Maine Coon sizes: cats and cats, height standards, weights

In our article we provide a table that displays the development of Maine Coon cats by month; our zoologist described in detail all the nuances, development of the kitten, features of this breed, the most popular colors.

Video about Maine Coons

The Maine Coon is considered one of the largest cats. This cat will leave few people indifferent. He does not have the simplest character and is said to often behave like a dog. Normal kitten development is determined by how well they grow and gain weight.

Maine Coon sizes by month - table

Character and characteristics of the Maine Coon breed

The appearance of the Maine Coon is so unique that it is difficult to confuse it with other representatives of the cat family. If you imagine something in common between a cat, a raccoon and a lynx, you will get a portrait of a representative of this breed. Ears decorated with tassels, fluffy striped tail. And these are all Maine Coons. It differs from ordinary cats not only in this, but also in its impressive size, as well as habits.

The Maine Coon has strong muscles, a rectangular body, and powerful paws. He has a wide chest. Some representatives of this breed have almost a lion's mane on their neck. The wool is soft and thick to the touch, it has amazing quality, it does not get wet. Therefore, the Maine Coon is the only domestic cat that is not at all afraid of water.

The undercoat is thick and also does not get wet. The cat has strong paws, round in shape. The coon looks impressive and serious. His character is almost dog-like, he is so attached to his owner. He takes the security of his territory very seriously. If necessary, he is able to stand up for her protection.

Despite its impressive dimensions, the cat can get along under the same roof with other pets, and even take part in games with them. Just don’t try to make friends with fish or birds, since most likely they will turn out to be his prey.

The coon is active and loves active games, so he needs a lot of space to play. Otherwise, he is capable of tearing off the curtains, damaging the furniture and generally causing a little mayhem in the house. Which, of course, will not please the owners much.

Sizes of adult cats

Maine Coons hold the record for height among domestic cats, so there are many myths regarding their size.

Often, owners artificially bring animals to a record weight of 15-20 kg, which can lead to illness and obesity in the pet.

In fact, an adult cat weighs on average 3.5-7.6 kg, and a cat weighs 5.9-12 kg. The pet's body length ranges from 1 to 1.5 meters. The height of an adult animal is 25-41 cm, and the length of the tail does not exceed 35 cm.

Maine Coon is the record holder among domestic cats for height/Yandex Collections

In addition to their significant size, Maine Coons have the following features:

  • strong paws;
  • massive head;
  • large shoulders and neck;
  • elongated body with developed muscles.

Together, these characteristics give cats an impressive appearance. With a weight of 7-9 kg, the animals look many times larger than cats of other breeds. A Maine Coon cat reaches its maximum size only at three to five years of age, which is considered late adulthood.

Features of behavior of Maine Coon cats

The Maine Coon is not at all afraid of the street; moreover, he enjoys walking on a leash with his owner. He has no fear of water, he can keep his owner company and take a shower with him. He even drinks water from a bowl, scooping it with his paw. There is another interesting feature. This cat even rinses her food in water.

Features of behavior of Maine Coon cats

The raccoon cat (another name for the breed) never uses its claws against a child or owner. She endures even unpleasant procedures with loud screams, but never uses her formidable weapon. Kun will tolerate the children's antics. He loves them and enjoys playing with them.

Coon owners note their unusual mental abilities and developed intelligence. At the same time, you need to remember that a huge cat at heart always remains a small kitten, active and playful. This is an incredibly active animal.

Color variations

The original colors of Maine Coons were “wild” and “black tabby”, but later cats of other colors began to be bred:

  • red is one of the most popular, a combination of light and brick or red tones
  • white - light color without impurities or shades
  • black - noble and deep color
  • “black marble” is the most classic color, consisting of impurities and shades of black, white and gray in various variations
  • “black smoke” - the color of a thundercloud, resulting from white hairs at the roots and black along the rest of the length

A Maine Coon of any color in the photo turns out to be a magnificent noble cat with a proud and formidable appearance.

Features of the Maine Coon breed

One of the features of the breed is its origin. This is an indigenous breed of American cats that appeared as a result of natural selection. These are very large cats with a solid appearance and an unusual character. At the same time, they are devoted to their owner, capable of making friends and suitable for the role of companions.

They get along well in a family, but only one person is recognized as the owner. The sounds of their voice can hardly be called meowing; rather, they resemble purring. Since cats are heavy, they cannot walk quietly, they stomp loudly, and simply adore water. The Kuna can be taught to carry shoes and various objects in its teeth.

Maine Coon growth chart by month by age

AgeCat (weight in grams)Cat (weight in grams)
After birth170120
One week230190
Two weeks380340
One month700600
Two month13501250
Three months22001850
Four months34003000
Five months45003500
Six months50003800
Seven months55004300
Eight months60004800
Nine month63005000
Ten months69005300
Eleven months74005700
Twelve months80006000
Two years100006800
Two and a half years125007300
Three years140008000

What affects the growth of Maine Coons

Several conditions influence how well a raccoon cat kitten grows and develops.

Important conditions are:

  • Purebred kitten. If a kitten is born with a lot of weight, it will turn into a large animal;
  • Gender. Cats are naturally larger than cats. They grow more actively and weigh more;
  • Genetics. In large cats, the offspring will also be the same;
  • Genotypes of the kitten's parents. The unique combination gives the kitten a unique genotype;
  • Hormonal drugs. You can change your pet's weight with medication.

In addition, the development of a kitten is influenced by the conditions in which it lives. If the kitten is provided with suitable conditions for it, then it will grow and develop correctly. Normally, weight gain should be at least 10 grams per day.

Deviations from the norm in height and weight of Maine Coons

If your pet does not gain weight and grows more slowly, this may be due to improper care conditions. He may lack vitamins and nutrients. In addition, possible diseases should be excluded. However, if the baby is healthy and provided with the necessary conditions, but for some reason does not gain the required weight and height, then this is probably not a purebred coon.

Deviations from the norm in height and weight of Maine Coons

Unusual character

Maine Coons are intelligent animals, patient and unpersistent. It’s better not to let this fluffy good-natured guy out on his own, otherwise the dogs might fight.

A cat of this breed will be an excellent nanny for children; he will be able to patiently endure the antics of a small child.

This feline is reminiscent of a dog in character and captivates with its devotion and love for its owner.

If desired, you can train your Maine Coon to fetch toys or give a paw . They are easy to train and a pleasure to wash. Rarely are individuals afraid of water.

The main characteristic of this cat breed is the following: the pet has a calm temperament. Moreover, he behaves confidently at home and on the street.

Causes of weight gain and loss in Maine Coons

Raccoon cats vary in size and weight. Most often, the cause of this is a pet’s health problems or an incorrectly formulated diet. The weight of an adult coon may decrease for a number of reasons:

  • The diet is chosen incorrectly and does not provide the pet with the required amount of nutrients;
  • Genetic characteristics;
  • Stressful situation;
  • Helminths;
  • Low quality food;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Serious health problems.

If an animal is rapidly losing weight, then it is necessary first to evaluate the quality of its nutrition. If it does not correspond to the norm, then make the necessary adjustments. If this does not help, then you should look for the reasons.

Often there is another reason. Overweight. Very often cats face this problem after castration. If your pet is obese, then dietary adjustments should be made.

What to do before buying a Maine Coon kitten

The kitten must be healthy, have beautiful fur and no defects. To buy a Maine Coon, it is better to go to a nursery that specializes in purebred breeding. You should not look for it on bulletin boards; there is a high probability of deception on the part of the seller. There is a risk of purchasing a sick animal. Although there, of course, the price will be very low.

What to do before buying a Maine Coon kitten

Origin of the breed

Maine Coons began their history in Maine. However, their origin is still shrouded in mystery. The vast majority believe that Maine Coons are descended from raccoons.

The name Maine Coon translates exactly as “Raccoon from Maine.” Due to the similarity in color and tail shape, it is assumed that the first representatives of the breed originated by crossing a raccoon and a cat.

However, the presence of tufts on the ears and between the toes gives grounds for the second theory: the ancestor of the Maine Coon is the North American lynx.

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