Scottish male and female names: list and meanings

Female Scottish names

Scottish girl names are known for their diversity and uniqueness. Only here women's names can be made up of the names of cars, cities, flowers and even jewelry. Now choosing girls' names in Scotland is not difficult, because if you like two names at once, you can combine them into one. Below is a list of names for women, among which choosing the most suitable option will not be difficult. These brief descriptions of the meanings of the names presented will help with this.

Pages of history...

Scottish female names are most often of Celtic origin, but it is not uncommon to see Anglo-Scottish or Gaelic variants used in society. In addition, in the territory of modern Scotland, more and more often, children began to be given “international” names of a Christian orientation. It should be noted that this article discusses names exclusively from the categories presented above, because they are the most widespread in society today (as they were in previous periods of human activity).

The Scots have established a very interesting trend, which is the possibility of giving a child two names at once (first and middle name, however, as in England). In addition, some changes are made to the Scottish name book every year. And there is absolutely nothing to be surprised here, because every year more and more new names appear, even more consonant and original. With this, naturally, versatility in terms of phonetics is also formed.

Scottish names for girls

Starting with the letter A

Aili - a competing bird Aline - a competing bird Alice - the victory of the elf Anstis - restoration of Athol - new Ireland

Starting with the letter B

Beilig - god Beitris - traveler (through life) Bernas - bringer of victories Bitag - life Blair - battlefield Barabel - foreign, strange

Starting with the letter G

Glenna - Gormlaith Valley - illustrious, luxurious lady, Princess Grisel - gray maiden Greer - careful, vigilant Gavina - white hawk

Starting with the letter D

Davina - beloved Diorbhorguil - true proof Diorbhail - true proof Devorgilla - true proof Deoiridh - pilgrim Jamesina - destroyer Jessie - good god Jean - good god Jean - good god Jeanie - good god Jinnah - good god Ginny - good god Jinty - good god Dinah – sea warrior Doilig – world ruler Dolina – world ruler Dolleg – world ruler Doleg – world ruler Dolenna – world ruler Donalda – world ruler Donaldina – world ruler Donella – world ruler Donna – world ruler Donnag – world ruler Devena – beloved

Starting with the letter I

Ilasaid - god Imhair - ready Ina - abbreviation for longer names ending in "ina" Innes - island of Innis - island of Iona - island of Isibail - god Isla - island of Ishbel - god


Names of Celtic origin are similar to Irish names, but differ in pronunciation. Being pagans, the Celts attached great importance to the naming of children

. They believed that it determined their traits and character. That is why the names of the Celts are related to the real life of that period, namely war, hunting, survival.

Women were no exception; just like men, they defended themselves, as well as the lives of their children. Therefore, names such as Brigid “steadfast”, Merdina “Amazon”, Britta “hardy” were chosen for them. Names were also given that expressed positive qualities: nobility - Alice, justice - Merron and others.

The prefix “poppy” came from the Gaelic language to the Scots, which means “son”. With it, many male naming options appeared. However, they were often used as female ones, for example, McKenna.

The names of the Scots passed from century to century without change

, that's why they are not distinguished by diversity. This is also the reason why many naming options have survived to this day.

Nowadays, international Christian names are actively used in Scotland, including Mary, Katie, Sophie and others.

The most popular female names last year were Olivia (for the second year in a row), Emily. Then there are Sophie, Isla, Ava, Amelia and others.

List of Scottish names for girls and their meanings:

Starting with the letter A

Aili - a competing bird Aline - a competing bird Alice - the victory of the elf Anstis - restoration of Athol - new Ireland

Starting with the letter B

Beilig - god Beitris - traveler (through life) Bernas - bringer of victories Bitag - life Blair - battlefield Barabel - foreign, strange

Starting with the letter G

Glenna - Gormlaith Valley - illustrious, luxurious lady, Princess Grisel - gray maiden Greer - careful, vigilant Gavina - white hawk

Starting with the letter D

Davina - beloved Diorbhorguil - true proof Diorbhail - true proof Devorgilla - true proof Deoiridh - pilgrim Jamesina - destroyer Jessie - good god Jean - good god Jean - good god Jeanie - good god Jinnah - good god Ginny - good god Jinty - good god Dinah – sea warrior Doilig – world ruler Dolina – world ruler Dolleg – world ruler Doleg – world ruler Dolenna – world ruler Donalda – world ruler Donaldina – world ruler Donella – world ruler Donna – world ruler Donnag – world ruler Devena – beloved

Starting with the letter I

Ilasaid - god Imhair - ready Ina - abbreviation for longer names ending in "ina" Innes - island of Innis - island of Iona - island of Isibail - god Isla - island of Ishbel - god

Starting with the letter K

Kam - curved nose Kenzie - comely, finely made Kenina - comely, finely made and born of fire Kenna - comely, finely made and born of fire Kirstie - follower of Christ Kirstia - follower of Christ Kirstine - follower of Christ Kirstin - follower of Christ Keytraion - pure Cameron - crooked nose Karishna – follower of Christ

Starting with the letter L

Leslie - garden of underbow Lilas - lily Lillys - lily Lillias - lily Lindsay - wetlands Liusaidh - light Logan - emptiness, lowland Lyall - she-wolf Lachina - land by the lakes

Starting with the letter M

Mackenzie - pretty, finely made Mackenna - daughter Margaret - pearls Marsaili - warlike Merdina - sea warrior Merdagh - sea warrior Merdann - sea warrior Merron - fair Moina - little noblewoman Mor - big Morag - big Morna - beloved Mheri - beloved Maygrid - pearls Maidy – young woman Maisie – pearl Mary – beloved Maryd – pearl Murayol – bright sea Murayol – bright sea

Starting with the letter N

Neilina – champion Netta – champion Normina – resident of northern Europe Normanna – resident of northern Europe Nendeg – benefit, grace

Starting with the letter O

Oairig – new, motley

Starting with the letter P

Starting with the letter R

Homeland - swamp, island Rhona - wise ruler Rhona - wise ruler Ragnade - fight


Names of Celtic origin are similar to Irish names, but differ in pronunciation. Being pagans, the Celts attached great importance to the naming of children . They believed that it determined their traits and character. That is why the names of the Celts are related to the real life of that period, namely war, hunting, survival.

Women were no exception; just like men, they defended themselves, as well as the lives of their children. Therefore, names such as Brigid “steadfast”, Merdina “Amazon”, Britta “hardy” were chosen for them. Names were also given that expressed positive qualities: nobility - Alice, justice - Merron and others.

The prefix “poppy” came from the Gaelic language to the Scots, which means “son”. With it, many male naming options appeared. However, they were often used as female ones, for example, McKenna.

The names of the Scots passed from century to century without change , which is why they are not distinguished by diversity. This is also the reason why many naming options have survived to this day.

Nowadays, international Christian names are actively used in Scotland, including Mary, Katie, Sophie and others.

The most popular female names last year were Olivia (for the second year in a row), Emily. Then there are Sophie, Isla, Ava, Amelia and others.

Nicknames by color

Also, cats are often named based on their color. Nicknames for black tartans:

Nicknames for white tartans:

Nicknames for red tartans:

Nicknames for gray tartans:

Nicknames for golden tartans:

Nicknames for brown tartans:

Restrictions and prohibitions

There are unspoken rules that should be followed when choosing a nickname for a Scottish cat. It is not recommended to choose offensive and offensive nicknames. Even if the animal does not understand the set of sounds with which it was called, neighbors and friends will be unpleasant to hear it. In addition, there are several other restrictions:

  • if the fate of the previous pet was unsuccessful, do not use this nickname for a new animal;
  • long names are difficult for children and old people to pronounce, so nicknames should be as short as possible or have an abbreviated version of pronunciation;
  • babies that are planned to be used for breeding should have beautiful and sonorous names. Participants in exhibitions named Murka or Maruska risk ending up on the bench;
  • It is not recommended to use female names that are most common in the environment. A friend may be offended if she finds out that the cat is named after her. And in this case, it will be extremely difficult to understand who was called;
  • It is not recommended to rename a cat, even if the nickname does not suit her. Animals are very susceptible to such innovations and may, out of spite, not respond to the owner’s call.

When choosing a name for a cat, you should remember that this affectionate and purring creature can live about 15 years with good care. The nickname will be pronounced daily, which means it should suit all family members. You should not choose a name spontaneously, so as not to regret it for many years.

Unusual and rare names

If you are a supporter of everything unusual, pay attention to the following nicknames for your pet:

See also: beautiful nicknames for Scottish boys

Appearance and choice of name

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a nickname is the color of the coat. In Scottish cats it can be different. For example, a pure white baby might be called Snow White or Snowy. Some good nicknames might be:

  • Alba (small albino);
  • Vesta;
  • Krystle (from crystal);
  • Bella, affectionately - Squirrel;
  • Bianca is a pure, snow-white beauty;
  • Blondie is suitable for white and light cream babies;
  • Alaska will resemble snow-white expanses;
  • Ice;
  • Winter is suitable for lovers of English nicknames, because in translation it means winter;
  • Milky is a real lover of milk and cottage cheese;
  • Marilyn Monroe had special beauty and white hair, so a cat can be named after her, using either Marilyn or Monroe;
  • Shelly will be reminded of pearl wool.

The Scottish breed has many shades of gray coat. If the gray color is associated with something mousy, then you can consider the following names for girls with this color, perhaps they will change their attitude towards the gray shade:

  • Gracie;
  • Aurica;
  • Chloe;
  • Stele;
  • Tiffany;
  • Wolf;
  • Early.

Black cats are particularly mysterious. The first nickname that comes to mind is, of course, the royal Bagheera. If there are fans of fairy tales in the family, then this is an excellent nickname for Mowgli’s friend. You can emphasize the magical power of your pet using the following nicknames:

  • Buffy - will help exterminate all the “vampires” in the area;
  • Hermione - will remind you of the exciting book “Harry Potter”;
  • Agate - black agate stone is endowed with magical powers, which means the cat will also be able to heal people;
  • Noir - from the French noir - black;
  • Aphra will become the leader of an African tribe, that is, a flock of neighboring cats who will sing songs for the black beauty.

If your pet's fur color is peach, an excellent nickname would be Toffee or Ryzhulya. Of course, such names are not suitable for inclusion in a veterinary passport, but they are very convenient for household members. The golden color will help to highlight the nicknames Goldie or Zlata.

The blue color of Scottish breeds is very interesting. The corresponding nickname will help to emphasize the delicacy of shades:

  • Blue;
  • Sky;
  • Lavender;
  • Violetta or Viola;
  • Lagoon.

Funny and cool nicknames

If you want to give your pet an unusual and fun name, take a look at this selection:

This fold-eared cat is called Macrame:

Also pay attention to the nicknames that will draw attention to your pet’s ears:

Features of choosing a nickname

If a kitten is purchased from breeders with documents, it already has a nickname. But the owner doesn’t always like the name, so many people rename the baby. This is not recommended for several reasons:

  • The kitten has already learned its name and is having trouble getting used to a new one. Some people do not react at all to a nickname, which is why problems arise with raising such children;
  • breeders are more experienced in choosing a nickname, so the name is chosen taking into account the character of the kitten and its color;
  • a resounding nickname is the key to the opportunity to participate in exhibitions, so sellers always take this into account.

The nickname in the veterinary passport quite often consists of several words. In this case, the full name may not be used. After all, it is much more convenient to call a kitten if the nickname is short.

If the kitten comes into the family without a name, all responsibility for choosing a nickname rests with the owners. You shouldn't rush to name your pet. Let the baby settle into the house, get used to the new environment and show a little of his character. Then there should be no difficulty in choosing a nickname.

Sometimes it happens like this: a pet that appears in the house immediately evokes associations with something, and the nickname itself comes to mind. If the cat does not participate in exhibitions, you can give it any name. It is advisable to choose nicknames that are loud, sonorous and easy to pronounce. In this case, the pet will quickly get used to the name and will always respond to the owner’s first call.

Scottish cats are very smart creatures, so after 2-3 weeks they respond well to their own name.

How do you choose for a girl?

Parents naming their baby can benefit from information on the General Register Office for Scotland (GROS) website. It posts country naming information using various lists. For example, a list of the 100 most common names since 1998 or a complete list for any year with a quantitative indication of naming options, and others.

When choosing a name for a newborn, its beauty and sonority are of particular importance.

, as well as a positive meaning. It should endow its owner with positive qualities, for example, Mkheri “beloved”, Slane “healthy”, Edme “respected”.

Currently, in addition to national names of Celtic, Gaelic, and Anglo-Scottish origin, Christian naming options are widely used. The 20 most popular female names in Scotland in recent years include mainly Sophie, Olivia, Ava, Emily, Isla, Lucy, Chloe, Lily, Ellie, Emma, ​​Jessica, Erin, Katie, Grace, Mia, Holly and others.

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