Cats in the basement of an apartment building: harm or benefit

Cats often have independent personality traits, a nervous personality, or a combination of both. They could leave the house for a while, living their lives, or dive under the sofa when they got scared.

So, how to lure a cat out of hiding? You should encourage the cat to leave its current location and come closer to you. Use their favorite treats, catnip, food and toys. Place these baits near their hiding place, but make sure they still have to reach to get the items. Don't rush the cat, give her a little time to come out on her own.

Luring your cat back to the safety of your home is a useful skill. Some will also use these methods to befriend homeless people. So how can you lure a cat out?

Return of the Prodigal Cats

In modern cities, most domestic cats spend their entire lives in apartments. It is not uncommon for an animal unfamiliar with the street to fall out or jump out of a window. A cat can also leave its home through an open front door. How to catch a cat if it is on the street? Try to calm down and find out the exact location of your pet. Do not try to immediately run into the yard and try to grab the animal with your bare hands. This option for catching cats is doomed to failure in 90% of cases.

If your pet has never left the apartment, getting close to the street is always stressful for him. Even the calmest animal will behave aggressively and may simply not recognize its owners. A trick will help you bring your cat home. Be sure to dress in thick clothing and protect your hands with leather gloves. First, try luring the animal with food or your favorite toys. To enhance the effect, you can sprinkle the bedding on which the cat sleeps at home with “catnip” (sold as a spray in pet stores) and take it outside.

Don't expect the animal to come into your hands. Most likely, you will have to grab it very quickly. A good option is to wait until your cat is interested in food and then throw a jacket or blanket over it.

How to get a cat out from under a bathtub?

Therefore, if you continue to be tormented by anxiety about your meowing pet, you can take a number of measures that are common among avid “cat people”.

So, for example, sometimes it’s enough to put a bowl of freshly opened Whiskas or another favorite treat of your cat in front of the bath. Or you can rustle the paper, imitating the adventures of a mouse, evoking the cat’s natural hunting instinct. More extreme and radical measures should be taken only after several days, during which the cat demonstrates a complete refusal of food and other benefits and regularly recovers in the bathroom. Animal advocates will not be happy with them, but most ordinary people simply do not find other ways to correct the situation. So, you can try to lure the cat with the smell of valerian, spray it with water, or even pour a small puddle under the bathtub (relevant for residents of private houses and first floors). Some people successfully “scare away” the animal with the tube of a running vacuum cleaner or with a live mouse. But seriously speaking, it is better to try to win the trust and love of your pet again, for which you need to show patience, care, affection and spend a lot of time on persuasion.


We catch a cat using traps from scrap materials

You should use radical methods only if you are confident in your abilities and you urgently need to return the animal home. In cats, stress passes quickly enough and without serious consequences. In most cases, pets that have fallen/jumped out of apartment windows return to their owners on their own within a few days. But if the street is too unsafe, for example, there are a lot of stray animals, you should very quickly figure out how to catch the cat. You should also hurry if you think that the animal urgently needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

A homemade trap can be made from a fish net. Hang it from tree branches. Attach ropes that, when pulled, will trigger the trap. Now all that remains is to put the bait under the net and wait for the animal to appear. You can catch a runaway cat using another device loved by fishermen - a landing net. This is a large triangular shaped net. Your task is to sneak up behind the animal and quickly throw a net over it.

How to get kittens out of the hole - Health - 2021

Table of Contents:

While exploring their environment, young kittens may accidentally fall or crawl into small openings such as drainage pipes and become trapped. If you hear the cries of a kitten trapped in a hole around your home or within your walls, you need to remove him from this situation as soon as possible to prevent starvation or dehydration. You can usually lure the kitten to safety and reunite it with its siblings and mother cat. Sometimes the situation will require creative techniques or assistance from animal control or the fire department to free a trapped cat.

Carrying and special trap cages

If the escaped cat adequately tolerated traveling in a special carrier, you are very lucky. It is enough just to leave the cat carriage open near the place where the animal is hiding. Place some treat inside. Don't forget that cats are quick to react. It's best not to try to close the carrier door yourself. Tie a string to its handle and keep it at a distance, or come up with an automatic closing mechanism.

There are also special cages for catching animals in outdoor conditions. Visually, they often resemble regular carriers and are distinguished by a built-in door closing mechanism. It is expensive to buy such a device for one-time use. Usually such traps are found in shelters and veterinary clinics. Try to negotiate a rental of this device and go to catch the animal using the most technologically advanced method.

How to train a cat to use a scratching post?

Training to a scratching post

  1. Take a treat and call the cat over. ...
  2. Try to accustom your kitten to the scratching post before meals by giving not a treat, but a regular portion of food. ...
  3. Use scents that attract cats: catnip or valerian;
  4. If the kitten already loves a place for sharpening its claws, place the scratching post there.

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Truth and myths about valerian

It is an established fact that all cats are partial to valerian. You can try using this pharmaceutical remedy to catch an escaped animal. Buy an alcohol tincture of valerian; most cats do not show interest in tablets. The best option is to lubricate your own hands or clothing with the drug and wait for the animal to approach you.

If the cat is too scared, this method will not work. Then leave a carrier or a regular cardboard box near the place where the pet is hiding. Build a bedding inside, drop a few drops on it and wait for the cat to appear. It is better not to use Valerian in places where many wild animals live. The smell will attract all representatives of the cat family without exception. But, seeing a large gathering of its relatives, a stressed domestic cat is unlikely to leave its shelter.

Choose a way to catch a cat on the street based on the animal’s character. Remember: every unsuccessful attempt at catching is a new shock for the pet.

What is needed to catch

If the cat does not make contact, does not respond to “kitty-kitty”, or has signs of infectious diseases, you should not catch it with your bare hands. It is better to build a contactless trap. For this you will need:

  • carrying (better frame and spacious);
  • a treat with a strong smell;
  • plate for treats;
  • blanket, blanket or towel.

A cage with a door that closes easily is better than a bag with a zipper. While you are fastening it, the cat may run away. Ideally, the carrier closes automatically as soon as the cat steps on the floor. Professional trappers use a transparent trap with a slamming door. This design can be borrowed from a shelter or veterinary clinic. However, an ordinary cardboard box is also suitable for catching, just do not forget that it must close quickly.

It is better to use hard treats: sausages, dried meat, dry food. You can try to catch a mature cat using valerian. To do this, saturate a cotton wool or rag with the smelling liquid. A toy stuffed with catnip would also work.

How to catch a wild animal?

We hope that you are planning to catch a “nobody’s” street cat solely with noble intentions. Felines that have been raised on the street or have suffered abuse usually do not trust people. How to catch a wild cat that won't be handled? First, observe the animal. Determine its approximate habitat and try to find out if someone feeds this cat. If a feral cat trusts at least one person, you can always try to negotiate with him and ask for help in catching the animal.

You can try to make friends with a cat if you definitely decide to pick it up from the street. Start feeding the animal regularly and talk to it. Do not try to pet or grab the cat if he does not come on his own. Be patient, and within a few days the cat will rub against your legs and then voluntarily go into your arms.

So what scares cats?


  • Passing cars, especially large and/or particularly noisy ones
  • Fireworks and firecrackers
  • Screaming, talking in a high tone
  • Place something behind it (like classic cucumbers)
  • Abuse, including not only physical violence, but also harassment and anger incitement.

As you can see, these are quite common reasons; that is, people can be scared by these things too. But if we don't respect them, they will never be happy.

Is it worth catching other people's cats?

Usually cats and dogs are caught on the street for two purposes: to take the animal into your home or to provide it with medical care, and then place it in good hands. These are all good intentions, but what should you do if you meet a domestic cat on the street? You should not catch such cats. Some owners let their pets out for a walk. If the animal looks frightened, emaciated or injured, but has a collar, you should act immediately. The simplest option: try to find the owners of the “lost” and provide them with information about the whereabouts of the pet. If the animal is calm and goes into the hands of strangers, you can take it home and only after that begin the search for the owners.

How to find a cat in the forest?

How to find a missing cat

  1. The domestic cat is afraid of the street, so he will look for the nearest shelter. ...
  2. The cat will not idly stroll through open and visible areas. ...
  3. When searching, look not only at the bottom, look up. ...
  4. On a sunny day in summer, it is best to search in the evening and in the morning, when there is no scorching sun.

30 Jul.
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The best bait for a cat

Treats will help attract the cat. Which one is best to choose? If you catch your runaway pet, be guided by its food preferences. A universal option is ready-made food. Dry formulas for feeding cats are considered more convenient to use. You will appreciate all their advantages as soon as you try to lure out a cat hiding in a secluded place. Wet canned food is more fragrant, and all kinds of pates and soufflés for cats are a real delicacy. Many animal experts answer the question: “How to catch your neighbor’s cat by luring him with food?” — they advise trying to interest your cat in canned fish.

You can also use fish, seafood, meat, and sausages as bait. Be sure to finely chop the selected product. If you are giving meat or fish, first boil a piece and remove all bones. You should not feed your cat milk and dairy products. It is unknown who came up with the myth about cats’ love for this product. In fact, not all cats love milk. In addition, its consumption harms the digestive system of these animals.

Why do cats hide?

Cats may seem very scary to us, but we see them differently when we know that their hearing is developed enough to hear with complete clarity the sound of a mouse from seven meters away. It is somewhat ironic that they chose to live with people, noisy animals that scream, drop heavy objects on the ground, play loud music, etc.).

© shutterstock

Cats are stealthy, they always try to remain unnoticed, and when, for example, a truck passes down the street from the house, it is normal that, if they are not used to it, they will crawl under the bed or under any furniture. And no, we can't say that they will get used to it over time, because sometimes they don't.

Every year people shoot off fireworks, and every year there are cats who get very sick on these dates. This is not a memory problem, but high hearing sensitivity + survival instinct. Any animal with legs or a body that does not need to be anchored to the ground will move away from the bomb as quickly as possible.

It may be a bit of an exaggeration to use fireworks as an example, but it's meant to make you understand how important it is for cats to be calm, to control their tone of voice... in short, to live without being scared.

What you need to know about unfamiliar animals

Be careful when catching cats on the street. The animal may scratch or bite you. Cats are carriers of various diseases, many of which occur without significant symptoms. Be sure to show the caught animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. If you plan to keep your cat at home before visiting the doctor, place it in quarantine, isolating it from other animals.

If you are bitten by a wild cat, you should immediately see a specialist. It is better not to touch street animals that look unhealthy. But if you want to cure such a cat, follow all the rules of hygiene and try to avoid direct contact.

The above instructions on how to catch a cat in a trap will help you. We all know from childhood that you shouldn’t touch a cat’s tail. Also try to remember that only kittens can be lifted by the fold of skin on the neck. It is not recommended to grab adults like this.

What to do next?

It is recommended to take the captured animal to a veterinary clinic. The veterinarian will examine him and take blood tests to determine his general health and infection status. It should exclude:

  • feline distemper;
  • feline viral leukemia;
  • calicivirus infection;
  • feline immunodeficiency virus;
  • coronavirus.

Until results for panleukopenia are obtained, it is recommended to leave the animal in an infectious diseases hospital. The cat must be treated for parasites and vaccinated against rabies. The use of a live polyvaccine is required if the results of tests for viral leukemia and immunodeficiency virus are negative. The veterinarian can adjust the timing of vaccinations and prescribe additional tests and procedures.

At first, the animal must be kept in quarantine in a bathroom or on a glazed balcony (at adequate air temperature and no drafts). Subsequently, the cat can be placed or kept with you. It must be taken into account that people are more willing to adopt neutered animals.


How to catch a cat at home?

They say that cats have excellent intuition. And it’s true, most cats that are afraid of the road begin to hide immediately before getting ready for a trip. If you regularly visit the veterinarian or go to the country with your pet, you should try to accustom him to travel.

Buy a comfortable carrier and place it in a visible place. You can put your cat's favorite bedding or food inside. Let your tailed friend sniff this acquisition himself and make sure that there is nothing scary inside. If the trip is not planned, but important, feel free to catch the animal and place it in a carrier or a special bag. It is worth noting that catching a cat at home is much easier than on the street. In a small room, two people can complete this task in 5-10 minutes.

How to act

To catch a wild cat, you will have to be patient. It may take several days to be caught. This time is needed for the cat to get used to its saviors and become more trusting. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Feeding
    . Come to the cat's shelter every day at the same time and leave a treat. First at the very entrance to the house, then further and further. Don't forget to lure and talk to the cat in a quiet, gentle voice, even if you don't see him. At first, it’s better to just put down the food and leave without waiting for the cat to come out of hiding.
  2. Introducing the Trap
    . When your pet starts going out to eat far enough from the home, bring a carrier or trap with you. Place it close to the bowl and move the treat closer each time.
  3. Capture
    . Once the cat begins to eat near the carrier without fear, place the treat inside. It is important not to drive the cat, but to wait patiently for him to go inside. If he refuses to do this, go back a step: place the bowl on the threshold of the carrier. Once the cat is inside, quickly close the door.

Do not run up to slam the carrier if the cat is only halfway in. Wait until your pet is completely inside or even comfortable. The last step is to cover the trap with a blanket or blanket. Twilight will calm the cat, unlike faces, houses, and trees flashing before the eyes.

If you were unable to catch the cat in the carrier and he managed to escape, start establishing contact again: continue to bring food and gradually lure him into the carrier.

When you need specialist help

Our pets sometimes end up in completely unexpected places. Remember one simple rule: if an animal is in a hard-to-reach place and cannot get out on its own, try to adequately assess the possibility of saving it on your own. A cat can climb high up a tree or fall into a vent or sewer hatch. In all such cases, you should not be a hero; it is better to seek professional help. Your pet will be saved by a special animal control service or a unified rescue service (if the situation is truly emergency).

What to do if you need to catch an animal very quickly? Consult your veterinarian about the possibility of using sedatives and ask for the correct dosage. The medicine should be mixed into the bait treat. As soon as the animal eats, keep your eyes on it. Try not to let your cat hide in the basement or other secluded place. Then try to catch a black cat in a dark room! Once the drug begins to work, the reaction will slow down and the animal will appear sleepy. At this moment you can pick him up.

What will it take to capture a wild or feral animal?

To catch a wild kitten or an adult cat you will need:


  • Kotolovka. This is a special cat trap with a tightly slamming door. You can try to borrow it from a service for catching stray animals, from a cat shelter, or from volunteers while the cat is being caught. You can also use a durable carrier with a removable lid and metal door. The presence of the latter allows the device to be used on the principle of a trap, simplifies its disinfection and makes it easier for the veterinarian to carefully remove an animal in a state of extreme stress. A box made of thick cardboard is also suitable as a catbox.
  • A delicacy with a distinct smell. The bait must be hard. Milk is not suitable for this purpose as it will simply spill in the carton. As a treat, you can use a piece of sausage, minced meat, fish, ready-made dry or wet food. It is not recommended to use valerian as bait. Having smelled it, the cat may behave inappropriately.
  • Plastic disposable plate. The bait should not be placed on the ground.
  • Thick long gloves and clothing that reliably protects the body from possible injury.

To catch a stray cat, it is not recommended to use blankets, rugs, sheets, bags, sacks and other available means. If you miss (and the speed of a human reaction is significantly lower than a cat’s), you can nullify all efforts to gain the animal’s trust, and after the attack he will no longer allow a potential rescuer to approach him. In addition, you can overdo it and harm the cat or become the target of an attack by an angry creature.

Memo to the owners. First days in a new place

22 messages

0. Before your cat arrives, ALWAYS check if there are any inaccessible or hard-to-reach places in your house where a small animal can get through (batteries, gypsum board housings, places with a lot of wires and expensive household appliances, pipes, unfinished repairs, etc. ) If the cat gets in there (and he will 100% get in there), you won’t be able to lure him out of there by any force.

1. Immediately after arriving at a new home, the cat will hide in the first hard-to-reach place that happens to be on its way. This could be a shelf in the closet, a place behind the toilet, a gap between the refrigerator, closet or sofa and the wall, etc. This will be his habitat for the next few weeks. Place a tray with filler and a bowl of water next to this place. DO NOT pull the cat out of its shelter, do not try to forcefully introduce it to life, do not look into the hole, do not pet it, do not try to lure it with food, force feed it, and do not try to drive it out of there. Let the cat sit in its shelter for as long as it needs to understand that it is safe here. Then he will slowly go out, curiosity will drive him to investigate. BUT at the same time, the cat should always be able to return to the place that he considers safe, where you do not see him and he does not see you. Do not block his escape route, give him the opportunity to believe that he can hide in the house.

2. For the first 2-3-4 days, the cat may not eat, drink or go to the toilet. DON'T BE SCARED - THIS IS NORMAL. The animal experienced stress during the move and continues to experience it in the new place. New smells, noises, images - all this frightens him and completely disorients him. No feeling of hunger will force him to leave the shelter until the stress subsides at least a little and he gets used to it. All animals have their own character, they all need different time to get used to. Try to be patient. Don't worry, a cat is practically incapable of starving itself. Only a person can consciously refuse food. The instinct of self-preservation will win.

3. At first, the most important thing is to control where the cat goes to the toilet. The tray should be located so that the cat can reach it with minimal effort - that is, as close as possible to the place where he is hiding. If the litter box is at the other end of the room, he will not go there out of fear, but will simply go to the toilet where he finds it safe. He will not put himself in danger and will simply find a safe place to go to the toilet. Try not to force your cat to choose between the usual litter box and the fear of being discovered. Since the animal can behave unpredictably, just in case, remove all valuables from the floor, if possible cover the furniture with plastic, etc. If the cat went to the toilet in the wrong place several times, try to change something. Tray size, location, type of filler, etc. If possible, place the cat in a limited space with the tray. At the shelter, all animals go to the litter box, so this could just be a glitch due to stress.

4. The adaptation of the animal must occur gradually. The less you violate the boundaries of his personal space, the faster he will feel safe and begin to trust you. Let him live the life he has chosen (except for the litter tray - this must be strictly suppressed) and he will gradually adapt to you, begin to live not in parallel with you, but together. Do not leave food in the bowl when you go to work, etc. Feed the cat only when you come home, preferably by hand. He should not think that food appears on its own at any time of the day. He must understand that the appearance of food in the bowl is a direct consequence of the appearance of a person next to him. He should have a “Person-food-good” relationship. Almost all cats are bribe takers. You can try to buy their location with a bribe. Give him a piece of something very tasty - meat, chicken, cottage cheese, etc. - always from your hands.

5. If possible, buy your cat a scratching post. This will save your things from a sad fate.

6. Remember this is an ANIMAL. Don't humanize him! He doesn’t know, doesn’t know how to assume, draw conclusions, etc.

Methods of catching and procedure

To catch a wild cat, you must first carefully prepare the ground for luring it into a trap, accustoming it to your presence in the field of view. The most effective way is regular feeding. It is advisable to do this at the same time, for example morning and evening. First, you need to leave the treat not far from his shelter, moving away a considerable distance. To gain the trust of an animal, you need to constantly talk to it. With each subsequent feeding, the distance should be reduced little by little.

When the four-legged street child stops being panicky about his potential savior, it is recommended to offer him a treat inside the cat's bag. This stage consists of several stages: first, a bowl with a treat is placed almost on the threshold of the trap, then it is gradually moved deeper. The preparatory stage may take 2–3 days.

In the process of preparing to catch a tailed wanderer, you should not try to pick it up, much less grab it, even if it behaves calmly. Realizing that you can quickly slam the door without giving the animal the opportunity to run out, you need to act. It should be borne in mind that failure will cost the lost trust, and taming will have to begin again, and there is no guarantee that the animal will again allow a treacherous person to approach it.

How to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

How to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

17.05.11 11:02

Hello. I really ask for your help in our simply dead-end situation. A week ago, a strange cat ran into our private new building. We don’t live there, but when we arrive we try to keep the doors and windows open, but she doesn’t come out, apparently she’s very scared. She hid in a place that is inaccessible to us, but at night in complete silence the cat comes out of her hiding place, goes down to the first floor and gnaws on the dried fish left there, then returns to her hiding place. If she dies in this secluded place, there will be no way to get her, so we are completely confused about how to lure her out. There were proposals from neighbors to set a trap, but we immediately rejected such an inhumane method, but over time we understand that she will soon die even without a trap and then we will have problems dismantling our house. Horror. I really hope for your advice

Re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

17.05.11 16:08

Hello. Why not leave her windows open when you're not there? Maybe she will be happy to leave your home. And further. Couldn't the cat be deeply pregnant? Maybe she has kittens there. And you feed her dried fish. Maybe we should put something tastier and add some water.

And why should she die?

Re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

17.05.11 19:55

Good evening! If an animal is scared and hides for 7 days, it is not enough to overcome fear. Firstly, there is a chance that the animal will leave on its own. Try to lure her with the help of delicious food - onto the porch, that is, outside the house. A trap, of course, is not an option. And secondly, how do you know that it is the cat that is gnawing on the fish?

Re: re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

18.05.11 15:11

The house is uninhabited, bare concrete walls, there is no one there to feed her, we are only there on weekends

Re: re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

18.05.11 15:14

You can leave the windows open and then, perhaps, the cat will leave, but this will attract thieves who climbed into closed windows in winter and took out all the construction tools. It's too expensive to pay for someone else's cat.

Re: re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

18.05.11 15:18

The cat is hiding on the 3rd floor, and the porch is on the first, so luring her out three flights of stairs is simply unrealistic, she’s not stupid. Apart from the cat, there is no one in the house under construction in the form of a concrete box, and before her appearance, no one gnawed the dried fish (as well as everything else). Is it possible to use a quick-acting sleeping pill or add valerian to food? This can help?

Re: re: re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

18.05.11 15:19

The cat does not come out of its hiding place at all if there are people in the house. It is in a box under the roof

Re: re: re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

18.05.11 16:19

Valerian will not help, it is not a sleeping pill. In general, putting a cat to sleep is dangerous. You won’t be able to pull her out of the shelter yourself, but she will have time to run there. Try contacting PiK, maybe there will be a trap cage there. This would be the easiest and safest option for the cat. And listen carefully. Are the kittens squeaking? Then you can’t touch the cat yet, the kittens will die without her. All that remains is to feed and wait.

Re: re: re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

19.05.11 20:32

Good evening. You can lure it to valerian, but then your presence is necessary to catch it, and even then only if the cat finds the smell attractive. Sleeping pills are not an option. All that remains is to wait until she leaves the house.

Re: re: re: re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

23.05.11 09:30

Events are developing rapidly, most likely the cat hid specifically from its owners in order to acquire kittens in a calm atmosphere (we heard a thin squeak). We leave her food every day, but she doesn’t always eat, maybe she doesn’t like something from the menu offered. But we have a big problem with the neighbors - her owners - they accused us of stealing and forcibly detaining their cat. I think it was not in vain that the cat moved away from them; apparently they drowned her kittens before. We continue to raise offspring without seeing them.

Re: re: re: re: re: how to lure a cat out of hiding, otherwise it will die

23.05.11 10:43

Good afternoon. Offer her food for pregnant and lactating cats. The theft charges are unfounded. Thank you for continuing to care for the cat and her kittens.

How to lure a kitten!! URGENTLY! )

The situation... in my private house, under the floor, through the street ventilation, a strange cat crawled in, gave birth there, fed the kitten and left him there... At first I thought I would spit, I thought the cat would come back, feed him and he would come out on his own. So she disappeared.

The second day I am engaged in disassembly. There are no men. all by herself. She pushed aside a huge heavy ottoman, lifted the carpet, linoleum, tore off the chipboard, there is ventilation in the floor, barely tore it off, he meows from there, and there oops... the hole is only halfway there.

I sent the photo to my husband. advised me to take a saw and saw off the free edge, i.e. make the hole itself bigger) I sawed off as much as I could. Only my daughter's hand gets through.

The kitten comes there. goes to my meow. But as soon as he sees me he leaves. and there, under the floor of the catacombs... heaps of bricks, construction debris... he will go into some kind of labyrinth and not return. He doesn't know how to eat. sniffs but doesn’t understand how to eat it. his eyes apparently opened recently... I can’t help but save him - it’s a shame.

Backstory... yesterday we went to church. My daughter says, I’ll ask God for a kitten. And yesterday when he meowed under the floor, I was stunned. and she says he’ll be red-haired. And he really is a redhead.

This cat walked around a few days ago and ate from our cat.

I noticed that she recently gave birth to her tits.

but I didn’t think that our floor was broken... if only a man could tear off the boards and get it out. but I can't do it. And my mother (78 years old) won’t allow anyone to abuse the house... What’s his name. how to save? damn it's such a shame.


How to get a cat out of the basement without any problems

How to lure a cat out of the basement is a question that interests both animal owners and residents of multi-story buildings. Many will agree that they are cute creatures when kept at home and cared for properly. But those living in the basement are a completely different matter.

Some residents feed the cats out of mercy, while others want to get rid of them. This article will tell you what harm or benefit animals bring, how to catch a cat in the basement.

Reasons for hide and seek

Finding itself in an unfamiliar place, the cat seeks to hide, protecting itself from potential dangers. In its own home, the animal hides when faced with stimuli:

    loud sounds outside and inside: thunder, New Year's fireworks, a neighbor's or your own hammer drill, violent criticism of heavy furniture that you have to carry;

a new person, a pet on the territory;

clash with a neighbor.

Cats hide when they are sick. Ailments increase secrecy. But, if the pet can move, it will get out in a favorable environment or in response to positive stimuli.

Safe environment

When deciding how to lure a cat out, you need to provide him with calm conditions. Fearful pets hide in hard-to-reach places when strangers appear. You can search the entire basement and find out that the kitten you wanted to show to your friends was in the cavity of the sofa.

It is important to determine where the animal is hiding. Having determined the shelter zone, you need to remove all irritating and frightening factors from it. The list includes:

objects that smell strongly or make loud noises.

If a cat is hiding due to external stimuli, it will come out as soon as their influence stops. Frightened by the New Year's fireworks, the pet will reveal itself after the last salvo. If the behavior is caused by internal conflicts, the cat may hide longer. Having received a scolding from the owner or having a fight with a neighbor, the pet will go underground for a long time.

Stealth is also characteristic of animals that find themselves in a new territory. Finding a hiding cat is difficult. It is better to release the animal in premises with a minimum of shelters. In a room with an abundance of “dens”, they look for the cat carefully.

Probing shelters is fraught with attacks from a nervous pet. It is better to listen for growls or watch the behavior of other animals sniffing for shelters.

After removing the irritants, the owner should observe the room. Having calmed down, the cat will get out, giving the opportunity to place itself in a carrier or a more comfortable room.

Attractive smells

Positive incentives are an additional way to lure a cat. The reaction to toys decreases under stress. The rattling of a mouse or the rustling of foil will not make an impression on an animal that has recently entered the house. But smell is a universal remedy. Cats are attracted to:

special veterinary treats;

A hungry animal will show itself by smelling simple dry food or porridge with meat broth. When thinking about how to lure a cat out of the basement, you should try to make a path from the food to the bowl with the main portion. The latter is located so as to cover an area unfavorable for the pet.

After putting food out, you need to move away from the potential field of view. An outdoor cat will be afraid to approach the bowl while a stranger is in sight.

Do not use unpleasant odors to smoke your pet. Essential oils, colognes or perfumes irritate cats. By throwing a “smoke bomb” into the shelter, the owner will most likely force the animal to come out. But the approach will increase the pet's stress, causing it to make better shelter choices in the future.

Food is a good way to lure a cat out from under the sofa. Canned food like Sheba or Gourmet will attract outdoor and indoor specimens. Treats often make pets temporarily forget about conflicts. Fighting cats can eat pate from one plate, continuing to hiss when the portion is finished.

If the bait does not work, you should leave your pet in a calm environment. Having realized that nothing threatens him, the cat will come out of the shelter to eat, get acquainted with the territory or relieve its natural needs. It is important to give the animal time.

It is important for cats to know that they have a safe place to hide. It is worth forcibly pulling them out of the shelter only in emergency situations - when the life and health of the pet is threatened.

Where does your pet like to hide? Write in the comments.

What harm is there from cats living in basements?

Advice: Wild cats should not be tamed or fed. Any stray animals are sources of many dangerous diseases and can cause harm to pets.

Reasons for this may be:

    Lack of vaccinations. Nobody treats them. The food they find is scanty and of poor quality. Parasites and bacteria from such animals can infect pets. Their immunity is weaker than that of street dogs or cats.

The main diseases infecting humans or animals can be:

Cat infected with rabies

This disease is especially dangerous for humans. Only timely intervention by doctors can save his life.

    Ringworm and ringworm . Infections of this kind cause many problems to humans. Treatment takes a long time, and the price of medicine is quite high. In addition, the antifungal drugs themselves cause great harm to the human body with their side effects.

A cat with ringworm

    Toxoplasmosis . Cats become infected with this infection by eating rodents, which is the reason for the spread of this disease. Chlamydia . Cats suffer from this disease quite often. Despite the fact that the animal form of chlamydia is very rarely transmitted to humans, there is a danger of infection. Helminthic infestations . There are a huge number of such parasites, and most often they are transmitted by stray cats or dogs. Fleas . They do not parasitize the human body; their main habitat is the animal fur of mammals.

Advice: Despite the fact that these insects are harmless to humans, they can be carriers of typhus, tularemia, salmonellosis, hepatitis, and plague, which is very dangerous for people. And such diseases can be transmitted to humans by flea bites. All cats living in basements are infected with them.

Chronicle of taming a wild kitten from the basement. Almost online. — Legal animal protection

Our St. Petersburg radicals are just radicals.

I responded here to one topic on a radical forum about how a small tame kitten, white and fluffy, was thrown into the basement, who did not want to go into the basement, but cried and asked to be taken out of there. I sent people a carrier asking them to bring the kitten to me. By the time the carrier was in place, the kitten had already been taken for permanent residence, but radical, he is a radical, there should not be an empty flight. Every empty flight is a loss for the country.

So, we have a cat in a bag, or rather in a carrier. A kitten of unknown gender and age, but with very well developed protective qualities. when his hand approaches the net, he snorts, sneezes, rushes and hits with his paw. Ugh, I’m confused, there are no protective qualities, this is not a puppy, he’s just afraid.

And what prompted me to create this topic was that after Googling, I didn’t find a single sensible material in my visibility zone about the taming of wild kittens. Let's try to create such material. Interestingly, I am not yet confident that THIS can be tamed.

So, 30.09 12.00

Our liabilities: there is no way to let him out into the apartment, the kitten will hide in an inaccessible place and the taming process may take an indefinite amount of time. The age for taming is critical - at least two months, my reluctance to deal with wild kittens - I am a dog lover, lack of time, although this may be for the better.

Taking into account the habitat of the fierce beast, the kitten was named Trofim.

There is only one asset: a great desire to transfer it in the future to the “Optimistic Animal Protection” section.

Tactics. Troshka will sit in the carrier. There is only water and a small ditch. All food comes only from my hands. There is no trial. If you don't take food, go hungry until next time. In the meantime, I ran to the store for Whiskas. This is disgusting, but for the period of taming it’s the best thing; few cats can not react to heated Whiskas.

In the meantime, we have THIS. I give the radicals their due. I can't imagine how THIS could have been caught.

To be continued, I hope...

To be continued as a chronicle.

30.09 15.00 You can open the carrier without the danger of being hit by a paw. yet he does not eat the food offered.

30.09 22.00. The beast got hungry, came out to the magical smell of Whiskas, and took it from his hands.

30.09 23.00 let me pet him and pull myself together. I looked at it, after all, the baby is not two months old. So far he is not enjoying the contact, but this is all temporary. I don’t take photographs, the animal is afraid of flash.

1.10 8-30. Today we have a conflict with Trofim. Overnight it’s like going backwards. There was spitting, sneezing and even a blow with a paw (but a soft one))). Through spitting and thorns, I pulled him out of the carrier, tried to feed him, but did not eat. Was left hungry. After 15 minutes, she took him out with just a hiss, but without spitting, and fed him from her hands. Hunger is not a thing. We'll have to look for an opportunity to run home in the middle of the day. I also need to look for a box, because I don’t have a cage for kittens.

In total, in less than a day, a wild basement kitten of two months old, who has had no previous contact with a person, can be picked up and fed from hand. But now it’s obvious. there will be slipping, I’ll explain why later.

And I got excited, saying that he had no contact with the person. Had, negative, upon catching. Here the situation was critical, catch it as quickly as possible, or leave it to certain death in a dangerous basement. If possible, you need to fish softer, with a catfish, for example. But for kittens, catching does not have such fatal consequences as for puppies. Therefore, we will cope. I wonder if three days will be enough for me to prepare a kitten for advertising on the device? It should be enough if some illness does not come out. Also, it’s possible(((.

2.11. 7-00 Well, as I expected. It's still stalling. One of the reasons is the beginning of the week and lack of time for the beast. I’ll tell you about other reasons later, although they are interconnected. Yesterday Trofim would have been alone for a long time, she came, took pity and fed him from the belly. After some time, he flatly refused to make contact. For now, the possibility of contact with a person is only based on food motivation. But I was pleased with something else: spitting, thorns, but not even an attempt to hit with a paw. It is important. For me, it’s not just about rescuing a kitten from the basement, but making it a comfortable and safe pet. Whoever raises such a wild child, and not only a wild child, for himself - pay attention. A little later I will tell you what I did for this.

2.10. 19.00 Kitten like a kitten. Doesn't scratch, doesn't get thrown. He’s a little shy, but today he sniffed with the dog. The taming process is over. All that's left is education. But I got what I wanted. There is absolutely no aggression in the basement evil game. It is important. We have it.

What problems do cats living in the basement create for humans?

In addition to harm to health, stray animals cause other problems for residents of apartment buildings.

    Unpleasant smell. Cats constantly mark the territory where they live, and their feces have a pungent, easily absorbed and difficult to remove odor. In this case, there will be musty, unpleasant air in the apartments on the first floor and the entire entrance of the building. Night noise. Such cute animals can make him very annoying, especially at night, when everyone should be resting, which significantly affects the quality of life, especially during their “binge” in March. Theft of products. This problem is fully relevant for residents of the first floors. Leaving food on the table and forgetting to close the window, the owner of such an apartment may be left without it. Cats are cunning and intelligent animals, they are able to wait for the right moment and then steal what is unattended, which is especially characteristic of street animals, forced to fight by any means for their existence. Most residents on the first floors install special protective nets on their windows with their own hands.

Where to take a captured cat

The best option is to go to a shelter that has a veterinary clinic. In such places, the animal will most likely be accepted for free and kept until a suitable owner is found.

If you decide to keep the cat, then simply take it to the nearest clinic. It is recommended to call in advance and ask if the doctors can see a stray animal and if anything additional is needed. After examination and bathing, most likely, the cat will be left in an infectious diseases hospital. When your pet is treated for parasites and vaccinated after tests, he can be taken home.

For the first two weeks, the pet should be kept in quarantine in a closed room or on the balcony, if the temperature allows. During this time, observe how the cat feels, whether it eats well, and how active it is. If the behavior is adequate, the fur is shiny, the eyes are clear, the food disappears instantly, you can release it into the apartment.

How to show humanism, and is there any benefit from basement cats?

Many “merciful” residents of multi-storey buildings who feed basement cats claim that these animals are very useful to humanity.

    Cats have effective biological weapons against rats and mice (see How to get rid of mice and rats in the cellar: possible options), which cause a lot of harm. But by eating rats and mice, which are a source of infectious diseases, animals themselves can become infected or become carriers of harmful bacteria. Man has learned to deal quite well with mice and rats using other rational, effective and fairly safe methods. Therefore, in this regard, cats are no longer useful, and therefore they will not provide any tangible benefit in resolving this issue. Humanity towards animals. In this case, any regulatory instruction indicates that all housing office employees are required to take measures to prevent animals from entering the basements of apartment buildings.

This is explained by the fact that the basement atmosphere, the presence of dampness, temperature changes, and dirt adversely affect the physiological state of animals.

It would be much more humane not to feed homeless cats with low-quality table waste, but to take them to a hospital where qualified specialists know how to handle such dangerous animals. In this case, the question arises about catching the cat from the basement.

How to catch a wild cat without problems

Before you get rid of cats in the basement, you need to purchase:

    A special basket for animals.

Pet carrier

    A long and reliable rope tied to the carrier, as seen in the photo.

Tip: The rope should be securely tied to the carrying door and threaded through the hole located on the inside of the basket body so that the rope comes out. In this case, it fixes the device door in the closed position. When the rope is pulled, the animal will be locked in the carrier.

    I also eat valerian. It is better to take odorous packets of whiskey for bait. They are placed in a small bowl or on a cardboard in the farthest corner of the carrier, away from the entrance, which will allow the animal to enter completely into the carrier, and not eat the food by leaning half out of it. It is good to sprinkle food with valerian root; it is freely available in pharmacies. Gloves used by skiers and snowboarders. They are thick enough to avoid accidental injuries when closing the carrier's locks, and then calmly remove the cat from the basket and perform medical procedures on him.

Description of the fishing process:

    To do this you need two people:

one holds and pulls the rope; another, wearing gloves, closes the locks of the basket door.

    Preparing the carrier. A rope is tied and the door is secured.

Tip: The rope should be long enough so that the cat can safely enter the basket at a distance from the person.

    The carrier is placed, food and valerian are placed into the depths of the device. The door of the device opens as wide as possible. The rope unwinds and the person moves away as far as possible. In this case, you need to stand sideways to the cat and try to look at the carrier not directly, but with peripheral vision, otherwise the cat will feel tension and will not go into the basket. During fishing, other food should be removed so that the animal is not distracted by it. When the cat is completely inside the carrier, you need to sharply pull the rope, and it will be blocked. In this case, you should hold the rope tightly in a taut state to block the door. To avoid scratches, a second person wearing gloves must simultaneously quickly run up and firmly close the lock on the basket door. In this position, the cat can be transferred to the desired place. If there are many cats in the basement, then other cats can enter the carrier one by one, as a rule, they will be included in order of priority. Everyone should eat, and the cat that should be caught will make sure that there is no reason to worry, and will definitely come in when it’s her turn. When removing the cat from the carrier, the door should be opened just enough so that you can stick your gloved hand through. The cat takes his hand by the scruff of the neck, just as a mother cat carries small kittens, and this gesture evokes a state of submission to each cat. When the cat is partially pulled out of the carrier by the scruff of the neck, use your other hand to press his body to the floor or table. The cat will be fixed. The main thing is that you should not try to lift the cat, he may begin to wriggle out. You should press him to the floor, hold him by the scruff of the neck and the place where the hind legs grow. So it can be transplanted into a cage or carrier.

You can also use a net to catch cats. But in this case, any cat will be in a stressful state and after being removed from the carrier, you can get flying cats within two hours. The animal will literally run along the walls and ceiling, which passes in a couple of hours.

How to lure a domestic cat out of the basement

The reasons why a cat can get into the basement and not leave it are different. For example, in the spring, when you open a window for ventilation, your beloved pet may fall out of this window. It's good if it doesn't break.

But sometimes a cat decides that it is better for her to hide in the basement, and she does not always want to come out on her own, even when called by her beloved owner. How to lure a cat out of there?

Several methods can be used:

    Try to lure the animal out. To begin with, try to call her tenderly, often, trusting her native voice, she will come out.

Domestic cat in the basement

    Use your pet's favorite treat. This is the best option. When the cat smells its favorite dish, it may come out. But this method does not always work - the animal may be very frightened and simply will not come out. A more effective method is valerian. The cat will not be able to control its instincts and will show itself outside. The most reliable way to get a cat out of the basement is to find the keys and open the basement.

If you walled up cats in the basement, you can see what to do in the video.

Animal Behavior Problems

But this is only if your cat is not touchy, impressionable and timid, and also endures pain and separation from other family members. If the animal clearly demonstrates all these character traits, you should prepare for the cat to regularly hug your drain located under the bathroom.

Why does this happen, why is it dangerous and how to get your pet out of its hiding place?

Initially, you need to understand what made the animal change a comfortable chair or a soft personal lounger to a cold and damp bathroom floor, where a huge P90 outlet occupies almost all the usable space. In fact, there can be a lot of reasons. For example, cats often hide in bathrooms after undergoing hygiene or veterinary procedures that violate their personal space; after parting with a beloved family member as a sign of protest; after receiving a sudden injury and even from banal harm. For not particularly impressionable owners, this behavior of their pet is not a cause for concern, while others try with all their might to lure him out from under the bath. It is worth noting that the cat is unlikely to stay there for long and obviously will not allow itself to die of hunger. But he can definitely become exhausted and mentally “sick.” Therefore, if you continue to be tormented by anxiety about your meowing pet, you can take a number of measures that are common among avid “cat people”.

So, for example, sometimes it’s enough to put a bowl of freshly opened Whiskas or another favorite treat of your cat in front of the bath. Or you can rustle the paper, imitating the adventures of a mouse, evoking the cat’s natural hunting instinct. More extreme and radical measures should be taken only after several days, during which the cat demonstrates a complete refusal of food and other benefits and regularly recovers in the bathroom. Animal advocates will not be happy with them, but most ordinary people simply do not find other ways to correct the situation. So, you can try to lure the cat with the smell of valerian, spray it with water, or even pour a small puddle under the bathtub (relevant for residents of private houses and first floors). Some people successfully “scare away” the animal with the tube of a running vacuum cleaner or with a live mouse. But seriously speaking, it is better to try to win the trust and love of your pet again, for which you need to show patience, care, affection and spend a lot of time on persuasion.


What to do after catching a cat

Felines can be carriers of diseases, most of which have no obvious symptoms. To avoid possible unpleasant consequences, show the cat to a specialist before transporting it home. If you have to take it to the veterinary clinic by car, then place a trap with the animal on the seat, covering it with a towel or blanket. Upon arrival, remove it from the trap (portable container) safely .

Having received a bite from a wild cat, immediately consult a doctor so that the four-legged client is examined in a timely manner, the necessary tests are done, and a conclusion is given about the absence (presence) of infection and its safety for people and animals with whom it will come into contact.

If the cat stays in the apartment before visiting the veterinary clinic, quarantine is required. Place the cat in a separate room, isolating it from people.

Before bringing a stray cat home, check its health by contacting a veterinarian

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