none at all.

    The label should read:

    • “balanced, nutritious, optimal balance” and other similar inscriptions;
    • AAFCO (the Association of American Feed Control Officials) inspection mark;
    • indication of feeding rate - the lower the daily dosage, the better the food is absorbed by the body;
    • production date and shelf life of the product.
    You should refuse food if a large daily portion is indicated. This means the food is low in calories.

    Features of breeds

    To choose the optimal diet, you should pay attention not only to the composition of the feed, but also to the state of health and the specifics of the breed. After all, representatives have different characteristics that are unique to them.

    In any case, if an illness is detected, you should not self-medicate; you should consult an experienced doctor and prescribe a diet.

    Breed Diseases, nutritional recommendations
    Maine CoonVery energetic and resilient. Health problems are inherited, these include: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (requires consuming a small amount of salt), urolithiasis (exclude fish from the diet, save granules, ensure plenty of drinking), joint diseases (feed includes chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine) .
    ScottishStraight-eared animals are less susceptible to diseases than lop-eared ones. This is explained by a mutational gene. Most often they are overcome by: ICD, arthrosis, allergies.
    BritishProne to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (reduce salt intake), urolithiasis (drinking regimen), obesity (low-calorie foods).
    SiameseAllergic reactions (hypoallergenic granules), inflammation of the oral cavity (inclusion of dry food in the diet for prevention) and respiratory system (calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis - natural food composition).
    ExoticDiseases: hereditary (for example, polycystic kidney disease), oral cavity (eating granules), excess weight (diet food).
    PersianProblems with the urinary system that are inherited.
    SiberianObesity (diet, low nutritional value), dental diseases, parasites (appear from natural food, switch to a mixed diet, but after examination by a veterinarian).
    BengalDiseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with shortened intestines (diarrhea, constipation, dysbiosis).
    AbyssinianThey are naturally in good health, but lifestyle and an unbalanced diet can be detrimental. Prone to weight gain, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, allergic manifestations.
    ThaiAll diseases are acquired (urolithiasis, oral diseases, obesity).
    SphinxSusceptible to intestinal upset, have a sensitive digestive system (control of protein levels, elimination of components that cause diarrhea).
    Russian blueWeight gain, dental diseases. Spayed or neutered cats may develop gallstones.

    The best mid-priced dry cat foods

    Average cost food has a more natural composition, which contains more meat, vitamins, and minerals. The price of the product is also affordable, allowing you to purchase it for daily feeding of your pet. High-quality food should contain a minimum amount of dyes, flavors, and harmful additives that do not bring any benefit to the pet. The rating was compiled after evaluating the results of comparative tests among 5 nominees. 3 varieties of cat food, which have a more natural and healthy composition, passed the test.

    Royal Canin for kittens

    The food is designed for kittens up to 12 months, who need a balanced diet for growth and bone development. The product is crispy granules that are easy to bite, do not remain on the teeth, and do not deform them. The series comes in many flavors, each one can meet the kitten's expectations.


    • Lots of vitamins;
    • Does not cause addiction;
    • The kitten likes it;
    • Doesn't stay in your teeth.


    • Not detected.

    Reviews indicate that even veterinarians recommend this dry cat food. It has a beneficial effect on the development of cats, maintains healthy teeth and bones. The cats happily wait for lunch, enjoying the pleasant taste of the product.

    Brit Care Cocco

    The improved series of food produces a tasty and natural product for cats, which consists of hypoallergenic, easily digestible ingredients. It comes in 4 different flavors: salmon, turkey, chicken and deer. The product contains additional vitamins, minerals, and other important components. Brit Care Cocco attracts with its distinct aroma that will attract every cat. Ingredients of dry cat food from the company: dehydrated chicken, dried apples, yeast, vitamins, minerals.


    • Large amount of meat;
    • Pleasant aroma;
    • There are enzymes;
    • Lots of vitamins;
    • The pet eats with pleasure.


    • Not detected.

    Reviews indicate that Brit Care Cocco is suitable for many cats as a complete food product. It does not cause addiction or habit, and if desired, you can quickly switch to another brand without creating stress for the kitten.

    Hill's Science Plan

    The food is intended for adult cats from 1 to 6 years old. Available in dry form, it appears as small, sad granules that are quickly processed by the teeth. The product is low-calorie, so it will not increase body weight. It contains many vitamins that support the pet’s immunity and do not provoke the appearance of viral or infectious diseases. Ingredients: rice, corn gluten meal, lamb meal, fish oil and others.


    • Not inferior to the premium line;
    • Good composition;
    • Affordable price;
    • Economical;
    • Cats like it;


    • Not detected.

    Reviews show that complementary feeding is suitable for almost all adult cats. Some point out that Hill's dry food for cats is the first food product that cats start consuming with pleasure.

    The best cat food in the category: economy

    It is very difficult to say something good about economy class food. It can only be noted that they have a very affordable price. However, their quality is often so deplorable that it is better to save on at least natural food, if not premium food. Giving such food to sick or weakened animals will only cause harm. Moreover, in fact, the financial side of the issue here is questionable, since this food is absolutely not nutritious, and the cat is forced to eat much larger portions than if its food were well balanced. In case there is absolutely no way out, there are still a couple of more or less tolerable economical options.

    Purina One


    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 250 rubles. for 750 g

    Why in the rating : a fairly popular food in an affordable price range, which can be purchased even in regular supermarkets. Meets the nutritional requirements of most healthy cats under 8 years of age.

    Disadvantages : Lots of herbal ingredients and no options for animals with serious medical conditions or very specific needs.

    Grade: 5

    From reviews of Purina One : “Over time, the cat simply refuses the food, although at first it requires supplements.”

    Purina Cat Chow


    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 100 rubles. for 400 g

    Why in the rating : it comes in a very small package, which allows you to take the food “for testing” or as a temporary measure for 1-2 days.

    Disadvantages : poorly balanced composition with a small amount of meat ingredients of questionable quality. Cases of allergies to Cat Chow are not uncommon.

    Grade: 4

    From reviews of Purina Cat Chow : “Cats are often picky and refuse this food completely.”

    Whiskey Special


    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 90 rubles. for 400 g.

    Why in the rating : it offers a food option for cats with sensitive digestion, which guarantees at least relative harmlessness to the animal’s body. Cats eat this food with gusto.

    Disadvantages : the composition is the same as regular Whiskas, except with a couple of new ingredients. The choice is quite small and allergies are not uncommon.

    Grade: 3

    From reviews of Whiskas Special : “The portion for satiating a cat turns out to be very large compared to premium food, and therefore even the financial benefit here is very doubtful.”

    The best premium dry cat foods

    Premium food contains only natural ingredients and a large amount of meat, which significantly improves their taste. After consuming them, cats are noticeably transformed, have more activity, and acquire a more pronounced, fluffy coat. The list of premium dry cat food presented in the rating is based on the results of comparative tests conducted among 5 nominees. Only 2 nominees meet all quality requirements.

    Monge Natural Super premium

    A balanced diet for sterilized cats that need high-quality, low-calorie foods. It contains many antioxidants to support the immune system, as well as vitamins, in particular groups B and E. Due to xylooligosaccharides, the natural color of the coat is preserved, and the intestinal microflora is also supported. The food contains a lot of fiber, which is necessary not only to maintain immunity, but also for optimal stomach function. Ingredients: Chicken, wheat, corn gluten meal, oats, pea fiber, powdered eggs, fish, taurine, animal fat, hydrolyzed yeast.


    • No grains;
    • A lot of meat;
    • Affordable price;
    • Pleasant taste and aroma;
    • Economical consumption;
    • Large packaging.


    • Difficult to find by weight.

    Reviews show that Monge Natural Super premium is really liked by domestic cats, it saturates quickly and is economical. It is enough to consume up to 15 granules to get the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for full functioning. The pleasant taste and smell will attract the attention of even those cats who do not like dry food at all.

    Orijen Fit & Trim

    Organic cat food that contains protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Due to the presence of whole meat and vitamins, the pet quickly becomes satiated, receives a charge of the necessary components for activity and increased immunity. Veterinarians recommend this diet for all cats over 1 year old. Complementary feeding components: chicken meat, eggs, turkey meat, mackerel, chicken cartilage and others.


    • Balanced composition;
    • Economical consumption;
    • Good volume;
    • Pleasant aroma;
    • Cats like it;
    • Wide choice of tastes.


    • Not detected.

    Reviews indicate that some cats can only enjoy this product during the first weeks. You should not initially buy a large amount of food; it is advisable to check your pet’s reaction to the arrival of a new product, and then draw conclusions.

    Advantages and disadvantages of dry food

    The benefits of dry food include:

    • a wide range of;
    • availability;
    • different price categories.

    In addition to the above, one can also add to the positive aspects that dry food is stored longer than wet food, due to the presence of preservatives in the composition.

    When an animal chews granules, it helps clean the teeth and eliminate unpleasant odors, which serves as a good prevention of oral diseases.

    It has a balanced composition, unlike natural food. If the owner wants to feed his pet live food, he will have to cook for the cat separately, following all the recommendations. This process can become costly and time-consuming.

    While there are many positive aspects, dry food has disadvantages:

    • mandatory availability of drinking water;
    • low energy value;
    • harmful substances in the composition.

    Read: Is it possible to feed a cat only dry food?

    Manufacturers of economy class food use chemical elements that are harmful to the health of cats. Premium and higher grades add preservatives for preservation and flavorings to enhance taste. This helps the animal get used to the food. Introducing new foods into your diet becomes a difficult task.

    Not every owner can afford expensive food. Often, companies, in order to reduce the cost of the product, use not meat in production, but its derivatives (cartilage, offal, etc.), which affects the health of cats and their satiety. Less wet food is required to make your pet feel full.

    The best holistic dry cat food

    Holistic class food is created for adult and elderly cats that need to further strengthen their body and bones, maintain activity and health. They are presented as a medicinal composition with vitamins, minerals and other components. They contain much less dyes and harmful additives that are found in regular cheap complementary foods. The rating was compiled after the results of comparative tests in which 7 nominees were evaluated. Of these, only 3 were selected.

    Primordial Grain Free Cat Adult Duck Turkey

    Grain-free complementary food for adult and elderly cats that need high-quality and natural nutrition. It consists of selected types of meat and fish that have a low glycemic index. The food has a pleasant taste and aroma, attracts the attention of pets, and satisfies their taste needs. Each granule has a softer appearance and does not pose a danger to teeth. Ingredients: fresh turkey meat, dehydrated chicken and duck meat, peas, dried beet pulp, seaweed meal, liver digest, yeast, vitamins and minerals.


    • Cats like it;
    • Affordable price;
    • Lots of vitamins;
    • Economical packaging.


    • Not detected.

    Reviews show that Holistic complementary foods are suitable for most adult cats that need high-quality and balanced nutrition. It contains mainly natural ingredients, a large amount of meat and nutrients. Complementary feeding will be useful for adult cats in any condition.

    The best cat foods in the category: super premium

    A food of this level is not so far removed from holistic in composition, but still contains natural preservatives and a little more ingredients of plant origin. This food is absolutely safe for cats if it is chosen correctly depending on the needs of the animal. As in the holistic category, there are also veterinary foods that are suitable for cats with illnesses or after operations. The cost of super-premium products is quite high.

    Hills Science Diet (Prescription Diet)


    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 900 rubles. for 1.5 kg

    Why in the rating : the brand has a wide selection of food varieties aimed at very specific requirements: anti-obesity, heart and kidney health, for allergy sufferers, post-operative feeding, and so on. Finding food on sale is not difficult if you go to a veterinary pharmacy, but you can also find it in regular pet stores.

    Disadvantages : Hills has been produced in Russia for a long time, which causes felinologists to worry about the quality of the products. When buying this food, you should pay attention to the country of origin - pay attention to European factories.

    Rating : 8.8 out of 10

    From reviews of Hills Science Diet : “An excellent solution for a diet after surgery, but for the right choice it is better to consult a veterinarian.”



    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 1200 rubles. for 2 kg

    Why in the rating : the company has both a veterinary and a daily series, and both belong to the super-premium class - and this does not happen so often. The food has a very well-balanced composition with a maximum of meat ingredients, and the daily portion of food will be quite small due to its nutritional value.

    Disadvantages : the food contains vegetable protein. In addition to the fact that the assortment cannot be called very wide, it may not be available in most pet stores.

    Rating : 8.5 out of 10

    From reviews of Eukanuba : “When choosing the type of food, you should consider how well the cat tolerates plant protein.”

    1st Choice


    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 1200 rubles. for 2.27 kg

    Why in the rating : the food is produced in Canada, which means it undergoes a very strict quality assessment. Proteins and carbohydrates are perfectly balanced in the composition, but there is also a completely safe hypoallergenic food option.

    Disadvantages : the choice of food types is not very large. In addition, the composition contains a couple of undesirable ingredients: cellulose and so-called “poultry meal”. The problem with the last component is that it is impossible to determine what such flour consists of - you can only hope for the integrity of the manufacturer.

    Rating : 8 out of 10

    From reviews of 1st Choice : “Very small portions are enough for a cat to be satisfied.”

    The best cat foods in the category: premium

    Affordable, high-quality premium food can now be purchased at most pet stores, both in bags and in bulk. The composition of this food is quite decent, natural preservatives are used, but the amount of corn can be too large. However, premium food is a fairly good daily nutrition for a healthy animal. The lines also include offers for kittens, sterilized cats and aging cats.

    Hills Science Plan


    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 790 rubles. for 2 kg

    Why in the rating : the range of food is very wide and there is an option for even the most picky cat. The composition is very carefully selected and balanced, and you can choose meals with different amounts of protein. There is also food for dental health, which is very important to monitor throughout the cat’s life.

    Disadvantages : there is a risk of buying a batch produced at a Russian plant - the standards are completely different here. Contains vegetable protein and grains.

    Rating : 7.9 out of 10

    From reviews of Hills Science Plan : “It is important to choose nutrition based on the age of the animal.”

    Royal Canin


    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 650 rubles. for 2 kg

    Why in the rating : food is available in almost every pet store, at a price slightly higher than economy class, and the composition is much more balanced and nutritious. The choice of food types is very large, and the specialized veterinary series even belongs to the super-premium class. There is food for dental health - it is not so often found in the lines of well-known companies.

    Disadvantages : there has been a plant in Russia for a long time, and felinologists, as already mentioned, prefer European or American production. Contains ingredients of plant origin.

    Rating : 7.5 out of 10

    From reviews of Royal Canin : “The series for kittens and older cats are especially good.”

    Purina ProPlan


    Average price in the Russian Federation : from 650 rubles. for 1.5 kg

    Why in the rating : the composition of the food is perfectly balanced and does not require any dietary supplements; in addition, it contains the probiotics and enzymes that cats need. The price is very affordable and there is a fairly large assortment on sale everywhere.

    Disadvantages : it contains a lot of herbal ingredients, liver (cats are allergic to it), animal fat of unknown origin.

    Rating : 7 out of 10

    From reviews of Purina ProPlan : “Under no circumstances should it be mixed with natural food, otherwise it will end in allergies.”

    Grandorf White fish with sweet potato Sensitive

    Dry complementary food is created for adult cats from 1 to 6 years old who have stomach diseases, are prone to allergies, and intolerance to certain components. It is recommended by veterinarians as a safe complementary food that is easily tolerated by the body. The main ingredients are fish and meat; it also contains vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements. Ingredients: cod and herring meat, turkey meat and fat, dried apple, vitamins and others.


    • Suitable for allergy sufferers;
    • Increases immunity;
    • Easily tolerated by the body;
    • Natural;
    • Pleasant taste and smell.


    • Not detected.

    Reviews show that complementary foods are allowed for consumption only after consultation and examination by a veterinarian. Before prescribing a diet for your pet, it is important to undergo a full course of examination, which will allow you to choose a safer remedy.

    GO! Fit + Free grain-free, for healthy skin and coat

    Grain-free complementary foods are intended for medicinal purposes for small, adult and elderly cats from 7 years of age. It is prescribed for weakened immunity, stomach disorders and other diseases diagnosed by a veterinarian. Regular intake of complementary foods improves the condition of the skin, gives shine to the coat, making it more lush and beautiful. Ingredients: fresh chicken, whole eggs, potatoes, vitamins and others.

    The composition is quite extensive and natural, so complementary feeding is prescribed only for medicinal purposes. The course of treatment can be short-term or permanent, depending on the diagnosis and general condition of the pet.


    • Pleasant aroma;
    • Medicinal properties;
    • Convenient packaging;
    • Economical consumption.


    • High price.

    Reviews show that not all young cats are happy to consume this complementary food; it does not contain artificial flavorings. To force a cat to take GO! Fit + Free, you can top the kibble with delicious and safe cat sauce.

    Which dry cat food is best to buy?

    Good dry food for cats, as reviews show, should not only be healthy, but also tasty and aromatic. To do this, you should choose complementary foods only from trusted brands that use high-quality ingredients, safe dyes and flavors. Among all the representatives of the rating, we chose the most delicious and safe complementary foods for cats, which will appeal to many:

    • All Cats is a cheap product with a good composition;
    • Whiskas is a popular food that is easily available and appealing to cats;
    • Orijen Fit & Trim - budget complementary food with proteins and vitamins;
    • Primordial Grain Free Cat Adult Duck Turkey – therapeutic grain-free complementary food;
    • Grandorf White fish with sweet potato Sensitive - food for those pets who need to strengthen bones, whiskers, and improve coat;
    • Monge Natural Super premium – premium balanced nutrition;

    You need to carefully choose good food for your cat, looking at the composition, taking into account consumer reviews. It is also advisable to consult with a veterinarian, who will select the best product for each cat individually.

    ( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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