A cozy place for a cat in a small apartment: 9 good ideas

Pets are beloved family members and, of course, they should have their own cozy corner. Today it is not a problem to buy a house for the most fastidious cat or dog taste, but sometimes for everyone’s favorite you want to do something with your own hands. It seems that all possible and impossible fantasies in this direction have already been realized, so we have collected here those that, in our opinion, are the most interesting, but, of course, no one is stopping you from adding your own creative touch.

Dog bed

House in a cabinet

This is a closed-type dwelling, the roof of which can serve as a bedside table or the second floor of the house, equipping it as another sleeping place. This will decorate the interior of the house if you place it, for example, in the bedroom. Of course, you need to focus on the cat’s character. If you want to use it as a bedside table, she can easily throw all her things onto the floor and drag them around the house.

Freestanding corners

For decorative dogs, it is better to equip a separate “home” that is not tied to other furniture. It can be individual or for several inhabitants. There is also a “dining room” with a niche for bowls. A sleeping mattress will complement the comfort.

In fact, there will be nothing complicated in this design. Everything is constructed from boards and plywood. It wouldn’t hurt to protect the structure from moisture by soaking it in drying oil or varnishing it. True, in order not to injure the dog’s sensitive sense of smell, the parts will have to be well ventilated after treatment. The house can be decorated with drawings, but natural colors always look stylish. If there is more than one tenant, you can write down the names. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the sleeping places.

The advantage of free-standing corners for animals is that they can always be rearranged. This is convenient during repairs, cleaning, and sometimes just for variety. The main thing is that your pet likes his new place.

Cats are somewhat different from dogs by being more active when they are not sleeping. Many owners, especially in high-rise buildings, do not let their cats go outside, so it is necessary to create conditions at home for the cat’s energy to escape. It can be:

  • hanging shelves,
  • stairs,
  • scratching posts,
  • holes,
  • shelves,
  • soft bedding.

The field for imagination is immense. Cats love to climb higher, but have difficulty descending. This also needs to be taken into account. The intricate labyrinth stretched along the wall to the ceiling looks interesting. Such an apartment “cat house” is also good because it serves as a reliable refuge from the main cat tormentors – children.

Maze for cats

Not all cats and dogs will live in houses. It's about the character and habits of animals. There are usually no problems with puppies and kittens. Another thing is adult pets. In order not to clutter up the apartment with unclaimed “living space,” it makes sense to start by building a simple cardboard house.

For a cardboard house you will need:

  1. Cardboard – dense, but not brittle or excessively thick (suitable for boxes);
  2. Scissors or stationery knife;
  3. Pencil for making notes;
  4. Glue “Moment”;
  5. Decorative elements as desired.

Build a structure, with a roof, windows and an entrance for the occupant. Put the animal in there and leave it alone. If everything suits you, then you can begin capital construction made of wood.

Cardboard house

Hanging bed on the window

Your pet will definitely be delighted with such a new thing, because now basking in the sun and watching life happening on the other side of the window will become much more pleasant. It is attached to the window with Velcro and is designed for 15 kilograms. It is also easily removable, so you can take it with you on a trip or move it to another window, if necessary.

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Places built into furniture

Furniture with niches for animals looks even more interesting and chic. In general, this option is for large-sized housing, as it increases the furniture area.

Furniture that has a niche with a mattress looks interesting. For dogs, unlike cats, space is important. For example, a large open shelf. Such furniture, of course, is made to order.

Built-in niche

Although, some solutions can, on the contrary, save space. For example, a rocking chair with a niche under the seat. Cats are careful and most likely will not be there during the swing, so this option is for small decorative dogs.

If neither the dog nor the cat wants to lie there, such a chair will still be useful. The niche can be used as storage for children's toys or folded blankets to cover up while sitting in a rocking chair.

The rocking chair pushes against a homemade house combined with a chair:

  • Take a stable and durable wooden chair.
  • We select wooden planks that match the color (as an option, we impregnate them with stain).
  • From the planks we make a frame between the legs close to the floor.
  • We fix a corresponding piece of plywood or wooden planks to the frame with small nails or a stapler;
  • We lay a blanket on the floor of the house and the housing is ready.
  • If desired, you can also make walls from plywood. True, this will greatly burden the structure and turn it into a full-fledged real estate.

Rocking chair

The third option is to purchase upholstered furniture for the living room, originally designed for pets. More and more often you come across something similar in furniture showrooms. There is a labyrinth for animals in the back of the sofa. Cats are more active, so this option is for them. It is advisable to provide such a maze size that children cannot climb into it and get stuck.

Sofa with a labyrinth

The best cat bed model

Having studied the selection criteria, you need to proceed directly to choosing a bed, of which there are incredibly many in modern pet stores. They all have their own unique shapes and original design, which means you have to try not to make a mistake with your choice.

Here is a list of the most popular sleeping places for cats:


This is the most popular choice of owners, and all because the basket, made of natural or synthetic materials, fits well into any interior. In addition, it is unpretentious in care (only the soft pillow is washed, which is placed inside as a soft bedding for the cat).

On the other hand, not every cat will be happy with such a house. Firstly, it will not become a shelter for your pet in case of danger, and secondly, it is uncomfortable for a cat, especially an older one, to constantly jump over the high side, climbing into and out of the basket.

Mattress with sides

A more pleasant variation of the basket can be considered a soft mattress, with such soft, fabric sides. Made from soft material, this mattress does not require additional pillows or bedding for the animal. Moreover, the entire structure is soft and can be easily loaded into the washing machine if you need to wash the cat’s sleeping place.

In addition, such mattresses have a lowered edge on one side. It allows the cat to enter its house without jumping over the high side. True, such a structure will not become a shelter for your pet.

An excellent option - both on the window and on the battery.


For small kittens, as well as for shy cats that have recently come into the house and have difficulty adapting to life next to humans and other pets, a special design called a tunnel is suitable. This is a fabric tube, more like a hole in which an animal can hide when it feels danger.

cat house

This is the most common option for an enclosed sleeping area, which is purchased by caring owners for their pets. We can say that such a house is almost an ideal place for a cat. Judge for yourself: he has a playpen with soft bedding, which is so comfortable to sleep on, and at the same time there is a roof that allows the animal to feel safe.

However, the owner needs to take into account that the cat house cannot be washed by simply loading it into the washing machine. You will have to remove it manually, cleaning out the debris and the hair remaining on the walls.

Important! Cat houses also have an undeniable advantage over other beds. Most often, such designs are produced in entire complexes, which, in addition to the house itself, include a comfortable cat bed, a scratching post and devices for games. Your pet will be especially grateful to you for such a house!


This is another interesting device, which is a comfortable platform with a soft pillow for the cat to rest. A special feature of this design is the bracket located on the edge of the bed. It allows you to fix the hammock in weight, for example, hang it on a radiator, so that the cat lies on a hill and at the same time enjoys the warm air from the heating devices.

All cats like houses

True, a hammock should not be considered a separate place for a cat to sleep. Rather, it is a cozy addition to a house, basket or mattress.

How to accustom a cat to a bed

Now let’s give some practical advice to those who have only recently made a four-legged friend and do not know how to train him to sleep in a strictly designated place.

Choosing a suitable place

When choosing a corner for your pet, it is important that it is as convenient as possible for the owner and comfortable for the cat. If the animal appeared in your house relatively recently, just observe where it goes to sleep and where it feels calm.

Important! Many cats choose a location where it is convenient for them to observe everything that is happening in the house. If your ward has a similar desire, the most suitable place would be the hallway or corridor. If the cat seeks privacy, install a house in the far corner of the master bedroom.

By the way, a closed shelter house is more suitable for a cat seeking silence and solitude. But for a curious pet it is better to buy an open mattress or basket.

Catnip is often used in the production of gaming complexes.


All cats love various kinds of boxes and rustling materials. But to keep your pet from getting bored, especially when the owners are away from home, you don’t need to limit yourself to plastic bags and shoe boxes. You need to buy interesting toys for your cat that will not let her get bored.

It is better to immediately select several items and distribute them throughout the apartment so that the animal can find something to do in each room. Toys should not be too small so that the cat does not accidentally swallow them. You should also avoid objects from which your pet can easily tear off some part.

Cats, like people, have their own personalities. The owner needs to take a closer look at which toys his pet likes best. These could be balls, teasers, tunnels, etc.

Place on the windowsill

Cats are very inquisitive and love to observe everything that happens. Passing by a house, you may notice a cat sitting on the windowsill outside the window, carefully observing all the activities on the street.

So that your pet can easily climb onto the windowsill at any time, you should clear the space by the window from unnecessary objects. The cat will find a place for itself in any case, but this may cost the owners a broken pot or vase.

One window is enough, where the pet most likes to spend time. As a rule, these windows face a busy part of the street, where many cars drive, passers-by often walk, or children play. For greater comfort, you can place a soft blanket or a small bed on the windowsill.

Plants in the apartment

Natural instincts are also present in domestic cats. They can exhibit predatory habits towards small pets (hamsters, parrots), and they are also partial to plants. They are very attracted to the green plantings in pots around the apartment and try to taste them.

Cats love to spend time among plants; they remind them of nature outside the apartment. So that the cat can feel like a predator in the green jungle, you can organize such a place for him from home plants. Small plants are not suitable for this.

It is better to place the pots on the floor so that the animal is not injured and the pot itself does not break if it falls from the shelf when the cat decides to play with it. It’s definitely worth considering that cats love to taste green leaves, so you should avoid growing plants that can harm your pet’s health.

Criteria for choosing a cat bed

You may be surprised, but cats spend up to 20 hours a day in a state of sleep or half-asleep! This means that their bed should be as comfortable and convenient as possible. Here are a few criteria to follow when choosing a suitable home.

Suitable sizes. Regardless of the size of your home, your cat's shelter should be cozy, and therefore not too large. Remember, a cat feels safe when, while in a bed, the walls touch the animal’s body.

Warm. Cats are very sensitive to cold, and therefore choose those places in the house where they are not only comfortable, but also warm. It is not surprising that purring creatures like to settle near heating radiators. Therefore, when organizing a place for your furry pet, make sure that it is heated or located near heating devices.

Softness. Cats always choose soft surfaces for sleeping. Perhaps this is due to memories of touching a fluffy mother cat, or the desire to lay old bones on a soft bedding. In any case, the owner must make sure that the cat bed is multi-layered, which means it is soft and pleasant to the touch. Your pet will definitely not like bare wood or plastic.

Manufacturers of cat furniture now have a wide range of products.

Easy care. Pay attention to this moment. A cat sheds periodically, which means it tends to leave its fur on its bed or on the walls of its shelter. And removing this fur is not at all easy. In addition, some representatives of the cat family like to hide food “in reserve.” That is why, depending on the breed and habits of your pet, it is important to understand what will be more suitable in terms of care - a mattress that can be thrown into the washing machine, or a cat house that will have to be cleaned by hand?

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