Diapers for cats and cats: what they are needed for and how to use them

What are they?

Diapers for cats are made in the form of panties, which are attached to the animal using Velcro. Outwardly, they are similar to diapers for people, only these are made taking into account the anatomical features of furry pets. They are disposable, covered on the outside with material that allows air to pass through well. Inside there is a layer that absorbs moisture. There is a hole at the back for a ponytail. There are also reusable cat diapers. The structure is the same, but they are made of washable fabric and the absorbent pads are replaceable.

Why are they needed?

Reasons for which you can use cat diapers:

The products can be put on a baby who has not yet learned to use the tray.

  • If the owners just got a small kitten, not even a month has passed, the baby has not learned to go to the litter box, and a diaper doesn’t help either, then a device such as diapers for kittens will come in handy. Especially if people have left home for a long time.
  • The pet is sick and cannot get up to go to the toilet.
  • After castration, sterilization and other operations, it is necessary to wear diapers for cats to maintain the cleanliness of the surgical site.
  • For diseases of the kidneys and bladder, if they are accompanied by frequent urination or incontinence.
  • If ointment or cream needs to be applied to the groin area, diapers can be worn to prevent the pet from licking the medicine.
  • During long transportation, diapers are also worn.
  • If a male and a female live in the house, then this device helps prevent unwanted mating.
  • The cat is actively marking its territory, the cat is in heat - they use diapers.
  • An elderly animal is unable to quickly reach the tray.

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There are different brands of diapers, they differ in price and quality. You can purchase it at a pet store or veterinary clinic. The cost varies depending on the manufacturer, size and number of pieces in the package. The most common:

“Dobrozveriki” sit comfortably on pets. They have a filling indicator. If the line on the diaper disappears, then it’s time to change it. Cliny is made from an absorbent polymer that turns urine into a gel, preventing leakage. The surface allows air to pass through well. Luxsan absorb liquid and eliminate unpleasant odors. Simple Solution protects against urine leakage. Velcro is adjustable to fit the size of the cat. They do not cause discomfort. Triol is made from cotton material and the absorbent surface is made from cellulose. There are beautiful images drawn on the outside of the diapers.

Pros of cat diapers

Most of the advantages of this hygiene product are obvious: first of all, they save you from “surprises”. As a result, the fluffy one is also comfortable, who does not have to look for a suitable place, or be “embarrassed” and afraid of punishment after the embarrassment has occurred. And for the owners, there is no need to run around the house and wipe away “traces.”

Also, such diapers are a godsend for pets with disabilities. For example, if a four-legged animal has weak limbs, then it has to crawl. And the diaper saves him not only from “mistakes”, but also protects his belly from rubbing with the carpet or floor covering.

How to choose?

Diapers are selected according to size. It is calculated based on the pet’s weight and waist circumference, available in S, M, L.

The correspondence between the sizes and parameters of the cat is presented in the table:

SizeWaist circumference, cmBody weight, kg

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How to dress correctly?

In order to put on a cat diaper, you need to take it out of the package and straighten it. First you need to thread the tail through the hole in the diaper. Place the front part in the stomach and secure it with Velcro. This process is not complicated; the principle of dressing is the same as for human babies. Only in animals it is necessary to start from the tail.

After the cat poops, the diaper with feces must be immediately removed and a new one put on. When urinating, the diaper is changed as it is full. If the pet doesn’t like it and takes it off, then additional fixation will be required. You can use any available means. For example, cut the pant leg off the tights, make holes for the paws, and put it on over the diaper.

Hygiene rules when using a diaper

Diapers make caring for your pet easier, but their constant use can cause problems with the animal's skin. To avoid additional difficulties, you need to remember the rules of application:

  • do not wear diapers more than three times a day: prolonged use leads to wounds and cracks in the skin;
  • take care of your skin: powders and protective creams will protect against diaper rash;
  • take a break between using diapers: put on a new hygiene product 15 minutes after removing the old one, this time is enough for the skin to be enriched with oxygen;
  • Use disinfectant ointments when wearing a diaper frequently. If there is a need for continuous use, the cat should be washed and the skin should be treated with antimicrobial agents. When in heat, it is necessary to change diapers at least twice a day.

Attention to these simple hygiene rules will ensure ease of use of diapers for both the pet and the owner.

How to do it at home?

To make a cat diaper with your own hands, you can use a regular baby diaper. To do this, you need to attach it to your pet’s butt and put a mark where the tail should be. Then cut a hole in this place. The pet diaper is ready. Fabric can be used for the invention. Fold into a triangle. Place the corner between the hind legs, and the wide part on the back. Tie all the corners on the stomach. It is possible to make diapers for cats using a disposable diaper. It must be cut into the required shape. You can secure it with adhesive tape or use a stapler to attach the ties.


What are cat diapers

These miniature products are similar to disposable panties, made of material that allows air to pass freely, but the absorbent layer retains the pet's waste products. They have locking features and adhesive tape closures for a secure fit. Structurally, diapers for cats are practically no different from their counterparts for babies, only a hole is cut out at the back for the tail and they are much smaller in size.

Diapers for cats can be used for a long time; only the absorbent liner attached to the inside is changed.

Why do you need cat diapers?

Pets sometimes get sick. At such moments, they cannot even reach the tray on their own to recover, for example, with urolithiasis or after sterilization surgery. Their instinct is so strong that they will try to crawl to the toilet.

You can use diapers for cats only in the following cases:

  1. A serious disease when the animal is unable to control natural discharge - it occurs spontaneously.
  2. During sharp exacerbations of urolithiasis, when the urge is frequent and little fluid is released, you can also visually observe the presence of mucus or blood clots.
  3. If your cat has superficial wounds or skin problems in the groin area, the medicated areas will be inaccessible to the animal. In this case, the places where the sick pet likes to lie are protected - armchairs, sofas, etc.
  4. After surgery, because during the postoperative period, especially in the first days, cats can lick the seam and prevent its natural healing.
  5. During a long move, when it is not possible to use the usual tray.
  6. In order to prevent unwanted mating (temporarily) when animals of different sexes live in the house.
  7. To protect the premises during heat, especially when the upholstered furniture is light.
  8. Anti-marking panties for cats are used only if the animal frequently marks its territory.
  9. For older pets, when it is already difficult for them to get to the tray.

There is a need for diapers to help keep your pet clean when he is sick and unable to care for himself. Cats are clean and lick themselves several times a day.


I first learned about pet diapers after my cat had surgery. After the operation, the veterinarian returned the cat to us in diapers. Since the cat had a catheter sewn in, the doctor immediately advised us to buy Triol pet diapers and change them ourselves. At first I was scared and thought that I couldn’t handle it, but when I unfolded them and took a closer look, I realized that there was nothing complicated about them. We used the smallest size diapers (S). In appearance, the diapers are very similar to children's diapers, they are attached with Velcro in the same way, the only difference is the presence of a hole for the tail. The diapers themselves are very good, they absorb perfectly, have strong Velcro, do not fall off and do not smell strongly (but there was still a slight smell). I changed them about 3 times a day. As for the cat, he took the diapers very negatively and constantly tried to take them off... If it weren’t for the protective collar, he would definitely have torn it. The first 3 days were the hardest for him, but then he calmed down and resigned himself.))



A cat can stupidly take off his diaper himself. When my cat had surgery, he also had to use a diaper, although I bought simple baby diapers and made a hole in them, he took them off at once. Until I bought children's tights, I cut off the legs like shorts, I also made a hole in the shorts themselves for the tail, and sewed on the rest of the legs, it turned out to be dungarees, uncomfortable of course, but the diaper is in place



You won’t know until you try it)) I dressed my cat in a diaper special for animals. He didn't walk around in it for long, took it off himself, or started biting it off. There's almost a full pack lying in the closet.



The cat's diaper will become an additional nuisance, and she will take it off. I remember I put a blanket (post-op) on top of my cat’s diaper so that he couldn’t take it off. I walked like this for 10 days and suffered from the inability to lick myself.



…..Cats regularly fulfill their marital duties, but….time passes and it turns out that the cats are not pregnant….I didn’t pay attention to this at that time, but it seems in vain…After a while, the cats started mating again, again - zero result By this time, my cats had been wearing diapers for about a year. Perhaps it was a coincidence or something else, but the result is obvious - something has clearly changed in the cats’ fertility (before we put on diapers, I had never seen cats empty( not from the first mating, but at the next heat, the cat became pregnant) My guess, although this remains only an assumption and not a scientific fact, perhaps the activity of sperm was somehow influenced by the temperature and high humidity in which the eggs of the Certain One were located all this time I still haven’t found the answer for myself...



There are diapers for animals, and in different sizes. They are sold in pet stores. Probably in online pet stores too (try searching). I don’t know where you live, but there’s definitely one in Kyiv, I bought it myself. Baby diapers for animals fit very poorly. They are of a different shape (the animal constantly takes them off) and when you cut a hole for the tail, the edges of the hole must be sealed so that the filler does not fall out. I sealed it with a fabric adhesive plaster, but it’s still not the best option. Have you taken your cat to the veterinarian? Maybe his problem (that he walks poorly) can be treated? It’s just that cats, as a rule, look quite young until their last days and behave normally. They exhibit aging differently than dogs. Perhaps the situation with your cat is not just old age, but a disease.



How to choose the right diaper for a cat

Diapers for cats and cats are available in different sizes.

The size of the diaper depends on the weight of the cat and its dimensions in the abdomen:

  • S - for waist circumference 25-35 cm and weight 2-4 kg;
  • M - 35-48 cm and 4-7 kg;
  • L - for massive cats, for example, the Maine Coon breed, 45-65 cm and weighing up to 16 kg.

Manufacturers always indicate the dimensions on the packaging, as well as all the basic data that you need to study before purchasing.

First you need to measure your pet: place the cat vertically on its hind legs and measure the circumference of its abdomen. The diapers are universal, the gender of the animal does not matter. It is necessary to take into account that a large cat will be uncomfortable moving in a tight diaper, but it should not dangle, because it will be of no use.

Rules for using diapers

Cats often show ingenuity to get rid of a foreign object that prevents them from moving, so first they put on post-operative blankets over the diapers, which you can make yourself from cotton trouser legs from old trousers or nylon tights. To do this, you only need to make holes for the paws and tail.

Experts do not recommend buying a large package right away; you need to buy two diapers and check the tightness of the fit, as well as how the fasteners hold it.

How to put diaper on a cat

Owners are primarily interested in this question. First, the diaper is straightened, then applied to the lower abdomen, and the tail is threaded through the hole. Then the diaper is pulled as close to the cat’s body as possible, with the long end of the product under its belly. The short one is put on the back, and the long one is wrapped around the pet’s stomach and secured with Velcro, having previously adjusted them.

Putting it on quickly takes practice, because some pets may behave inappropriately at these moments. The entire operation of putting on a diaper must be done quickly so that the cat does not squirm.

How to change a cat's diaper

It needs to be changed as it is full, because the liquid transforms into a gel, and the increased weight and volume of the diaper prevents the animal from moving, and the smell seeps out. For animals of average weight, two diapers are enough for a day, but owners need to remember that feces are not absorbed, so they need to change the diaper right away.

In what situations are pet diapers used?

Diapers are not an accessory for permanent use. This is “emergency help” in situations where the cat cannot go to the litter box.

Diapers are used in the following situations:

  • Severely ill, bedridden animals with spontaneous excretion of feces and urine.
  • For diseases of the genitourinary system with frequent bowel movements. The use of diapers allows you to control discharge, determine its nature, the presence of mucus, and blood in the urine.
  • Apply ointment for dermatitis in the groin area. Diapers protect the skin from contamination, as well as furniture and carpets from getting dirty.
  • Postoperative recovery period after castration, urethrostomy, sterilization. Temporary wearing of diapers is required to speed up the healing of wounds and prevent the cat from licking the perineum.
  • Long-term transportation without the opportunity to go to relieve yourself.
  • Preventing unwanted mating if different-sex individuals live in the house.
  • Cats are in heat with copious mucus discharge.
  • Animals mark their territory too actively, leaving traces of urine throughout the house.
  • Older pets are unable to get to the toilet.
  • The kitten has not yet been trained to use the litter box, but they go on a visit with it.

You should not use diapers unless there are urgent reasons for it. Constant wearing leads to diaper rash, irritation, and allergies. Moreover, cats may unlearn to go to the litter box, but kittens will not learn at all.

Top 10 cat diapers

Original products for pets are produced not only by foreign, but also by domestic manufacturers.


Budget diapers are easy to put on and fasten on the body because they have an elastic band. When worn, they do not restrict the animal's freedom of movement, and the breathable outer layer provides ventilation. Inside there is absorbent material, as well as sides that prevent the leakage of emerging moisture. The reusable Velcro fasteners can be adjusted and will not stick to wool when worn.

The price of a package of diapers is 304 rubles.


This is the only series of hygiene products for pets with silver ions that have a bactericidal effect. In addition, they improve the cat's immunity. The composition was developed by scientists from Neoterica GmbH, Germany.

The absorbent polymer turns the liquid into a jelly (gel) and retains odor. Diapers use only natural materials and film with perforations to ensure ventilation.

Cost of a set of 10 pcs. — 319 rub.


Disposable diapers are able to instantly absorb liquid and turn it into gel, so cats do not experience any discomfort when wearing them. When choosing a size, owners need to take the correct measurements of the pet so that the product holds firmly and does not interfere with movement.

The weight of one diaper is 0.22 kg, there are 10 pieces in a package, you can buy them for 399 rubles.

Clean Tail

Russian manufacturers produce universal diapers for cats weighing from 7 to 16 kg. Polymer pads inside provide 100% absorption, instantly turning moisture into gel. The product is easy and quick to put on and is securely fixed on the animal’s body, and a wide range of sizes allows you to individually select a diaper for any breed.

Materials used: cellulose, superpolymer, non-woven fabric, breathable polyethylene. Pack of 14 pcs. Total cost - 473 rubles.


XS diapers are intended for cats weighing from 2 to 4 kg and a volume in the abdominal area of ​​20-28 cm. They are made of cotton-based material. The absorbent and absorbent layers are made of natural materials; there are sides on the sides that prevent leaks. The upper part of the product is decorated with a pattern. Made in China.

The set includes 22 diapers, price - 697 rubles.


The diapers have a fullness indicator around the entire perimeter - the disappearance of the pattern on the strip signals that it’s time to change the product. Two elastic belts secure the diaper on the pet's body. The absorbent layer is made of superabsorbent, and double elastic sides reliably protect against leakage.

There are 22 diapers in a package, the cost varies depending on their size in the range of 539-820 rubles.


Durable products are made of high-quality materials and are additionally equipped with absorbent components. They do not emit toxic substances, therefore they are safe for people and pets. Velcro fasteners ensure secure fastening to the body and do not stick to fur. When worn, it does not cause problems for the animal.

Pack of 12 pcs., price - 579-985 rubles, depends on the size.

Savic Comfort Nappy

Pampers from a company from Belgium are available in six sizes. They provide reliable protection and complete absorption of natural pet waste. Protects cats' fur and skin from excessive wetting and the spread of infections. The color of the diapers is black.

The package consists of 12 diapers, the cost is 832 rubles.

Japan Premium Pet

Intelligent reusable diapers from a company from Japan. They can also be used to protect against unwanted pregnancy (unisex). The product is equipped with a color indication system in two levels: feces and urine.

The polymer, developed by Japanese engineers, allows it to absorb liquids 40 times the weight of a cat. Odor absorption is ensured by the presence of CPC brand polymer; it destroys 99.8% of bacteria in 3 hours. A replaceable pad is inserted into the pocket, so the product is reusable and is designed for cats with a body weight of 1-3 kg.

Pack of 16 pieces, price - 839 rubles.

Simple Solution

Reusable diapers from a US company are designed specifically for pets. On top there is a layer responsible for ventilation, and in the back there is a hole for the tail. Easy adjustment of the fasteners does not pinch the fur, providing the animal with comfortable wearing.

You can purchase the set for 950 rubles.

Common Products

When choosing the best products for cats, you should focus on the quality of materials and ease of use. The brand plays an important role. Often the best products are purchased due to positive customer reviews. Veterinary pharmacies have a huge number of diapers from domestic and foreign manufacturers. The following brands are in particular demand:

Convenient to use. They are made of high-quality, hypoallergenic material, have elastic bands, and reliable Velcro for fixation. The inner layer is made of fluff pulp. Absorbs a large amount of liquid and retains unpleasant odor inside. Has a filling indicator. If the horizontal pattern has disappeared, the diaper is full, it’s time to change it. Packaging price is 652-835 rubles. Diapers are produced in two sizes.

The products are distinguished by the presence of superabsorbent material. Inside there are special granules that turn the liquid into a gel. Thanks to this action, leakage is prevented, the diaper remains dry, and the unpleasant odor is contained. Fluff cellulose acts as the main absorbent material. The polymer film prevents leakage. The diaper itself is made of hydrophilic non-woven fabric. Product cost from 320 rubles.

Externally and functionally they are practically no different from the products of the previous brand. Made from non-woven fabric, cellulose is used as an absorbent. Inside the tab there are capsules that turn the liquid into a gel. Anatomically shaped diapers, with reliable Velcro and elastic bands. Price per package 730-985 rub. They are produced in two sizes for different weight categories of cats.

  • Simple Solution

Made from hypoallergenic breathable material. Adjustable and held in place using fasteners and Velcro. They absorb well, do not leak, and retain the odor. They do not cause discomfort to the animal while wearing them, since they do not pinch the fur or rub the skin. Package price 950 rub.

The inner surface of the diaper is soft, elastic, and contains cotton. Cellulose is used as an absorbent substance. Polyethylene prevents leakage. The product contains no natural or synthetic fragrances. The product is hypoallergenic. Fixes conveniently with Velcro. There are elastic side barriers on the sides. The top layer has a bright, attractive pattern. The price for a package of diapers is 572 rubles.

There are 12 pieces in a package. Available in two sizes for cats. The material of the product is natural, breathable. Moisture absorption occurs due to cellulose. Polyethylene protects against leakage. When used correctly, the diaper does not cause discomfort, allergies, or irritation. They change 2 pieces per day. Doesn't hold much scent. The price of the package is about 600 rubles.

How to make a diaper for a cat with your own hands

A small baby diaper is useful for this:

  • first try it on the animal to determine the exact place for the tail;
  • cut a neat hole and put it on to adjust the fastenings.
  • take suitable material;
  • fold into a triangle;
  • place one end between the pet’s paws in the abdomen area;
  • apply the remaining part to the back;
  • tie the ends at the bottom of the belly, having first threaded the tail into the hole made in advance;
  • For reliability, secure additionally.

A homemade product does not guarantee complete protection against leaks, so there is no need to “reinvent the wheel”, because cheap disposable diapers cost from 30 rubles apiece and will not cause much damage to the home budget.


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