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Pictures of a cat YAWNING

Smoky cat lies and yawns on the window

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favorite_border bookmark_border Red cat lies on the bed and yawns

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A ginger kitten lies and stretches by the balcony door

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Pictures of a cat's muzzle

The muzzle of a red cat with emerald eyes on a black background.

Suitable for designing a YouTube channel or VKontakte group.

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Ginger cat. A picture for a profile on social networks.

favorite_border bookmark_border Muzzle of a red cat with yellow eyes in profile favorite_border bookmark_border

favorite_border bookmark_border Beautiful cat sitting on a black background

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Cat picture for profile header

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Pensive gray cat

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favorite_border bookmark_border Beautiful cat with blue eyes on a background of stones

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favorite_border bookmark_border A ginger kitten with green eyes lies and looks up

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favorite_border bookmark_border Muzzle of a gray kitten on a pink scarf

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The muzzle of a gray kitten with blue eyes and a paw in front

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Muzzle of a red cat with yellow eyes on a black background

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Muzzle of a tricolor cat with yellow eyes

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A gray-white cat with blue eyes lies on the parquet

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The cat drinks water

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Muzzle of a gray cat with yellow eyes in profile

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Muzzle of a fluffy gray cat with yellow eyes on a blue background

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Portrait of a red cat

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The most popular cat breeds in Russia 2021 – Top 15

The rating is based on statistics from the search engines Yandex and Google. What breeds are our compatriots most often looking for?

  1. Maine Coon
  2. Siamese
  3. Scottish lop-eared
  4. Abyssinian
  5. British Shorthair
  6. Bengal
  7. Siberian
  8. Neva Masquerade
  9. Thai
  10. Canadian Sphynx
  11. Ragdoll
  12. Don Sphynx
  13. Persian
  14. Scottish straight
  15. Russian blue

Maine Coon

Maine Coon is the most popular cat breed. In Russia they love everything big. Cats were no exception. These imposing giants, who invariably top the breed ratings in our country, are imposingly in the first position.

Maine Coons captivate with their calmness, phlegmatic character, independence and high intelligence. Cats are unobtrusive and do not tolerate a familiar attitude towards their person. These stern giants amazingly combine animal power and peace-loving character.


In Russia, these cats have been known for a long time, and a special attitude has developed towards them. Beauties of amazing “point” color are among the top three on the Runet.

Siamese attract people with their intelligence and devotion to their owner. Their habits are in many ways similar to dogs. Cats easily learn tricks and commands and love to spend time with people. The breed is sociable, playful and talkative. You will never get bored with such a pet.

Scottish lop-eared

The Scottish Fold is one of the fashionable cat breeds all over the world. In Russia, these plush cats with funny floppy ears are also loved. Not so long ago, this particular breed occupied the first line of the domestic breed ranking. Fold cats are part of the group of “partner cats” - they are more than just a pet. Cats captivate with their calmness and independence. They love to communicate with people and take part in children's fun. But you can pet such a cat only if she wants it herself.


Abyssinians are included in the ratings of the most sociable cats. That is why they are so popular among the residents of our country. With such smart, active and sociable companion cats, no one is in danger of loneliness.

Cats love to be at the center of everything that happens at home. Playful, inquisitive fidgets are real explorers. They will not calm down until they have explored the entire home space. A distinctive feature of the breed is that cats love to “help” their owner.

British Shorthair

Aristocratic-looking cats with an independent character have managed to reach the hearts of our compatriots. They love their owner, but in their own way. Cats do not need constant contact; the animals are absolutely self-sufficient. This is the breed that will not go crazy if left alone at home for a few days.

The British are adorable, but not suitable for the role of a plush toy. They are independent and require respectful treatment. Familiarity is nipped in the bud.


The fashion for the Bengal breed has grown recently. The wild appearance of Bengals and their original color attract cat lovers. However, these cats are not for everyone.

The activity of Bengals is off the charts, cats need a lot of space, access to fresh air, and attention from the owner. Cats are trainable and quickly get used to being walked on a harness. They are one of those pets that are comfortable to travel with. A distinctive feature of the breed is its love of water and swimming.


A cat with a luxurious appearance and a friendly character is located in the middle of the ranking. The breed is popular in the post-Soviet space due to its excellent adaptation to local climatic conditions.

Siberian cats are smart and quick-witted, maintaining a playful disposition for many years. They do not bother the owner, do not play pranks, and treat children calmly. This is a good-natured companion animal with a developed sense of self-esteem.

Neva Masquerade

In the next position is the breed, the ancestor of which was the Siberian cat. The Neva Masquerade combines luxurious Siberian wool and an original “point” color. Sky blue eyes complement the sophisticated exterior.

The breed is popular among cat lovers not only because of its toy appearance and calm, friendly character. The wool of the Neva Masquerade, like that of the Siberian cat, has hypoallergenic properties.

Thai cat

Thai cats have been common in Russia since the times of the USSR; they are also called “Old Siamese cats.” Thais are beautiful, clean animals, captivating at first sight with their unusual appearance with blue eyes.

Thai cats are sociable, but can be selective, giving preference to one of the family members. The breed belongs to the “talking” cats. They have developed facial expressions and can change the timbre of their voice, expressing their attitude to what is happening.

Canadian Sphynx

Hairless “naked” cats stand apart among popular cat breeds. The fashion for sphinxes is not new, but over the years it has not slowed down.

Strange cats with the original appearance of foreign aliens are often included in the TOP of the most terrible breeds. However, lovers of sphinxes are moved by the unusual appearance of their pets. But this is not only an interesting curiosity, pleasant to the touch. Canadian Sphynxes are loyal friends of humans, affectionate and cheerful creatures.


The breed that tops the 2021 world rankings is not even in the top ten in our country. A clear injustice to the charming little creature.

Ragdolls have a gentle, affectionate character. They are able to completely relax in the arms of their owner. Cats are calm, trusting, devoted to their owner. This is a real find for those who need constant care for someone.

Don Sphynx

There are many different names for cats of this breed: meowing hot water bottle, alien, companion cat. Elegant hairless pets can frighten with their unusual appearance. But upon further acquaintance, their good nature, activity, high intelligence and sociability make you fall in love with them.

Owners of Don Sphynxes claim that the best cat in the world does not exist.


These fluffy pets with a flattened muzzle and a “bouncer” appearance in the United States occupy the first line of the “most famous cat breeds” rating. In our country, this breed has also been known for a long time, but it is less popular. Sedate cats personify luxury and comfort.

Persians are calm and unobtrusive animals, respecting a person’s personal space. Phlegmatic by nature, Persians tenderly love their owner, are attached to him, and gratefully accept affection and attention.

Scottish straight

Straight-eared Scots are inferior in popularity to their fold-eared relatives, but they managed to take a place in the TOP. The character of the Scottish Straight is peaceful and affectionate. These are calm, clean pets, not prone to pranks and hooliganism. They are easy to raise. Cats understand from the first time what their owner wants from them.

They love to be around people and watch strangers with interest. But they do not encourage familiar behavior towards themselves.

Russian blue

A smart cat with a playful character, she is highly active but careful. It takes a while to get used to its owner, but remains faithful for life. He treats strangers with distrust and prefers to hide in a secluded place when there are guests in the house.

The Russian Blue does not approve of cuddling and stroking and prefers to be close to the person. Delicate and meek cats can show character. They are sensitive to a person’s condition, ready to listen to the owner’s monologues and console.

Cat SITTING photo

Beautiful cat on the parquet with blue eyes looking up

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Tricolor cat with green sad eyes

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Black wrought iron fence

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Gray-smoky cat with yellow eyes in lights

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Beautiful gray cat in profile at night

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Cat behind a gray sofa by the window

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Black and white cat lies on a bench

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Cheerful cat with a yellow scarf around his neck

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Ginger cat in Amsterdam

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Fluffy gray cat sitting on the window

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Gray cat in a brown backpack

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Cat and dog behind glass

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The most unusual cat breeds: 15 photos

Terrible on the face, but kind inside - this can sometimes be said about sphinxes, photo: Beatriz Vera / EyeEm / Getty Images Interesting fact: there are about 200 cat breeds in the world, but only 3-5% of domestic cats are recognized as purebred. Don't get us wrong: we are not for the purity of the breed - our hearts melt at the sight of any cats, but some representatives of our list actually have such an unusual appearance that the efforts of the people who work on breeding the breeds seem not at all pointless.


photo: MAC Photography / 500px / Getty Images
A breed of hairless cats, during the breeding of which a natural recessive mutation was fixed, which leads to the absence of hair. But not only that: sharp ears, pink skin, wrinkles and a round tummy are also distinctive features. Sphinxes are affectionate, intelligent, easy to train, and attached to their owners. True, due to the lack of wool, they are frozen and in our latitudes they can suffer from the cold.


photo: @sam_cinnabon
Here we have something to be proud of - this representative of the breed of hairless domestic cats was bred in Russia, he is also called the St. Petersburg Sphynx. They look very elegant, but are extremely friendly, smart, love all family members and willingly communicate with everyone; independence and arrogance are not about them.

Devon Rex

photo: Troydays / Moment / Getty Images
The breed appeared in England in the 1960s; it is distinguished by its very expressive appearance due to increased protruding ears - it is no coincidence that they are often called elves. The coat is soft, short and curly, and the character of the Devon Rex is extremely friendly, playful and sociable - breeders and owners joke that cats of this breed are “something in between a cat, a dog and a monkey.”


photo: Getty Images/Gallo Images/ROOTS
Because the Munchkin has short legs, it looks a bit like a dachshund. True, this also gives an advantage - in order to look around, a munchkin can easily sit on its hind legs, firmly rest its tail and sit in this position for a long time. It is believed that you can safely get a cat of this breed if there is a small child in the house, since representatives of this breed almost completely lack aggression. They love to spend time in the arms of their owners.


photo: gopfaster / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
The history of this cat breed from Thailand goes back hundreds of years, during which they could only be kept and bred by royalty. It is believed that kao-manis are capable of bringing good luck to their owner. However, not only luck - there will also be plenty of delight from the guests who see this white miracle with multi-colored eyes. The character is flexible, cats of this breed love to “talk” with their owners, are playful and curious, and get along well with other pets and children.


photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto
The breed, which was obtained by crossing a domestic cat and a wild African serval, began to be bred in the United States in the early 1980s. Breeders tried to create a large domestic cat with exotic wild colors, but not aggressive. As a result, it turned out that the character of this breed is really calm, however, such cats are considered one of the most expensive in the world. Savannahs are large, about 60 cm at the withers, and weigh about 15 kg, the body is elongated, and the color is spotted. They just need more space, preferably in the fresh air, since they love to run and are not afraid of water. They are very loyal to their owner, which is why they are compared to dogs.

Japanese Bobtail

photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Short-tailed cats were brought to Japan from China more than a thousand years ago and, after saving the country from a mouse invasion, occupy a special place in the country's culture. They are very friendly, they usually choose one from the family members and show him special signs of sympathy. When sitting, they often raise their front paw. In Russia, the Kurilian bobtail is also known - a fluffier breed, the breed of which was obtained from a mixture of Japanese bobtails with Siberian cats.

Scottish lop-eared

photo: Pascal Kiszon/Getty Images
In addition to the characteristic structure of the ears (curved forward and down), this breed is also distinguished by short, thick and very soft to the touch fur, which can be of different colors - both single-color and multi-colored. Cats of this breed can, like gophers, stand on their hind legs for a long time. The character is flexible and sociable, they do not like loneliness, and are very attached to their owners.

Pixie bob

photo: Christina Griffiths / Moment / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
An artificially bred breed - breeders tried to get a cat that looked like a lynx, for which they crossed domestic cats with wild short-tailed forest cats that live in the forests of the USA and Canada. The result was that, despite their menacing appearance, cats of this breed have a very kind and gentle character, do not tolerate loneliness, and are very loyal to their owner.

Persian teahouse

photo: ChrisCollett / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Long fur and a flattened muzzle: these cats look like ordinary Persians, but they are distinguished by their dwarf stature - no more than 20 cm at the withers. And they weigh a little - no more than 3 kg. The breed was developed as a result of the selection of small Persian cats, but is not yet officially recognized and remains in experimental status. Such cats are very rare and, accordingly, kittens are very expensive.

American Curl

photo: eugenesergeev / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
There are two varieties of this breed - semi-longhair and shorthair, but its main distinguishing feature is, of course, its ears. According to the breed standard, they should be wide at the base, with rounded tips and a smooth curve back. They are very friendly and playful, but at the same time very gentle, which is why they are not suitable for families with small children - children can squeeze the cat too much, which will lead to injury to the animal.

Cornish Rex

photo: Getty Images/EyeEm
Cornishes are a short-haired group of cats with a wavy coat - the undercoat is curled in a dense wave, reminiscent of astrakhan fur. The breed began on a rabbit farm in the English county of Cornwall with a cat named Callibunker, who was found to have a rare gene mutation, which caused the appearance of such an undercoat. Cornishes are easy to maintain, are not susceptible to hereditary diseases, but do not like cold and drafts.

Selkirk Rex

photo: Thomas Leirikh / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
The word “Rex” in the name of the breed, like the Cornish, indicates the “curliness” of the coat. The breed is young - it appeared in the USA in 1987 as a result of crossing three breeds: Persians, Exotics and British. The character of cats of this breed is calm, but at the same time playful, they get along well with children and other animals, and do not freeze.

Ukrainian Levkoy

photo: @jacekprada
Cats of this breed are not only hairless, but also fold-eared, which distinguishes them from other hairless cats. Fold is the result of crossing with the Scottish Fold cat. One of the youngest breeds - the first cat registered by the breeding commission was born in 2004, but the breed has not yet been recognized by international official organizations. They are graceful and calm, easily adapting to new housing.


photo: @steviewonderandflint
We found something to surprise you, you say, but in Russia the Thai subspecies of Siamese cats is common, but pure Siamese are less common. By the way, there are more than 40 varieties of Siamese cats in the world. They are distinguished by their characteristic color: a cream-colored carcass, but the paws, tail and muzzle are dark brown, but there are also monochromatic representatives of the breed. There is a prejudice that Siamese cats are aggressive, but this is not the case: they are loving, loyal and sociable.

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