Do cats and cats see an otherworldly, parallel world?

There is much speculation about whether cats can see ghosts and the souls of dead people. Skeptics try to explain the atypical behavior of pets by the perfection of the senses, and esotericists claim the unique abilities of animals. To understand which point of view is correct, it is worth considering in detail the positions of both sides.

Cats see a parallel world: pros

The stories of purring owners are replete with unusual facts indicating that the cat and the other world are somehow connected, that our pets can see the presence of mystical entities that are inaccessible to the human eye.

All these facts have one thing in common - the cat’s unusual behavior. At such moments, she can peer into the void, examine something in it, play with invisible objects, or, on the contrary, run away in fear from something that a person cannot see. Therefore, watching a pet, one gets the impression that cats can see parallel worlds and their inhabitants. However, there is no evidence for this.

Mystical abilities of cats

Magicians and psychics are sure that cats see phantoms. They are guardians on the border between the real and astral worlds. According to legends, cats sense “guests” from the other world. As soon as a phantom appears in the house, pets become wary, anxious and aggressive. Some cats have developed intuition. They are able to predict the danger that a person may face. Cats anticipate disasters, earthquakes, fires or floods.

Lithotherapists are of the opinion that the cat senses the human condition. Even if the disease has not yet manifested itself, the pet will feel the special energy of the disease. With his affection and attention, he will inform you about the illness. The animal comes to the owner and lies down on the diseased organ. Healing occurs during purring.


Unlike the unconfirmed existence of mystical entities, the unique abilities of the senses of cats have scientific confirmation. Based on this, we can draw a simple conclusion: what we see only with our eyes, cats perceive at once with all their senses - hearing, vision, smell and whiskers.

The Miracles of Cat Hearing

Domestic purrs have unusually developed hearing. At the same time, they receive information from two sound sources at once, which is facilitated by turning their ears 180 degrees. Incredibly, cats can even detect ultrasonic signals at a distance of 500 meters! Why be surprised when they easily manage to hear rustling noises that are silent to us?

This makes owners think that at such moments, cats really see the other world. In fact, they simply listen, for example, to the squeaking of mice under the floor, the rustling of leaves outside the window, or the sound of a door opening on the floor above.

The wonders of cat vision

Cats' vision is even more amazing. Thanks to the presence of tapetum - a reflective layer that is located behind the retina - their eyes glow mystically, if not frighteningly, in the dark.

Another ability of a pet’s vision is the ability of the pupil to change its size not only under the influence of the intensity of the light flux, but also depending on the feelings experienced. Quite often, owners of purring cats notice how their cat’s pupils dilate when she peers into space, often followed by unusual behavior.

In fact, at such moments the animal does not see ghosts, but is simply in a playful state and, preparing, for example, for a jump, focuses its vision as much as possible, which causes the pupil to dilate.

In turn, the behavior of a cat, when it peers intently at one point invisible to us, can be explained just as simply: the animal’s eye cannot focus on very small static objects. It is not known whether cats see the other world, but one thing is for sure: by freezing, looking at your sideboard, the animal is trying to focus on the small details of the furnishings or its design.

The idea that our pets can see in pitch darkness is also a myth. Yes, indeed, their vision is 8 times sharper than ours, but even this is not enough for a cat to see objects in complete darkness. For comfortable vision, she needs at least 1/6 of the light flux, while for us it is useless, and we still won’t see anything.

No less surprising is the size of the viewing sector in cats. And if in a person it does not exceed 180, then in a cat it reaches 270! Even with one eye, she covers up to 45% of the image of an object, which allows her to accurately calculate its size, speed of movement and distance.

This fact can explain such a phenomenon as a sudden attack on some small midge, which a person would not even notice at first glance. Naturally, from the outside it looks like a game with something or someone invisible.

Nature has not deprived cats of the ability to distinguish colors. The presence of long-wavelength green cones allows them to see the world as blue-gray, which contains yellow and purple hues. And the presence of a third eyelid helps purrs look at an object without blinking. In these fractions of a second, the nictitating membrane performs its function, which protects the cat’s cornea from drying out and dust. But, unfortunately, we don’t notice this and believe that in such seconds cats see the other world.

Miracles of smell and vibrissae

A person smells something only when he wants to. A cat lives in a world of smells that are often inaccessible to us. Thanks to them, she has a complete picture of what is happening. In this she is helped by a special sensitive organ - vibrissae, or simply whiskers. With them, she is able to easily see, hear and, if you want, smell what is inaccessible to us.

Psychics' opinions on the abilities of cats

Psychics claim that cats are able to communicate with the souls of the dead. The eyes act as unique conductors of the energy flow. Cats have a special structure of their visual organs. Therefore, they can easily see the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. If paranormal phenomena occur in the room, the animal may behave as follows:

  • hisses and growls;
  • arches his back;
  • freezes;
  • afraid to approach a certain place;
  • concentrates attention on one point;
  • flattens ears;
  • reacts aggressively to any actions.

Sometimes your pet's pupils dilate and his fur stands on end. As a rule, the souls of the dead make themselves known in infrared radiation. For example, during photography.

How cats see in the dark

Most cats see in the dark much better than humans. This is explained by the structure of the animal's eye. Their visual acuity is 6 times higher than that of humans. Of course, in absolute darkness, a cat will see absolutely nothing, just like a person. However, even with a minimal light source, the animal can move freely around the room or in an open space. It is this ability that allows cats to hunt at night.

By the way, such good orientation of animals in dark rooms or at night in open spaces is explained not only by visual acuity, but also by generally developed sense organs. Cats have ideal hearing, smell and touch, due to which the animal sees any movement of objects and objects. The main sensor is the whiskers, which, even better than the eyes, allow the fluffy to receive information about everything that is happening around him.

Why do cats' eyes glow in the dark?

You've probably noticed how cats' eyes glow in the dark. At this moment, the animals look like horror movie heroes. A couple of hundred years ago, for these abilities, four-legged friends were even credited with some kind of magical and otherworldly powers. It was believed that cats could communicate with the spirits of dead people and see brownies.

Alas, there is nothing magical about this feature. Answer to the question: “Why do cats’ eyes glow?” pretty simple. They simply reflect the rays of light that hit them. This occurs due to a small wall of crystals, which is otherwise called tapetum. It is observed in many predators that need visual acuity to hunt in the dark.

Even a small amount of light falling on a cat's eye is reflected on the photoreceptors, which outwardly looks as if the animal's eyes glow in the dark. Experts call this phenomenon photoluminescence. Accordingly, as soon as the light source changes direction or disappears completely, the cat's eyes will stop glowing.

Interesting : When reflected from the eyes, light falls into the green spectrum. Therefore, you can observe that in the dark, the eyes of animals glow green or yellow.

How does a cat see a person?

Pet owners are interested in knowing how cats perceive people. In fact, there are no difficulties here. Animals see you as you are in life. The only difference is the range of shades of clothing.

Being innately farsighted, the animal may lose your features if you are too close. In this case, the familiar smell of the owner comes to the rescue. Also, a poorly defined silhouette of a person is observed if he is too far away.

The energetic power of cats

They say that cats have strong energy. Let's try to look at a pet from the point of view of extrasensory perception.


“A cat is an energetic substance, invisible to us, trembling, of a very high level, high frequency, that is, energy goes back and forth, it is not 220 volts in the current, digital representation. It's probably about a thousand volts. And this energy substance, thousands of volts, has eyes at the top that emit this energy in a living stream,” says psychic Arina Evdokimova.

The energy clot that a cat represents cannot be destroyed, the psychic believes. This is where those nine lives come from. Falling from a great height, finding itself in situations on the verge of life and death, the animal simply reincarnates. Of course, the human eye cannot see this.

The Institute of Ecology and Evolution studies the habits of all felines. Zoologist Anastasia Antonevich says the reason cats are so resilient lies in their behavior before they became domesticated. That is, the conditions of the wild in which they were for a long time were clearly reflected in the genetic code of the animal. This is why cats are so highly adapted to survival.

Features of cat eyes

A cat's vision is different from a human's, if only because these animals are predators. They need eyes not only to contemplate the beauty of the world. Visual acuity helps you hunt and track prey even in the most extreme situations.

Despite this, the structure of a cat's eye has much in common with a human eye. Like humans, the animal's pupil dilates in the dark and contracts during daylight hours. The photoreceptors in the cat's eye are divided into two categories: cones and rods. The first ones perceive shades and are responsible for visual acuity during the day. While the latter provide good visibility of objects at night. A cat has much more rods than cones (25 times). This is why animals can hunt in the dark.


Buddhists do not believe in the existence of the soul. For them, everything around is one big stream of Consciousness, which takes on various incarnations. Every living creature and even inanimate object has a piece of it. Therefore, heaven and hell do not exist in Buddhism. According to this religion, heaven and hell, both for humans and for cats, are a psychological state that everyone chooses for themselves. After death, the pet's soul is reborn and ends up in one of the worlds. This could be the world of hell, people, animals, hungry ghosts, lower or higher deities. The place of future incarnation also depends on the actions of the cat, that is, on how pure its karma is.

Excursion into history

As you know, the first people to domesticate cats were the ancient Egyptians. Ever since the wild predator began to live side by side with humans, it never ceases to amaze. The naive inhabitants of Egypt believed that she would serve them - to catch mice. It was for this purpose that they were tamed.

However, very soon they themselves began to serve and worship the cat, considering it a supreme being, almost a deity. People sculpted animal figures and used them during rituals. The dead were buried not just anywhere, but in tombs - next to the pharaohs.

Many things surprised people about cats. For example :

  • They know how to appear as if from nowhere and go as if to nowhere. People don’t see them for a long time, and then they come.
  • They walk on their own, demonstrating complete independence.
  • They do not obey the will of the owner, like, for example, dogs, but act as they please.

Perhaps cats behave this way because they feel protected by the other world and higher powers. People have thought about this more than once. In the Middle Ages, it was for this reason that cats were burned at the stake along with witches. Each person considered it almost his duty to destroy as many tailed creatures as possible.

They were perceived as messengers of the other world, assistants of Satan, and evil spirits. It's scary to imagine how many cute cats have become victims of their reputation. Black individuals suffered especially. It was the mass extermination of representatives of the cat family that largely provoked plague epidemics.

After the mass extermination of animals, there was no one to destroy the main carriers of the infection - rodents. It turns out that people, having paid for their stupidity and cruelty, themselves went to the other world.

Time passed, and barbaric methods became a thing of the past. However, even today many believe that cats can see objects of the other world. This frightens some, but delights others. It is difficult to find a person who would be completely indifferent to cats.


Some of the ancient Greek philosophers believed in a special doctrine - metempsychosis.

Metempsychosis is a philosophy about the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into a newly born living being. That is, according to some philosophers, the soul evolves into human form after many lives lived in the form of an animal.

Followers of many Eastern religions believe in this concept. It seems that most mediums and clairvoyants share this view.

However, many doubts arise regarding self-awareness and the ability to maintain this awareness after death. Well, you must admit, it’s hard to believe that, for example, a flea has a soul.

One very famous medium explains what really happens to some animals after they die.

Not all animals survive as individual souls after their death. Some merge with what is commonly called group consciousness


Their souls return to the collective consciousness of one particular species, from which different animal souls are then born. And only when self-consciousness arises, such a soul continues after death and begins the long process of climbing the evolutionary ladder to human and angelic consciousness (to the highest degree of existence).

For many animals, this journey begins when they receive love from a human. In particular, pets acquire a sense of identity with a person due to prolonged exposure to that same person.

Our consciousness seems to influence them, so to speak, forces them to abandon their nature and begins to develop free will in them.

Some people love their pets so much that they treat them like their own children. This attitude helps the animal to advance spiritually.

The love that a person gives to his pet allows the animal to quickly find a sense of identity.

Thus, the owner of the animal, without knowing it, helps create a new soul. Some even believe that pets are, in the literal sense, children, because their souls are completely pure and new...

Scientists' opinion

Scientists, naturally, deny any connection between cats and the otherworldly. What is a mystery to an ordinary person is obvious to them. People of science explain the strange behavior of cats by extremely developed sense organs :

They claim that when a cat sits, staring at one point, it does not see some other object, but listens to the rustling of a mouse under the floor. When it takes off and flies into the distance, it chases a bird whose scent it has smelled. The same goes for sudden aggression. Most likely, the cat has smelled an enemy (for example, a dog), and is ready for defense or attack.

The situation is a little more complicated with the ability of cats to heal people and “see” approaching natural disasters. However, here, according to scientists, otherworldly power has nothing to do with it. Unless, of course, you count energy as such. The laws of its exchange in the Universe are being actively studied today, and very soon absolute clarity will come in these matters.

Thus, when asked whether cats see the other world, scientists answer in the negative. Nobody forbids those who want to believe in mysticism to do so. Who knows, maybe cats still have some supernatural abilities, and someday scientists will prove it.

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