Why do cats (cats) leave home and never return?

Sometimes a beloved cat, who spends a lot of time outside every day, suddenly, for no apparent reason, does not return to its owners. An unpleasant story can happen even to a domestic cat that has not left the apartment its entire life. While the owners are distracted, the animal slips through the ajar door and rushes headlong in an unknown direction. To figure out what prompted your beloved pet to take such a step, you should turn to folk signs and superstitions.

Why are cats supposed to leave home?

According to esotericists, cats cannot tolerate negative energy in the house. If the pet suddenly left the home, perhaps constant quarrels and conflicts between family members are to blame. However, the sign also has positive interpretations.

Positive consequences

It’s sad when furry pets disappear without a trace and don’t return, but cats are smart animals, they leave for a reason. Cats will never harm those who love and care for them. Perhaps the furry pet left its home for good reasons:

  • By leaving its home, the animal makes room for a new family member. Often before leaving, the cat says goodbye to the owner of the home, does not leave him for a long time and tries to attract attention to himself.
  • Perhaps the disappearance of a cat from the house is associated with a negative influence on family members from the outside. Selflessly protecting people, the pet took with it misfortunes, illnesses and even death. The loss of a cat will upset the owners, but at the cost of its own life, the brave animal averts trouble from them.
  • In eastern countries there is a sign regarding the departed purrs. According to it, the furry animal plays the role of a guide of souls. If the cat left home after one of the family members died, the living have nothing to worry about about the relative. With such a guide, the soul of the deceased will freely enter a better world.
  • The cat leaves his home because his mission is completed. An animal appeared in a family for a specific purpose - to protect people from harm, make people kinder, get rid of illness, attract good luck or find love. When the owner's dreams and desires come true, the presence of a cat in the house becomes optional.

Negative interpretations

Cats are extremely sensitive to changes in the energy background in the house. They notice every little thing and give preference to places with the least concentration of negative energy. If the cat left home, signs indicate the following:

  • If a seriously ill person lives in an apartment , the disappearance of a pet cat predicts the imminent death of the patient.
  • The surrounding space in the home is saturated with black magic. Due to the effects of damage or a curse, everyone within the walls of this house suffers. If a cat cannot cope with the task entrusted to it to protect the home and its inhabitants, then it leaves it.
  • For a long time, the Slavs have had a sign that explains why cats disappear. If the kittens do not stay in the house for a long time, mysteriously disappear, get lost or die, it means that the brownie did not accept the animal . This is a bad sign, because at the energy level the home remains unprotected, and its inhabitants may be exposed to damage or a curse.

Signs of misfortune

Return of a missing cat
When a cat runs away from home, beliefs about impending troubles come to mind most often. It is believed that a heightened sense of smell allows pussies to see misfortunes in advance and diligently avoid them. Therefore, the departure of purrs is called a sign of impending trouble.

If a pet has left its habitable place, it means that it is trying to save itself, to get away from danger. It’s just that a cat cannot leave the house for a long time. After all, she has a great connection with housing. Popular beliefs say that “a cat is tied to the house, and a dog is tied to its owner.”

This sign has a different interpretation. In it, the cat who left the house is assigned the function of a savior. Allegedly, he leaves the owners’ home at those moments when darkness has thickened over him in order to take the negativity with him. His departure in this case can be considered a subconscious desire to protect the owners, to save them from encountering evil.

It is especially difficult to interpret the sign in situations where a cat leaves a home in which there is a person suffering from an incurable illness. Such an event is sometimes explained by the animal’s desire to take death away from the house. It is often said that a passing cat marks the approach of the end for a sick owner.

What to expect if the cat returns to the house

There are cases when the owner has already come to terms with the loss of his beloved pet, and it suddenly returns. For superstitious people, the unexpected appearance of a roaming cat causes anxiety and fear. But there is no need to worry in vain - the animal did not bring back misfortune and misfortune on its tail. If the fugitive suddenly returns, it means that the energy in the home has returned to normal, and family members are no longer in danger.

Skeptics tend to find a scientific basis for everything. In their opinion, the cat was absent from home for a long time due to mating games and attraction to the opposite sex.

Beliefs about a cat that has found its way to the house

Lost or simply homeless animals may ask strangers to live in the pulpit. If a homeless person asks to come into an apartment or house, this is a truly lucky sign. He promises joy and good luck to come to the family.

  • When a red kitty strays, they talk about the appearance of powerful protection against negativity.
  • The tricolor purr brings happiness.
  • The black cat gives prosperity to caring people.

According to legends, a cat is a gift from heaven for protection, which is given to a person at a difficult moment in life, so that he can protect himself and save his life. refusing it is simply stupid. There may not be a second chance.

Why don't animals stay?

Sometimes people are faced with an abnormal problem when cats do not take root in the house - adult cats run away, and small kittens get sick and die.

Unfortunately, in most cases, the reason for the widespread mortality among animals lies not in mysticism, but in the attitude of humans towards their pets. When a person forgets to feed a cat, believing that the predator will get food for itself, or puts rat poison in all corners of the house, in the hope that the kitten will not get there, one should not be surprised at the general disappearance of animals.

Another common cause of death for cats is bowls, houses and other objects inherited from a previous pet. If the owner does not process the equipment or does not replace it, viruses or bacteria may remain on the items, causing the development of fatal diseases.

The risk group includes cats living in private homes. Who would want to lock a freedom-loving animal within four walls when in the fresh air he can bask in the sun, frolic on the grass to his heart's content, and communicate with his relatives. But sadly, the mortality rate among cats with free access to outdoor spaces is twice as high as among domestic cats.

However, there are cases that cannot be explained logically. The owner gets one pet, a second, a third... But, despite conscientious care and caring attitude, cats leave home and do not return. Our ancestors explained this anomaly by the reluctance of the brownie to accept the animal.

Perhaps the spirit protecting the home did not like the color of the cat. Then it’s worth “experimenting” with different colors of pets until you find the one that suits your yard. A tricolor animal is considered the best option.

In addition, a brownie can take up arms against a furry animal, protecting the home from evil influences. Superstitious people believe that under the guise of a cute cat there may be hidden the spirit of a witch who wanted to destroy the well-being of the owners of the house.

The sudden flight of cats from an apartment is not always associated with a brownie. The most frightening sign says that a curse hangs over the house. An evil force can have a detrimental effect on the owners for several generations in a row. And if people manage to live for years and decades under the roof of a damned building, not understanding why so many misfortunes and trials have befallen them, then cats feel the negative energy right away. The intelligent animal makes every effort to disappear from the ill-fated place. In such a case, there is only one way out of the situation - to invite a priest to consecrate the home.

Signs about Domovoi's hatred

Popular beliefs say that the cat is the main assistant of the Brownie. If she left and left her home without help or protection, the reason may lie in the owner’s reluctance to accept her. To avoid any conflict between the Brownie and the animals, they get different kinds of animals. Superstitions claim that the Master loves those cats and dogs whose coat is the same color as his hair.

You won't be able to guess exactly right away. Therefore, the best option is a cat whose color combines black, white, and red. This color will make the Brownie choose the cat as a helper. The chosen cat will feel great in the family. If a black cat left or died in the past, then they get a red or white one to try to keep an animal of a different color.

How can you return what you lost?

The loss of a pet is a sad event when all available methods are used: advertisements on the Internet, hanging leaflets on poles and even going around nearby basements. Do not despair if all of the above methods did not bring a positive result. Folk omens will tell you how to find what is missing.

To return the cat, use simple rituals:

  1. Take a new white candle that you haven't used yet. Light it and say the spell: “Smoke up the mountain, and (pet’s name) towards the house.” Place the cat's bowl nearby, pouring the animal's favorite treats into it. Wait until the candle burns out completely.
  2. Pour milk or water into a saucer and place it by the door. Imagining your pet returning home, repeat the words three times: “To my house, to my doorstep.”
  3. Use the help of a brownie. To do this, wait until the clock strikes 12 am, then go to the kitchen. After pouring milk into a bowl, respectfully ask the spirit to return the cat to its home safe and sound.

Orthodox Christians are advised to refrain from such actions. Believers can visit the temple and light a candle while praying for the safe return of the pet.

If the cat has left home, signs recommend taking a close look at the situation in the home and the relationships between family members. A pet appears in a person’s life for a specific purpose - to teach him to love, take care of others, and listen to his heart. Even if you are a skeptic and don’t believe in omens, think about the question of whether it was your behavior that forced the cat to leave the walls of its home.

Logical explanations

The departure of a cat is not always associated with mysticism. Sometimes there is a logical explanation. For example, she could go on a spree.

Perhaps the pet was so carried away by the pursuit of prey that it did not notice how it ran far from home. Not all cats can find their home by smell.

Other explanations:

  1. A pregnant cat may leave to give birth. In this case, the pet will soon return and bring new “tenants” with it.
  2. People treated the cat badly, and he decided that it was better to live on the street. Or the children in the house squeezed the poor animal.
  3. A new pet or family member has appeared in the house and has stolen all the attention.
  4. The pet went in search of love from other cats and cats, and therefore went on a long spree.
  5. Stress or mental disorder. Cats, like people, can experience mental health problems and psychological distress. For example, the death of the owner can be a real trauma.

The finitude of existence

Like all living things, pets have a limited lifespan. The time will come - your furry little ball will grow old, and the hour of parting with him will approach. Typically, owners of older animals become increasingly concerned about the health of their pets. And often in a conversation with a veterinarian the question comes up about why cats leave home, because there is an opinion that as death approaches, animals tend to find a secluded place where it will be easier for them to accept the inevitable. At the same time, most owners want to spend the last minutes next to their pet. That's why today we decided to talk about why cats leave home.

How to deal with a black cat

First you need to understand your personal perception of the world around you.

Signs and superstitions associated with a black cat are nothing more than fiction, the fruits of a rich imagination.

Harsh treatment due to dark color is unacceptable.

It is unacceptable to refuse hospitality to a black cat that has found its way to the house. It is no coincidence that a cat wandered here.

They will protect your home from harm and warn of danger

If an encounter with a black cat does not bode well and frightens you, you need to prevent unwanted consequences using folk methods.

  1. The path where the cat with charcoal fur passed is traversed with its back turned. With this, a superstitious person seems to create confusion and deceive evil forces.
  2. Connect the index and middle fingers of the left hand with a cross.
  3. Cross yourself and continue on your way.

The sign of the cross is a strong amulet against bad omens.

Dreams about black cats

Dream interpreters say that a black cat in a dream is a bad omen. But every little detail of an animal’s behavior is important.

Seeing a cat with black fur in a dream is a general interpretation.

  1. Quarrels, swearing, and discord are possible among loved ones. One of the enemies pretends to be a friend.
  2. Problems will not be solved correctly, the situation will not improve.
  3. The sleeper sees many cats in a dream - useless fuss awaits. The person will lose something important.
  4. An angry, warlike animal will torment the conscience; the sleeper will regret what he has done.

Important! If the black pet is a pet, the explanation of the dreams does not apply to the owners.

A coal-colored cat that comes to a sleeping unmarried woman does not foretell meetings with her future husband. Dating and romantic dates will soon bring disappointment and despair.

Meeting a black cat in a dream does not promise anything good

How to prevent escape

It is important to remember logical reasons and their neutralization. You need to take good care of your pet, take care of it, and monitor the general atmosphere in the house. If your pet is lost and found, then perhaps you should think about keeping it at home and installing bars on the windows.

To prevent the animal from running away due to intimate needs, you need to sterilize the cat and neuter the male. Under no circumstances should you scold or punish your pet.

As for mystical reasons, it is not easy to come up with and organize prevention, because no one knows what troubles may await the residents of the house. However, it is important to monitor the health of your household and undergo timely treatment. You cannot deprive the purr of attention or switch to a new pet. It is important to be careful about who you invite into your home.

It is recommended to carry out protective rituals so that ill-wishers do not cause damage and, accordingly, so that the cat does not have to leave home to save its owners.

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