Death of a cat in the house. Interpretation of signs if an animal dies without leaving its home

» Signs » Why does a cat die at home?



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What does it mean if a cat dies at home? After all, usually domestic animals, be it a cat or a dog, anticipating their death, prefer to go away from their home in order to face death alone. If the pet does not leave home, then many owners see ominous signs and bad omens in this unhappy event. What does it really mean if death occurs within the walls of a house, and what to expect from such an event? We will talk about signs and their modern interpretations in our material.

If the cat dies at home

Left home - loves owners

The first sign sounds exactly like this. If a cat leaves its home before its death, it means that the animal is taking care of its owners. If his behavior is exactly the opposite, it means he didn’t have any special feelings for you.

This sign dates back to ancient times, when cats preferred to walk on their own, and the doors of their homes were practically not closed. Therefore, the cats could move freely. In the modern world, when they live in an apartment, they cannot afford this. Therefore, such a sign is unlikely to be relevant today.

The death of a cat brings challenges

This is another sign that dates back many hundreds of years ago. The negative interpretation is due to the fact that after the death of a beloved pet, the owner will be forced to overcome life's trials and difficulties. Also, if a cat dies within the walls of the home, the signs promise that the person will not be spared another illness - a serious and long-term illness.

By the way, fishing enthusiasts in England, when they see a dead cat, immediately turn off their fishing rods. According to their beliefs, on such a day you will not only not catch fish, but you will also run into trouble.

The presence of the evil eye or damage can also be indicated by the frequent death of pets, for example, two cats die one after another. If cats die, it means there is a large flow of negative energy in the house that the animal cannot cope with.

If the animal was young and healthy, but literally a couple of weeks later fell ill and died, then many see in this damage and the evil eye, as well as the penetration of otherworldly forces. Sometimes it is impossible to determine the exact cause of death of a pet. Whether it died of illness or was subjected to someone else’s evil eye may remain a mystery. Therefore, if a cat dies at home, the signs of interpretation of this unpleasant event may be different.

What to do?

If the owner notices that the animal is behaving unusually: it wants to leave the house, meows loudly - it is better not to hold it and let it go. The cat either wants to die outside the home, or to throw off the negativity and return filled with new strength.

If a dead animal is discovered suddenly, for example after coming home from work, then the pet needs to be buried. It is better to wrap it in cloth and put it in a box.

A new cat should not be adopted until three months old.

Death can come to pets from old age. Then there is no need to carry out any rituals or actions to cleanse the house. With a sudden death, it can be assumed that the entire family has been exposed to negative energy. It might be worth going to church.

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“Taking away” all the negativity

This sign is polar to the previous one. The death of a beloved pet within the walls of the home saves the life of the owners. Dying within the walls of the apartment, he “takes away” all your negativity, the induced evil eye and damage, thereby freeing his owners from trials, illnesses and other ailments.

If fishermen are afraid of dead cats, then a living cat is a good luck charm for them. Especially with a three-color color, such a pet will bring a good catch, and will also protect you from misfortune.

By the way, back in Ancient Egypt, where, as is known, cats were sacred animals, it was believed that after death a cat becomes a guardian angel. She gives her gift of protection to her beloved owners. The spirit of a deceased pet helps, guides you to the true path and protects you from negative emotions. It is not for nothing that the Egyptians considered the cat to be the link between God and man.

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Separating from a pet: what to do?

Every person who has a cat at home sooner or later experiences a very sad period. The animal begins to grow old and get sick, and then inevitably dies, and not everyone can survive the death of a cat easily! Of course, there are no universal “recipes” for how to survive this time, but in many countries, over the centuries, traditions and advice have developed on what to do if a cat has died and you cannot come to terms with the loss.

Cats go to die

Of course, if this happens to you, you will find your own way, but it still doesn’t hurt to prepare for it. The first step is to learn to notice the signs of your cat's death. If the animal has been sick for a long time before, it is easier to recognize an imminent departure - the cat simply weakens, stops eating, practically does not get up from its place and increasingly sleeps or simply lies with its eyes open. At the same time, you may notice that her breathing is gradually weakening, and the cat’s behavior before death will be a little alarming. If the animal is left at home, it may come to say goodbye to you. Usually, a sick cat, with the last of her strength, climbs onto her owner’s lap and lies there for a while, waiting for affection, and then leaves. It is extremely rare for cats to die in their owner's arms.

If nothing foreshadowed trouble, or you were not very attentive to your pet, it will be more difficult for you. The main sign is that a cat tends to be alone before death. She’s not just hiding, she’s trying to leave, and leaving you in such a way that you can neither return her nor find her. Unfortunately, this is a very common phenomenon, and it was recorded many centuries ago. The reasons for this act are not fully understood, but scientists believe that the cat does this... out of pain! The animal's body suffers from various ailments and diseases (even if these ailments are not noticeable to the owners), and your pet is simply trying to escape from this suffering, instinctively leaving its beloved home. And, perhaps, this method of care can be considered very humane in relation to the owners - in this case, the death of a cat hurts them less severely, because they will not see it.

If the animal does not have the opportunity to leave home, be prepared for the fact that at a tragic moment it will simply hide in a secluded place or die when you are not at home. And if you suddenly notice that your pet is behaving strangely, do not try to chase him or try to “cure” him. It is believed that cats sense death, so in this case they are wiser than us.

A cat has died: what to do?

Different peoples approached this tragic event in different ways. In Ancient Egypt, for example, cats were considered sacred animals, they lived in every home, and when the animal died, the household was simply inconsolable. As a sign of mourning, according to tradition, they shaved their eyebrows.

Nowadays, the death of a cat is considered no less a tragedy, but one can grieve for it in a completely different way. Knowing that cats leave before they die, try to make sure that the animal does not leave without a trace. This doesn't mean you have to keep an eye on it, but still don't let it die where you'll never find it! And once this happens, you will have to take on several important responsibilities.

Your first step is to bury your pet, and you need to do this by choosing a suitable place. The causes of death for cats can be different - it could be illness, melancholy, or an accident, but in any case, animals must be buried with equal dignity. Be sure to find a special cemetery for animals (it is believed that pets should not be buried in human cemeteries), or bury the cat in some secluded corner that you can visit periodically and which is guaranteed not to be destroyed. Concern about the funeral just as you would for a person. This is especially true if there is a sudden death of a cat - troubles will help you take your mind off grief.

How to cope with the death of a cat?

The next step is to preserve the memory of the animal, but at the same time not torment yourself and your loved ones. Some owners erect real monuments to their pets, but whether this is worth doing is up to you to decide, and in any case, the issue of the monument can be discussed later. In the meantime, there are several things in front of you that must be done, no matter how painful it may be! Try:

  1. immediately remove all your pet’s things - bowls, trays, toys: this may seem cruel to you, but this is important first of all for you, because your pet’s things left without him will greatly torment you;
  1. remember bright moments from the life of an animal - yes, your cat died, but this is not a reason to constantly replay tragic moments in your head, it’s better to remember how you played with her and how funny she was: after such memories you will definitely smile, and you will think that your pet is still nearby;
  1. change your cat-related habits: for example, if you liked to sit in the chair in which your pet always came to you, then try to sit in another for some time after his death - it will be less painful, because at least you will not feel sad remember how the animal jumped onto your lap and subconsciously wait for its appearance.

Another “recipe” that many people recommend is to immediately get a second pet so that you have someone to take care of. This method can be very effective and efficient, but, alas, not for everyone. There are people for whom a deceased cat remains their only and unforgettable friend after death, and for them a new pet in the house is even “contraindicated”, because they may even hate it.

But if you clearly understand that life goes on, and you want to quickly start living without grief and melancholy, a small kitten will be a kind of salvation. Just don’t associate it with your previous pet! Some people think that the soul of a cat moves into another animal after death, but one should not blindly believe in this. Treat the kitten as an independent and completely different animal, and then it will be easier for you to love it without replacing the dead animal with a new one.

A little mysticism

There are many legends and signs associated with the death of a cat. Many of them talk about how, after death, a cat supposedly becomes a kind of “guardian angel” of the owner. This is a very touching version, and it is based on more than just simple fantasies! Even in Ancient Egypt, everyone believed that a cat was a direct link between man and God, and perhaps this belief has simply survived to this day. It is not known where cats go after they die, but one thing is clear: if this place exists, they will take care of you there too!

Another layer of beliefs concerns omens. The British believed that cats should not be allowed to die in the house - they believed that this could cause trouble. However, this is, of course, a superstition. And if you don’t believe in omens, the death of a cat should not scare you and be considered a bad omen. It is unlikely that an animal that has been devoted to you all its life will want to hurt you!

How to help a cat survive the death of its owner?

This is yet another tragedy that can befall a family with a cat. And if many people wonder how to survive the death of a cat, then not many people think about how to help an animal cope with grief if the owner dies. Alas, sometimes cat owners die before their pets, and there are cases when animals, following their owner, died of melancholy or left his house without a trace. Given this, many strive to prepare their pet for separation in advance, but is it worth doing? We often wonder whether cats sense the death of their owner or members of his family, and many signs suggest that animals understand this, consciously or unconsciously. Here are just a few of them:

  1. if a cat carefully sniffs the air exhaled by the owner, this may mean the beginning of his illness,
  1. if a cat does not want to lie in bed with a sick owner, this foreshadows his death (if the cat remains in bed, it is believed that she takes the disease upon herself),
  1. If a cat continuously meows next to its owner and is so excited that its fur becomes electrified, this may be a harbinger of trouble.

However, these are all just superstitions, and whether to believe in them is up to you. However, there is one sign that is not a superstition. This is a specific behavior of cats with dying people. At such moments, the animal usually avoids its owner, even if it used to love him very much! Some cats even hiss at their beloved owners and do not give in to their hands, but you should not think that this is how the animal shows selfishness or ingratitude! In fact, this is also just an attempt to protect themselves from grief: just as cats go to die to hide from illness and pain, they try to get away from a sick owner so as not to grieve so much!

Given this, the question of how to prepare a cat for the death of its owner often disappears by itself: the animal most often knows about the tragedy long before it happens! There have even been cases recorded when cats, many kilometers away, felt the misfortune that had happened to the owner, and demonstrated this with anxiety (the cat rushes from corner to corner) or melancholy. It also happened that cats simply left the house and went to where their owner was, unmistakably finding his grave.

But more often than not, the cat simply leaves its home, unable to live there without the person it loves. No one knows where cats go after the death of their owner, just as no one knows where cats go to die, anticipating their demise. But even if they find themselves a new home, and it seems to everyone that they have forgotten about their previous home, this is not so. No matter what happens, and no matter where the cat lives, she will always remember everything!

Every day in big cities dozens and sometimes hundreds of pets disappear without a trace. There can be a huge number of reasons and they are all different. Sometimes animals, on their own instinct, leave the walls of their home. As a rule, this most often happens in the spring, when the animal leaves in search of a mate. After the cat has left, it may be absent for a long time, it is also likely that the cat will simply remain with its offspring outside the walls of its native home, sometimes other people pick up the animals, but of course one of the saddest options is death or murder your pet.

The second reason cats go missing is hunting and chasing prey. The cat may simply not find its way back, and searching for your pet will be quite a difficult task. Therefore, to avoid such problems, try to monitor your animals at such critical moments.

Another important reason is fear. Yes, yes, it is precisely that fear that causes enormous stress and shock in the animal. As a rule, this is a family scandal in the house, or loud holidays with fireworks, knocking and clapping. Most often, the cat leaves the house to retire in silence, but can no longer find its way back. The owners are also to blame, because due to certain family problems and concerns they forget that there is also an animal in the house. Forgetting to close windows or doors behind them, animals often fall out into the street, falling off the eaves. A cat that has lived in an apartment all its life does not understand how to behave correctly “in freedom”, so in the end, frightened and shocked, it gets lost, falls into the paws of a dog or under the wheels of a car.

In a situation where a pet has left its native walls, it is quite difficult to understand, as well as to try to bring it back. After all, as we have already written above, there may be many reasons for this. Some animals may return after a while, and some may never return. A cat can be picked up by strangers, and due to certain physiological characteristics, the animal can leave the house on its own. In this case, the chances of finding it are almost zero.

And finally, there is one more reason, as they say “mystical”. There are many beliefs that if a black cat leaves home, it takes some kind of trouble or bad energy with it. Therefore, if a black cat has disappeared from your closed apartment, perhaps you should think about it? One way or another, whether to believe or not is a choice only for you. Well, to prevent this from happening, give your pets as much love, affection and, of course, attention as possible!

When a dead cat is on the doorstep

Now we will talk about a situation where the death of a cat did not occur in your house, but the deceased animal was thrown on your doorstep. Yes, this happens too. I agree, it’s not very pleasant.

According to signs, the found animal corpse indicates that you or your family have an enemy who wishes you misfortune. Those who want to “annoy” you turn to sorcerers and magicians who perform a whole ritual to cause damage. To do this, the animal is killed, charmed, and then thrown onto the threshold of the home.

There are times when a corpse is thrown to you secretly, for example, buried in the yard, under the window. But here you can calm down, because if you don’t know about what was done, then it’s unlikely that misfortune will overtake you.

How to eliminate negativity

When a corpse is thrown near a house, it is best to take it as far from the home as possible and bury it. It is not recommended to touch it with bare hands, and this is not only about magical superstitions, but also about hygiene.

After the cat is buried, it is best to wash yourself with cold water, if you have holy water, take a few sips. Be sure to say “to yourself” the phrase: “From whom it came, to him it went,” or read a prayer. It is better to drive away thoughts that someone did this on purpose to harm you. Don't think about curses and failures.

If thoughts about the evil eye and damage continue to haunt you, get a kitten at home. It is best to adopt a non-pedigreed one from a shelter; it will protect you, ward off failures and bad wishes addressed to you.

When the cat leaves home

By the way, trouble can be caused not only by the death of an animal in the house, but also by its sudden departure. It is clear that the reasons for an animal’s escape may be different. For example, mistreatment of a pet. Well, if he is always fed, he is provided with proper care and attention, but he still leaves, then you should think about it.

Sudden departure indicates that the owner may become seriously ill. Four-legged friends sense emotions very well, upcoming trials and misfortunes, the onset of which a person does not even notice.

Death of several pets

Sometimes it happens that several animals die at once in the same house within a short period of time. Why cats die in the house - signs see at least two reasons for this incident.

Firstly, there is too much negativity in the house and even several cats cannot cope with it. In this option, three factors should be taken into account:

  1. Perhaps a very serious damage was done to the house, or someone is working purposefully against you, sending more and more curses.
  2. Find as much information as you can about the location where the house itself stands. There is a possibility that bad energies somehow come from the earth itself (a former cemetery, an ancient temple, a place of sacrifice, a terrible murder, etc.).
  3. There is also a more mystical explanation - a passage between worlds is open in the house, and black otherworldly energy flows through it into our world in a continuous stream.

Each of the problems will have to be solved separately depending on the initial state of affairs. But at a minimum, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the home, using the most powerful rituals and even the help of knowledgeable persons.

Secondly, for some reason the Brownie didn’t like the cats. Usually, this character is not distinguished by bloodthirstiness and simply drives away animals using his own methods, and therefore they disappear without a trace on the street. Physical elimination is a rare case and indicates that the Brownie was clearly seriously angry. There is only one way out: talk to him and somehow appease him. Although you may have to completely change not only your lifestyle (if you have neglected your home and health), but also your train of thought (if you are constantly thinking about something bad).

Secrets of the mustachios and stripes

If, after all, the cat died in the apartment, then owners often wonder whether it is worth getting a new pet?

There is no clear answer. Of course, it will help you forget the loss, and besides (we already wrote about this above) it will protect you from negativity and failures.

For example, according to signs:

  1. A white cat will help get rid of stress and nervous tension, and drive away illnesses.
  2. Redhead is magical, this opinion was formed among the people hundreds of years ago. Cats of this color will help the owner quickly recover from illnesses and are able to reduce aggression to “no”. By the way, newlyweds are advised to have ginger cats for a strong family and a long family life.
  3. But another sign indicates that the black woman finds a common language with the brownie, she becomes the mistress of the home. It is believed that the black animal protects against thieves and attacks on the home. And such a pet, however, like other colors, will protect you from misfortunes, the evil eye and damage. The main thing is that he lives comfortably, then your life will become happy.

If the body of an animal is found outside the home

If the pet's corpse is found outside the house, the signs are more favorable. Whether the deceased was the pet of the one who discovered it, or is it someone else’s pet, according to signs, such a find promises:

  • quick financial receipts;
  • successful trip;
  • meeting your betrothed if the animal was white;
  • a collision with an enemy if the corpse had black fur.

This favor of fate is explained by the fact that the owner is not involved in the death of the pet, and when dying, the furry protector takes all the troubles with him.

Maybe that’s why it is believed that cats leave the house before they die, so as not to cause moral suffering to the owner and not bring trouble to his family.

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