German Rex. (German Rex.)

History of the origin of the Devon Rex breed

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> The English county of Devonshire had several abandoned mines in the mid-60s of the last century. In one of these no longer used places, a curly-haired cat with surprisingly disproportionately large ears lived peacefully. It was not possible to catch the mystery of nature, but the cat left the world its offspring from an ordinary tortoiseshell cat: it was there that a small eared cat with fabulous curly hair was found. The kitten was taken from his small homeland to a home and nicknamed Curly.

Curly's origins are the most natural, and his appearance led the owner to think about the kitten's resemblance to a young Cornish Rex breed. The cutie was taken to the nursery, where at first they were very happy about him, but it soon became clear that Curly’s genes were completely different: the kittens from two curly haired cats were smooth-haired. But the smooth-haired cat and the curly-haired cat gave birth to kittens with wavy fur coats, which went down in history as a new breed.

Devon Rex breed in the United States in 1969, and, as usual, did not immediately receive the coveted recognition. By 1979, Devons had become a breed in their own right and had become an international favorite.

Today, American shorthairs, British shorthairs and some other cats are used to breed Devons.

Description of the Devon Rex breed

You can determine whether a cat is a Devon Rex by its description. There is plenty of information about the breed; European and American breeders produce identical cats, within the letter of the standard.

The head is small in size with noticeable cheekbones, more like a heart. An upturned nose is noticeable on the muzzle.

The animal's eyes are quite large, widely spaced, and slightly slanted. They should be golden-green or yellow in color. There is an exception for the eye color of the Siamese: there should be beautiful sky blue eyes.

The large ears are set wide apart, sometimes with lynx tassels at the tips.

A thick mustache and curly eyebrows.

adult Devon Rexes are quite stocky; already at the age of several months they have a powerful chest and high limbs. The hind legs are longer than the front legs. An interesting feature is the paw pads with their movable toes.

The long and thin tail should be slightly rounded at the tip.

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The coat should be wavy and short, soft to the touch. Guard hairs should not be visible. On the muzzle, back, sides and thighs the curly hairs are longer. There should be no hair missing; even during the shedding process, hair loss is minimal.

The slight loss of Devon Rex hair during shedding is important information for allergy sufferers: hair does not fly around the room and sofas are not covered with cat hairs; the cat is considered hypoallergenic, like the Sphynx. This concludes the question of a possible allergy to this cat breed.

Fortunately, breeding this type of rex can please cat lovers: all sorts of variations of colors and their combinations are allowed:

whitegreychocolate minktabby
chocolatetortoiseshellblue pointred
bluegingerlilacchocolate point

Dimensions and weight of Devons

Stocky cats look both very graceful and foldable.
Males are slightly superior to females in such indicators as length, weight, height. The size of cats is rather small; every month the kitten gains a little weight, and an adult cat usually weighs up to 4 kg. Kitties weigh less - about 2.3-3 kg. Devon Rex weight table by month

1 month270-610 g550-800 gr
2 months410-820 gr930-1500 gr
3 months1.1-1.4 kg1.4-2.4 kg
4 months1.35-1.8 kg1.7-2.7 kg
5 months1.6-2 kg2.1-2.9 kg
6 months1.7-2.1 kg2.2-3.1 kg
8 months1.85-2.3 kg2.5-3.3 kg
10 months2-2.5 kg2.8-3.6 kg
1 year2.1-2.8 kg3.1-3.8 kg
2 years2.3-3 kg3.4-4 kg

What is the difference between a Devon Rex and a Cornish Rex?

Although the origin of both breeds belongs to neighboring English counties, a different gene is responsible for the absence of guard hairs in the coat.

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The first difference that catches your eye is the different shape of the head. The boy’s alien appearance is achieved due to his huge ears and head, which strongly resembles the shape of a heart on Valentine’s cards. The Cornish's head is more like an egg.

The Cornish muzzle is elongated, long, somewhat aristocratic, and the ears are not so impressive, although large. The ears of the Cornish Rex are located high, and at the base they are narrower than those of the Devonian breed.

The nose of the Devonian breed has a noticeably sharp transition from the forehead to the nose (stop). In Cornish cats, the line from the forehead to the nose is absolutely straight, without a stop.

If the Devon Rex is compared to muscular, lean athletes, then the Cornish are as graceful as ballerinas. The latter have a noticeable high arch of the back

Cats also have different coat types: Devonian curls are short and tousled, very soft. The Cornish coat resembles tight, ordered waves.

Habits and character of the Devon Rex

Intelligent Devon Rex cats are very willing to make contact with adults and children. Cats remember the simplest commands easily and carry them out successfully. Those who would like to get into training and training a pet will enjoy raising a girl.

Both kittens and adult cats of this breed remain active and love to play. Their playful nature will be especially appreciated by a child if there is one in the family.

The habits of a cute domestic alien can be called dog-like: reviews from owners are full of reports that Curly is happy to fetch a ball, catches up with people moving around the apartment, and jumps from a running start into his arms.

To keep the animal active, you can equip play corners with shelves and ropes along the entire wall. A cute curly-haired dog's favorite pastime may be jumping on the owner's shoulders.

How to litter train a Devon Rex

The curious nature of the pet is combined with great love: the cat’s manner of rubbing against the owner and spending a lot of time with him comes from the cat’s desire to communicate and become a friend in the family. Therefore, it is better for overly busy people to have several Rex cats so that one baby does not get bored in a large house.

Cats are quite vocal - they are able to communicate their problems loudly and throughout the apartment with a loud “meow”. The friendly cat soul is always ready to communicate with every member of the family.

The description and characteristics of the young breed continue to be studied by breeders, so gradually you can learn new things about the behavior of cats and their character.


If you describe the character of the little elf in one word, then this word is catdog! According to reviews from their owners, they become completely dog-like in their attachment to their owner and follow on his heels, wagging their tail with pleasure. This breed is not suitable for those who are rarely at home, because the Devon Rex is morally very dependent on its adored owner - it will strive to get closer to its beloved face, making itself comfortable in the neck or chin area, pretending to have an astrakhan collar, looking into the eyes and waiting for a command!

Yes, Devon Rex dogs are easy to train and can follow simple commands. If a Devon Rex kitten comes into your home, it will soon begin to fetch, but adult cats are not capable of such miracles. By the way, the main differences between alien cats and other breeds are that they are playful and inventive at any age! They get along well with children.

Care and feeding of the Devon Rex

To properly care for a Devon Rex cat, you need to take into account the peculiarities of its coat. The fur covers cats unevenly and gets dirty faster than many other breeds. This problem can be solved by regular bathing.

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You need to start training your kitten for bath procedures from an early age. You need to wash your cat with a special shampoo: it will not cause allergies and various flaking of the skin. After bathing, the cat should be dried and kept warm, away from drafts. You can train your Devon Rex to climb into its warm house every time after washing.

Eyes and ears also need good care. It is better not to get water into the ears, and clean the ears from accumulating dirt with a cotton pad. The cat's large, intelligent eyes also need to be cleaned of dirt with a damp cotton pad. Claws are trimmed 1-2 times a month as they grow.

Keeping the breed takes into account the nuances and rules of feeding. There are two ways to feed your beloved curly-haired cat: natural food, dry or wet ready-made food.

What to feed a one-month-old kitten

Natural food should not be salty or fatty, otherwise food allergies and indigestion may occur. The diet includes meat, dairy products, offal (except liver), vegetables and vitamin complexes. The menu includes sea fish once a week.

Specialized food for the delicate stomach of the Devon Rex is chosen only from premium class.

A responsible owner must monitor the feeding of his cat - this breed is prone to overeating, which can lead to real obesity and health problems. No one will take a pot-bellied Devon Rex to an exhibition either.

German Rex. (German Rex.)

German Rex; — description of the breed, character, price of kittens, video.

See other cat breeds here.

The German Rex is similar in body structure to the European Shorthair cat, but in its curly coat it is more similar to the Cornish Rex. True, the mustache of the German Rex is not as dashingly curled as that of its brother. Major organizations of cat lovers such as FIFe and WCF have recognized this cat breed as an independent breed. Only the CFA considers it a variety of Devon Rex, and the differences in the body structure of these cats are considered not very significant to recognize them as different breeds.


The Munch cat is considered to be the unofficial ancestor of this breed. As a result of crossing a Russian Blue and an Angora cat in the 30s of the last century, a certain Erna Schneider, living in East Prussia, got a curly-haired kitten near Koenigsberg. But, as they say, this is not a confirmed fact. And, according to the official version, the ancestor of the breed is considered to be a cat named Lamchen, which in German means lamb. In 1951, Rosa Scheuer-Karpin noticed a curly-haired kitten wandering around a Berlin hospital. She worked as a doctor at this hospital and determined that the kitten's curly fur was a gene mutation. Although it is believed that Lamchen became the ancestor of the German Rex breed, she may have been the granddaughter or great-granddaughter of Munch.


The German Rex is a medium-sized cat, weighing up to 5 kilograms. The body is muscular and rectangular in shape with a wide chest. The head is round with powerful and wide cheekbones. Slightly flattened nose, but of normal length.

Wide and large ears set wide apart. Unlike their other brothers, the German Rex's are inactive. The whiskers are curled, but not as much as those of the Cornish Rex. The paws are strong and slender. The hind ones are slightly longer than the front ones. The tail is generally of medium length, but short is allowed. Cone-shaped and tapering towards the tip. The eyes are round and medium in size. Any eye color is allowed, as long as it matches the color of the coat. The coat is velvety, short and curly, without undercoat. Any coat color is allowed.


German Rex cats are active and energetic fidgets. But, at the same time, friendly and affectionate animals. They quickly find a common language with people, and especially with children. Very smart and sociable cats. They love to “talk” to their owners and purr on their laps. They respond well to training. They quickly get accustomed to the scratching post and tray. In principle, it is not difficult to train cats of this breed to go to the toilet. How to do this is written in detail HERE.

Care and health.

Since the German Rex does not have an undercoat, it is afraid of low temperatures, and especially drafts. But you don’t need to comb it out often. Once a week is enough, but only with a soft brush. You can bathe your German Rex once a month. Of course, like all cats, the German Rex needs to have mandatory vaccinations on time and despite the fact that this is a generally healthy breed, it is sometimes worth visiting a veterinarian for preventative purposes. It should be noted that the German Rex, with excess nutrition, despite its activity, quickly gains weight. So, these cats need to be fed with calories, but in a balanced manner. Without overfeeding, so as not to harm the pet’s “figure”. The average lifespan of a German Rex is 15 years.

Price for a kitten of the German Rex breed.

The German Rex is not a cheap cat. The price, depending on the popularity of the club or breeder, as well as the class of the kitten, ranges from 8,000 to 16,000 rubles. And there have been cases when the price for a very purebred kitten reached 30,000 rubles.

German Rex.
See other cat breeds here.

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Devon Rex cat health

Having a beautiful Devon Rex in your home, you need to be prepared for some diseases.

It happens that they have hip dysplasia, a dislocated patella, and sometimes hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and muscle dysfunction are inherited. But there is no need to panic; all these diseases are detected very rarely.

The overall health of Devon Rex cats allows them to resist a number of feline diseases, especially with the good help of regular vaccinations. Vaccination helps in many cases.

The lifespan of a Devon Rex depends not only on genetic inheritance and immunity, but also on care. On average, this breed lives 15-17 years.

Cats' fur is not as thick as that of the British or Norwegian forest beauties, but, nevertheless, the animal's body temperature is quite high. You can use astrakhan cats as a hand warmer.

Sometimes rexics go bald: this should not be considered a manifestation of the disease. Such shedding may be due to genetic lines, since the breed is young and Sphynxes were also used for breeding.

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Cats should be castrated or sterilized at the age of 8-10 months.

If offspring are planned, the blood type of the animals is determined. It is necessary to monitor the cat's cycle - estrus occurs between 5-6 months and from then on occurs three times a year. But the first mating of a Devon Rex is carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 years.

If the mating is successful, then pregnancy occurs immediately. During this period, the cat relentlessly follows the person, demanding attention and care.

The birth takes place without problems and kittens with straight hair are born.


There are a number of diseases that owners of curly-haired cats may encounter:

  • Devon Rex cats are prone to hip dysplasia;
  • luxation of the kneecap also occurs in representatives of the breed;
  • some lines exhibit hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (hereditary heart disease);
  • Devon Rex cats have hereditary myopathy (muscle dysfunction).

But don’t let the listed diagnoses scare you; don’t rush to look for signs of them in your pet. Forewarned is forearmed. In general, experts note, Devons are extremely healthy guys, with an average life expectancy of 15-17 years.

Read about cat diseases and their treatment.

Buy a Devon Rex kitten

It is not possible to buy a purebred Devon Rex kitten on markets like Avito or Yula. Most likely, they sell mixed breeds or defective animals, which threatens the buyer with various problems in the future.

The cost of a baby elf depends on its class (show, breed, pet), purity of blood lines, nursery and care for young cats during the period after their birth and up to the age of 12 weeks.

When buying a cat from a cattery, people receive complete information about its parents and entire pedigree, the line’s participation in exhibitions and their results. It is worth considering offers only from reliable breeders, with a comprehensive and high-quality approach to animal breeding.

Together with the pet Devon Rex, a person receives a metric with complete information about the pet and the vaccinations given to it. Good breeders are willing to share advice on raising babies, provide links to useful sites and articles, keep in touch and advise the family on any issue.

The price for Devon Rex kittens with curly hair is 10,000-30,000 rubles.

What to name a Devon Rex

The Devon Rex cat breed is so original that I would like to give its little representative a special name. Among all the names for boys and girls, there is sure to be one that will appeal to both the curious baby and his adoptive parents.

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Nicknames for purebred cats are selected taking into account their appearance, color, demonstrated character traits and euphony. It is well known that cats respond best to names that contain hissing sounds. But the list of the best nicknames for the Devon Rex also includes suitable names, both with and without hissing sounds. Naming a kitten is not a difficult task, but you need to remember that it will run around the apartment with this nickname.

Dulya Curly Polly Fine Lapa Balya Ithaca Chamomile Spring Cream Brenda Tamilla Oriole Vasilisa GrantaLada Jay Eva Yupi Umka Dosya Lina Snezha Whitey Zosya Mura Krysya Glasha Wisla BastaKurlya Gosha Murik Pipen Gray Ozzy Asker Mickey Fim Push Mike Osman Lorrie Kantor ZhekFay Guidon Irbis Ingur Filya Tyson Tom Bant Mist Murcello Edgar Pete Savva Farik Donut

Care and maintenance

So, you are surrounded by lop-eared kittens, and among all of them, one of them especially sank into your soul? Get ready for the peculiarities of care and education. Or rather, to the fact that there are no special features. Practically!

Read about the basics of proper kitten care.

Firstly, accustom your baby to regular water procedures. Due to the lack of hair in the usual sense, Devons quickly become dirty and sticky, which can lead to skin diseases, so bathing is vital for them. Fill the bathtub with warm water and put the cat and rubber duck in it. Just watch and enjoy! The frequency of bathing depends on the physiological characteristics of each individual girl. For some, one bathing day per month is suitable, while for others it is necessary to wash every week. Some cats don't mind jumping into the bathroom on their own, especially if their beloved owner is already there. In this case, you can do without a rubber duck!

Secondly, make sure in advance that the cat pharmacy has eye drops. Since the Devon Rex's eyes are very large, they are susceptible to dirt and veterinary medications are the best way to deal with it. Here you will learn how to properly wipe the eyes of kittens.

And also, we remind you, they have big (very) ears. A lot of oil secretions and dirt accumulate in them, and the ears must be thoroughly cleaned once a week. And then the “butterfly wings” will be healthy and aesthetically beautiful.

About allergies

Since the Devon Rex's coat is sparse and short, it only needs to be brushed occasionally and shedding is minimal. Devons shed little and this is an obvious plus - hairs do not stick to clothes, do not hang in the air, and are practically absent from furniture and pillows. Those who are allergic to wool do not experience any discomfort from interacting with curly hair, which has given rise to the myth that the breed is hypoallergenic. But allergy sufferers should not count on this.

IMPORTANT! It must be remembered that in addition to an allergy to wool, there may be an allergic reaction to animal skin scales, etc. Therefore, there are no absolutely hypoallergenic cats (and dogs, too).

Since Devons do not have a fur pillow, it may seem that their body temperature is higher than normal. But this is not true, it’s just that close contact with the skin of a Devon allows you to feel how hot and velvety it is. So, in addition to the astrakhan collar, Devon Rex cats perfectly imitate a hot water bottle!


You can feed your Devon Rex natural food, or you can feed it with specialized food - it’s up to you to decide.

If you choose the first type of food, make sure that the food is not salty, not fatty (no more than 20-25%). If you give preference to food, then only premium quality! The main indicator of the correctness of your choice is that the animal is not allergic to food and does not have digestive disorders.

Read about the proper diet for cats at home in detail.

IMPORTANT! Devons lack a “satiety center” and animals tend to overeat. Therefore, you will have to monitor the figure of your Devon and ensure that, after eating from his bowl, he does not steal from yours. Reviews from owners about the breed are unanimous in that Devon Rex cats are great gourmets and enjoy soaking pickled apples or black bread.

Learn more about the rating of dry and wet cat food.


General video overview of the breed and its characteristics

Video about the Devon Rex breed from breeders

Photos of colors

Devon Rexes are surprisingly photogenic. Their charming look in the photo is captivating. The cat in the picture is quickly becoming a social media star, happily posing in front of the cameras.

  • Black color
  • Two-tone (white-gray)
  • Gold
  • Grey

How much does a Devon Rex cat cost?

The average price for a Devon Rex kitten is 15-30,000 rubles (5-10,000 hryvnia). The cost is influenced by the class of the kitten (show, breed, pet), quality and bloodlines of the producers. An adult animal costs less, but this is the case when purchasing an adult animal can be beneficial not only financially. While remaining crazy kittens at any age, adult Devons are already well-educated and socially adapted.

Having conquered Europe fifty years ago, Devon Rexes are only now gaining popularity in Russia and Ukraine.

Professional breeders guarantee impeccable blood and, as a result, a comfortable future with the chosen pet.

Select a Devon Rex cattery:

  • In Moscow;
  • In Kyiv;
  • In Minsk

In general, we recommend the breed to everyone who likes the alien appearance of the Devon Rex and its noble character.

Conclusions about the breed

The beautiful Devon Rex cat is immediately memorable for its appearance.

What answer can be given to the question, what kind of creature is the Devon Rex?

  • a strikingly beautiful creature with a luxurious fur coat;
  • piercing huge eyes on a trusting and curious face;
  • good cat health and a small number of diseases;

  • some difficulties with knitting, which is better left to specialists rather than amateurs;
  • The playfulness of such an intelligent creature goes well with sociability.

Rexies are loved all over the world, and today this breed is becoming increasingly popular.

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