How to teach a cat to give a paw - instructions for teaching by example

How to teach a cat to give a paw - basic training rules

Cat owners are convinced that their pets are very smart and can learn new things just as well as dogs. When interested in training, a person often wants to know how to teach a cat to give a paw or follow another command, such as sit or lie down. If you approach this activity correctly, you can teach your cat simple commands by showing patience and kindness. In this case, the result will not be long in coming, and the pet will delight the owner with a new trick when the paw is given on command. Children especially love to train cats, as they always devote maximum time to furry pets, getting even more pleasure from communicating with them than adults.

How to determine a cat's ability to learn

For a cat to give a paw, it must want it itself. Not every pet can be taught; sometimes a cat is not capable of mastering commands. She is not interested when the paw is given on command. This is not due to the fact that the animal is stupid, but to the peculiarities of its character. These are the ones you need to pay attention to before you start teaching the animal to give its paw. If a cat is very capricious and intractable, prefers solitude to communication with a person and perceives the owner only as a source of food, it will not be possible to teach him anything. He simply will not agree to perform actions that are incomprehensible to him for affection and praise that he does not need. At the same time, if an animal, even a completely phlegmatic one, is devoted to its beloved owner, it can be taught tricks. A pet's paw is always looking for its owner. Therefore, one cat easily learns new things, while another pet cannot carry out the simplest command.

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What can't you do?

If your pet is unable to perform the exercise despite regular exercise, it is recommended to take a break for 2-3 days or try another command, for example, “lie down”, “stay” or “dance”.

Scolding or shouting at a cat if it does not offer its paw is prohibited. Instead, the owner needs to hug the animal's pads themselves and then give the treats. If you skip the reward stage even once, the cat may completely lose interest in the exercises. Sudden movements, excessively long or strong compression are also contraindicated, as this will increase the pet’s stress. The consequence is often an attack of aggression and an attack on the trainer. Felinologists do not recommend continuing exercise when your pet shows signs of fatigue or boredom. It’s better to have 3-4 short workouts a day than one long one, which will tire your cat.

Basic rules of training

When teaching a cat to give a paw or any other skill, be sure to follow a number of basic rules that will help make the process as productive as possible. If you ignore the recommendations, you will not be able to teach your cat tricks. Simple techniques will help in training .

If the cat does not feel very well, then training should not be done on this day. The fact is that the whole process should give the animal pleasure and be perceived as a game, and this requires good health.

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Features of learning to give a paw

A cat's paw is unique, it has special sensitivity, which is why the cat is very careful about touching its limbs. Because of this, when teaching a command, the paw is not grabbed, but the palm is simply placed under it so that it becomes a support and the paw rests freely on it. When a cat gives a paw, she must be sure that it will not be unpleasant for her.

The command must be given in a calm but insistent voice so that the animal understands the seriousness of the person’s attitude. If the cat is overly excited at the time of training, then it is not worth conducting classes, since he will still not be able to understand what is happening.

Training cats is a long and painstaking process that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. In order for a cat's paw to rest on a person's palm with complete trust on command, one should not assume that the success of training depends only on the cat; for the most part, the owner is responsible for the success of training.


What not to do when studying

Errors in the learning process can completely discourage an animal from giving a paw. To prevent this from happening, the following should not be allowed :

  • sharply grabbing the paw with a strong squeeze and holding it in the hand for a long time - this will only scare the cat, which is why it will scratch and bite its trainer;
  • punishment for failure to comply with a command - scolding and spanking the pet, the owner only moves away from the result. Even if the cat was unable to give a paw, you need to carefully take it in your hand for a second, repeating the command, and reward the animal with a treat. Without rewards, the cat will only become afraid of people and activities;
  • carry out training for a long time - one lesson should not last more than 5 minutes, otherwise the cat will get tired and lose interest in what is happening. Lessons should be done up to 4 times a day, which will allow your pet to firmly consolidate a new skill.

To train a cat to perform certain actions when given a command, you need to be very patient. Therefore, you should not start training if you are not sure that you will be able to devote enough time to training.

What can you teach a cat

The commands that are taught to dogs can also be taught to cats, especially curious ones. She can learn to sit, lie down, give a paw, fetch a toy and do various tricks. You can teach your pet elements of a circus program: jumping through a hoop, walking on its hind legs, fetching a ball.

Of course, training cats is different from training dogs; these are different types of animals, and they need an individual approach.

Special training systems have been developed for cats and are used by people at home. With regular exercise, even a 2-month-old kitten will achieve positive results.

Special conditions must be created for training, then the result will be as effective as possible:

When is training contraindicated?

If you are thinking about how to train a cat at home, keep in mind that not every animal is suitable for this. Seals that are too nervous and timid or aggressive cats with a very independent character are unlikely to appreciate the owner’s initiative. In this case, training cats at home will not bring the desired result, but the relationship between a person and a pet, which is forced to go against its nature, may be ruined.

But a sociable and active cat who loves human society and shows a healthy curiosity about everything may well become the star of a home mini-theater.

In addition to temperament, the age of the potential “artist” must also be taken into account. Naturally, a young cat is easier to train than a pet of “retirement age”. But it’s also not worth torturing a completely stupid baby - the first lessons in cat hygiene and good behavior should be given to him by his mother cat. Training a kitten at home will bear fruit if the mustachioed one is at least six months old.

How to teach a cat to give paw

“Give me your paw” is a simple command, every tailed animal can learn it. It looks cute and impressive. Teaching a cat to give paw is easy. You need to approach a sitting animal, put its paw in your hands and say, “Give me your paw.” When the ritual is over, you need to reward the kitten for a successfully completed command by treating it with a treat.

A reflex should be formed in the experimental subject’s brain, which should provoke the kitten to give its paw, based on pleasant memories.

If the cat independently reaches for a treat lying in the palm of your hand, then it is not necessary to take the cat’s paw in your hand. It is enough to say the name of the team when your pet tries to take the reward.

If the cat does not want to give his paw and is constantly distracted by more interesting things, it is better to postpone training and prepare him for training, based on the first point of the article.

Ways of learning

The best incentive to follow a command is a treat.

Your pet will respond better to commands in calm and familiar conditions, so it’s best to wait for him in the living room or bedroom. To teach a cat to give a paw, it is recommended to first attract the cat’s attention with a piece of food - this will increase his appetite and have a beneficial effect on training. It is better for the owner to squat or kneel to be face to face with the pet. You need to say to the animal in a confident tone: “give me your paw,” and then grab it by the pads yourself. Then you should give your pet treats again. This procedure must be repeated every day so that the pet remembers the algorithm.

Basic rules of training

When teaching a cat to give a paw or any other skill, be sure to follow a number of basic rules that will help make the process as productive as possible. If you ignore the recommendations, you will not be able to teach your cat tricks. Simple techniques will help in training.

If the cat does not feel very well, then training should not be done on this day. The fact is that the whole process should give the animal pleasure and be perceived as a game, and this requires good health.

Training without a clicker

Such tricks should be taught to a cat only if touching the paw does not cause her discomfort. If your pet has recently been declawed, this trick may be painful.

You can teach the “High Five” command without using a clicker.

After a few weeks, the cat will learn to lift the limb. Since there will be no support, it will appear that she is waving her paw.

Mr. Cat recommends: TOP 5 easiest cat breeds to train


The differences are in heightened curiosity, sociability and fearlessness. Due to their muscular body and long fingers, they perform difficult tricks with ease.

Pets of this breed quickly master many commands and become accustomed to the tray.


Active, fast, playful cats, not afraid of water. Amenable to training, they do not refuse goodies.


One of the most loyal breeds, these cats are constantly on the heels of their owner. When having fun, he can make a mess and likes to watch TV. They are easy to teach commands and perform all tricks perfectly.


A hybrid that resembles a tabby cat. He has a playful character, often gets rowdy, climbs into cabinets, throws off various utensils, and can grab his leg. It is interesting to train them; they perform all commands with varying difficulties.

The above list of cat breeds that can be trained is quite arbitrary. Even ordinary kittens can become the best trick performers. Therefore, there is no need to focus on a specific expensive breed; it is better to train and educate your pets yourself.

You can start training at home when your pet reaches 2-3 months of age, although some experts advise starting training at 8 months, arguing that very young kittens are not able to understand what is required of them. Young animals are more curious and receptive, their brain works more actively, so it is easier to train them than adults over 1.5 years old, especially older ones. Training is carried out in stages, starting with simple commands and gradually moving to more complex ones.

The simplest commands are “sit”, “stand” and “lie down”. To seat your pet, you need to place the treat behind his head and lightly press on the back of his body. You can force the cat to lie down by holding the treat low and gently pressing on the back. In order for the cat to assume a standing position, the treat is brought to a level just below the nose and the pet is lifted by the stomach. After a successfully completed action, the command is repeated, the student is praised and given a tasty morsel.

"To me", "place"

Teaching your pet the “come to me” command is the easiest way. They call him by name, adding the words “to me.” The cat that approaches is rewarded with a treat. Teaching an animal to go to its bedding or house on command is somewhat more difficult. He is lured to the right place with a treat or toy, after which the command is pronounced (“place!”) and he is given a treat.

To make the bed more attractive to the cat, place his favorite toys nearby or sprinkle it with catnip. The pet should like the location of the resting place. You need to watch him and find out where he rests most often. It should not be placed in a draft or in a passage.

Cats that love to jump from place to place will not be difficult to teach to jump on command. To do this, you will need stable objects - a sofa, an armchair, a chair, a table. The pet is placed on one of them, and the treat is placed on the other. When the cat jumps after him, they say the word “up” and praise him. The treat is then placed on the first object.

Then the task is made more difficult by placing an obstacle or placing a hoop. These items should be familiar to the cat. If they are new, you should leave them in the room for a couple of days so that the animal can sniff them thoroughly and get used to them.

Popular commands and tricks

If you managed to teach the cat the first command, it’s time to start more difficult training. The animal remembers various tricks; the owners are especially interested in how to teach a cat to stand on its hind legs. You need to choose teams in accordance with the character of your pet, as they have individual preferences. Some cats respond better to active commands; phlegmatic individuals prefer calm ones. So, let's see what you can accustom your cat to during the training process:

Stand on your hind legs

This trick looks graceful and seems difficult. In fact, to understand how to teach a cat to stand on its hind legs, it is enough to take a closer look at its natural behavior.

A hungry cat reaches for food and rises above the floor. You need to say “Ask”, and when the cat gets up, she is given a well-deserved treat.

It doesn't always work out right away. At first, unsuccessful attempts are rewarded, gradually raising the tasty piece higher.

Almost every pet can learn this, and with great effort, you can teach it not only to stand up, but also to walk on its hind legs. Such circus tricks always surprise guests and are remembered for a long time.

Bring a toy

Not every cat can learn this trick. Here you need a tendency to carry toys in your teeth. Individual representatives, without training, bring back the thrown ball to continue the fun game.

You need to throw the toy to the side and say “Fetch” or “Fetch.” If the cat runs after the toy and grabs it, you need to lure him back by giving him a treat.

If the command remains unattended, it is necessary to entice the cat with delicious food and make it clear what they want from it. With a well-fed “fluffy” such a trick is practically impossible. Only hard training will help, because Kuklachev was able to do it.


You can teach a cat to vocalize; to do this, you will have to wait until the pet gets hungry and lets you know about it by meowing loudly.

You need to say “Voice” and after meowing, give him a treat. Soon the cat will understand the relationship between the word and the reward.

The food is given directly to the animal; do not put it in a bowl. It is advisable to conduct training in different rooms so that the cat does not develop associations with a bowl and feeding.

Lying down or sitting

These two commands are similar to each other - the pet is given a treat at the moment when it is lying down or about to sit down. It is important to take into account his mood: he should be calm and not be in an overly playful mood.

It’s better to catch an animal about to sit or lie down and call the command, then give it a treat. Soon your pet will begin to understand what is required of him and will begin to do it on his own.

How to teach a cat to give paw - what can and cannot be done during training?

Felinologists note that a cat gives its paw only to the owner, in whom he sees the head of the family, and therefore training should not be started if the pet shows signs of neglect. Representatives of the cat family are very capricious and will not comply with human demands unless they receive a reward, so it is better to stimulate your pet with tasty food. You should not start training if you are not sure that you will be able to train your cat every day, since it will take at least 2-3 weeks to get results.

General rules of training

To conduct a successful training, it is recommended to focus on the following prerequisites:

A well-fed animal will not be trainable.

  • The optimal age when an animal perceives new information better is from 1 to 3 years. Babies who are just learning to use the litter box and trying adult food will not be able to cope with the new demands, and older cats no longer have sufficient energy reserves. A kitten over 1 year old can be trained to high-five in a few weeks.
  • A full bladder will ruin the training, as the cat cannot tolerate the urge for long. It’s better to guess the moment when your pet goes to the toilet.
  • The cat shouldn't be sick. If your pet is feeling unwell or recovering from an illness, then training will not work.
  • Only a family member for whom the cat has respect can conduct the class. If a pet treats its owner with disdain and does not see him as a leader, then there is no point in training.
  • Exercises should be done regularly at the same time as this will help develop a habit.
  • Overeating is contraindicated. During training, to consolidate positive results, felinologists recommend rewarding your pet with goodies, but a well-fed animal will not show interest in them. Therefore, the optimal training time is 10-15 minutes. before meals.
  • The duration of the training should not exceed 4-5 minutes, as the wayward pet will begin to experience irritation. Ignoring the negative emotions of the animal will lead to the fact that the cat refuses to give a paw and follow other orders.
  • Classes can only be carried out in a good mood. Representatives of the cat family notice the slightest signs of irritation or anger. If the owner loses his temper and yells at the cat, the cat will no longer listen out of resentment.

How to Determine Trainability

Horses, elephants, chimpanzees, dolphins and even squirrels are distinguished by their developed intelligence. Among domestic animals, cats and dogs can be considered intelligent representatives. The long-standing dispute regarding which of them is smarter has recently been resolved in favor of the latter. Scientists came to this opinion based on the latest calculations of the number of nerve cells located in the brain tissue.

Cats vs dogs

In the cerebral cortex of dogs there are about 530 million neurons, in cats - about 250 million. Despite such a serious discrepancy in indicators, furry pets are still amenable to learning.

Cat brain structure

There is a version that the main selection criterion for the domestication of representatives of the canine family was their docility and ability to carry out functional commands.

The intelligence of representatives of the cat family has not been fully studied. Much more attention is paid to the analysis of behavioral reflexes of canines. Dogs have well-developed social intelligence. Much better than cats. Therefore, they hunt in a pack, while cats, on the contrary, walk on their own. Since human thinking abilities are also of the social type, people quickly establish contact with their four-legged friends and take longer to master cat psychology.

Cats prefer to hunt on their own

There are about 12 laboratories specializing in studying the brain of dogs. There are no scientific institutions working exclusively in the field of developing the mental abilities of cats. This is explained by the fact that four-legged friends are easier to train and can be more useful to humanity.

Cats are successfully trained

Features of intelligence

These statistics make you think about the feasibility of training furry pets. Despite their wayward and disobedient nature, cats have a number of unique qualities:

These encouraging facts indicate that furry pets have the ability to perform various tricks.

The tendency of cats to obey commands is determined during the game

Stunt Abilities

Each animal is individual. Some are easy to train, while others may lack the instinct to comply with human requests. In any case, even the most obedient cat will train only those tricks that he himself wants to learn.

Yu. Kuklachev believes that there are no mediocre cats, there are only unobservant owners. According to his theory, to reveal the natural inclinations of furry pets, you need to do a little spying and learn how to use their abilities.

Before you start training, you need to decide on your cat's talents. If your pet likes to carry toys in its teeth, you should train it to fetch objects. If he spends a lot of time in boxes, teach him to hide on command. If you often jump, develop this skill before performing acrobatic exercises.

Hyperactive animals can be taught to jump through hoops

Breed predisposition

In addition to individual abilities, there are breeds that are more attuned to training than others. Those who are well trained include the following:

The Bengal cat quickly learns to perform various tricks

Conversely, there are varieties that demonstrate a complete lack of circus talent. These include the exotic and Persian cats.

Exotic is one of the laziest breeds in the world

Despite these statistics, learning ability can vary among members of the same species. For example, one of the most trained cats in the world does not belong to any of the listed easy-to-train breeds. However, the pet, named Dija, learned to ride and control a skateboard, practice parkour and perform complex commands.

A cat named Deeja

How to train a cat to follow commands

Even without training skills, any owner of a furry pet in the process of communication teaches him to respond to his name, use a litter tray and ask for food. If you set a goal, this list can be expanded.

The process of training cats is more complex than dogs. Four-legged friends enjoy following their owner’s commands and seeing his approval. Fluffy pets are more selfish. They prefer rewards and treats to any praise.

You should start training when the kitten reaches 7 months. At this stage, he is already able to understand the requirements of the owner. Training begins with simple commands: “Come to me!”, “Give me your paw” and “Sit!” Then you can move on to more complex ones - “Fetch” and “Stand on your hind legs.”

Compared to dogs, cats take much longer to learn to follow commands.

Trainer's Toolkit

Since animals do not speak human language, alternative means of communication must be used.

Table 1. Communication methods available to cats

VoiceThe animal has sensitive hearing. When a person gives a loud command to a cat, it perceives it as a cry. Stress that arises as a response blocks the ability to fulfill a request. Therefore, you should speak to your pet kindly and avoid an authoritative tone.
PronunciationA cat can remember about 50 words and associate them with certain actions. Therefore, it is important to be consistent in using voice commands. For example, if the phrase “fetch-fetch” was repeatedly used in a game with a ball, then a single “fetch” will not serve as a signal for the cat to act.
IntonationThe pet is well versed in the nuances of the human voice. It is necessary to pronounce each address to him with the same intonation.
PromotionThe most important component of any training of representatives of the cat family. The method of stimulation depends on the individual preferences of the pet. If food is planned as a reward, you should make sure that this dish is not part of the animal’s usual diet.

During the training process, you need to show endurance and patience.

5 tips from experienced trainers

Teaching your cat to perform simple tricks is easy. It is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of training and take into account the individual characteristics of the pet.

Reward is one of the most effective methods of training cats.

How to act

The command “Give me your paw!” is one of the simple ones along with “Sit!” or “Come to me!” It is recommended to start training no earlier than the kitten is 7 months old. When the above recommendations are taken into account, you can start training yourself:

  • Place the cat in front of you. If she is standing at this time, it is quite easy to press on her back without making sudden movements. You also need to fix attention on yourself, which a treat squeezed between your fingers will help with.
  • Gently place the animal's paw on your palm while simultaneously saying the command out loud. You should not sharply squeeze or pull your paw so that your pet does not associate with unpleasant sensations after executing the command. To begin with, you need to use only one limb of the animal in order to develop the habit of a new action.
  • Give a treat, pet and praise.
  • Repeat the above steps several times. If a cat suddenly gives a paw during training on its own, you need to immediately say “Give me a paw” and give a reward. The first couple of days, 3-5 minutes of training is enough. The main thing is to practice every day.

Recommendation! Treats should be given with the hand other than the one on which the paw is placed. If the palm smells of food, the cat will be more interested in sniffing it rather than following the command.

Stock up on treats

For training, you will need a supply of your favorite food, cut into small pieces. This should not be everyday food, but something special that the mustachioed pet adores.

The training begins with the command “Give me your paw”, after which you need to touch the cat’s paw. Regardless of the result, treat the animal with a treat. This phrase must be repeated as many times as necessary for the animal to understand the process. In the cat's mind, a relationship should be formed between the phrase and receiving delicious food.

When the first stage is completed, you can move on to the next. You should sit in front of the animal and say: “Give me your paw.” Then touch the paw and briefly hold it in your hand. Release and immediately reward the pet with food.

It is important not to delay training so that the cat does not become overtired and become nervous. Excessive zeal can lead to abandonment of classes.

How to consolidate an ability

When the animal follows the command according to the owner’s intonation and without his help, the reward with food is reduced. Any trick is considered ready if done without food motivation, only at the owner’s voice command. Don’t forget to reinforce your pet’s skills in your free time by playing with her. Start working on a new skill after a short pause in training. Then the clawed “student” will better remember what she has learned.

It is important that the cat does not get confused about the names of the teams and does somersaults with pleasure. This means that your joint efforts have brought the long-awaited result.

If the entire training program has been mastered, all that remains is to organize a home show.

Regular classes with the mustachioed prankster will help her become more obedient and understanding, and will strengthen your friendship. Don't be discouraged if your cat's abilities turn out to be worse than expected. Be lenient and considerate. Time will pass and the common efforts will be crowned with victory.

How to give a paw: step-by-step instructions

With the right motivation, any cat can be taught basic tricks. The success of training is determined by the animal’s tendency to concentrate. Young pets easily learn the lessons they have learned, while kids get tired quickly.

A cat can learn to follow many commands. “Give me a paw” is the simplest.

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the clicker

The use of this device as an alternative to voice signals has a number of advantages. Most command words a person uses every day, regardless of whether they are intended for training or not. As a result, the pet does not perceive them as a call to action. But the cat quickly establishes a connection between clicking the clicker and receiving a reward. This significantly speeds up the training process.

A clicker is an effective training tool.

The main advantage of a clicker is that the click it produces is associated exclusively with reward. In everyday life, the animal does not hear such sounds

The device is a plastic device with a thin metal plate inside. When pressed, it makes a characteristic sound. Available for free sale at any pet store. If it is not possible to purchase a clicker, you should download a special application on your phone.

Step 2. Choose a reward method

Find out the type of treat your cat likes the most. These animals are very picky and difficult to please. You should purchase several culinary delights and settle on one.

Treats for cats

A tasty dish should not be repeated in your daily diet. Substitution of delicacies is not advisable.

Step 3: Set your training time

The training schedule should coincide with the pet's resting phases. During training, the cat needs to be in a relaxed and attentive state, but not sleepy. You should observe the cat and calculate the optimal period of time for training. It is necessary to find a place in the apartment where there will be no distractions or irritating factors. This will allow the animal to concentrate solely on the learning process.

Immediately after waking up, after a meal, or late in the evening is not a good time. It is recommended to train before feeding, since a hungry animal reacts more actively to the delicacy.

Training should take place at the same time

Step 4. Development of a conditioned reflex

When your pet is ready to train, press the clicker and give him a treat. Repeat this sequence of actions for 5 minutes.

Due to the fact that cats are not able to concentrate on one action for more than 5 minutes, it is not advisable to prolong classes.

If your pet does not respond to the device and food, there is no point in continuing training.

One of the most important stages of training is for your pet to establish a connection between a click and a reward.

Step 5: Repeat the workout

After several hours, the lesson should be repeated. If necessary, you can conduct up to 3 workouts per day.

Each animal learns at its own pace. Most people learn the relationship between treats and clickers after a few 5-minute blocks.

You can find out whether your pet feels a connection between the click and receiving a treat by looking at it. If, after the characteristic sound, the cat looks at the owner with impatience, expecting a treat, the desired result has been achieved. In addition, she will lick her lips while looking at the device.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Step 6: Connect Voice Command

When the animal associates the click with a reward, you should complicate the task:

Praise and gentle stroking should complete each activity.

The command “High five!” should be introduced after the cat gets used to the clicker

Step 7. Consolidate what you have learned

The exercise can be performed for 5 minutes. The frequency of execution depends on the animal’s mood.

If during training your pet accidentally raises its paw on its own initiative, you should immediately press the clicker, say a command and give culinary encouragement.

If the cat loses interest in training, you should stop training. Let him walk and continue training.

Praise is an essential element of the learning process

Step 8: Eliminating the Clicker Circuit

Change the sequence of actions. Say the command before pressing the clicker. Wait for your pet's reaction. After this, click and give him a treat. Once the animal begins to give paw regularly, the device can no longer be used.

The main task of this stage is to change the link “clicker - treat” to “voice command - treat”.

In order for a cat to learn a lesson faster, it is necessary for it to enjoy the learning process.

Step 9. Refusal of treats.

The number of delicacies should be gradually reduced. After a few weeks, you can stop rewarding the animal for the trick performed.

From time to time it is necessary to return to culinary stimulation. Every fourth time, for example.

The final stage of training is the removal of food from the training process.

Teaching a kitten the “Give paw” command: a step-by-step guide

For a successful training we will need some dry food, attention, patience and the cat itself. Why dry food? Imagine cutting meat or fish into small cubes. Not very convenient, is it? In addition, the pet will quickly get enough of such a treat, and the training will be in vain. Let's begin!

  • Call the cat and let him smell the treat on your palm. The cunning one is completely subservient to you.
  • Now offer the cat an empty hand, raising it above its head and covering the handful with your fingers. The pet, by the will of instinct, will put its paw on your hand, and you must immediately command “Give me your paw!” in a soft but insistent voice. Praise the tailed one and give it a treat.
  • If the cat stubbornly does not raise its paw, but pokes with its muzzle, then lower the palm with the food, and take and hold the paw in the other hand, saying the command. After a couple of training sessions, the pet will develop a conditioned reflex: a paw in the owner’s hand is a tasty treat.
  • Repeat the three steps 4-5 times, and train until the cat easily gives you his paw.

Using the same method, you can teach a cat to give high fives or the command “Dance!” Raise your hands up with food so that the purr stands on its hind legs and begs. At this time, say “Dance!”

Fathers love it when their precious paws are touched. If you come across a pet with character, don’t despair; you can teach a cat to give a paw by slightly changing the trick. Let the fluffy simply raise his paw up at this command.

  • Do not grab the cat's paw and hold it, otherwise he will scratch and bite painfully.
  • The younger the animal, the easier it is to train. The best time to train a cat is from 6 months to a year. Adults with mustaches are a little less amenable to training, but with the same pleasure. Be patient.
  • Never yell or punish your cat for not performing a trick. Firstly, the animal will be afraid and will associate the command with punishment. Secondly, he will see the owner as an object of hatred, and cats are so vindictive.
  • The duration of the training is no more than 5 minutes per team. Repeat training 3-4 times a day.

Learn magic tricks and amaze your guests!

And for motivation, watch how a smart cat gives a paw, sits down, lies down on command and more!

cat, give, paw, five, tricks, teach, command, give, kitten

See also:

  • Sphynx cat clothes
  • These amazing mini pigs: care and maintenance
  • Domestic chipmunk: rules of care and maintenance
  • Budget clothing for animals
  • Health marathon

Some features

Cats have amazing paws with incredible sensitivity. This is simply why the animal is very careful about various human touches on its limbs. Essentially, this is one of the reasons why a pet cannot be easily trained to give a paw. There are several features that are also worth paying attention to during training:

Training is a process that requires a painstaking and serious relationship. And cat training is no exception.

How to stop a kitten from jumping on the kitchen table

This unpleasant habit is due to the fact that in nature cats love to jump onto elevated surfaces and from there observe what is happening around them. A table for this is an ideal springboard, and if there is also food on it, then the pet will come here more often. This behavior must be stopped immediately, because... it is unhygienic for you and dangerous for the animal (sharp knives, harmful products, etc.).

You can use repellent commands or immediately splash water on the kitten. A few drops of essential oil with a pungent odor and a cut onion will help to keep your pet away from the table. Also, the kitten will give up a bad habit if there are unpleasant objects waiting for him on the table, for example, a baking sheet with water, foil rustling under his paws, or empty tin cans that fall with a roar with every movement.


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