Cat tangles: reasons for their appearance, how to get rid of them

What are tangles

Lost hairs that remain on the cat's body can become tangled with each other, with growing hairs, and form into dense lumps - tangles.

Basically, the cat's undercoat falls off - the lower layer of hair, which is responsible for thermoregulation. In long-haired breeds such as Siberian, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest, Persian, Angora, Neva Masquerade, the undercoat is highly developed. These breeds require regular brushing.

First, lumps form in the armpits, inner thighs, and groin - where friction occurs during movement. Then on the stomach, back, tail, behind the ears. When neglected, the hair clumps together, covering almost the entire body. There is also a risk of getting a complete ball of felt when the owner tries to bathe a cat whose fur is matted.

Examining a cat for mats

Inspecting the cat and combing out any tangles found

Even with good care, you need to inspect the animal's body as often as possible. A foreign object in the form of adhered dirt will lead to matting over time. The wool gets matted quite quickly, but grows back for a long time after being cut. In place of the removed lump, fur of a different color may form. This is a normal deviation.

Prevention by bathing

Not all cats love to bathe, but they should!

Bathing your cat is also a preventative measure. But everyone knows how they treat water, to put it mildly, poorly. Therefore, you can use dry powders and shampoos. They are sprayed onto the fur and combed. The products contain components that smooth out hairs and prevent them from getting tangled and tangled.

Reasons for the formation of tangles

When mats constantly appear in a cat, the reasons can be different and related not only to care, but also to the pet’s health:

  • The first reason for matted fur is inadequate care. Long-haired breeds require regular brushing. And during the spring and autumn molting period - daily. Hair becomes tangled due to static electricity generated by friction. Therefore, the cat is combed with an antistatic agent, which can be purchased at a pet store.
  • Also, lack of knowledge of how to bathe a cat leads to matting of hair. Wool should not be lathered or ruffled. You should spread the shampoo and rinse it off with stroking movements - from the back of the head to the tail. All movements are strictly according to hair growth. Drying after washing plays an equally important role. Proper drying means simply wrapping your pet in a towel and getting wet. If one towel is not enough, use a second one, but do not rub.
  • Constant shedding. Nature dictates that cats shed twice a year – in spring and autumn. However, for completely domestic pets, this “schedule” has gone astray. Due to constant living in apartment conditions with the same temperature, cats do not shed much, but constantly. It is difficult for animals to free themselves from fallen hairs.
  • In cat breeds with long coats, problems are created by the owners themselves. The desire to scratch your pet behind the ear, for the cat’s joy and your peace, leads to “breaking” of the fur and matting.
  • In cats that walk outside, tangles form due to dirt, small twigs, and blades of grass, around which the hairs become tangled.
  • Ectoparasites that live on fur and skin (ticks, fleas, lice eaters).
  • Obesity, as a result of overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, castration and sterilization, can also become a provocateur of mats. The cat stops licking itself, and an overweight animal cannot reach some places at all.
  • Poor nutrition. In the absence of a balance of proteins, fats, vitamins and microelements, the hair deteriorates, hair falls out faster, which is a provoking factor in the formation of tangles. If everything is in order with your health, then proper nutrition can correct hair problems.

Eliminating mats in cats

Most often, tangles appear on the natural folds of the torso, but in especially advanced cases - on the sides and back. In this case, the normal heat exchange in the animal is disrupted, the fur bends and tears under the weight of the lump, and it is difficult for the animal to find a comfortable position for sleeping, which often affects behavior.

If your pet has mats in his fur, you should definitely find out how to quickly get rid of them.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Calm the animal, ask an assistant to hold it, or restrain the cat yourself. For an animal, such manipulations are very stressful, so you should not aggravate the situation by scolding or holding your pet too tightly.
  2. Combing should begin from the back and sides, gradually moving upward. The paws and head are combed last. Most often, difficulties begin when it comes to the belly, but if you calm the animal enough during the brushing process, this process will be successful.
  3. The animal must be periodically calmed and caressed, you can use a treat, the main thing is that the cat does not twitch and does not worsen the situation.
  4. Small tangles can be easily combed out with a regular comb used for grooming. The main thing is not to tug the hairs too much, hold them with your hand and move consistently.
  5. Under no circumstances should the fur be wet or use bathing to remove tangles. This will only worsen the situation, because you need to get rid of them only in dry form.
  6. Medium-sized tangles can be cut in the middle and then carefully combed out. You need to act very carefully, because cats have very thin skin. If you are afraid to carry out the procedure yourself, it is better to consult a specialist.
  7. Large tangles, including heavily soiled ones, only need to be cut off. This can be done with regular and hairdressing scissors, clippers and other devices.
  8. If the animal's fur is completely covered with clumps, it would be more advisable to shave it completely. To do this, it is better to contact a professional animal stylist. It will grow back in about two to three months, during which you will have time to prepare for regular grooming of your pet.
  9. There are special hygiene products that prevent the formation of tangles. First of all, this is an antistatic spray, as well as dry shampoos. They help maintain good coat condition by smoothing every hair.

Owners of long-haired cats can be advised to purchase a special comb - a tangle cutter. Externally, this device can have different configurations, and inside there are special blades for effectively removing dead hairs. Using a mat cutter is very convenient, but for the first time it is better to ask a specialist to show you the correct movements.

You will also need another type of comb - a furminator. This device will allow you to comb out the undercoat and fully care for your pet’s coat. A furminator will be especially indispensable during the molting period of an animal.

Why are tangles dangerous?

Matted fur is harmful to your cat's health:

  • Pets become irritated and stressed.
  • Under a dense clot, the skin does not breathe, which threatens to overheat the body.
  • In the absence of ventilation, areas of redness and irritation of the skin occur. Weeping eczema, suppuration, and dermatitis may appear.
  • Hair that has bunched up in a ball pulls the skin, causing serious discomfort to the pet.
  • Dirt collects in tangles, which makes them much more difficult to untangle.

The cat tries to fight the matted fur by tearing it with its claws, and in the process injures the skin. An attempt to lick also aggravates the situation; the hairs stick together and become even more tangled. Lumps moistened with saliva become a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms and pests.

In addition, the animal can get caught in the mat on objects, causing itself pain. The cat will remember that touching matted fur is painful and will not allow you to untangle or cut out the tangled knot calmly.

Why do mats appear in cats?

Tangling hair and the formation of unpleasant lumps in the fur indicate that the animal’s nutrition is not balanced.

Also, the cause of tangles can be a pet illness; the most likely diseases in this case include problems with the health of the animal’s oral cavity. Other possible diseases that can result in the formation of mats include infestation of the cat with parasites, including fleas and lice, and dermatological skin problems.

Hair also becomes tangled if adhesives and other contaminants get on your pet’s fur.

When washing your pet, using shampoos intended for washing human hair, as well as incorrect actions when soaping the cat and drying it, lead to the formation of lumps.

How to remove tangles

At home, a comb, scissors, a tangle cutter, or a spray to make combing easier will help remove a matted lump.

Wet wool combs better. Therefore, before getting rid of tangles from a cat, the hair is moisturized. The product is sold ready-made.


  • Elite Professional anti-matt spray for cats;
  • grooming spray Api-san Silk;
  • Beaphar Free Spray;
  • Bi-Phase Demelant;
  • Artero cosmetisc MATT-X.

You can also make a spray from conditioner, which is used after shampoo when bathing. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of conditioner with 0.5 liters of water.

How to comb a mat

Small tangles can be combed out or disassembled by hand:

  1. Moisten the tangled ball with liquid. For convenience, the solution is sprayed using a spray bottle. If your pet is afraid, you can simply soak the lump in water with your hand.
  2. Stretch the wet lump with your fingers and try to pull it apart.
  3. Take the mat at the base, as close to the skin as possible and comb from the ends, gradually moving towards the roots of the hair. It is important not to pull so as not to cause discomfort to the cat. During the procedure, the hairs are moisturized.

How to get rid of cat tangles at home

The cat is unlikely to like removing tangles, but he no longer has to choose. First of all, you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will resist.

  1. The pet needs to be fixed. You may have to ask your household for help.
  2. Next, you should feel the tangle and evaluate how much it has grown into the skin. If the lump is not very hard and large, you can try to cut it and comb out the wool in fragments.
  3. There is no point in trying to sort out neglected tangles. It is much easier to cut or shave them with a clipper.
  4. You need to cut out the tangles in parts. It's better to start with a small piece and move closer to the skin in stages.

This must be done extremely carefully so as not to injure the skin or cause infection.

If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, then it’s better to go to a veterinary clinic or a cat groomer. They have all the necessary tools in their arsenal, and most importantly, experience in coping with this task.

How to cut a cat's hair with a mat cutter

Standard webbing cutter

A tool that will certainly come in handy for owners of fluffy cats.

The brush has from 4 to 10 teeth. The blades can be straight or wave-shaped. Before using the tool, you should try to separate the hair with your hands and free as much healthy hair as possible. Next, the mat is combed out using the blades of a mat cutter.

At this point, special care will be required to avoid touching the skin. Essentially, the device cuts through tangled wool.

When choosing a webbing cutter, you should pay attention to how well it is made. A cheap tool can injure an animal and quickly become unusable

The tangle cutter is capable of combing out medium-level clumps. Deeply ingrown tangles need to be cut out entirely.

Don't be too scared. New fur will grow in approximately 5 months. The lost piece is a great pity, but in the future the owner will be more attentive.

Preventive actions

Only careful grooming and brushing of your cat will help prevent mats.

Even very fluffy cats may not know what mats are if properly cared for.

Some pets get used to brushes and perceive them as a portion of pleasure.

It is important to purchase a good comb; it should not have very hard teeth; they are not needed for daily care. In hot weather, you can take your cat to the hairdresser and get beautiful haircuts for its long fur.

This is also a way to prevent the formation of tangles. Summer is hot and cats sweat, so grooming can become a good habit.

In hot weather, you can take your cat to the hairdresser and get beautiful haircuts for its long fur. This is also a way to prevent the formation of tangles. Summer is hot and cats sweat, so grooming can become a good habit.

How to cut out a hairball correctly

If there are a lot of tangles, they are large and it is impossible to comb them, you should get rid of them completely, cut them off to the ground. You need to be as careful as possible so as not to damage your pet's thin skin.

Tangles can be cut with scissors

How to properly cut tangles:

  • The process of removing hairballs is quite long and, as already mentioned, the cat may become very nervous and try to run away, so it is worth asking a second person for help. And if there are a lot of lumps, then extend the procedure several times.
  • It is better to remove lumps only where the hair is long. Do not touch the head and paws, as this may damage the animal's skin.
  • It is not recommended to wash the animal before brushing. A wet six will become denser and the cutting process will be much more difficult.
  • After removing and combing, just as before cutting, you can spray the wool with a spray to prevent the hair from getting tangled.

Can mats harm an animal?

Owners often underestimate the problem, not realizing that mats in cats can cause serious consequences:

  • matted hair causes pain in the cat. The animal, trying to get rid of the problem, becomes nervous and irritable, worries, eats and sleeps poorly. This negatively affects the general condition of the pet;

  • the undercoat falls tightly and close to the skin, so natural ventilation is disrupted. Because of this, heat exchange changes and in warm weather the animal may suffer from overheating, and in cold weather it may freeze, since the wool knocked into balls provides almost no warmth;

  • constant companions of tangles are skin diseases in the form of eczema and dermatitis. Severe forms of these diseases can lead to the death of the pet.

Regardless of the number and size of tangles, this process cannot be ignored. Tangled areas of fur must be removed and this must be done correctly.

Which cats are susceptible to them?

Most often, cat breeds with long hair and fluffy undercoat are susceptible to matting.

Be sure to read:

A cat yells at night: what to do, the main reasons, how to calm the animal, what not to do

These include:

  • Persian;
  • Siberian;
  • Burmese;
  • Abyssinian;
  • Norwegian forest;
  • Himalayan;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • Balinese;
  • British Longhair;
  • Highland Fold;
  • Maine Coon.

The short-haired representatives of the family have fur that does not fall into balls even in the absence of proper care.

Removal of small problematic formations

Small lumps can be easily combed out. Just calm the cat down and run a comb through the fur. The hardest part to comb is the belly and paws. The cat may struggle, so call a second person to help hold the animal in this case.

To make combing easier, special antistatic sprays are purchased; of course, each breed requires its own high-quality cosmetic product.

Use a spray for easy combing

Lumps that are slightly larger are cut lengthwise, cut into several pieces, and only then untangled either by hand or combed out with a comb. This procedure is done very carefully so as not to injure the cat.

Indications for removing mats

Clumps of matted fur should be removed as soon as possible. Tangles are not only unsightly, but also dangerous. These formations do not pose a threat to the cat’s life, but there are direct indications for their elimination. And this should under no circumstances be ignored.

Discomfort for the animal

The tangles are quite dense in structure. Their appearance causes a lot of inconvenience to the cat.

During play, the pet may get caught in a furball on some object and pull it hard to free itself from the obstacle. As a result, the cat will be injured, and the mat itself and touching it will be associated with pain and discomfort. This will make it difficult for the owner or veterinarian to remove the lump.

Mats cause pain and discomfort to the cat

Skin diseases

If there are a large number of mats, the skin underneath them begins to swell. This is a direct road to the development of skin diseases.

Increased dryness provokes the appearance of dandruff. Excessive moisture causes inflammation and ulcers to form on the skin, through which secondary infection can occur. Sometimes this leads to infection entering the body.

Therefore, at the first signs of the formation of tangles, you need to get rid of them, and then prescribe treatment to the animal.

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