Smooth-haired cat breeds with photos and names

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Shorthair cats with photos and names. European group.
  2. Oriental smooth-haired cat breeds Egyptian Mau
  • American breeds of smooth-haired cats with photos and names
  • Caring for short-haired cat breeds
  • Short-haired cats are the great-great-great-great...grandmothers of your Murka. In fact, even if your pet has long hair that makes it impossible to see its graceful anatomy, the furry family tree begins with the Libyan dun cat. Almost 10,000 years ago, the Libyan dun cat (also known as the Nubian cat, also known as the North African steppe cat), noticing in its field of vision funny creatures so greedy for simple affection, decided to tame these creatures.

    It must be said that the years of training were not in vain; if a person does not deify a cat, then at least he adores it, cares for it, feeds it, and at the same time cannot even rationally explain why he does this?! A fickle, capricious and independent cat simply allows itself to be loved, giving a person the opportunity to admire itself and from time to time to stroke its beautiful self (but not against the grain!)

    The Nubian cat gene turned out to be so strong that today short-haired cats (both domestic and wild) are more common than cats with long hair. The dominance of the shorthair gene is easy to explain - a cat with short hair is naturally more independent than its long-haired sister. After all, such fur clings less to surrounding objects, it is also easier to catch parasites in it, and skin diseases bypass such cats.

    So, Mother Nature and the miracles of selection provided shorthaired cats with first place in the number of breeds with this trait.

    By the way, what distinguishes short-haired purrs from all other breeds is not only the length of their hairs, but also their quality!

    Globally, experts divide shorthair cat breeds into the following groups:

    • European
    • eastern
    • American

    Russian blue cat

    The origin of the breed dates back to the 60s of the last century in Russia. English sailors first saw these graceful cats and brought them to Europe. Arkhangelsk is considered to be the birthplace of the Russian blue cat.

    Initially, their appearance was different from what it is now. Thanks to crossing with the European breed of shorthair and Abyssinian cats, they acquired such an original bluish tint, emerald-colored eyes and the appearance of an aristocrat.

    You can also look at the name of a cat breed with different eyes.

    The main characteristic features of these cats: blue fur with a dull tint, thick plush hair and breed. Small in size, but filled with grace, she moves quickly, flexes her muscles, and her blue color gives her elegance.

    The short, wedge-shaped muzzle with clearly defined whiskers gives it an original, special appearance of the breed. Her character towards strangers is secretive and shy. Whatever she wants, she will get, rest assured.

    Based on the legend, it was members of royal families who loved such cats. However, there is no doubt that it was the Arkhangelsk cats that served as the foundation for the main breed.


    To breed purebred cats, it is important to purchase a kitten that meets all breed standards. The nursery must be registered in the felinological system.

    It is also necessary to obtain a copy of the pedigree to ensure that the animal is a purebred. Then undergo a veterinary examination, get all the necessary vaccinations and join the club.

    From 8-10 months the kitten can take part in exhibitions. After the cat is one year old, you can organize mating, raise and sell kittens.

    Mating and partner selection

    A cat gives birth on her own, quickly, in a litter there are usually 3-4 kittens.
    Mating a Russian Blue cat is only allowed with a cat of the same breed. The first mating should be carried out at the age of 1.5-2 years after a suitable partner is found in the nursery.

    You need to choose a partner who is healthy, meets breed standards , vaccinated (has a veterinary passport), has a pedigree, is experienced and non-aggressive. It is advisable to draw up an agreement with the cat owner.

    It is optimal for a cat's health to mate once a year. Before mating, a cat needs to have its claws trimmed and given all necessary vaccinations and parasite treatment.

    Usually mating is carried out on the cat’s territory; the owners bring the cat to him and leave him for several days.

    Pregnancy and childbirth

    The Russian Blue cat has a well-developed maternal instinct. Pregnancy lasts on average about 2 months. For the birth and further stay of the kittens, you need to organize a warm and dry place.

    The cat gives birth on her own, quickly, and there are usually 3-4 kittens in the litter.

    Singapura (Singapore cat)

    Singapura cats are one of the most beautiful shorthaired cat breeds in the world. The homeland of these cats is Singapore. These rare creatures appear frail and delicate in appearance. The simplicity in their appearance is the special appeal of this breed.

    A soft, velvety beige or honey-colored lump with a hint of pink is the Singapura cat. It was brought 20 years ago from Southeast Asia, from the island of Singapore.

    Small, stocky with well-developed muscles, charming expressive eyes, this is what distinguishes it from other breeds. This cat is considered a national treasure of Singapore, so exporting it outside is prohibited, which is why it is a rare species.

    Nature has endowed them with sensitivity and great caution. Around her family she is quite affectionate and sociable.

    Thai cat or traditional Siamese cat

    Thai cats are similar in appearance to Siamese cats. A typical Thai cat has a round head, almond-shaped blue eyes, small ears, and a muscular body shape. Their color is point.

    The tail, muzzle, tips of the ears and paws are painted with this color. The general description of the breed also fits the standard of Siamese cats of the 18th and 19th centuries. Due to their friendly and sociable temperament, these cats love to play and be pampered with their owner.

    In addition to exotic beauty, they are also considered to have high intelligence potential. Brought to England, there were even legends about Thai cats associated with Buddhist monasteries. Cats, with eyes reflecting like the sky, and princesses who hung their rings on their arched tails.

    The owners of such cats were servants at the temples of ancient Thailand. And the oriental gait of Thai seals was significantly different from the usual walking of their European and British counterparts.

    Development of felinology in Russia

    The most popular breeds of Russian cats are:

    • Siberian;
    • Neva Masquerade;
    • Kurilian and Karelian bobtail;
    • Ural rex;
    • Russian blue and others.

    Cat breeding began more than three centuries ago. But felinology reached its real flourishing only at the end of the 20th century. At this time, active work began to create new breeds or improve the qualities of existing ones. Specialists had the opportunity to exchange experiences with colleagues from other countries. Cats bred by Russian breeders are not inferior to foreign ones either in external qualities or in character.

    Bombay cat

    The Bombay cat with black short silky hair, shiny blue eyes, and a large build resembles domestic panthers in appearance (see large cat breeds). This cat breed is considered rare, but they have a reputation as a favorite for their exotic appearance and wonderful personality.

    Bombay cats even have black pads on their paws and nose. The Bombay breed was developed by breeder Nikki Horner. They reminded her of the Indian leopard, so she gave them the peculiar name Bombay, after the city in India.

    There are two known varieties of the breed - American and British Bombay. Their disposition is affectionate and mischievous. They are very active and playful, so they get along well with children.

    He loves all family members, but chooses the owner herself and literally follows on his heels. He cannot stand loneliness and constantly requires increased attention.

    British Shorthair

    These cats are distinguished by a harmonious physique, they have a densely stuffed coat, huge expressive eyes, and an important expression on their faces. Well, exactly like the English aristocrats of the Victorian era. The British pet is not intrusive, not prone to hooliganism and can easily tolerate loneliness.

    In the minds of many, a “real” Briton is thick cheeks, blue fur and bright orange eyes. There cannot be multiple opinions about cheeks. But the standards allow many colors and eye colors. Breeders are working on the breed and have recently received amazingly beautiful animals of golden color with emerald green eyes.

    Scottish fold cat (Scottish fold)

    The Scottish Fold breed was popular in ancient times in the East. But its very dawn occurred in the twentieth century, the 70s in Scotland. The original fold-eared cats were the result of a genetic change in cells.

    Their small drooping ears make them especially attractive, which is why they have gained great popularity among breeders from all over the world. Rare, but already popular, this breed has found its own circle of lovers even from Russia.

    However, this is not surprising, since these beautiful cats do not need special care for their fur, while they have good health, a wonderful appetite, and an excellent, simply angelic character.

    They inherited this trait from the cultured British, and their small ears, slightly bent forward, give them a peculiar zest and uniqueness.

    Fold-eared, imposing cats are very popular with the male population. After all, their character is so reminiscent of their own.

    Exotic shorthair cat

    Exotic shorthaired cats are considered relatives of Persians (see exotic cat breeds with photographs and breed names). This similarity is especially noticeable at the first glance at them. With a large head and thick short legs, they are complemented by huge eyes.

    The distinguishing feature of exotic cats from Persians is their fur, shortened and plush to the touch. The emergence of this cat breed was not planned by breeders.

    In the 60s in America, an American shorthair cat was crossed with a Persian to improve the American breed, but the result was different.

    Thanks to a mistake by breeders, a completely new, magnificent, and quite popular Exot breed was created.

    Oriental Shorthair

    This is a cat of an unusual appearance - with a very elongated muzzle, huge ears, long, very long legs and tail, and very short, tight-fitting fur. Orientals adore their owners - they are the most loyal cats.

    Not only do they never leave their owner’s side, they literally live on him. Orientals are terribly worried when a loved one does not pay attention to them for a long time. Many people like their appearance, but this is not the case when you can choose a pet “by its clothes.” Oriental is suitable only for those who are able to withstand its stormy temperament and devote almost all their free time to it.

    Burmese cat (Burmese)

    When you see purebred Burmese cats right away, what your attention is focused on is their coloring. By standard standards, only four colors are acceptable for this cat breed - blue, chocolate, lilac and dark brown.

    In addition to color, Burmese seals are also distinguished by their physique. Its muscular body gave it the name "cat Rottweiler". The reason for this was that as a result of breeding the breed, its division occurred. The result was: the original appearance of the American and European Burmese.

    European Burmese are full of elegance and grace, this distinguishes them from their American relatives. But these two breeds are united by the same feature - short, thin, satiny, very tight-fitting fur. Their very appearance is covered in legends.

    But legend says that Burmese seals lived at the temple, where the duties of each servant included caring for and taking care of these animals in every possible way.

    Despite their appearance, reminiscent of a cat Rottweiler, they have a very docile, peaceful disposition.

    Kurilian Bobtail

    The Kuril Bobtail also belongs to the category of aboriginals; the Kuril Islands are considered its homeland. The breed gained wide popularity in the eighties, when felinologists began to visit Russia. They were delighted with the cat, which looked like a miniature wild lynx.

    The animal is distinguished by its wild blood and the character of a hunter; it is tenderly attached to its owner and loves games very much. Her appearance is truly wild, a massive individual with an arched back, a short tail, tufts on her ears, breeders recognize short-haired and long-haired types of cats, the cost of a kitten varies between 8-15 thousand rubles.

    Egyptian Mau

    The Egyptian Mau is a descendant of the cats of Ancient Egypt. Short coat, compact body and large almond-shaped eyes. Their distinctive feature is the “scarab” pattern on the face and “makeup”.

    Makeup refers to a couple of lines running under the eyes. These cats attract attention due to their coloring. They can be smoky, silver or bronze in color.

    Their spotted color was reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian relief, and the similarity with the sacred cats of Ancient Egypt and the original name make our imagination about these maus exciting. They were very revered in Ancient Egypt, they were compared to deities, for the murder of which they were sentenced to death.

    For a long time, Egyptian cats were found only in their homeland, and only in the 50s were they first noticed in the USA. Even the Russian princess Trubetskoy was the owner of these cats, brought to her from Egypt itself.

    Siamese cat

    The peculiarity of Siamese cats is their slender paws, wedge-shaped head, large ears and, of course, point color. The most famous is seal point: brown color of the mask, tail, tips of the paws and ears.

    They enjoy their popularity among breeders to this day, although today's cats are significantly different from the Siamese of the 18th-19th centuries.

    Oriental origin, graceful Siamese, has its own rather difficult character. This breed was kept in the palace of the King of Siam, whose reign dates back to the 16th century.

    She can't stand loneliness. Her strong attachment to her owner has no boundaries, therefore she is very sensitive to changes in his mood. The Siamese's excessive love for humans exposes her to the danger of disappointment.

    With insufficient attention and care, she becomes angry and unpredictable. This breed of cat needs constant confirmation of love. Confidence in this will give her strength and she will never make you give up on her.

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